Trump Declares 'I Can Ban All Reporters From WH' - Snowflake Heads Explode

I do wish he would. That would be great!

He could stand there and talk to himself.

perfect solution.

I don't see much of a point to them.

The press arrives with their hidden agendas and the spokesperson for the President does the same.

At the end of the day, what do we ever learn that is helpful with lies hurling from both sides.

It is just a circus that more and more people are tuning out.
the entire press doesn't do this. just the idiots living on the extreme counting on people making a fuss about them making a fuss.

The press is trying to sell us something just like a used car salesmen does.

Now are their more trustworthy car salesmen than others? Sure, but to put my trust in any of them seems absurd.
then move onto another source for information. take your views and clicks elsewhere. screaming STOP IT at someone putting shit up for you to scream at so they get clicks and money isn't helping.

What are you babbling about? I'm not complaining, I'm just observing the human condition.

We are all political creatures with hidden agendas.
True, but the premise of Citizens United, and imo the entire foundation for the constitution's premise of self-government, is that IF citizens know the SOURCE of something said to be a political fact, they can derive the truth based on their own common sense.

And it is an "if." not all political ads are not required to disclose all the people paying for them.
yep cause trump didnt follow due process.

if he follows due process next time...
It must be a pathetic existence to think "making libs angry" is an accomplishment.
I would also add these people are so short sighted they are either too blind or too dumb to see that Trump will gone, most likely, in two years. The next president may very well use Trump's precedent, if it upholds, to ban any reporters they do not like.

We already know the Trumpist does not like the free press. We know Trump hates the free press. They want a compliant press. November 8th was a resounding rejection of Trumpism and its warped view of the constitution and democratic institutions. Trump and Trumpers can't come to grips with the Country's rejection of their twisted ideology.

Yeah, let Trump be Trump and watch his poll numbers go lower and lower.
well he's following the precedent set by obama to attack the media.

if you're gonna try and sound like you're seeing the whole picture, you need to include little nuggets like that.
Obama had his issues with Fox, but he never threatened to pull its FCC license, never threatened to pull its reporters credentials, and damn sure never called them the enemy of the people. Your post was making a false equivalency.
and you're not being honest with what obama did cause you hate trump and all. first of all - you talked about setting a precedent. so EVEN IF trump is worse than obama, my main point is that obama set the precedent. now - many people who's job it is to be a journalist also agree obama was worse, so you can take it up with them if you like - i'm not gonna split farts with you on it.

Barack Obama’s press freedom legacy
“This is the most closed, control freak administration I’ve ever covered,” said Sanger in a 2013 CPJ report, “The Obama Administration and the Press.” The report’s author, former Washington Post Executive Editor Leonard Downie, Jr., declared, “The administration’s war on leaks and other efforts to control information are the most aggressive I’ve seen since the Nixon administration.” As journalists often note, the Obama administration has prosecuted more leakers under the 1917 Espionage Act than all former presidents combined.

Opinion | If Donald Trump Targets Journalists, Thank Obama
Under Mr. Obama, the Justice Department and the F.B.I. have spied on reporters by monitoring their phone records, labeled one journalist an unindicted co-conspirator in a criminal case for simply doing reporting and issued subpoenas to other reporters to try to force them to reveal their sources and testify in criminal cases.

President Obama’s War on Journalists
“The Obama administration’s unprecedented pursuit of criminal liability against security leakers threatens to rope in the Fourth Estate,” wrote Stanford’s Jennifer Granick and Morgan Weiland for Forbes. (Weiland used to work for the far-left Media Matters.) “The message? Don’t report national security stories or you will become a target.”

Obama's Escalating War on Freedom of the Press | HuffPost
That court decision came seven days after the Justice Department released its “News Media Policies” report announcing “significant revisions to the Department’s policies regarding investigations that involve members of the news media.” The report offered assurances that “members of the news media will not be subject to prosecution based solely on newsgathering activities.” (Hey thanks!) But the document quickly added that the government will take such action “as a last resort” when seeking information that is “essential to a successful investigation or prosecution.”

Translation: We won’t prosecute journalists for doing their jobs unless we really want to.

Trump's war on press no match for Obama's
And, in fairness to Trump, his administration has not escalated the conflict with the press to a new level. It has not yet come close to doing what President Obama's administration did in making the act of reporting itself criminal behavior in a case that started in 2009 under the Espionage Act of 1917.
and i won't even get to what he did to sharyl attkisson and other journalists individually.

so - are you willing to be "honest" here and not a biased cheerleader screaming ORANGE MAN BAD - ORANGE MAN MAKES ME SAD and shit or is that your only real goal?
For sake of argument I will concede all you say is true. Does it make any difference how Obama treated the press? Each President will push the barrier further and further until the FIRST Amendment is a shell of what the framers intended. At some point, the people have to say enough is a enough.

Obama's policy towards the press was troubling. He never crossed the threshold of calling the press was the enemy which btw is a first for a President. Even Nixon never went that far.

Once a precedent is created it is hard to walk back. Bush started with signing statements to undercut passed legislation; Obama then expanded the use of EOs; Trump is now pushing EO's even further.

I will also add the first amendment is under stress. The press is under financial stress and the "dark press" as it should be called, is undermining our faith in news and truth. We do not need a president who is pouring gasoline on an inferno.
The government's computer intrusions: an excerpt from the NYT bestseller "Stonewalled," prequel to "The Smear." Big Brother: First Warnings | Sharyl Attkisson

stop dismissing the shit obama did. then you have more cred to bitch at trump.
True. However, if that 'spotlight' becomes largely negative and laden with ridicule and scorn, well... one Hermit coming up...
For most people, yes. trump is not like most people. He'll double down on his delusions, and continue to babble incoherently about his success.

Judge gives Acosta credentials back

Really? That happened? I’ve been out of pocket for a few days; link?
I'll look for link but saw it on CNBC
True. However, if that 'spotlight' becomes largely negative and laden with ridicule and scorn, well... one Hermit coming up...
For most people, yes. trump is not like most people. He'll double down on his delusions, and continue to babble incoherently about his success.

Judge gives Acosta credentials back

Really? That happened? I’ve been out of pocket for a few days; link?

Judge: White House Must Return CNN's Jim Acosta's Credential

U.S. News & World Report
33 mins ago
Judge orders White House to temporarily restore CNN reporter's press pass
43 mins ago
Judge: White House sides with CNN, must return Jim Acosta's credentials

29 mins ago
More for judge gives acosta credentials back
True. However, if that 'spotlight' becomes largely negative and laden with ridicule and scorn, well... one Hermit coming up...
For most people, yes. trump is not like most people. He'll double down on his delusions, and continue to babble incoherently about his success.

Judge gives Acosta credentials back

Really? That happened? I’ve been out of pocket for a few days; link?
I'll look for link but saw it on CNBC

No need; found it.
True. However, if that 'spotlight' becomes largely negative and laden with ridicule and scorn, well... one Hermit coming up...
For most people, yes. trump is not like most people. He'll double down on his delusions, and continue to babble incoherently about his success.

Judge gives Acosta credentials back

Really? That happened? I’ve been out of pocket for a few days; link?

View attachment 229089
Judge: White House Must Return CNN's Jim Acosta's Credential
U.S. News & World Report
33 mins ago
View attachment 229090
Judge orders White House to temporarily restore CNN reporter's press pass
43 mins ago
View attachment 229091
Judge: White House sides with CNN, must return Jim Acosta's credentials
29 mins ago
More for judge gives acosta credentials back
True. However, if that 'spotlight' becomes largely negative and laden with ridicule and scorn, well... one Hermit coming up...
For most people, yes. trump is not like most people. He'll double down on his delusions, and continue to babble incoherently about his success.

Judge gives Acosta credentials back

Really? That happened? I’ve been out of pocket for a few days; link?

View attachment 229089
Judge: White House Must Return CNN's Jim Acosta's Credential
U.S. News & World Report
33 mins ago
View attachment 229090
Judge orders White House to temporarily restore CNN reporter's press pass
43 mins ago
View attachment 229091
Judge: White House sides with CNN, must return Jim Acosta's credentials
29 mins ago
More for judge gives acosta credentials back

A trump appointee ruled against Trump. I wish I had the dorito/cheeto/twinkie concession at 1600 Pennsylvania. What will close higher today? Trump’s cholesterol level or the stock market?
In response to CNN's ridiculous law suit suing the WH for the 'right' of reporters to be rude, hijack Press Conferences, and throw a tantrum if they do not get their way, President Trump responded by declaring....

"I can ban ALL reporters from the WH, not
just CNN's rude a**hole Acosta!"

The Liberal / snowflake response was as expected:


The funny fact is the President is right - he can 'ban' every reporter from the WH. Doing so does not violate their Constitutional right of a 'free press' / to report any news they want...God knows banning Acosta has not stopped CNN from continuing to report Fake News!


'Banning' every reporter can be accomplished as easily and legally as simply declaring the President will no longer hold any Press Conferences until the media learns some respect, how to act and carry out their jobs professionally...

No Press Conference, no need for WH access....

The a Liberal Press has met its match in a President who won't take their fake news / shit laying down like every other Republican / Conservative President has. The corrupt press is being challenged, and they don't like it.

F* 'em! Bwuhahahahaha!

Trump seeks to land blow against media in court fight with CNN

"CNN argued in its lawsuit filed Tuesday that the White House infringed on Acosta's First Amendment rights by revoking his access in response to a dispute over a press conference last week."

No one is preventing CNN from reporting the news, as pointed out. CNN is pissed they don't get to run WH Press Conferences, that they can not impose their will on Trump and 'beat him into line', are not being allowed to call the President a 'racist' and 'white supremacist' during Press Conferences....

You become more and more of a lickspittle every day.
True. However, if that 'spotlight' becomes largely negative and laden with ridicule and scorn, well... one Hermit coming up...
For most people, yes. trump is not like most people. He'll double down on his delusions, and continue to babble incoherently about his success.

Judge gives Acosta credentials back

Really? That happened? I’ve been out of pocket for a few days; link?

View attachment 229089
Judge: White House Must Return CNN's Jim Acosta's Credential
U.S. News & World Report
33 mins ago
View attachment 229090
Judge orders White House to temporarily restore CNN reporter's press pass
43 mins ago
View attachment 229091
Judge: White House sides with CNN, must return Jim Acosta's credentials
29 mins ago
More for judge gives acosta credentials back

A trump appointee ruled against Trump. I wish I had the dorito/cheeto/twinkie concession at 1600 Pennsylvania. What will close higher today? Trump’s cholesterol level or the stock market?
I'm hoping for both
I do wish he would. That would be great!

He could stand there and talk to himself.

perfect solution.

I don't see much of a point to them.

The press arrives with their hidden agendas and the spokesperson for the President does the same.

At the end of the day, what do we ever learn that is helpful with lies hurling from both sides.

It is just a circus that more and more people are tuning out.
the entire press doesn't do this. just the idiots living on the extreme counting on people making a fuss about them making a fuss.

The press is trying to sell us something just like a used car salesmen does.

Now are their more trustworthy car salesmen than others? Sure, but to put my trust in any of them seems absurd.
then move onto another source for information. take your views and clicks elsewhere. screaming STOP IT at someone putting shit up for you to scream at so they get clicks and money isn't helping.

It is telling that I learn more about what is on CNN from people who hate CNN than people the watch CNN. I rarely watch the channel except at work when it’s on in our break room and waiting areas.

What is also fantastically hilarious is that when you have a conventional cable system, your monthly bill funds CNN, MSNBC, etc…. Fox viewers are a huge source of income for CNN.
I do wish he would. That would be great!

He could stand there and talk to himself.

perfect solution.

I don't see much of a point to them.

The press arrives with their hidden agendas and the spokesperson for the President does the same.

At the end of the day, what do we ever learn that is helpful with lies hurling from both sides.

It is just a circus that more and more people are tuning out.
the entire press doesn't do this. just the idiots living on the extreme counting on people making a fuss about them making a fuss.

The press is trying to sell us something just like a used car salesmen does.

Now are their more trustworthy car salesmen than others? Sure, but to put my trust in any of them seems absurd.
then move onto another source for information. take your views and clicks elsewhere. screaming STOP IT at someone putting shit up for you to scream at so they get clicks and money isn't helping.

It is telling that I learn more about what is on CNN from people who hate CNN than people the watch CNN. I rarely watch the channel except at work when it’s on in our break room and waiting areas.

What is also fantastically hilarious is that when you have a conventional cable system, your monthly bill funds CNN, MSNBC, etc…. Fox viewers are a huge source of income for CNN.
A channel of refuge for female anchors who quit Faux years ago for reasons then unknown.
True. However, if that 'spotlight' becomes largely negative and laden with ridicule and scorn, well... one Hermit coming up...
For most people, yes. trump is not like most people. He'll double down on his delusions, and continue to babble incoherently about his success.

Judge gives Acosta credentials back

Really? That happened? I’ve been out of pocket for a few days; link?
I'll look for link but saw it on CNBC
It's odd that there does not appear to be a link to the decision itself. Earlier this week Judge Kelly said he would rely upon the 1977 case involving Robert Sherrill. And apparently that is what Kelly did.

CNN, Jim Acosta Beat White House: Judge Orders Press Pass Must Be Restored

The Sherrill case is here.

Robert Sherrill v. H. Stuart Knight, Director, United States Secret Service, Etal., Appellants, 569 F.2d 124 (D.C. Cir. 1977)

What interested me is that it quoted the oft quoted case of Goldberg v. Kelly that defines what constitutes due process. Normally that is notice of what the govt intends to do, a hearing, an opportunity to present evidence to rebut the govts intention, and the govt's decision must be founded on a good reason. Security is a good reason. Not liking what a reporter reports is NOT a good reason.

So, if the trump admin pursues the matter it can, but any decision it makes is then STILL subject to court review of whether the Trump's decision is based on a legit reason.
Obama could have threatened to ban all reporters, too. And then all you bitches would have died from apoplexy.

Christ, it is amazing you fucking twats aren't sick of your own stench of hypocrisy.
Just what the FUCK do you Trumpies stand for anyway?

It sure as shit isn't "Family Values".

It sure as shit isn't "draining the swamp".

It sure as shit isn't balanced budgets.

It sure as shit isn't respect for the military and our country.

It sure as shit isn't standing by our friends and our allies.

It sure as shit isn't keeping government from meddling in the markets.

It sure as shit isn't freedom of the press.

So what the ever loving fuck do you twats stand for?

All it looks like to me is that you like to suckle the cock of a huckster every waking moment.
Obama could have threatened to ban all reporters, too. And then all you bitches would have died from apoplexy.

Christ, it is amazing you fucking twats aren't sick of your own stench of hypocrisy.
I recall when people bitched that Reagan just didn't hold them. A wise man. LOL And he pled deafness when questions were shouted. And it turned out he really couldn't hear.
At the end of the day though, Acosta has made it about himself for a long time now. He’s no longer a trustworthy source of news for the viewers because of this because, through his own actions with this one particularly President, he has been combative—in some cases rightly so.

Impartiality is more important than the name of the reporter. He should realize that he is not the best conduit for reporting from the White House for his network and step aside/down and let someone else take over the slot. Hopefully they will be just as aggressive in their questioning of the blob and SHS.

Again, I think he should host the blurbs from the White House and interview the interviewer as they do on cable news now. He can add his own critiques at that time.
Just what the FUCK do you Trumpies stand for anyway?

It sure as shit isn't "Family Values".

It sure as shit isn't balanced budgets.

It sure as shit isn't respect for the military and our country.

It sure as shit isn't standing by our friends and our allies.

It sure as shit isn't keeping government from meddling in the markets.

It sure as shit isn't freedom of the press.

So what the ever loving fuck do you twats stand for?

All it looks like to me is that you like to suckle the cock of a huckster.

What do they stand for?

Causing as much pain as possible.

"I can ban ALL reporters from the WH,

If I had as much to hide as the blob does, I’d be trying to ban reporters from the White House as well.

The true issue is that the White House is a public building and the press has every right to be there as the courts will surely agree.

They don't, however, have the right to demand that the president talk to them, answer their questions, or listen to them in any way.

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