'Trump Could Kill Republican Party'

In a strongly-worded statement today, Trump branded the former First Minister "an embarrassment to Scotland".

Leave it to the Donald and his big mouth to forfeit every vote in Scotland to the Democrats, Hillary must be overjoyed. :rolleyes:
At this point every vote for Trump is a vote for Hillary.
No you actually believe that Trump can win? Not a chance in hell.
For the last two or three months the media and the dems and even the GOP have tried everything to derail Trump....and he still leads handily. It's like he is Teflon
He's not Teflon.

He's just someone who is saying what people agree with, and addressing issues people really want to see addressed.

Even those who don't agree with him, whether on Muslim immigration, or medical programs, or whatever, they are very happy that he is taking them on, head-on.

Without apology, without couching his words so the media won't say bad things about him.

He is a terrific relief from the constant kowtowing, constant "We must understand the terrorists or the gangbangers or the elderly or the..." etc.

He says, "This is what's wrong. And that is what we have to do about it. And it's going to be hard and unpleasant, but it will ultimately result in our country getting a lot better."

And the problems he addresses, are what normal people actually want addressed.

Even if they disagree with him on some details, they are very happy someone is finally grabbing the bull by the horns.
as of right now the party is split. IMO Republicans will never be the same again either. From now on there will be an inner battle between the establishment Republicans , and some extreme fringe group of republicans who see themselves as opposites from the rest of the country. Time will tell which one of those two will die out.

VERY interesting times we are living in. VERY interesting.
In a strongly-worded statement today, Trump branded the former First Minister "an embarrassment to Scotland".

Leave it to the Donald and his big mouth to forfeit every vote in Scotland to the Democrats, Hillary must be overjoyed. :rolleyes:
At this point every vote for Trump is a vote for Hillary.
No you actually believe that Trump can win? Not a chance in hell.
No I actually don't give a damn.... If the choice is between the Criminal and the Clown, to quote the Criminal; "What difference does it make?".
A video posted to the Scottish Conservatives Youtube channel apparently shows a homeless man looking for food in a bin on Buchanan Street, Glasgow.

In the edit below, you can see in the background a homeless person standing up and looking into a bin, before sitting back down again.

Scottish Tory Political Broadcast ironically shows homeless man looking for food in bin

Watch: Scottish Tory Political Broadcast ironically shows homeless man looking for food in bin
In a strongly-worded statement today, Trump branded the former First Minister "an embarrassment to Scotland".

Leave it to the Donald and his big mouth to forfeit every vote in Scotland to the Democrats, Hillary must be overjoyed. :rolleyes:
At this point every vote for Trump is a vote for Hillary.
No you actually believe that Trump can win? Not a chance in hell.
No I actually don't give a damn.... If the choice is between the Criminal and the Clown, to quote the Criminal; "What difference does it make?".

exactly. I'd crawl over broken glass just to cast a vote AGAINST the corrupted witch
In a strongly-worded statement today, Trump branded the former First Minister "an embarrassment to Scotland".

"This was the genius who destroyed big sections of the Scottish landscape with ugly, money-sucking, bird-killing industrial windmills, with oil now down at an all-time low and taxes at an all-time high to pay for these monstrosities.

"Additionally, and disgracefully, this is the man who freed, on humane grounds, Abdelbaset al-Megrahi because he wanted to be so kind-hearted to a terrorist who blew up Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland, killing 270 people.

Salmond Tells LBC: 'Trump Could Kill Republican Party'
You can't kill what is already walking dead, except with a head shot.
Leave it to the Donald and his big mouth to forfeit every vote in Scotland to the Democrats, Hillary must be overjoyed. :rolleyes:
At this point every vote for Trump is a vote for Hillary.
No you actually believe that Trump can win? Not a chance in hell.
No I actually don't give a damn.... If the choice is between the Criminal and the Clown, to quote the Criminal; "What difference does it make?".

exactly. I'd crawl over broken glass just to cast a vote AGAINST the corrupted witch
This is exactly why we get more and more evil choices.

The "lesser of two evils" tards like yourself are destroying both parties.
does nobody understand that Trump is the product of the republican party already killing themselves?
they went too far left. Trump wants to push them back to the right and fix the United States in the process.
Actually, at present it appears to me that it is the Democrat Party that is in self-destruct mode.

yep, but their base will never admit it. and they won't ever admit it's because of them PUTTING in the street thug Obama. oh well, it's coming at them hard and fast.
Just ONE of many from google

Obama Has Decimated His Own Party Unlike Any Other Modern President
913 lost legislature seats. 11 lost governorships. And a partridge in a pear tree.
By Ashe Schow • 11/13/15 1:27pm
Obama than under any other two-term modern president dating back to Dwight Eisenhower. (This includes the dual presidencies of John F. Kennedy/Lyndon B. Johnson and Richard Nixon/Gerald Ford.)

Under Mr. Obama, Democrats have lost 13 net Senate seats, 69 House seats, 11 governorships, a whopping 913 state legislature seats and 30 state legislature chambers,
according to analysis from the Washington Post.

That makes Mr. Obama the overseer of the biggest loss in Senate seats, House seats and state legislature seats of any of the past seven two-term presidencies, the second biggest loser of state legislature chambers (Mr. Nixon/Mr. Ford lost 31 to Mr. Obama’s 30) and fourth biggest loser of governorships (tied with Bill Clinton).

For all of the Republicans’ painful memories of 2006 under the second Mr. Bush, when Democrats made massive gains in the House and Senate, his losses came nowhere near Mr. Obama’s. Under Mr. Bush, Republicans lost 9 net Senate seats, 42 House seats, 7 governorships, 324 state legislature seats and 13 state legislature chambers.

all of it here:
Obama Has Decimated His Own Party Unlike Any Other Modern President

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