Trump created migrant caravans

I guess you were in a coma when King Putt let trainloads of them in, and spread them, along with the diseases they were carrying, to the four corners of the nation, huh?
^ Will somebody clue me in to what this retarded motherfucker right here is trying to say?

He's saying that in Californicate diseases are starting to run rampant. Plague, polio, yellow fever, you name it and they have it. Also cooties.
Ah so he’s wildly exxagerating some bullshit, like with the apocalyptic, America breaking Honduran caravan army.
You mean caravan #2. If the left is successful in getting them in, there will be a caravan #4,5,6...
It needs to stop here and now.
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Christ all you subbies do is echo slogans and soundbytes :rolleyes:

but then, once you've pointed out how fucking utterly stupid you assclowns are, it's really hard to come up with new material to point out what's already well known.


Man, seriously, if you're Asian....have you asked your parents what happened to you? You got short changed and should be entitled to some significant disability checks
I won’t fault you for lashing out in confusion, subbie
I guess you were in a coma when King Putt let trainloads of them in, and spread them, along with the diseases they were carrying, to the four corners of the nation, huh?
^ Will somebody clue me in to what this retarded motherfucker right here is trying to say?

He's saying that in Californicate diseases are starting to run rampant. Plague, polio, yellow fever, you name it and they have it. Also cooties.
Ah so he’s wildly exxagerating some bullshit, like with the apocalyptic, America breaking Honduran caravan army.
You mean caravan #2. If the left is successful in getting them it, there will be a caravan #4,5,6...
It needs to stop here and now.
Caravan #2??? You colossal idiot. Even the “#1” your referring to was something like the 5th caravan formed by those organizers. You must actually believe this is the 2nd caravan ever. Possibly funded by George Soros? I’m sure I could convince you.
What would this forum be without the nonsense and entertainment from our "ASIAN" cough cough....friends? :abgg2q.jpg:

I'm so glad you're here to voice your ....opinions.....keep up the good work :itsok:
BF...fwiw...I have many black (errr...."Asian") friends. They just weren't short-changed like you were.
Wise up bro. The Dems are using you.

Ok...time to get back on spidey sense says a mod is about to jump in
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All kidding aside, I seriously doubt Trump created the caravans.
Maybe those people did it on their own, but it's expensive to move that many people and I don't see how they could afford the journey.

It seems too well orchestrated to be loosely organized.

we do know that Soros and company support it and the Dems seem to want open borders, so it makes more sense that it is the Dems and or Soros behind it.
Everywhere you look these days migrant caravans are forming to invade our nation. 50,000 arrests a month at our southern border. How many 10’s of thousands of these caravaners make it through?

Never in my life have migrant caravans invaded our nation like they have under Trump. WEAK on borders. WEAK on law and order.
Were you asleep when George Bush and Obama were president?
Everywhere you look these days migrant caravans are forming to invade our nation. 50,000 arrests a month at our southern border. How many 10’s of thousands of these caravaners make it through?

Never in my life have migrant caravans invaded our nation like they have under Trump. WEAK on borders. WEAK on law and order.
Were you asleep when George Bush and Obama were president?
Nope. Neither Rush or Hannity tried to scare me about caravans under those 2.
Yep, Trump's economy is so good, virtually the entire world now wants to come here. People who are in countries that are not separated from America by an ocean, are the luckiest people on earth.
Sub 3% GDP growth and negligible wage growth is suddenly “good.”

The economy sucked so bad under Obongo, Trump's economy is solid gold ! :clap2:
Similar numbers, different skin color
Trump is doing with the fed rate rising, something Opie didn't have to deal with.
I guess you were in a coma when King Putt let trainloads of them in, and spread them, along with the diseases they were carrying, to the four corners of the nation, huh?
^ Will somebody clue me in to what this retarded motherfucker right here is trying to say?

He's saying that in Californicate diseases are starting to run rampant. Plague, polio, yellow fever, you name it and they have it. Also cooties.
Ah so he’s wildly exxagerating some bullshit, like with the apocalyptic, America breaking Honduran caravan army.
You mean caravan #2. If the left is successful in getting them it, there will be a caravan #4,5,6...
It needs to stop here and now.
Caravan #2??? You colossal idiot. Even the “#1” your referring to was something like the 5th caravan formed by those organizers. You must actually believe this is the 2nd caravan ever. Possibly funded by George Soros? I’m sure I could convince you.

I bet my life that the DNC thought up the idea of caravans, masterminded by the Clinton/Obama Crime Cartels and funded by Soros. Any other explanation is poppycock. Trump should phone the Mexican Prez and make him an offer he can't refuse. Now we sit back and wait.
Yep, Trump's economy is so good, virtually the entire world now wants to come here. People who are in countries that are not separated from America by an ocean, are the luckiest people on earth.
Sub 3% GDP growth and negligible wage growth is suddenly “good.”

The economy sucked so bad under Obongo, Trump's economy is solid gold ! :clap2:
Similar numbers, different skin color
Trump is doing with the fed rate rising, something Opie didn't have to deal with.
^ doesn’t know how the Fed works
Everywhere you look these days migrant caravans are forming to invade our nation. 50,000 arrests a month at our southern border. How many 10’s of thousands of these caravaners make it through?

Never in my life have migrant caravans invaded our nation like they have under Trump. WEAK on borders. WEAK on law and order.

What can hidden “Resistance” leader, former President Barack Obama and his handpicked protege for the 2016 presidential election possibly do to the USA from their D.C. underground activism network?

Send a 2,000-and-still-growing march of Hondurans on the U.S.—with a Nov. 6 Midterm Election Day arrival just for sport!

The marching Hondurans are marching on America now, because Obama and Clinton planned it that way since as far back as 2009.

In trying to take down President Donald Trump, any port will do for activism-crazed Barack Obama and hopelessly embittered- in-defeat Hillary Clinton.

“Obama and his then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton supported Manuel Zelaya in the 2009 Honduran coup d’état and registered deep dismay when he was forcefully sent into exile. (Alan Caruba, Canada Free Press, Aug. 4, 2009)

“The 2009 Honduran coup d’état, part of the 2009 Honduran constitutional crisis, occurred when the Honduran Army on June 28, 2009 followed orders from the Honduran Supreme Court to oust President Manuel Zelaya and sent him into exile.The crisis was prompted when Zelaya attempted to schedule a non-binding poll on holding a referendum on the subject of convening a constituent assembly to rewrite the constitution. After Zelaya refused to comply with court orders to cease, the Honduran Supreme Court issued a secret warrant for his arrest dated 26 June. Two days later, Honduran soldiers stormed the president’s house in the middle of the night and detained him, forestalling the poll. “ (Wikipedia)
BTW, that Constitutional rewrite was to make Zelaya "President For Life." Congress and the courts made him gtfo.
Everywhere you look these days migrant caravans are forming to invade our nation. 50,000 arrests a month at our southern border. How many 10’s of thousands of these caravaners make it through?

Never in my life have migrant caravans invaded our nation like they have under Trump. WEAK on borders. WEAK on law and order.
Were you asleep when George Bush and Obama were president?
Nope. Neither Rush or Hannity tried to scare me about caravans under those 2.
Then you weren't paying attention. The first migrant caravans from Central America began under Barry Hussein Obama.
Pay attention.
Everywhere you look these days migrant caravans are forming to invade our nation. 50,000 arrests a month at our southern border. How many 10’s of thousands of these caravaners make it through?

Never in my life have migrant caravans invaded our nation like they have under Trump. WEAK on borders. WEAK on law and order.
Were you asleep when George Bush and Obama were president?
Nope. Neither Rush or Hannity tried to scare me about caravans under those 2.
Then you weren't paying attention. The first migrant caravans from Central America began under Barry Hussein Obama.
Pay attention.
Fun fact: Mexico didn’t even exist until Hussein Soetero bin Obama was President.

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