If Trump is convicted..

come on, get busy. Prove it


""I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK?" Trump remarked at a campaign stop at Dordt College in Sioux Center, Iowa. "It's, like, incredible.""

Trump is literally calling his voters idiots. That they'll vote for him not matter what he does, no matter how morally wrong, how legally wrong he is.

"“Jimmy Carter used to get off Air Force One carrying his luggage,” Trump said, smirking. “I don’t want a president carrying his luggage.” It sends the wrong message, Trump believed, for a president to act like some kind of humble servant"

"Trump was speaking in Grand Rapids, Mich., as part of his “thank you” tour when he heard some chants of “lock her up” — a common refrain during his campaign events.

“That plays great before the election — now we don’t care, right?” Trump responded, according to CNN."

"Trump said he wouldn’t recommend prosecuting Clinton, saying she already “suffered greatly” and that it’s “just not something I feel very strongly about.”"

He played the whole "lock her up" during the election. Then afterwards his supporters chanted it and Trump was like "we don't care", but his supporters DID CARE. He treated them like idiots.
..I'm not saying he will be, but.. having looked at some opinions online, I think this judge probably doesn't like him..(already has multiple contempt of court against trump)

SO, if he is convicted, and fails an appeal, what happens? Does it fall to Nikki Haley? as the next candidate??
Can she beat Biden if so?

Tell me what you think, tired citizens.. I love to hear from you.
If convicted, Trump will not go to prison.

As far as his personal freedom and ability to campaign goes, nothing will change.

""I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK?" Trump remarked at a campaign stop at Dordt College in Sioux Center, Iowa. "It's, like, incredible.""

Trump is literally calling his voters idiots. That they'll vote for him not matter what he does, no matter how morally wrong, how legally wrong he is.

"“Jimmy Carter used to get off Air Force One carrying his luggage,” Trump said, smirking. “I don’t want a president carrying his luggage.” It sends the wrong message, Trump believed, for a president to act like some kind of humble servant"

"Trump was speaking in Grand Rapids, Mich., as part of his “thank you” tour when he heard some chants of “lock her up” — a common refrain during his campaign events.

“That plays great before the election — now we don’t care, right?” Trump responded, according to CNN."

"Trump said he wouldn’t recommend prosecuting Clinton, saying she already “suffered greatly” and that it’s “just not something I feel very strongly about.”"

He played the whole "lock her up" during the election. Then afterwards his supporters chanted it and Trump was like "we don't care", but his supporters DID CARE. He treated them like idiots.


How I vision you
come on, get busy. Prove it
This post is going to be longer than a tweet, so as a Trumpie it will severely tax your intellectual bandwidth. I'm just forewarning you if you need to take a nap first.

You've been on this forum for a year and you haven't seen my list of hoaxes you rubes have fallen for?

If you want me to show them to you, I will. Just remember, there are so many because rather than holding Trump and the propagandists who lie to you accountable, you come back begging for more.

You DESERVE to be lied to.

For example, for seven years the GOP hoaxed you they would "repeal and replace" Obamacare. When he began his 2016 campaign, Trump joined in on the hoax, telling you rubes he would repeal and replace Obamacare on Day One. It was even on his website. But once elected, it magically disappeared from his website.

Trump understood you rubes so well, he never even bothered to put a replacement together! And sure enough, not one of you rubes asked to see his replacement.

During the 2016 campaign, I found the quickest way to piss off the rubes was to ask them to show me GOP or Trump Obamacare replacement.

What's more, while Obama was President, the Republicans passed OVER SIXTY skinny and full repeals of Obamacare, knowing full well Obama would veto them if those repeals made it past the Senate.
I warned the rubes this was theater being put on by the Republicans for their benefit. But they fell for it anyway, just as the Republicans in Congres knew they would.

Then Trump won. And he had a Republican House and a Republican Senate.

So then Obamacare was fully repealed and a replacement was passed right?

Nope. The Republicans suddenly stopped passing repeals and had no replacement.

Did you rubes figure out Trump has massively hoaxed you?


Another Trump election hoax was about golfing.

All during Obama's tenure, Trump was constantly whining from the sidelines about Obama's golfing. Trump whined and whined and whined.

During his 2016 campaign, this owner of several golf resorts told you he would be too busy to go golf. The man is shameless.

But you rubes bleeved him!

I've found that Trump has several tells when he is lying. One of those tells is when he repeats something three times. If Trump says something three times in rapid succession, you can go to Vegas and bet he is lying.

It turns out Trump spent one third of his term golfing.

“I’m going to be working for you. I’m not going to have time to go play golf. Bleev me. Bleev me. Bleev me, folks." - Donald Trump, August 8, 2016

This post is going to be longer than a tweet, so as a Trumpie it will severely tax your intellectual bandwidth. I'm just forewarning you if you need to take a nap first.

You've been on this forum for a year and you haven't seen my list of hoaxes you rubes have fallen for?

If you want me to show them to you, I will. Just remember, there are so many because rather than holding Trump and the propagandists who lie to you accountable, you come back begging for more.

You DESERVE to be lied to.

For example, for seven years the GOP hoaxed you they would "repeal and replace" Obamacare. When he began his 2016 campaign, Trump joined in on the hoax, telling you rubes he would repeal and replace Obamacare on Day One. It was even on his website. But once elected, it magically disappeared from his website.

Trump understood you rubes so well, he never even bothered to put a replacement together! And sure enough, not one of you rubes asked to see his replacement.

During the 2016 campaign, I found the quickest way to piss off the rubes was to ask them to show me GOP or Trump Obamacare replacement.

What's more, while Obama was President, the Republicans passed OVER SIXTY skinny and full repeals of Obamacare, knowing full well Obama would veto them if those repeals made it past the Senate.
I warned the rubes this was theater being put on by the Republicans for their benefit. But they fell for it anyway, just as the Republicans in Congres knew they would.

Then Trump won. And he had a Republican House and a Republican Senate.

So then Obamacare was fully repealed and a replacement was passed right?

Nope. The Republicans suddenly stopped passing repeals and had no replacement.

Did you rubes figure out Trump has massively hoaxed you?


Another Trump election hoax was about golfing.

All during Obama's tenure, Trump was constantly whining from the sidelines about Obama's golfing. Trump whined and whined and whined.

During his 2016 campaign, this owner of several golf resorts told you he would to too busy to go golf. The man is shameless.

But you rubes bleeved him!

I've found that Trump has several tells when he is lying. One of those tells is when he repeats something three times. If Trump says something three times in rapid succession, you can go to Vegas and bet he is lying.

It turns out Trump spent one third of his term golfing.

“I’m going to be working for you. I’m not going to have time to go play golf. Bleev me. Bleev me. Bleev me, folks." - Donald Trump, August 8, 2016

trump train.jpg


Kiss the ring
..I'm not saying he will be, but.. having looked at some opinions online, I think this judge probably doesn't like him..(already has multiple contempt of court against trump)

SO, if he is convicted, and fails an appeal, what happens? Does it fall to Nikki Haley? as the next candidate??
Can she beat Biden if so?

Tell me what you think, tired citizens.. I love to hear from you.
Yes, Trump will be forced out. The torch goes to Nikki. She has a change if MAGA vote for her en masse. If not, GOP is not strong enough to get her first to the finish line.
Yes, Trump will be forced out. The torch goes to Nikki. She has a change if MAGA vote for her en masse. If not, GOP is not strong enough to get her first to the finish line.
People said Trump would be forced out after the Hollywood Access tape came to light.

You need to understand something.

This is a CULT.
g5000 forgets I have been instructing him, very favorably to his benefit, for more than a year now.

A felong conviction is far more impactful then a Billy Bush bosco moment.
g5000 forgets I have been instructing him, very favorably to his benefit, for more than a year now.

A felong conviction is far more impactful then a Billy Bush bosco moment.
Not to the cult it isn't.

With every indictment, Trump's popularity rose in the cult.

A conviction will harden them even more.

That's how cults work.

Remember January 6, 2020.
Not to the cult it isn't.

With every indictment, Trump's popularity rose in the cult.

A conviction will harden them even more.

That's how cults work.

Remember January 6, 2020.
You make errors like I do, I see.

For the sake of discussion, how big, do you think, is the cult in general number?
You make errors like I do, I see.

For the sake of discussion, how big, do you think, is the cult in general number?
If I were to use this forum as a yardstick, I would say almost 75 million Americans are part of the Trump cult.

However, this forum is not representative of either party. This forum is a magnet for hardcore partisans.

So I would have to use the prevalence and persistence of crazy hoaxes and conspiracy theories propagated on media outlets primary consumed by Republicans. And that prevalence and persistence is astounding. Far more than 25 years ago.

When Fox News launched in the 90s, it was actually a pretty decent source of information. I watched it every day.

But shit got weird after 9/11. The entire country lost its mind, and the Republicans got worse and worse and have not even begun to throw things into reverse. See the Charles MacKay quote in my sig.

If shit-talk and lies weren't bring in the eyeballs and money, the Republican media outlets would have quit doing it. The fact they are doing it and getting worse is indicative that the entire Republican body as a whole is getting crazier and crazier.

Trump has an amazing ability to sense weakness, and he jumped right onto that opportunity for self-gain.

Trump is not the disease. He is the symptom which tells us the Republican cancer has metastasized to their brains.

This brain cancer is killing the party. Without treatment, it is just a matter of time before they don armbands.

I would say the ballpark figure for the truly hardcore cult members who would vote for Trump if he shot someone on Fifth Avenue is 25 million. That is where most of the Trumptards of this forum come from.

Another 25 million are of the "I wish he post less crazy talk, but I love the guy so much!" variety.

Overlapping that 25 million are another 25 million who say they won't vote for Trump if convicted, but actually will when it comes to crunch time because they believe he is the lesser of two evils. "We gotta stop Biden!"

Just look at how many Never Trumper Republican politicians have folded and now spend all their time fellating him. Lindsay Graham, Ted Cruz, J.D. Vance, the list is endless.

Inside EVERY Trump supporter is a submissive cuck.

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