How Much Longer Will Americans Passively Sit Back And Tolerate The Consinuous And Growing Oppression & Forced Rule of The Democratic Party?

This stolen election has been so piss-poorly and comedicly carried out, as if they did not even try to hide it, so amateurishly, that it is a f*ing INSULT to the Intelligence and Integrity of EVERY American, not just the ones they openly screwed...AGAIN.

How long are Americans going to passively put up with the Chicom Media manipulation /propaganda / blackouts / control and spontaneous Un-Constitutional and Criminal oppression and forced / imposed rule and stealing of our democracy?

The Obama administration weaponized the IRS and used it against American citizens legally opposing President Obama's re-election...

'Oops...our bad. Nothing to see here...'

The Obama administration intentionally and admittedly illegally spying on US citizens, reporters, the media, US Senators, USSC Justices, and a newly elected President..

- Report: Obama’s Spying On The Press Was Far More Extensive Than Previously Thought

- Obama administration’s spying on Donald Trump

The FISA Court came out recently and revealed the FBI has been illegally violating FISA Court Laws to illegally spy on Americans for DECADES....

- New FISA Court Opinion Reveals More Illegal FBI Spying On Americans

The Democratic party SCREWED Americans out of their preferred candidate by rigging their primaries, helping Hillary cheat in debates, and finally GIVING her the nomination she could not win on her own...before she lost the rigged 2016 election the Obama administration attempted to help give her

- Donna Brazile said the 2016 primary was rigged before she said it wasn't

A moment of un-intentional HONESTY....


2020 Primaries - a Democrat Party rep early on publicly told voters they could vote on whoever they wanted to get the nomination but thatit was THE PARTY who eventually chose the nominee, no matter who they wanted

The Democrats once again rigged their primaries and screwed both candidates and voters out of the nomination

- Here’s why Bernie bros believe the primary is rigged against Sanders

- Inside the 72 Hours Establishment Dems Took from Bernie, Gave to Biden
Let the snowflakery begin!
This stolen election has been so piss-poorly and comedicly carried out, as if they did not even try to hide it, so amateurishly, that it is a f*ing INSULT to the Intelligence and Integrity of EVERY American, not just the ones they openly screwed...AGAIN.

How long are Americans going to passively put up with the Chicom Media manipulation /propaganda / blackouts / control and spontaneous Un-Constitutional and Criminal oppression and forced / imposed rule and stealing of our democracy?

The Obama administration weaponized the IRS and used it against American citizens legally opposing President Obama's re-election...

'Oops...our bad. Nothing to see here...'

The Obama administration intentionally and admittedly illegally spying on US citizens, reporters, the media, US Senators, USSC Justices, and a newly elected President..

- Report: Obama’s Spying On The Press Was Far More Extensive Than Previously Thought

- Obama administration’s spying on Donald Trump

The FISA Court came out recently and revealed the FBI has been illegally violating FISA Court Laws to illegally spy on Americans for DECADES....

- New FISA Court Opinion Reveals More Illegal FBI Spying On Americans

The Democratic party SCREWED Americans out of their preferred candidate by rigging their primaries, helping Hillary cheat in debates, and finally GIVING her the nomination she could not win on her own...before she lost the rigged 2016 election the Obama administration attempted to help give her

- Donna Brazile said the 2016 primary was rigged before she said it wasn't

A moment of un-intentional HONESTY....


2020 Primaries - a Democrat Party rep early on publicly told voters they could vote on whoever they wanted to get the nomination but thatit was THE PARTY who eventually chose the nominee, no matter who they wanted

The Democrats once again rigged their primaries and screwed both candidates and voters out of the nomination

- Here’s why Bernie bros believe the primary is rigged against Sanders

- Inside the 72 Hours Establishment Dems Took from Bernie, Gave to Biden
You sound overwrought. Sit back, relax, and have some more koolaide.
people have lost a lot of rights and yo laugh at it. At anytime the government could have squashed the riots. The laws are in place. They were used for the benefit of the Prog agendas. Progs will not tolerate that against them.

If that were true, you wouldn't be able to spout your crap here, would you?
It is true I can and do spew crap. Many people in other avenues have been limited. I am not a powerful person. And frankly as you know we type on these boards and that is what they are. When W. got the Homeland Security, the TSA and the Patriot Act done I could not vote for him again. Progs expanded on that. Laws are in place to silence us all. Prog governors arresting people in areas where no one is because of not wearing a mask is a pimple on a 600 pound woman's ass on what they can do. To me, it is hoping that we as a people do not keep moving to insanity. And Progs using social justice for groups blur the loss of rights that keep being written into laws. Progs expanded the loss of rights when in power. They are not your friends. The state is the master over the citizen.
Eric Holder's investigation into all Trump finances to commence Monday.

Holder is a dumb downed racist asshole

What should be investigated is Biden's pedo crackhead son

It really is too late.

All we can do now is sit back and brace ourselves for the coming swing to radical Socialism just as happened in Venezuela.
we are on that exact same path. Playing fair and by the rules against tyrants is a losing strategy.

This was coming whether Trump won or not....just maybe delayed a few more years.

First up.....they are absolutely positively with out question coming after your firearms. Bar none.
When it starts, the vast majority will be shocked over the speed and brutality at which they do it.
Out of kindness, they will allow a brief time to voluntarily turn them in. After that all bets are off.

And just as they took the election, they will take the guns. it's guaranteed.

When they come for your guns, you have to accept that you are going to die, and take as many of them as you possibly can with you.

I wonder how many lists you're on....
A stealth fighter you are not.
This stolen election has been so piss-poorly and comedicly carried out, as if they did not even try to hide it, so amateurishly, that it is a f*ing INSULT to the Intelligence and Integrity of EVERY American, not just the ones they openly screwed...AGAIN.

How long are Americans going to passively put up with the Chicom Media manipulation /propaganda / blackouts / control and spontaneous Un-Constitutional and Criminal oppression and forced / imposed rule and stealing of our democracy?

The Obama administration weaponized the IRS and used it against American citizens legally opposing President Obama's re-election...

'Oops...our bad. Nothing to see here...'

The Obama administration intentionally and admittedly illegally spying on US citizens, reporters, the media, US Senators, USSC Justices, and a newly elected President..

- Report: Obama’s Spying On The Press Was Far More Extensive Than Previously Thought

- Obama administration’s spying on Donald Trump

The FISA Court came out recently and revealed the FBI has been illegally violating FISA Court Laws to illegally spy on Americans for DECADES....

- New FISA Court Opinion Reveals More Illegal FBI Spying On Americans

The Democratic party SCREWED Americans out of their preferred candidate by rigging their primaries, helping Hillary cheat in debates, and finally GIVING her the nomination she could not win on her own...before she lost the rigged 2016 election the Obama administration attempted to help give her

- Donna Brazile said the 2016 primary was rigged before she said it wasn't

A moment of un-intentional HONESTY....


2020 Primaries - a Democrat Party rep early on publicly told voters they could vote on whoever they wanted to get the nomination but thatit was THE PARTY who eventually chose the nominee, no matter who they wanted

The Democrats once again rigged their primaries and screwed both candidates and voters out of the nomination

- Here’s why Bernie bros believe the primary is rigged against Sanders

- Inside the 72 Hours Establishment Dems Took from Bernie, Gave to Biden

1) Both conservative and progressive groups were targeted by the IRS. You always leave that part out of your narrative. Stop repeating this bullshit.
2) Crab about the FISA "process" all you want. That's all the IG cited in his report. And until you get rid of the Patriot Act, you'll still have FISA warrants.
3) Sigh..the primary was not rigged. That's how it operated. And Obama had nothing to do with it.
4) Double sigh. Bernie was leading. Until Biden started getting more votes than he did. Simple.
And your touching concern for Bernie is noted since he exudes the "socialism" type ideas that you and your ilk find so offensive.
Which leads me to my question...Why do you care what happened to Bernie?

The time to do "something" was decades ago.
No one did.
This was inevitable. What people still can't imagine is that YES, the United States of America can and probably will turn Socialist....then Communist.

Americans ( the real ones) were beat into submission and shamed into silence. over 75 yeas the damage is done.
It's really too late now.

in the near future....Venezuelans and Cubans (and Mexicans) will begin to return home, the America Dream being smothered and extinguished.
The Left thinks it has won because they can finish off America.....they lose as much as everyone else.

Years ago I predicted this and explained how younger generations are indoctrinated early (yes, you knew this too) and that eventually, this would lead to a shift in Political sentiment, favoring the Elites and Globalists.

We're there now.
yep that pretty much sums it all up in a nutshell.
This stolen election has been so piss-poorly and comedicly carried out, as if they did not even try to hide it, so amateurishly, that it is a f*ing INSULT to the Intelligence and Integrity of EVERY American, not just the ones they openly screwed...AGAIN.

How long are Americans going to passively put up with the Chicom Media manipulation /propaganda / blackouts / control and spontaneous Un-Constitutional and Criminal oppression and forced / imposed rule and stealing of our democracy?

The Obama administration weaponized the IRS and used it against American citizens legally opposing President Obama's re-election...

'Oops...our bad. Nothing to see here...'

The Obama administration intentionally and admittedly illegally spying on US citizens, reporters, the media, US Senators, USSC Justices, and a newly elected President..

- Report: Obama’s Spying On The Press Was Far More Extensive Than Previously Thought

- Obama administration’s spying on Donald Trump

The FISA Court came out recently and revealed the FBI has been illegally violating FISA Court Laws to illegally spy on Americans for DECADES....

- New FISA Court Opinion Reveals More Illegal FBI Spying On Americans

The Democratic party SCREWED Americans out of their preferred candidate by rigging their primaries, helping Hillary cheat in debates, and finally GIVING her the nomination she could not win on her own...before she lost the rigged 2016 election the Obama administration attempted to help give her

- Donna Brazile said the 2016 primary was rigged before she said it wasn't

A moment of un-intentional HONESTY....


2020 Primaries - a Democrat Party rep early on publicly told voters they could vote on whoever they wanted to get the nomination but thatit was THE PARTY who eventually chose the nominee, no matter who they wanted

The Democrats once again rigged their primaries and screwed both candidates and voters out of the nomination

- Here’s why Bernie bros believe the primary is rigged against Sanders

- Inside the 72 Hours Establishment Dems Took from Bernie, Gave to Biden
You sound overwrought. Sit back, relax, and have some more koolaide.
people have lost a lot of rights and yo laugh at it. At anytime the government could have squashed the riots. The laws are in place. They were used for the benefit of the Prog agendas. Progs will not tolerate that against them.

If that were true, you wouldn't be able to spout your crap here, would you?
It is true I can and do spew crap. Many people in other avenues have been limited. I am not a powerful person. And frankly as you know we type on these boards and that is what they are. When W. got the Homeland Security, the TSA and the Patriot Act done I could not vote for him again. Progs expanded on that. Laws are in place to silence us all. Prog governors arresting people in areas where no one is because of not wearing a mask is a pimple on a 600 pound woman's ass on what they can do. To me, it is hoping that we as a people do not keep moving to insanity. And Progs using social justice for groups blur the loss of rights that keep being written into laws. Progs expanded the loss of rights when in power. They are not your friends. The state is the master over the citizen.
sad but true.
Who's lost rights?

Everyone. Freedom of speech is gone. The free press is gone, freedom of religion is gone, the right to keep and BEAR arms is under assault, the right to be secure in person and papers is gone. The list is long - you Chinese Communists have done well with your war against us.
Eric Holder's investigation into all Trump finances to commence Monday.

Holder is a dumb downed racist asshole

What should be investigated is Biden's pedo crackhead son

It really is too late.

All we can do now is sit back and brace ourselves for the coming swing to radical Socialism just as happened in Venezuela.
we are on that exact same path. Playing fair and by the rules against tyrants is a losing strategy.

This was coming whether Trump won or not....just maybe delayed a few more years.

First up.....they are absolutely positively with out question coming after your firearms. Bar none.
When it starts, the vast majority will be shocked over the speed and brutality at which they do it.
Out of kindness, they will allow a brief time to voluntarily turn them in. After that all bets are off.

And just as they took the election, they will take the guns. it's guaranteed.

When they come for your guns, you have to accept that you are going to die, and take as many of them as you possibly can with you.

I wonder how many lists you're on....
A stealth fighter you are not.

I am a free man. I will not bow to tyrants nor the tyranny of "lists." I speak plain truth.

We all must accept that at the point that the DNCCP is willing to forcibly disarm the proles, the resisters will not survive. Make it painful for the tyrants.
Who's lost rights?

Everyone. Freedom of speech is gone. The free press is gone, freedom of religion is gone, the right to keep and BEAR arms is under assault, the right to be secure in person and papers is gone. The list is long - you Chinese Communists have done well with your war against us.
Wow, koolaide is gonna be in real short supply for a few years I think.
Who's lost rights?

Everyone. Freedom of speech is gone. The free press is gone, freedom of religion is gone, the right to keep and BEAR arms is under assault, the right to be secure in person and papers is gone. The list is long - you Chinese Communists have done well with your war against us.

I don't think any of that is true, but if you do, you should STFU, and go get your bible and guns so we don't have to wait for you when we come by to pick them up. Your cooperation will make a difference in which FEMA prison you will be sent to.
In the past 5,000 years what always eventually happens to thugs like Dems, well there you go.

They move to Argentina, Uruguay and Brasil and live happily ever after? Hell, maybe even China. They certainly have friends there.
I love a good conspiracy theory thread. Keep up the good work.
Hey, enjoy them -- many of these folks may be going back to Stormfront pretty soon.

Hell no....we’re all staying right here to watch you LefTarded fucks burn the place to the fucking ground....We’ll point and laugh at you every step of the way and we’ll be there for you when you’re ready to get of your own way.
This stolen election has been so piss-poorly and comedicly carried out, as if they did not even try to hide it, so amateurishly, that it is a f*ing INSULT to the Intelligence and Integrity of EVERY American, not just the ones they openly screwed...AGAIN.

How long are Americans going to passively put up with the Chicom Media manipulation /propaganda / blackouts / control and spontaneous Un-Constitutional and Criminal oppression and forced / imposed rule and stealing of our democracy?

The Obama administration weaponized the IRS and used it against American citizens legally opposing President Obama's re-election...

'Oops...our bad. Nothing to see here...'

The Obama administration intentionally and admittedly illegally spying on US citizens, reporters, the media, US Senators, USSC Justices, and a newly elected President..

- Report: Obama’s Spying On The Press Was Far More Extensive Than Previously Thought

- Obama administration’s spying on Donald Trump

The FISA Court came out recently and revealed the FBI has been illegally violating FISA Court Laws to illegally spy on Americans for DECADES....

- New FISA Court Opinion Reveals More Illegal FBI Spying On Americans

The Democratic party SCREWED Americans out of their preferred candidate by rigging their primaries, helping Hillary cheat in debates, and finally GIVING her the nomination she could not win on her own...before she lost the rigged 2016 election the Obama administration attempted to help give her

- Donna Brazile said the 2016 primary was rigged before she said it wasn't

A moment of un-intentional HONESTY....


2020 Primaries - a Democrat Party rep early on publicly told voters they could vote on whoever they wanted to get the nomination but thatit was THE PARTY who eventually chose the nominee, no matter who they wanted

The Democrats once again rigged their primaries and screwed both candidates and voters out of the nomination

- Here’s why Bernie bros believe the primary is rigged against Sanders

- Inside the 72 Hours Establishment Dems Took from Bernie, Gave to Biden

Ooooohhhh... another Rumpian Civil War master-baiter? Damned funny stuff... :auiqs.jpg:

Lighten up, Francis... there will be no Civil War... and you clowns aren't going to do jack-$hit...
I love a good conspiracy theory thread. Keep up the good work.
Hey, enjoy them -- many of these folks may be going back to Stormfront pretty soon.

Hell no....we’re all staying right here to watch you LefTarded fucks burn the place to the fucking ground....We’ll point and laugh at you every step of the way and we’ll be there for you when you’re ready to get of your own way.
Okay, neat.
1) Both conservative and progressive groups were targeted by the IRS. You always leave that part out of your narrative. Stop repeating this bullshit.
2) Crab about the FISA "process" all you want. That's all the IG cited in his report. And until you get rid of the Patriot Act, you'll still have FISA warrants.
3) Sigh..the primary was not rigged. That's how it operated. And Obama had nothing to do with it.
4) Double sigh. Bernie was leading. Until Biden started getting more votes than he did. Simple.
And your touching concern for Bernie is noted since he exudes the "socialism" type ideas that you and your ilk find so offensive.
Which leads me to my question...Why do you care what happened to Bernie?
Alright lets go drag that worthless fuck out of the white house and toss him in a shit hole prison till charges are drawn then hang him.
Sorry, I don't drink that Democrat shit. I'm an American who actually thinks for himself and does not have to have fake news media and talking points tell me what to say and think, like you, snowflake.
Democrats will save AMERICA
Democrats will save AMERICA

Through proven seditious, treasonous, criminal Russian Collusion / Bank Connection scandals and failed criminal Impeachment coup attempts?

Through perpetrating the largest criminal political scandals in US history?

Through double-standards and separate laws for themselves?

Through illegally spying on and oppressing citizens?

By censoring, silencing, and stripping Americans of their rights while they engage in Insider Trading, perjury, manufacturing false evidence, etc...?

By selling out the US to China, Russia, etc... to enrich themselves, as the Bidens have?

But massively violating the US Constitution and Rule of Law to facilitate the invasion of the US, forcing struggling Americans, who can bary afford to take care of themselves in the middle of this massive Bidenflation, pay for the housing, feeding, medical care, transportation, etc... of millions of illegals?

Through race baiting, fear mongering, violent rhetoric, division, hatred, CRT, Transgender indoctrination, labeling parents who oppose this liberal indoctrination 'terrorists'?

Democrats are ripping thos nation apart at the seams, it is all preventable, all man-made,and they've got their foot on the gas...

...all for personal and party power & profit.

NOTHING they have done is for country and citizens, and everything they have done has failed, made things worse, and iscrestroying this country.

Over 70% of Ameticans believe we are on the wrong track, that Biden has failed, that he is the worst President in history in only 1 1/2 years...

Wake the f* up.

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