Trump declares himself a Nationalist CNN says it's racist

And also . 50 cents a head of lettuce and pound of tomatoes are more important to many scummy residents of the USA where all they care about is a few dollars JOFf !!
During last night’s rally in Houston, President Trump declared himself a ‘nationalist,’ which triggered CNN’s Don Lemon, as well as many other unhinged leftists, into crying ‘racist’.
CNN are suck fkn idiots.

MKULTRA's heart of idiot indoctrination and the dumbasses don't even realize that' is what's going on.

Trump Declares Himself A ‘Nationalist; CNN Says It’s Racist

Leave it to CNN the very idiots who have been caugght lying over and over and over. yet ppl still use them as their truth bible lol. You have got to be one retard to still believe anything these backholes say.

Now there are very few times I will actually use thei rarticles or post them , but often it is to show they lied and or there's actual truth to what they've written. You can be sure it isn't a Trump hating writer if that is the case.

CNN says that the Whiteness of cow's milk represents white privilege....those guys have their assholes up behind their cranium somewhere and they keep shitting into their own brains.....

It's the only explanation for all of this stuff.

--------------------------------------------- aw for years these third worlders have been being let in to mow lawns , rent houses , baby sit , sell drugs so they make up a sizable population of the USA where these arriving third worlders can just move into houses held by family and then put their kids in school and feed the kids with food stamps and then get medical care . Then 'catholic' and other charity gets them backpacks , shoes and socks and thats the end of it JOff !!.

It's actually a bonanza for the Catholic Charities they get paid per head from a special government fund to take that responsibility off the hands of the politicians.

It's a dirty little government secret that has as of yet to be fully exposed.

what we really need is to stop calling patriotism nationalism
Patriotism = applied nationalism

I disagree. Nationalism is loyalty to one's nation. Patriotism, is loyalty to your community/society/values. A patriot is allowed, even expected, to be critical of their government. Nationalism demands loyalty to a government and a regime, often at the expense of values and principles. In short, a nationalist subscribes to "my country, right or wrong", whereas a patriot works to ensure their country is right.
Educate yourself before you masturbate yourself.

noun: nationalist; plural noun: nationalists
  1. 1.
    a person who advocates political independence for a country.
    "a Scottish nationalist"
    • a person with strong patriotic feelings, especially one who believes in the superiority of their country over others.
dictionary - Google Search

Blow me. You can find dictionary definitions for pretty much anything you want. Let's dispense with fighting over terminology and I'll just say that whatever it is Trump is engaged in is not what makes me proud of my country. It disgusts me. Pride in my country comes from real commitment to the principles and values that make our society worth living in. Trump has no consistent principles or values outside of 'winning'.
Argue with the dictionary. It suits you.

I'm not arguing with the dictionary. I'm arguing with an idiot. I should really know better.
We need more patriotism and less nationalism.
what we really need is to stop calling patriotism nationalism
Patriotism = applied nationalism

I disagree. Nationalism is loyalty to one's nation. Patriotism, is loyalty to your community/society/values. A patriot is allowed, even expected, to be critical of their government. Nationalism demands loyalty to a government and a regime, often at the expense of values and principles. In short, a nationalist subscribes to "my country, right or wrong", whereas a patriot works to ensure their country is right.
Dude, do you normally just make shit up or is someone lying to you?
Patriotism = applied nationalism

I disagree. Nationalism is loyalty to one's nation. Patriotism, is loyalty to your community/society/values. A patriot is allowed, even expected, to be critical of their government. Nationalism demands loyalty to a government and a regime, often at the expense of values and principles. In short, a nationalist subscribes to "my country, right or wrong", whereas a patriot works to ensure their country is right.
Educate yourself before you masturbate yourself.

noun: nationalist; plural noun: nationalists
  1. 1.
    a person who advocates political independence for a country.
    "a Scottish nationalist"
    • a person with strong patriotic feelings, especially one who believes in the superiority of their country over others.
dictionary - Google Search

Blow me. You can find dictionary definitions for pretty much anything you want. Let's dispense with fighting over terminology and I'll just say that whatever it is Trump is engaged in is not what makes me proud of my country. It disgusts me. Pride in my country comes from real commitment to the principles and values that make our society worth living in. Trump has no consistent principles or values outside of 'winning'.
Argue with the dictionary. It suits you.

I'm not arguing with the dictionary. I'm arguing with an idiot. I should really know better.
Hey it's not my fault you didn't know what a nationalist was.

Now you do. Thank me later. :)

Notice how JFK. shot, Regan they attempted to kill him he suddenly played their game so they let him live. Trump's life is said to be taken by the leftist/Deep state rumor has it they will attempt to take him out.

Funny how those for America have their lives taken or attempted, and it's some loser sitting in their living room it's a fkn inside job just like Timothy McVeigh think anybody notice how quick he was given that death sentence. Had to get rid of evidence quickly.
Patriotism = applied nationalism

I disagree. Nationalism is loyalty to one's nation. Patriotism, is loyalty to your community/society/values. A patriot is allowed, even expected, to be critical of their government. Nationalism demands loyalty to a government and a regime, often at the expense of values and principles. In short, a nationalist subscribes to "my country, right or wrong", whereas a patriot works to ensure their country is right.
Educate yourself before you masturbate yourself.

noun: nationalist; plural noun: nationalists
  1. 1.
    a person who advocates political independence for a country.
    "a Scottish nationalist"
    • a person with strong patriotic feelings, especially one who believes in the superiority of their country over others.
dictionary - Google Search

And: I bolded key for you to chew on.
noun: nationalism
  1. patriotic feeling, principles, or efforts.
    synonyms: patriotism, patriotic sentiment, flag-waving, xenophobia, chauvinism, jingoism
    "their extreme nationalism was frightening"
    • an extreme form of this, especially marked by a feeling of superiority over other countries.
--------------------------------------- and looks to me that your definition uses rather NEW lefty words rather than the normal English like Aba's definition uses Kiwiman . I think that your definition is sorta like NEW SPEAK or Lefty redefining of words Kiwiman .
Notice he didn't post a link. :p

What kind of Marvin milquetoast runs around with a Moniker that has a piece of fruit in it??? Nomshayin?

We need more patriotism and less nationalism.
what we really need is to stop calling patriotism nationalism
Patriotism = applied nationalism

I disagree. Nationalism is loyalty to one's nation. Patriotism, is loyalty to your community/society/values. A patriot is allowed, even expected, to be critical of their government. Nationalism demands loyalty to a government and a regime, often at the expense of values and principles. In short, a nationalist subscribes to "my country, right or wrong", whereas a patriot works to ensure their country is right.
Dude, do you normally just make shit up or is someone lying to you?

Lol.... It's amazing isn't it? His definition of patroit is synonomous with radical.
Yes they do actually just " make shit up ".
The problem is is that they convince themselves that it's Bible truth after it comes out of their mouths simply because well came out of their mouths.

I disagree. Nationalism is loyalty to one's nation. Patriotism, is loyalty to your community/society/values. A patriot is allowed, even expected, to be critical of their government. Nationalism demands loyalty to a government and a regime, often at the expense of values and principles. In short, a nationalist subscribes to "my country, right or wrong", whereas a patriot works to ensure their country is right.
Educate yourself before you masturbate yourself.

noun: nationalist; plural noun: nationalists
  1. 1.
    a person who advocates political independence for a country.
    "a Scottish nationalist"
    • a person with strong patriotic feelings, especially one who believes in the superiority of their country over others.
dictionary - Google Search

Blow me. You can find dictionary definitions for pretty much anything you want. Let's dispense with fighting over terminology and I'll just say that whatever it is Trump is engaged in is not what makes me proud of my country. It disgusts me. Pride in my country comes from real commitment to the principles and values that make our society worth living in. Trump has no consistent principles or values outside of 'winning'.
Argue with the dictionary. It suits you.

I'm not arguing with the dictionary. I'm arguing with an idiot. I should really know better.
Hey it's not my fault you didn't know what a nationalist was.

Now you do. Thank me later. :)
Like a pigeon on a chess board.

Trump IS a nationalist. But a nationalist is much more than "not a globalist". Nationalism turns globalism inside out to create something equally amoral. Where the globalists insist that everyone must bow to global consensus, nationalists insist that the well being of the nation state is paramount. Both -isms agree in their disdain for individual rights. Both indulge the same hubris that government can make people "great" (again or otherwise).

All it takes to reject globalism is to not abide. Embracing nationalism is, instead, the next step to tyranny. And you fools are cheering it on.
Educate yourself before you masturbate yourself.

noun: nationalist; plural noun: nationalists
  1. 1.
    a person who advocates political independence for a country.
    "a Scottish nationalist"
    • a person with strong patriotic feelings, especially one who believes in the superiority of their country over others.
dictionary - Google Search

Blow me. You can find dictionary definitions for pretty much anything you want. Let's dispense with fighting over terminology and I'll just say that whatever it is Trump is engaged in is not what makes me proud of my country. It disgusts me. Pride in my country comes from real commitment to the principles and values that make our society worth living in. Trump has no consistent principles or values outside of 'winning'.
Argue with the dictionary. It suits you.

I'm not arguing with the dictionary. I'm arguing with an idiot. I should really know better.
Hey it's not my fault you didn't know what a nationalist was.

Now you do. Thank me later. :)
Like a pigeon on a chess board.

Trump IS a nationalist. But a nationalist is much more than "not a globalist". Nationalism turns globalism inside out to create something equally amoral. Where the globalists insist that everyone must bow to global consensus, nationalists insist that the well being of the nation state is paramount. Both -isms agree in their disdain for individual rights. Both indulge the same hubris that government can make people "great" (again or otherwise).

All it takes to reject globalism is to not abide. Embracing nationalism is, instead, the next step to tyranny. And you fools are cheering it on.
I'm a nationalist, too. And I'm a black naturalized American.

Go mangle your chew toy.
Blow me. You can find dictionary definitions for pretty much anything you want. Let's dispense with fighting over terminology and I'll just say that whatever it is Trump is engaged in is not what makes me proud of my country. It disgusts me. Pride in my country comes from real commitment to the principles and values that make our society worth living in. Trump has no consistent principles or values outside of 'winning'.
Argue with the dictionary. It suits you.

I'm not arguing with the dictionary. I'm arguing with an idiot. I should really know better.
Hey it's not my fault you didn't know what a nationalist was.

Now you do. Thank me later. :)
Like a pigeon on a chess board.

Trump IS a nationalist. But a nationalist is much more than "not a globalist". Nationalism turns globalism inside out to create something equally amoral. Where the globalists insist that everyone must bow to global consensus, nationalists insist that the well being of the nation state is paramount. Both -isms agree in their disdain for individual rights. Both indulge the same hubris that government can make people "great" (again or otherwise).

All it takes to reject globalism is to not abide. Embracing nationalism is, instead, the next step to tyranny. And you fools are cheering it on.
I'm a nationalist, too. And I'm a black naturalized American.

Go mangle your chew toy.
What does your race have to do with anything?
Argue with the dictionary. It suits you.

I'm not arguing with the dictionary. I'm arguing with an idiot. I should really know better.
Hey it's not my fault you didn't know what a nationalist was.

Now you do. Thank me later. :)
Like a pigeon on a chess board.

Trump IS a nationalist. But a nationalist is much more than "not a globalist". Nationalism turns globalism inside out to create something equally amoral. Where the globalists insist that everyone must bow to global consensus, nationalists insist that the well being of the nation state is paramount. Both -isms agree in their disdain for individual rights. Both indulge the same hubris that government can make people "great" (again or otherwise).

All it takes to reject globalism is to not abide. Embracing nationalism is, instead, the next step to tyranny. And you fools are cheering it on.
I'm a nationalist, too. And I'm a black naturalized American.

Go mangle your chew toy.
What does your race have to do with anything?

The prog media NPC's are chanting white nationalism.

Can you step up your game or is behind the times all you got?
I'm not arguing with the dictionary. I'm arguing with an idiot. I should really know better.
Hey it's not my fault you didn't know what a nationalist was.

Now you do. Thank me later. :)
Like a pigeon on a chess board.

Trump IS a nationalist. But a nationalist is much more than "not a globalist". Nationalism turns globalism inside out to create something equally amoral. Where the globalists insist that everyone must bow to global consensus, nationalists insist that the well being of the nation state is paramount. Both -isms agree in their disdain for individual rights. Both indulge the same hubris that government can make people "great" (again or otherwise).

All it takes to reject globalism is to not abide. Embracing nationalism is, instead, the next step to tyranny. And you fools are cheering it on.
I'm a nationalist, too. And I'm a black naturalized American.

Go mangle your chew toy.
What does your race have to do with anything?

The prog media NPC's are chanting white nationalism.

Can you step up your game or is behind the times all you got?
Yeah. CNN is dumb. We're talking about the nature of nationalism now. Try to keep up.
Hey it's not my fault you didn't know what a nationalist was.

Now you do. Thank me later. :)
Like a pigeon on a chess board.

Trump IS a nationalist. But a nationalist is much more than "not a globalist". Nationalism turns globalism inside out to create something equally amoral. Where the globalists insist that everyone must bow to global consensus, nationalists insist that the well being of the nation state is paramount. Both -isms agree in their disdain for individual rights. Both indulge the same hubris that government can make people "great" (again or otherwise).

All it takes to reject globalism is to not abide. Embracing nationalism is, instead, the next step to tyranny. And you fools are cheering it on.
I'm a nationalist, too. And I'm a black naturalized American.

Go mangle your chew toy.
What does your race have to do with anything?

The prog media NPC's are chanting white nationalism.

Can you step up your game or is behind the times all you got?
Yeah. CNN is dumb. We're talking about the nature of nationalism now. Try to keep up.
Hey junior, you asked. :)
everything and everyone is racist that doesn't agree with them
Yeah CNN will claim anything Trump says is racist. The funny thing CNN is they pretend to be impartial. I used to believe checking into hear different opinions was a valuable exercise of my time. I still do, but CNN is waste of time. I respect MSNBC more
Like a pigeon on a chess board.

Trump IS a nationalist. But a nationalist is much more than "not a globalist". Nationalism turns globalism inside out to create something equally amoral. Where the globalists insist that everyone must bow to global consensus, nationalists insist that the well being of the nation state is paramount. Both -isms agree in their disdain for individual rights. Both indulge the same hubris that government can make people "great" (again or otherwise).

All it takes to reject globalism is to not abide. Embracing nationalism is, instead, the next step to tyranny. And you fools are cheering it on.
I'm a nationalist, too. And I'm a black naturalized American.

Go mangle your chew toy.
What does your race have to do with anything?

The prog media NPC's are chanting white nationalism.

Can you step up your game or is behind the times all you got?
Yeah. CNN is dumb. We're talking about the nature of nationalism now. Try to keep up.
Hey junior, you asked. :)
And you mouthed off to a post with no comprehension of what you were responding to.

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