Trump Courting Landslide Defeat


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
Trump had a double digit lead over Biden among voters over 65 last February.
Recent polls show Joe up by ten.
Can Don the Con "win" again without senior voters?

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"Most of the numbers, including the Trump campaign’s polls, show him heading for defeat in November. Common sense points the same way. It was one thing for Mr Trump to defeat Hillary Clinton — then America’s most polarising figure. It would be another for him to beat the generally liked Joe Biden, the president having long since surpassed Mrs Clinton’s divisiveness.."
If Trump loses the senior vote, he is doomed
Can you imagine Trump as a lame duck?
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Of course he is losing senior support.
China is killing all of them.
When did China cut the CDC?

Trump Admin Policies Leave 700 CDC Jobs Vacant

"The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) stand between us and deadly pandemics.

"Its work is serious and urgent, not something that should be subject to political delays or red tape.

"Yet the Washington Post reports that the CDC has nearly 700 vacant positions waiting to be filled, a backlog largely due to the president's executive order instituting a hiring freeze and a department-wide limitation on hiring that replaced the formal freeze once it was lifted."
That poll must reflect renewed enthusiasm in the Dementia Vote. They have felt underappreciated by both parties in the past...but now, they have their own candidate.
Trump had a double digit lead over Biden among voters over 65 last February.
Recent polls show Joe up by ten.
Can Don the Con "win" again without senior voters?

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"Most of the numbers, including the Trump campaign’s polls, show him heading for defeat in November. Common sense points the same way. It was one thing for Mr Trump to defeat Hillary Clinton — then America’s most polarising figure. It would be another for him to beat the generally liked Joe Biden, the president having long since surpassed Mrs Clinton’s divisiveness.."
Change Biden for the Beast, and this could have been written in 2016.
Approval for Trump's job performances continues on a downward trend in poll averages. Supporters are hanging on to two (2) outlier polls from 10 days ago that gave him almost a 49% approval rating. Those are gone. He is now trending towards a 42% approval average.
Approval for Trump's job performances continues on a downward trend in poll averages. Supporters are hanging on to two (2) outlier polls from 10 days ago that gave him almost a 49% approval rating. Those are gone. He is now trending towards a 42% approval average.
Even Rasmussen has him in the low 40s
Trump had a double digit lead over Biden among voters over 65 last February.
Recent polls show Joe up by ten.
Can Don the Con "win" again without senior voters?

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"Most of the numbers, including the Trump campaign’s polls, show him heading for defeat in November. Common sense points the same way. It was one thing for Mr Trump to defeat Hillary Clinton — then America’s most polarising figure. It would be another for him to beat the generally liked Joe Biden, the president having long since surpassed Mrs Clinton’s divisiveness.."
The date is incorrect. Back in July polls showed that the senior vote flipped.

Steve Kornacki described it last night.

November will be a close election. A swing state or two can flip the election either way. There is no "democrat blue wall" anymore. The deciding factor will be which candidate can do a better job getting jobs back to the US. IMHO Trump has the edge there. Will the debates, or money, or campaign promises, or MSM bias, make a difference? Probably not. This election is about core values, Populism vs Globalism. Vote for China or the USA.

November will be a close election. A swing state or two can flip the election either way. There is no "democrat blue wall" anymore. The deciding factor will be which candidate can do a better job getting jobs back to the US. IMHO Trump has the edge there. Will the debates, or money, or campaign promises, or MSM bias, make a difference? Probably not. This election is about core values, Populism vs Globalism. Vote for China or the USA.

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No Blue Wall, but the Red Wall is crumbling

Once solid red Arizona is now likely Blue
Even Texas and Georgia are not solid bets

Florida, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin are looking to go to Biden
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My Mom lives in a retirement community. Most of them lean very heavily towards Trump...
Trump's support has a floor between 35% and 40% across all issues, but he is losing support among seniors nationwide partially because of his mishandling of the Covid-19 response:

Seniors will make Donald Trump a one-term president

"Despite being a 'senior citizen' himself, many Americans in the president’s age group have recently soured on him, especially in light of his administration’s response to COVID-19.

"Back in mid-March, Americans over 65 years old “approved of Trump’s handling of the outbreak at a higher rate than any other age group,” according to Morning Consult.

"Just a month later, that specific COVID-19 response approval rating dropped 20 points and is now lower than any other age group, except for 18 to 29-year-olds.

"By a 6-to-1 margin in that same survey, older Americans say that government should prioritize the coronavirus health response and mitigation of the virus above the economic focus."

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