Trump Declares 'I Can Ban All Reporters From WH' - Snowflake Heads Explode

Der Fuhrer can order the mike be grabbed from anyone who dares question his infallibility, and then charge THEM with assault.

Trump is going full Third World, and his sucklings are mewling with delight.

Obama was far more oppressive with the media, only, the reaction is not the same from the partisan media.
Show me a list of all the reporters Obama banned from the White House.

I'll wait here.

Judge: White House Must Return CNN's Jim Acosta's Credential

A federal judge ordered the Trump administration on Friday to immediately return the White House press credentials of CNN reporter Jim Acosta, saying Acosta suffered "irreparable harm" by the decision to bar him.

U.S. District Court Judge Timothy Kelly, an appointee of President Donald Trump, announced his decision following a hearing. The judge said Acosta's credentials would be returned immediately and reactivated to allow him access to the White House.

"I can ban ALL reporters from the WH,

If I had as much to hide as the blob does, I’d be trying to ban reporters from the White House as well.

The true issue is that the White House is a public building and the press has every right to be there as the courts will surely agree.

They don't, however, have the right to demand that the president talk to them, answer their questions, or listen to them in any way.
Exactly Trump is in total and legal control over whom he calls upon and whom he chooses to answer, and even if he holds any pressers.

I wonder how long CNN would fill a seat in the pressers that never, ever got acknowledged or got to ask a question.
Der Fuhrer can order the mike be grabbed from anyone who dares question his infallibility, and then charge THEM with assault.

Trump is going full Third World, and his sucklings are mewling with delight.

Obama was far more oppressive with the media, only, the reaction is not the same from the partisan media.
Show me the time Obama ordered a mike to be grabbed from a reporter.

I'll wait here.
Der Fuhrer can order the mike be grabbed from anyone who dares question his infallibility, and then charge THEM with assault.

Trump is going full Third World, and his sucklings are mewling with delight.

Obama was far more oppressive with the media, only, the reaction is not the same from the partisan media.
Show me a list of all the reporters Obama banned from the White House.

I'll wait here.

Obama was a more behind the scenes kind of guy. He is the type to smile at you and saying nice things while he has someone else stab you in the back for him. Yes, he was and is a sociopath. The Obama administration has prosecuted more whistle-blowers for leaks and gone after more journalists than any of its predecessors.

In a report last year, Leonard Downie Jr., the former executive editor of The Washington Post, said the administration’s efforts to crack down on information seeping to journalists were “the most aggressive” since President Richard Nixon was in office.

The Obama administration has pursued more journalists than other administrations, secretly looking at phone records and credit card transactions and surreptitiously tracking their movements.

And we should never forget the comments of Helen Thomas who covered the White House since JFK.

Thomas’ best moment in recent years may have come in July 2009, when she slammed Obama’s then-press secretary Robert Gibbs for the administration’s close management of the press and for planting prepackaged questions for the president.

“The point is the control from here. We have never had that in the White House. And we have had some control but not this control. I mean I’m amazed, I’m amazed at you people who call for openness and transparency and have controlled…” Thomas said.

“Nixon didn’t try to do that,” Thomas said after her confrontation with Gibbs. “They couldn’t control (the media). They didn’t try. What the hell do they think we are, puppets? They’re supposed to stay out of our business. They are our public servants. We pay them.”

The absence of journalism and a fair media has led to Trump. Enjoy.

At least with Trump, the media is out to get him so they are more likely to thwart such illegal and nefarious dealings like running guns across the border for drugs or targeting conservatives via the IRS, etc.
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CNN is suing the president because their rep had a meltdown on public TV and he's having a meltdown. too funny jack.

Trump was the one who had the meltdown. He's gone bananas since the mid-terms.
he smacked Acosta a new one. Let Acosta show the world the ass Acosta truly is. I loved the meltdown Acosta had, swatting at the young lady and using his body to hold the mic. too fking funny. what a dick.

The aide assaulted Acosta first. Trump had the meltdown.
suuure poindexter, suuuurrrrre. The year of the woman and Acosta acosted her. I love it.

She assaulted him. Why don't you try glasses.
not from the non glasses I wear. She was retrieving her Mic. and stage fk whimpered no ant then swatted her arm. She had every right to grab the mic.
You liberal idiots need to explain how removing accoster’s hard pass violates his first amendment rights. There is nothing stopping him from reporting anything he wises to report. There is no right to harass or confront anyone, there is no right to be allowed to continually disrupt or attempt to control anyone else’s right of free speech, which is exactly what pile of shit accoster did. I want you pile of shit liberal to remember your BS when reporters ask all of your scum liars a question and They run away or have their bodyguards you always used “ racist racist when anyone asked your mess I ah treasonist any hard question about anything and were so shocked at their lack of respect for the president.

You white supremacist idiots need to understand the White House belongs to the people. Not lying tramps like Obama and the wicked with of Arkansas, Sanders. The trouble is Acosta did none of this. You are the one who is a pile of shit. Trump does not deserve any fucking respect. He is a obnoxious offensive egomaniac. The next President should put Trump over their knee and give him what he deserves. A good paddling on huis rear end. The fitting punishment for a 2 year old brat.
not sure your reference.
obammy's regulations stopped the US of A. stopped it. silenced the private sector and drove jobs into other economies. globalist!!! it's all he was. It's why I'm a nationalist!!! My patriotism is to the US of A not the globe.
What regulation stopped the USA??

I'll wait while you vomit up more incoherent non-sense
It doesn't matter. It's been proven a 1000 times that you scum don't accept facts when they prove you wrong.
and Trump has lied 8 times since you typed that bullshit comment
Got to love this tds

It causes Trump supporters to say the stupidest things.
it isn't at all odd that you'd think that. when you got nothing you think everything else is stupid. we got it.

"I can ban ALL reporters from the WH,

If I had as much to hide as the blob does, I’d be trying to ban reporters from the White House as well.

The true issue is that the White House is a public building and the press has every right to be there as the courts will surely agree.

They don't, however, have the right to demand that the president talk to them, answer their questions, or listen to them in any way.
Exactly Trump is in total and legal control over whom he calls upon and whom he chooses to answer, and even if he holds any pressers.

I wonder how long CNN would fill a seat in the pressers that never, ever got acknowledged or got to ask a question.

Eternity. I don’t know why any news outlet covers the WPB. It’s all lies. They don’t even pretend anymore

"I can ban ALL reporters from the WH,

If I had as much to hide as the blob does, I’d be trying to ban reporters from the White House as well.

The true issue is that the White House is a public building and the press has every right to be there as the courts will surely agree.
No, the White House is not a public building. Neither is the Pentagon. You can't enter either without being granted access.

Apparently all snowflakes are morons. Everything they "know" is false.
LMAO! So tell us...what private entity owns the White House?

I didn't say it was privately owned. However, it's not open to the public. CIA headquarters also isn't privately owned, and it's also not open to the public.
The same old shit we've heard 10,000 times. You are incapable of posting anything original or requiring actual thought. You can only regurgitate what your filthy party tells you to spew. That's why you're an NPC (Non Player Character).
If people like you need to hear it 10,001 times, then I'm happy to assist you.

Repetition aids comprehension.
Now, cognitive dissonance might be the real problem with you. I can't help you with that.
"People like me?" You mean intelligent rational people? Wrong, no matter how many times we hear it, we still know it's stupid.

"I can ban ALL reporters from the WH,

If I had as much to hide as the blob does, I’d be trying to ban reporters from the White House as well.

The true issue is that the White House is a public building and the press has every right to be there as the courts will surely agree.

They don't, however, have the right to demand that the president talk to them, answer their questions, or listen to them in any way.
Exactly Trump is in total and legal control over whom he calls upon and whom he chooses to answer, and even if he holds any pressers.

I wonder how long CNN would fill a seat in the pressers that never, ever got acknowledged or got to ask a question.

Eternity. I don’t know why any news outlet covers the WPB. It’s all lies. They don’t even pretend anymore

Theatre at this point. The pro-Trump folks need to see what he's outraged at, and the anti-trump people need to be outraged at his outrage.

And that's why media outlets continue to cover this stuff. There's no actual "news" in Trump pressers.
If I had as much to hide as the blob does, I’d be trying to ban reporters from the White House as well.

The true issue is that the White House is a public building and the press has every right to be there as the courts will surely agree.

They don't, however, have the right to demand that the president talk to them, answer their questions, or listen to them in any way.
Exactly Trump is in total and legal control over whom he calls upon and whom he chooses to answer, and even if he holds any pressers.

I wonder how long CNN would fill a seat in the pressers that never, ever got acknowledged or got to ask a question.

Eternity. I don’t know why any news outlet covers the WPB. It’s all lies. They don’t even pretend anymore

Theatre at this point. The pro-Trump folks need to see what he's outraged at, and the anti-trump people need to be outraged at his outrage.

And that's why media outlets continue to cover this stuff. There's no actual "news" in Trump pressers.
There's no actual news in any press conference. All the answers the President or his press secretary gives out have already previously been given out.
Der Fuhrer can order the mike be grabbed from anyone who dares question his infallibility, and then charge THEM with assault.

Trump is going full Third World, and his sucklings are mewling with delight.

Obama was far more oppressive with the media, only, the reaction is not the same from the partisan media.
Show me a list of all the reporters Obama banned from the White House.

I'll wait here.
show me a list of reporters trump has spied on.

i'll wait here.

fyi - i put his spying to be worse than kicking acosta out of the whitehouse, but you're the one going after jaywalking when the last dude was committing murder.
Judge: White House Must Return CNN's Jim Acosta's Credential

A federal judge ordered the Trump administration on Friday to immediately return the White House press credentials of CNN reporter Jim Acosta, saying Acosta suffered "irreparable harm" by the decision to bar him.

U.S. District Court Judge Timothy Kelly, an appointee of President Donald Trump, announced his decision following a hearing. The judge said Acosta's credentials would be returned immediately and reactivated to allow him access to the White House.
Fake news/no news
It’s against the best interests of America to have one appointed judge be able to overrule the elected POTUS
Ignore him and set our priorities straight
It’s against the best interests of America to have one appointed judge be able to overrule the elected POTUS
Ignore him and set our priorities straight

Na, just take it to Kavanaugh...................
Judge Kelly just ruled that there is / was No Constitutional Violation by revoking Acosta's Press Pass but instead stated that the WH failed to follow 'due process', which requires them to notify Acosta verbally and then follow up with an official letter.

SO, until the WH can remedy this problem by sending Acosta and CNN an official letter, Kelly issued a Temp Stay, ruling the WH has to give Acosta back his press pass.....BUT STATED THE WH DOES NOT HAVE TO ALLOW ACOSTA TO ASK 1 SINGLE QUESTION EVER AGAIN!


I hope the WH puts his ass in a seat on the very back row and never acknowledged his presence ever again....until both he and CNN apologizes for his behavior.

If I had as much to hide as your blob clearly does, I would not want to call on CNN either. Running from reporters questions only makes the guilty look more guilty.

He doesn't have to. He can take questions from other CNN reporters and pointedly ignore Acosta. I doubt CNN would waste a position in presidential pressers for very long. The number of questions they could ask would be cut and Acosta would just look foolish sitting there on his thumbs.

"I can ban ALL reporters from the WH,

If I had as much to hide as the blob does, I’d be trying to ban reporters from the White House as well.

The true issue is that the White House is a public building and the press has every right to be there as the courts will surely agree.

They don't, however, have the right to demand that the president talk to them, answer their questions, or listen to them in any way.
Exactly Trump is in total and legal control over whom he calls upon and whom he chooses to answer, and even if he holds any pressers.

I wonder how long CNN would fill a seat in the pressers that never, ever got acknowledged or got to ask a question.

Eternity. I don’t know why any news outlet covers the WPB. It’s all lies. They don’t even pretend anymore

They do it because it's their chance to ask questions and get what info is being dished up. They all want to be the first source that gets quoted.

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