Trump delegates walk out of rigged Ga convention

Hopefully after what we've seen in this years primary elections the people on both sides, GOP and Democrat, will have had enough of taxpayer money being used to support these bogus primary elections. Let the parties pay for these circuses themselves.
Cruz's organization is more impressive than I realized.
Cruz is smarter than trump, was there ever any doubt about that?

Smarter... I don't know. Sometimes smart people act like goof balls, because that's their schtick.

Cruz isn't rubbing me the right way. I have a feeling he's a wolf.

But whatever. Either one is better than Hillary Clinton.
...he is stymied by party rules and officials.

STOP being a fool, Trump knows exactly how corrupt and "rigged" this fucked up the system is, he is trying to open the eyes of those who refuse to see.., like some of the posters here are!!!! :up:
Seems as if he can explain the byzintine process without losing at the same time. Some deal maker!
Did Trump not know the rules and the process to become the GOP nominee? What does that say about Trump's deal making abilities?

Trump talks tough on China, on Russia, on Mexico yet he is stymied by party rules and officials. Art of the Deal? If Trump can't handle state level party officials, how is he going to match up with world leaders?

To be fair, the primary rules for each state are silly and hard to comprehend. Each one is different.
Which in no way mitigates the responsibility of a given campaign to indeed know those rules.
Hopefully after what we've seen in this years primary elections the people on both sides, GOP and Democrat, will have had enough of taxpayer money being used to support these bogus primary elections. Let the parties pay for these circuses themselves.

How is it bogus?

Primaries are not, and never were a constitutional election system.

The first "convention" where any political party called on supporters to vote for who they wished to be the party candidate, was by a third party in 1831, which was nearly 50 years after the founding of the country. Meaning, for that time, no one ever voted on who the party was to have as their candidate.

Second, the first state to actually have state-wide presidential primaries, was Oregon in 1910. From 1776, to 1910, there was no state level presidential primary anywhere in the country.

And you want to call them bogus? There's nothing bogus about them. You are lucky you even have a primary to vote in. The only reason primaries exist, is for the benefit of the president parties, to get a feel.... A FEEL.... for the mood of the public, before the election.

That's all it is. It's a opinion poll. It doesn't do anything. It doesn't have some deep meaning, or huge effect. It's a temperature gauge on the public. And the parties can choose something completely different if they want to. If the parties really wanted to, they could pick Bob for Alabama to run for their party. It's not "your party". It's their party. If you want someone, you can vote for someone else. There is always other candidates on the ballot.

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