Trump Declares 'I Can Ban All Reporters From WH' - Snowflake Heads Explode

It must be a pathetic existence to think "making libs angry" is an accomplishment.
All he has to do is get out of bed for that to happen.
Not really, I am quite sure that once his term is over, there won't be much said about him -- not like how repubs still and will continue to obsess over Obama and Hillary
In the next six years Trump will very likely put one, maybe two more Constitutionalists on the SC.
Not a bad record as President.
And there's fuck all the LIBs/MSM can do about it.
THATS the real reason the LIBs are so beside themselves everyday.
Yea, and Iraq will erect statues praising George Bush

Remember when you then Bush worshippers were pushing that fantasy?
no. link me.
Trump does not give a flying fuck on whether the Press likes him or not. Does anyone think Trump cares if a member of the Press gets a tingle up his leg?
I do wish he would. That would be great!

He could stand there and talk to himself.

perfect solution.

I don't see much of a point to them.

The press arrives with their hidden agendas and the spokesperson for the President does the same.

At the end of the day, what do we ever learn that is helpful with lies hurling from both sides.

It is just a circus that more and more people are tuning out.
I do wish he would. That would be great!

He could stand there and talk to himself.

perfect solution.

I don't see much of a point to them.

The press arrives with their hidden agendas and the spokesperson for the President does the same.

At the end of the day, what do we ever learn that is helpful with lies hurling from both sides.

It is just a circus that more and more people are tuning out.
the entire press doesn't do this. just the idiots living on the extreme counting on people making a fuss about them making a fuss.
I do wish he would. That would be great!

He could stand there and talk to himself.

perfect solution.

I don't see much of a point to them.

The press arrives with their hidden agendas and the spokesperson for the President does the same.

At the end of the day, what do we ever learn that is helpful with lies hurling from both sides.

It is just a circus that more and more people are tuning out.
the entire press doesn't do this. just the idiots living on the extreme counting on people making a fuss about them making a fuss.

The press is trying to sell us something just like a used car salesmen does.

Now are their more trustworthy car salesmen than others? Sure, but to put my trust in any of them seems absurd.

"I can ban ALL reporters from the WH,

If I had as much to hide as the blob does, I’d be trying to ban reporters from the White House as well.

The true issue is that the White House is a public building and the press has every right to be there as the courts will surely agree.
Busybee001 said:
Bernie would have beaten Trump. Polls showed that Biden and Sanders would have beaten Trump by double digits. Clinton was the weakest candidate Democrats could run and Trump was the weakest candidate Republicans could have run.
In a landslide. And the entire Congress would have been Blue.
I think Comey deserves a lot of credit for trump's win, coupled with a nation that was ripe for change. Anyone who knew anything about trump, knew he is a pathological liar who would not deliver on any promises he made to workers.

At the time, very few knew a thing about trump, and here we are. This election showed that everyone knows him now.
The same old shit we've heard 10,000 times. You are incapable of posting anything original or requiring actual thought. You can only regurgitate what your filthy party tells you to spew. That's why you're an NPC (Non Player Character).
What many people, including Trump, don’t realize is there is a large swath of conservative voters that voted for him because he was the nominee, and not because they adore his message (or antics for that matter). We need to see if the Dems come up with a viable canidate, but if they can it could open the door for a Republican challenger to Trump. Do you hear me Dems? If you can’t produce a canidate who can win, it will be 4 more years of enduring Trump. BTW- Hellary, Sanders, Warren and Biden are not viable candidates.
Each candidate will automatically get app. 45% of the electorate, due to the issue you raise in your first sentence. Independents are always the demographic that puts a candidate over the top.

trump lied about virtually everything when addressing blue collar workers/unions. He's lost unions. He's lost the majority of women. He's lost everyone who was promised 'much better health insurance at a fraction of the will be so easy'.

trump will get the Conservatives you reference. He won't get the Bernie supporters who voted for him, nor will he be lucky enough to have millenials/non whites simply sit the next election out. See the midterms if you don't believe me.

Biden would win in a landslide, but I'd suggest a younger candidate that leans away from party politics.

Bernie wouldn’t beat Trump. Too many people don’t want an admitted commie as president. As for the non-whites sitting out the next election based on the mid terms, well that is just silly conjecture. Midterms and Presidential elections are completely different animals. 50% more people vote in presidential years compared to midterms. Black voter turnout was down in 2016 for obvious reasons (no BO).

Bernie would have beaten Trump. Polls showed that Biden and Sanders would have beaten Trump by double digits. Clinton was the weakest candidate Democrats could run and Trump was the weakest candidate Republicans could have run.

Polls showed......some people never learn........

"I can ban ALL reporters from the WH,

If I had as much to hide as the blob does, I’d be trying to ban reporters from the White House as well.

The true issue is that the White House is a public building and the press has every right to be there as the courts will surely agree.
No, the White House is not a public building. Neither is the Pentagon. You can't enter either without being granted access.

Apparently all snowflakes are morons. Everything they "know" is false.
In response to CNN's ridiculous law suit suing the WH for the 'right' of reporters to be rude, hijack Press Conferences, and throw a tantrum if they do not get their way, President Trump responded by declaring....

"I can ban ALL reporters from the WH, not
just CNN's rude a**hole Acosta!"

The Liberal / snowflake response was as expected:


The funny fact is the President is right - he can 'ban' every reporter from the WH. Doing so does not violate their Constitutional right of a 'free press' / to report any news they want...God knows banning Acosta has not stopped CNN from continuing to report Fake News!


'Banning' every reporter can be accomplished as easily and legally as simply declaring the President will no longer hold any Press Conferences until the media learns some respect, how to act and carry out their jobs professionally...

No Press Conference, no need for WH access....

The a Liberal Press has met its match in a President who won't take their fake news / shit laying down like every other Republican / Conservative President has. The corrupt press is being challenged, and they don't like it.

F* 'em! Bwuhahahahaha!

Trump seeks to land blow against media in court fight with CNN

"CNN argued in its lawsuit filed Tuesday that the White House infringed on Acosta's First Amendment rights by revoking his access in response to a dispute over a press conference last week."

No one is preventing CNN from reporting the news, as pointed out. CNN is pissed they don't get to run WH Press Conferences, that they can not impose their will on Trump and 'beat him into line', are not being allowed to call the President a 'racist' and 'white supremacist' during Press Conferences....

Journalists from CNN are no different than those idiots they threw out of the Kavanaugh hearings.
I do wish he would. That would be great!

He could stand there and talk to himself.

perfect solution.

I don't see much of a point to them.

The press arrives with their hidden agendas and the spokesperson for the President does the same.

At the end of the day, what do we ever learn that is helpful with lies hurling from both sides.

It is just a circus that more and more people are tuning out.
the entire press doesn't do this. just the idiots living on the extreme counting on people making a fuss about them making a fuss.

The press is trying to sell us something just like a used car salesmen does.

Now are their more trustworthy car salesmen than others? Sure, but to put my trust in any of them seems absurd.
then move onto another source for information. take your views and clicks elsewhere. screaming STOP IT at someone putting shit up for you to scream at so they get clicks and money isn't helping.
In response to CNN's ridiculous law suit suing the WH for the 'right' of reporters to be rude, hijack Press Conferences, and throw a tantrum if they do not get their way, President Trump responded by declaring....

"I can ban ALL reporters from the WH, not
just CNN's rude a**hole Acosta!"

The Liberal / snowflake response was as expected:


The funny fact is the President is right - he can 'ban' every reporter from the WH. Doing so does not violate their Constitutional right of a 'free press' / to report any news they want...God knows banning Acosta has not stopped CNN from continuing to report Fake News!


'Banning' every reporter can be accomplished as easily and legally as simply declaring the President will no longer hold any Press Conferences until the media learns some respect, how to act and carry out their jobs professionally...

No Press Conference, no need for WH access....

The a Liberal Press has met its match in a President who won't take their fake news / shit laying down like every other Republican / Conservative President has. The corrupt press is being challenged, and they don't like it.

F* 'em! Bwuhahahahaha!

Trump seeks to land blow against media in court fight with CNN

"CNN argued in its lawsuit filed Tuesday that the White House infringed on Acosta's First Amendment rights by revoking his access in response to a dispute over a press conference last week."

No one is preventing CNN from reporting the news, as pointed out. CNN is pissed they don't get to run WH Press Conferences, that they can not impose their will on Trump and 'beat him into line', are not being allowed to call the President a 'racist' and 'white supremacist' during Press Conferences....

Journalists from CNN are no different than those idiots they threw out of the Kavanaugh hearings.

Why doesn’t Jim Acosta just go to his car, change shirts or put on a hat, and go right back into the press briefings?

"I can ban ALL reporters from the WH,

If I had as much to hide as the blob does, I’d be trying to ban reporters from the White House as well.

The true issue is that the White House is a public building and the press has every right to be there as the courts will surely agree.
really? go ahead and walk through the front door.

$20 says you don't even make it 20' onto the lawn.
I do wish he would. That would be great!

He could stand there and talk to himself.

perfect solution.

I don't see much of a point to them.

The press arrives with their hidden agendas and the spokesperson for the President does the same.

At the end of the day, what do we ever learn that is helpful with lies hurling from both sides.

It is just a circus that more and more people are tuning out.
the entire press doesn't do this. just the idiots living on the extreme counting on people making a fuss about them making a fuss.

The press is trying to sell us something just like a used car salesmen does.

Now are their more trustworthy car salesmen than others? Sure, but to put my trust in any of them seems absurd.
then move onto another source for information. take your views and clicks elsewhere. screaming STOP IT at someone putting shit up for you to scream at so they get clicks and money isn't helping.

What are you babbling about? I'm not complaining, I'm just observing the human condition.

We are all political creatures with hidden agendas.
The same old shit we've heard 10,000 times. You are incapable of posting anything original or requiring actual thought. You can only regurgitate what your filthy party tells you to spew. That's why you're an NPC (Non Player Character).
If people like you need to hear it 10,001 times, then I'm happy to assist you.

Repetition aids comprehension.
Now, cognitive dissonance might be the real problem with you. I can't help you with that.

"I can ban ALL reporters from the WH,

If I had as much to hide as the blob does, I’d be trying to ban reporters from the White House as well.

The true issue is that the White House is a public building and the press has every right to be there as the courts will surely agree.
No, the White House is not a public building. Neither is the Pentagon. You can't enter either without being granted access.

Apparently all snowflakes are morons. Everything they "know" is false.
LMAO! So tell us...what private entity owns the White House?


I have threads about him and his Charlatan ways, so my retarded ass knew the rest of the damn Universe should know more!

Trump won because of how Wikileaks sunk the DNC with it reports of the DNC trying to prevent Bernie from winning the nomination.

Then add in Jill Stein strong showing in states like Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

Finally, the fact Hillary was no Obama and she has been hated for decades and now you understand why she lost.

Comey comments was Hillary excuse for losing the Electoral College by a wide margin but the reality is she lost because all that I have stated and more!
I agree with all/most of this. Didn't you just bolster my opinion that Bernie would have won in a landslide?

Clinton, far and away, was the most qualified to lead this country. I didn't vote for her, but you cannot deny her credentials. Clinton was no match for trump because he managed to turn the entire affair into a reality t.v show, with a lot of help from Russia.

So we suffer the exact results that voters were warned about. Thankfully, it was a wake up call to kids/non whites. I don't believe trump will run again in 2020
True. However, if that 'spotlight' becomes largely negative and laden with ridicule and scorn, well... one Hermit coming up...
For most people, yes. trump is not like most people. He'll double down on his delusions, and continue to babble incoherently about his success.
In response to CNN's ridiculous law suit suing the WH for the 'right' of reporters to be rude, hijack Press Conferences, and throw a tantrum if they do not get their way, President Trump responded by declaring....

"I can ban ALL reporters from the WH, not
just CNN's rude a**hole Acosta!"

The Liberal / snowflake response was as expected:


The funny fact is the President is right - he can 'ban' every reporter from the WH. Doing so does not violate their Constitutional right of a 'free press' / to report any news they want...God knows banning Acosta has not stopped CNN from continuing to report Fake News!


'Banning' every reporter can be accomplished as easily and legally as simply declaring the President will no longer hold any Press Conferences until the media learns some respect, how to act and carry out their jobs professionally...

No Press Conference, no need for WH access....

The a Liberal Press has met its match in a President who won't take their fake news / shit laying down like every other Republican / Conservative President has. The corrupt press is being challenged, and they don't like it.

F* 'em! Bwuhahahahaha!

Trump seeks to land blow against media in court fight with CNN

"CNN argued in its lawsuit filed Tuesday that the White House infringed on Acosta's First Amendment rights by revoking his access in response to a dispute over a press conference last week."

No one is preventing CNN from reporting the news, as pointed out. CNN is pissed they don't get to run WH Press Conferences, that they can not impose their will on Trump and 'beat him into line', are not being allowed to call the President a 'racist' and 'white supremacist' during Press Conferences....


He should do it just to do it. For a week lets say. And then just enjoy a million snowflakes melting at once.

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