Trump Coup Biggest Violation Of Constitution In History – Kevin Shipp

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
USA Watch Dog ^ |

President Trump says the Deep State tried and failed to remove him from office in a coup. Former CIA Officer and whistleblower Kevin Shipp says the attempted coup on Trump was a global conspiracy. Shipp explains, “Yes, this is a coup. This is the most shocking violation of the Constitution and criminal activity in the history, not just of America, but of a western government. Much of this rises to the level of treason. People need to understand how shocking this is. It was a clear conspiracy. There will be arrests and indictments without question. . . . This was a coup. It was a conspiracy. It was criminal activity. These people need to be indicted, charged and need to be put in prison, and if they’re not, then our Constitution is nothing more than a sham. This was a coup against a duly elected President, and people need to understand how serious this is.”

Shipp adds, “We have a not so covert civil war going on right now that has been brewing over 60 years. We have the ‘Dark Left,’ and the DNC is fully involved with all their Congressmen and Senators. There is a Marxist movement within the DNC that is in control right now. You can match up the progressive goals with Marxist documents, and you can see they are one in the same. . . . They have to change and eliminate the Constitution. . . . They want to change the First Amendment and the Second Amendment first of all. Second of all, they despise and are targeting Christianity because Christianity . . . underlines the Constitution and is mentioned in the Declaration of Independence. That’s their second target they have to destroy. Their third target is the founding principles of America. That’s our culture. They have to destroy those three things if they are going to overturn our Constitution and turn this into a global Marxist government. That is not an understatement. . . . It’s not the same party of JFK. It’s now a Marxist party and an umbrella for every victim, twisted and perverted group that has nowhere else to go. This is a mortal blow to the Democrat Party when these things come out.”

Shipp predicts President Trump will declassify more than anyone can imagine. Shipp says, “They have been using ‘classification’ as a way to cover up illegal activity. The CIA has, especially in the case of this coup, not just in this, but in other things they have done criminally. They have been withholding things from Congress using ‘classification’ for decades. Trump knows what those are, and he is going to demand that classification is removed so the American people can see it. I am going to be dancing on top of my house if and when that happens.”

Shipp predicts Trump will win re-election in 2020. Shipp says Trump won’t be voted in by just devout Republicans, but Democrats who are running from their party because of how extreme it has gotten. Shipp explains, “Yes, they are running from the Democrat Party. Support for Trump has been increasing by the millions. A lot of these Democrats are being very, very quiet right now because they know what will happen to them if they come out in support of Trump. When 2020 comes, these Democrats are going to push that button and pull that lever for Trump, and it’s going to be more shocking than 2016.”

So, what’s the danger for “We the People”? Ship says, “The danger for ‘We the People’ is the Dark Left and Dark Left violence. As these indictments begin to come out, and as the players are called out, the violence on what I call the Dark Left, the violence is going to increase to the point where it’s going to be very, very bad. There are going to be beatings and probably shootings, and shooting at police. . . . There is going to be a lot of violence coming from the Left in the next year or two. This is one of the reasons you need to exercise your 2nd Amendment rights . . . because of what the Left is going to do with these findings and what is going to be the death knell for the Democrat Party and the death knell for taking over our Constitution and culture. They will exponentially bring up their violence, and Americans need to arm themselves and protect themselves against that.”


A full mueller-style investigation of the hillary crimes should expose all of this - after all trying to cover up that treason was required if hillary didn’t become president and quash any such investigation happening.

Conspiring to cover up treason is treason.

Half the democrat party in DC could be wiped out by the findings - the coverup was so widespread (and considering what other crimes will be made visible)

Let The Hillary Investigation BEGIN.
It must be all about money....Trump winning cut into the swamps foreign cash cow.....paybacks and gifts from abroad dried up over night....
You morons (liberals) just can’t stop yourselves from all of the bullshit allegations. All your doing is making your Democratic Party look like shit, which isn’t hard to do. Give it up and just sleep on the fact that you will have 4 more years to deal with it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Tell us another one!!!


Take after your messiah...practice makes perfect
The "biggest violation of the U.S. Constitution" is debatable but it was an attempted coup for sure.
The "biggest violation of the U.S. Constitution" is debatable but it was an attempted coup for sure.
what exactly is your definition of 'coup'?

here is the dictionary definition of it


noun: coup; plural noun: coups; noun: coup d'état; plural noun: coup d'états; plural noun: coups d'état
a sudden, violent, and illegal seizure of power from a government.
"he was overthrown in an army coup"

Are you actually claiming this kind of 'coup' took place?
The "biggest violation of the U.S. Constitution" is debatable but it was an attempted coup for sure.
what exactly is your definition of 'coup'?

here is the dictionary definition of it


noun: coup; plural noun: coups; noun: coup d'état; plural noun: coup d'états; plural noun: coups d'état
a sudden, violent, and illegal seizure of power from a government.
"he was overthrown in an army coup"

Are you actually claiming this kind of 'coup' took place?
Making up bullshit and using tax money to investigate it.
The "biggest violation of the U.S. Constitution" is debatable but it was an attempted coup for sure.
what exactly is your definition of 'coup'?

here is the dictionary definition of it


noun: coup; plural noun: coups; noun: coup d'état; plural noun: coup d'états; plural noun: coups d'état
a sudden, violent, and illegal seizure of power from a government.
"he was overthrown in an army coup"

Are you actually claiming this kind of 'coup' took place?

Now look up "soft coup".
or do you mean the meaning of coup, as in an extraordinary effort or happening?


Donald J Trump and campaign, through working with the Russians interfering in our election process, was able to pull off a 'coup' of the century, by winning the presidential election.
The "biggest violation of the U.S. Constitution" is debatable but it was an attempted coup for sure.
what exactly is your definition of 'coup'?

here is the dictionary definition of it


noun: coup; plural noun: coups; noun: coup d'état; plural noun: coup d'états; plural noun: coups d'état
a sudden, violent, and illegal seizure of power from a government.
"he was overthrown in an army coup"

Are you actually claiming this kind of 'coup' took place?
Making up bullshit and using tax money to investigate it.
What was made up? All the contacts the Trump campaign had with the Russians, our adversaries, who were interfering in our election process? Those are facts, my dear...

they had no choice but to investigate and try to find out, What in the heck was going on? If they had not investigated such behavior, it would have been a dereliction of duty...
or do you mean the meaning of coup, as in an extraordinary effort or happening?


Donald J Trump and campaign, through working with the Russians interfering in our election process, was able to pull off a 'coup' of the century, by winning the presidential election.

The Democrats engineered a false claim so that trump could be spied on, and evidence found or manufactured so that his removal would seem palatable to the masses.

The problem is, of course, the ringleaders weren't as smart as they thought they were, and all evidence of wrong doing that has actually been seen, points to the Dems, and not trump.
The Democrats engineered a false claim so that trump could be spied on, and evidence found or manufactured so that his removal would seem palatable to the masses.
like what? What was the false claim that lead to the investigation on the Trump campaign and all of their contacts with the very Russians interfering in our election process? Were they interacting with these Russians? The answer is YES. The counter intelligence question, was WHY? It was important for our national security, to find out if it was for nefarious reasons, or not.... I do not understand how anyone could not know that this would be something that could, would, and should, be investigated?
1st they attempted to take away Democracy by trying to cheat the election then by attempting a silent or soft coup when their cheating didn't have the result they expected, then they wanted your guns and Hamburgers, so what is next?
I figured it out, next they want to take away manhood by taking away testosterone or worse castrating us men until they make us like them- (this):
tmp-cam-219110797.jpg tmp-cam--973725332.jpg
rossmathews.jpeg DemsAfterElection.png
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The Democrats engineered a false claim so that trump could be spied on, and evidence found or manufactured so that his removal would seem palatable to the masses.
like what? What was the false claim that lead to the investigation on the Trump campaign and all of their contacts with the very Russians interfering in our election process? Were they interacting with these Russians? The answer is YES. The counter intelligence question, was WHY? It was important for our national security, to find out if it was for nefarious reasons, or not.... I do not understand how anyone could not know that this would be something that could, would, and should, be investigated?
The scam started by calling 'a Russian' -Gov't bid contracter "the Russians" as in a Gov't agent which is like calling Boeing the American Gov't agent or Saudis agent merely because they bid on gov't contracts. You just aren't smart enough to notice word plays that propaganda creates in it's controlled narrative. You should be insulted by their playing you as too stupid to notice.
I'll bet you your 2020 vote that even you are 2 degrees away from a Russian Gov't Bid Contractor and 4 degrees from Putin himself.
Dare to play 6 degrees of Seperation using Putin instead of KEVIN Bacon?
So far every Dem on this board refused to put their paranoia where their mouth is.

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