Trump delegates walk out of rigged Ga convention


You do realize this is counter productive right?

Speaking as someone who doesn't like Cruz or Trump.... if you attack other right-leaning people... if Trump is nominated, they are not going to show up on voting day, and you are handing the election to that demonic spawn Hillary. (I doubt Bernie will edge her out, and he'd only be a tiny fraction better).

To quote a lying,criminal, murdering bitch.." What difference ,at this time,does it make".... All will be forgiven and forgotten AFTER the convention, it always is!

You are being way nicer to her, than she deserves.

I just hope you, and those like you, don't insult so many Cruz fans, that she ends up in office. Good heavens, forgive us if she ends up in charge of this country....

You do realize this is counter productive right?

Speaking as someone who doesn't like Cruz or Trump.... if you attack other right-leaning people... if Trump is nominated, they are not going to show up on voting day, and you are handing the election to that demonic spawn Hillary. (I doubt Bernie will edge her out, and he'd only be a tiny fraction better).

To quote a lying,criminal, murdering bitch.." What difference ,at this time,does it make".... All will be forgiven and forgotten AFTER the convention, it always is!

You are being way nicer to her, than she deserves.

I just hope you, and those like you, don't insult so many Cruz fans, that she ends up in office. Good heavens, forgive us if she ends up in charge of this country....
I guess you don't remember the Reagan-Bush I confrontation! This is mild,.
I just don't understand how this can happen??? I'm so lost on all of this...???

It's called Democracy. Rule of the ignorant. If we gathered all the people on this specific forum, and had them vote, I doubt many of the people currently leading the polls, would even be in the race.

But the fact is, the vast majority of people in this country, are ignorant. Not dumb... but they have other things to do in life, and half of them are high on pot, drinking beer, and watching to see who got voted off the Island.

As a result, whoever makes the biggest splash in the media, is who is voted in the election. Trump is a great showman. Welcome to Democracy babe. What are we going to do, darling? Honestly, I have no idea who could save this country now....

Huh? How on earth is this Democracy?
Did Trump not know the rules and the process to become the GOP nominee? What does that say about Trump's deal making abilities?

Trump talks tough on China, on Russia, on Mexico yet he is stymied by party rules and officials. Art of the Deal? If Trump can't handle state level party officials, how is he going to match up with world leaders?
Try reading the link. The Cruz supporters who BTW had NO REASON to be there since again they had won ZERO districts in Ga CHEATED and STOLE the delegates that were supposed to be majority Trump with 1 going to Rubio. I truly hope Trump wins the 1237 and tells the RNC,Cruz and Rubio to go fuck themselves. I would lose respect for Trump if he puts those 2 lying sniveling bastards in his administration.
Trump was swindled and his deal making "skills" came to no avail.
True colors coming through.....................the people's voice and opinions matter not anymore............hell the elected officials haven't given a shit about the will of the people in a long time....................

Now they are simply stealing the elections from the voters...................They choose now and not the people........Now those will say it's the rules.........the rules........the 7 states they don't elect delegates designated to a candidate..........AT ALL...........they vote a while back for delegates that CHOOSE FOR THEM...........and are UNBOUND........pick whoever the hell they want............

The Delegates are for the most part unknown to the people.........You don't see ELECT THIS DELEGATE TO CHOOSE FOR YOU up and down the roads..............

People might as well stay home and no longer vote's RIGGED and meaningless anymore..........

Dems just as bad...........Their Super Delegates are nothing more than another scam...............

Both parties are corrupt to the core........

Did Trump not know the rules and the process to become the GOP nominee? What does that say about Trump's deal making abilities?

Trump talks tough on China, on Russia, on Mexico yet he is stymied by party rules and officials. Art of the Deal? If Trump can't handle state level party officials, how is he going to match up with world leaders?

To be fair, the primary rules for each state are silly and hard to comprehend. Each one is different.
But Trump is the Master Deal Maker! Is he unable to read the fine print?

Some Deal Maker.
Be sure to vote Clinton or Sanders in Nov. Fuck Cruz!
I can't vote for Clinton. Sanders possibly...I will either not vote or vote 3rd party but knowing how both parties rig the results I wouldn't trust my vote to get switched to another candidate.
I will vote for who has the best chance of beating the Democrat nominee.
Well SOME of us have principles and realize Cruz,Kasich,Clinton are bought by the SAME PEOPLE! Sanders isn't but personally I don't think he can handle the job.
Trump Supporters Walk Out of Georgia Delegate Fight After Party Picks Cruz Supporter...'Uproar in the Hall' - Breitbart

Man the defeat of Cruz or whoever the Establishment puts in place as the nominee in November will be sweeter than when Romney lost in 2012! The GOP is gonna deserve it 100%. Trump won Ga FAIR AND SQUARE but Cruz knows he is not going to WIN the nomination so he has to CHEAT to try and stop Trump from getting 1237. Christ you should see the comments and the amount of people SWEARING they will NEVER vote for oh my.

The Donald won the Georgia Primary, but Cruz can pull this stunt?
Yep. Happened in Louisiana as well. South Carolina had some shenanigans as well but since I live in Ga I knew something was going to happen as I get the state emails.
Did Trump not know the rules and the process to become the GOP nominee? What does that say about Trump's deal making abilities?

Trump talks tough on China, on Russia, on Mexico yet he is stymied by party rules and officials. Art of the Deal? If Trump can't handle state level party officials, how is he going to match up with world leaders?

To be fair, the primary rules for each state are silly and hard to comprehend. Each one is different.
But Trump is the Master Deal Maker! Is he unable to read the fine print?

Some Deal Maker.
I am not a Trump supporter, but it is not simply knowing the's knowing them so well because you've worked with the rules within your party for so long, or are even a part of the group that created the rules, that you can manipulate them, in your favor better than a new candidate that has never held office or been a worker on another person's presidential campaign.

And the rules in the RNC are complete madness to any layman, imho!
I just don't understand how this can happen??? I'm so lost on all of this...???

It's called Democracy. Rule of the ignorant. If we gathered all the people on this specific forum, and had them vote, I doubt many of the people currently leading the polls, would even be in the race.

But the fact is, the vast majority of people in this country, are ignorant. Not dumb... but they have other things to do in life, and half of them are high on pot, drinking beer, and watching to see who got voted off the Island.

As a result, whoever makes the biggest splash in the media, is who is voted in the election. Trump is a great showman. Welcome to Democracy babe. What are we going to do, darling? Honestly, I have no idea who could save this country now....
We can save the country...

Ask not what your country can do for you, but for what you can do for your country...

The 20 years of my life that I did not pay attention to politics because I was too busy making something of myself were the most productive, successful, and lucrative years of my life....

who was President or in Congress mattered naught to me, and did not in any way, shape or form, have anything to do with my feats, my ingenuity, or my accomplishments...

We can make America better, on our own!
Cruz's organization is more impressive than I realized.
Happy Joy Joy.................amazing how people glorify winning a State without the people's voice...................

Cruz would have done well there anyway by other states primaries close by anyway.........That isn't the point..............The nominees should be voted on by the people and let the chips fall where they may.................doesn't matter who wins as LONG AS THE PEOPLE DECIDE..........................

Not happening all over the place....................Just shows the true colors of the parties and how the people no longer are invited to the game.................................

If that is the best these parties have to offer then then neither one is worth supporting anymore...................I will probably re-register Independent after this nomination cycle is over...........I will refuse to be a registered Republican anymore...........I've been one all my life........................NO MORE...................

I hope another party forms after this is over..............Time to shake up the dang 2 party system of corruption..............time to challenge them.

If the rig the final outcome of the nomination process.........I will vote in the election, but I will not vote for a President.
I just don't understand how this can happen??? I'm so lost on all of this...???

It's called Democracy. Rule of the ignorant. If we gathered all the people on this specific forum, and had them vote, I doubt many of the people currently leading the polls, would even be in the race.

But the fact is, the vast majority of people in this country, are ignorant. Not dumb... but they have other things to do in life, and half of them are high on pot, drinking beer, and watching to see who got voted off the Island.

As a result, whoever makes the biggest splash in the media, is who is voted in the election. Trump is a great showman. Welcome to Democracy babe. What are we going to do, darling? Honestly, I have no idea who could save this country now....
We can save the country...

Ask not what your country can do for you, but for what you can do for your country...

The 20 years of my life that I did not pay attention to politics because I was too busy making something of myself were the most productive, successful, and lucrative years of my life....

who was President or in Congress mattered naught to me, and did not in any way, shape or form, have anything to do with my feats, my ingenuity, or my accomplishments...

We can make America better, on our own!

You are a women to be admired. I don't have that much faith, to be honest with you. But I do admire your spirit, gal. I really do.
Did Trump not know the rules and the process to become the GOP nominee? What does that say about Trump's deal making abilities?

Trump talks tough on China, on Russia, on Mexico yet he is stymied by party rules and officials. Art of the Deal? If Trump can't handle state level party officials, how is he going to match up with world leaders?

To be fair, the primary rules for each state are silly and hard to comprehend. Each one is different.
But Trump is the Master Deal Maker! Is he unable to read the fine print?

Some Deal Maker.
I am not a Trump supporter, but it is not simply knowing the's knowing them so well because you've worked with the rules within your party for so long, or are even a part of the group that created the rules, that you can manipulate them, in your favor better than a new candidate that has never held office or been a worker on another person's presidential campaign.

And the rules in the RNC are complete madness to any layman, imho!
A serious Presidential candidate would surround himself with experienced, capable political operatives. Is Trump a serious candidate?
Cruz's organization is more impressive than I realized.
Happy Joy Joy.................amazing how people glorify winning a State without the people's voice...................

Cruz would have done well there anyway by other states primaries close by anyway.........That isn't the point..............The nominees should be voted on by the people and let the chips fall where they may.................doesn't matter who wins as LONG AS THE PEOPLE DECIDE..........................

Not happening all over the place....................Just shows the true colors of the parties and how the people no longer are invited to the game.................................

If that is the best these parties have to offer then then neither one is worth supporting anymore...................I will probably re-register Independent after this nomination cycle is over...........I will refuse to be a registered Republican anymore...........I've been one all my life........................NO MORE...................

I hope another party forms after this is over..............Time to shake up the dang 2 party system of corruption..............time to challenge them.

If the rig the final outcome of the nomination process.........I will vote in the election, but I will not vote for a President.

The delegates will still vote with the primary results on the first ballot where they are bound. That is the only ballot the primary results bind, with few exceptions. And for good reason. If the delegates were not free to vote their conscience on following ballots, we could never get a majority of delegates. They have to be unbound after the first ballot or we could never have any resolution.

Now, for some reason, you guys have got it in your mind that somehow its cheating if the delegates don't remain bound to Trump no matter how many ballots they have. That's completely ridiculous. Trump will get his votes on the first ballot, which is what the primary determines. If he gets 1237, he wins. If not, then the convention is contested and Trump needs to rely on his organization and deal making skills, which so far seem very sub par.

I am more and more impressed with Cruz and his ability to get things done. To be working this hard yo win both the first and second ballots is absolutely impressive and his foresight to pull this off just demonstrates how amazing he could be as president.

Btw the majority of Republicans don't want Donald. So don't be surprised that we are rejecting him.
Did Trump not know the rules and the process to become the GOP nominee? What does that say about Trump's deal making abilities?

Trump talks tough on China, on Russia, on Mexico yet he is stymied by party rules and officials. Art of the Deal? If Trump can't handle state level party officials, how is he going to match up with world leaders?

To be fair, the primary rules for each state are silly and hard to comprehend. Each one is different.
But Trump is the Master Deal Maker! Is he unable to read the fine print?

Some Deal Maker.
I am not a Trump supporter, but it is not simply knowing the's knowing them so well because you've worked with the rules within your party for so long, or are even a part of the group that created the rules, that you can manipulate them, in your favor better than a new candidate that has never held office or been a worker on another person's presidential campaign.

And the rules in the RNC are complete madness to any layman, imho!
A serious Presidential candidate would surround himself with experienced, capable political operatives. Is Trump a serious candidate?

I'm thinking more and more that he isn't. Why on earth is he making no effort whatsoever in countless states? Why is he not making an effort to win the second ballot?

It's almost like he is trying to lose just so he can claim he was cheated.

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