Once again Biden says that the Republicans are a threat to democracy

No, just republicans.

On October 23, 2001, U.S. Representative Jim Sensenbrenner (R-WI) introduced House bill H.R. 3162, which incorporated provisions from a previously-sponsored House bill, and a Senate bill introduced earlier in the month.
The next day, October 24, the Act passed the House by a vote of 357–66, with Democrats comprising the overwhelming majority of "no"-votes.
The three Republicans voting "no" were Robert Ney of Ohio, Butch Otter of Idaho, and Ron Paul of Texas. On October 25, the Act passed the Senate with a vote of 98–1. Russ Feingold (D-WI) voted "no".

On October 26, then US President George Bush signed the Patriot Act into law.
The Patriot Act is SWAMP INC.
Disagree with these wantabe dictators & they will kill you. Prominent Pro-Trump Republican activist Steven Alembik shot his wife multiple times and then turns the gun on himself in the parking lot of a Florida burger restaurant. After being shot, Alembik's wife ran into the restaurant “bleeding profusely” and begging for someone to call paramedics. Alembik stayed in his car where he “took his own life” with his gun rather than face justice. Alembik shot his wife “in the back and arm” — and she is currently fighting for her life “in critical condition.” Alembik was a major Republican donor, a die-hard supporter of Donald Trump, and stirred controversy by calling President Obama a “Muslim n*gger” and tweeting that “Ruth Bader Ginsburg can't die soon enough.” He was a regular guest at Mar-a-Lago — and had close ties to President Trump and other Republican leaders like Florida Senator Rick Scott and Florida Governor DeSantis. Shockingly, prominent Trumper Laura Loomer praised the murderous activist today, declaring that he was a “wonderful and kindhearted man” — despite the fact that he had just attempted to kill his wife.
No mention of what party introduced it and passed it into law.

@Smokin' OP

Of course, why should have those Democrats given a flying fuck about 2,977 dead Americans on 9/11, or the safety and security of this country? It was the Clinton administration whose incompetent foreign policies and the weakening of the military and intelligence communities that set us up for the attack on the World Trade Towers.

Bill Clinton’s Terrorism Strategy Led to 9/11. Hillary Clinton’s Is the Exact Same Thing.

And in case you haven't noticed, Joe Biden is doing the same thing to us. We've already lost 13 American soldiers during his botched Afghanistan withdrawal and we're teetering on the brink of nuclear war.
Well the scuttlebutt on social media is that Hillary is considering throwing her hat back into the ring. And she wants to send all of us to reeducation camps. So she's just following the apparent party line and agenda yes?
I might actually vote for her if she is actually planning reeducation camps.

Biden condescendingly smears millions of hardworking Americans: "This is not your father's Republican Party"

"They don't look at democracy the way you and I look at democracy."

Scott Pelly gave Biden only softball questions.
The Democrats keep on trying to smear the Republicans as a threat to democracy.
Why? How are the Republicans a threat to democracy?
I think that the Democrats must have focus group tested the word "democracy".
What the Democrats are calling "democracy" is a lie.
Their crazy far left version of "democracy" means censorship, politically motivated phony indictments, ballot box stuffing, the politicization of the DOJ and FBI, shooting unarmed protesters, flooding the nation with illegal aliens to change the demographics of the country, illegally spying on Trump's campaign, using the FISA court to smear Trump with their crazy Russian Collusion conspiracy....
The Democrat version of "democracy" is a one-party totalitarian police state where they can censor and arrest their opponents.
This is not John Kennedy's Democrat Party anymore.
Kennedy fought against marxism, and now the marxist have taken over the Democrat Party.
The Democrat Party's far left fanaticism and unhinged hate, racism and violence and ludicrous lying and rampant corruption is the real threat to our "democracy". (we are a constitutional republic)

I agree with Xiden, Republicans don't look at democracy the same way the Demafacscit do.

They don't believe in creating a Ministry of Truth, like the Demafacsist, they don't help fund Hamas, like Xiden, they don't prosecute political rivals, like the Demafacsit...so yes, they don't look at it the same way
I might actually vote for her if she is actually planning reeducation camps.

Hillary Clinton will lie on her deathbed gasping for one last breath of air, and knowing that she will never ever be President of this country.

The sooner the better.

Biden condescendingly smears millions of hardworking Americans: "This is not your father's Republican Party"

"They don't look at democracy the way you and I look at democracy."

Scott Pelly gave Biden only softball questions.
The Democrats keep on trying to smear the Republicans as a threat to democracy.
Why? How are the Republicans a threat to democracy?
I think that the Democrats must have focus group tested the word "democracy".
What the Democrats are calling "democracy" is a lie.
Their crazy far left version of "democracy" means censorship, politically motivated phony indictments, ballot box stuffing, the politicization of the DOJ and FBI, shooting unarmed protesters, flooding the nation with illegal aliens to change the demographics of the country, illegally spying on Trump's campaign, using the FISA court to smear Trump with their crazy Russian Collusion conspiracy....
The Democrat version of "democracy" is a one-party totalitarian police state where they can censor and arrest their opponents.
This is not John Kennedy's Democrat Party anymore.
Kennedy fought against marxism, and now the marxist have taken over the Democrat Party.
The Democrat Party's far left fanaticism and unhinged hate, racism and violence and ludicrous lying and rampant corruption is the real threat to our "democracy". (we are a constitutional republic)

His eyes are just dark slits.
Hillary Clinton will lie on her deathbed gasping for one last breath of air, and knowing that she will never ever be President of this country.

The sooner the better.
Yea yea, sure sure, but can we still have the reeducation camps?
@Smokin' OP

Of course, why should have those Democrats given a flying fuck about 2,977 dead Americans on 9/11, or the safety and security of this country?
Of course, why would republicans create, pass and sign into law the patriot act, then bitch about it, for years later?
It was the Clinton administration whose incompetent foreign policies and the weakening of the military and intelligence communities that set us up for the attack on the World Trade Towers.
Of course, and instead of attacking the US during Clinton's term, they waited until Bush was president to attack.

What the CIA knew before 9/11: New details - POLITICO​

https://www.politico.eu › article › attacks-will-be-spect...

Nov 13, 2015 — An exclusive look at how the Bush administration ignored warnings, including some that were far more detailed than previously revealed.

Bin Ladin Determined To Strike in US​

https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Bin_Ladin_Determin...

Bush on Monday, August 6, 2001. The brief warned, 36 days before the September 11 attacks, of terrorism threats from Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda, including ...

Teabaggers, just like their dear leader, will find a way to deflect blame to "others".

The latest.

Tapper cuts off Haley for blaming Biden for House not ...​

The Hill
https://thehill.com › homenews › campaign › 425699...

22 hours ago — CNN's Jake Tapper shut down GOP presidential candidate Nikki Haley for blaming President Biden for the House being unable to elect a new ...

Bill Clinton’s Terrorism Strategy Led to 9/11. Hillary Clinton’s Is the Exact Same Thing.

And in case you haven't noticed, Joe Biden is doing the same thing to us. We've already lost 13 American soldiers during his botched Afghanistan withdrawal and we're teetering on the brink of nuclear war.
More teabagger hysterics.


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Democrats and Republicans have never matured beyond the 'my dad can beat up your dad' stage.
@Smokin' OP

Of course, why should have those Democrats given a flying fuck about 2,977 dead Americans on 9/11, or the safety and security of this country? It was the Clinton administration whose incompetent foreign policies and the weakening of the military and intelligence communities that set us up for the attack on the World Trade Towers.

Bill Clinton’s Terrorism Strategy Led to 9/11. Hillary Clinton’s Is the Exact Same Thing.

And in case you haven't noticed, Joe Biden is doing the same thing to us. We've already lost 13 American soldiers during his botched Afghanistan withdrawal and we're teetering on the brink of nuclear war.
You continue spewing stupid partisan lies.

Aug 6th, 2001 PDB & Putin's call to Bush on Sep 9, 2001 stated who, what, where, when, why & how 9/11 attacks would happen. Bush just flew to Florida & refused to take action or inform FBI & CIA.

Bush's high school friend General Tommy Franks gave the president's orders to Delta Force to not attack Bin Laden in Tora Bora.

Bush's US Army scientist Bruce E. Ivins mailed the anthrax letters that killed five people in 2001 to Democrats & media who opposed invading Iraq.

Obama gave the orders for Seal Team to kill Bin Laden. Obama & Biden got US out of those bankrupting wars that killed 20,000 US citizens.

Biden condescendingly smears millions of hardworking Americans: "This is not your father's Republican Party"

"They don't look at democracy the way you and I look at democracy."

Scott Pelly gave Biden only softball questions.
The Democrats keep on trying to smear the Republicans as a threat to democracy.
Why? How are the Republicans a threat to democracy?
I think that the Democrats must have focus group tested the word "democracy".
What the Democrats are calling "democracy" is a lie.
Their crazy far left version of "democracy" means censorship, politically motivated phony indictments, ballot box stuffing, the politicization of the DOJ and FBI, shooting unarmed protesters, flooding the nation with illegal aliens to change the demographics of the country, illegally spying on Trump's campaign, using the FISA court to smear Trump with their crazy Russian Collusion conspiracy....
The Democrat version of "democracy" is a one-party totalitarian police state where they can censor and arrest their opponents.
This is not John Kennedy's Democrat Party anymore.
Kennedy fought against marxism, and now the marxist have taken over the Democrat Party.
The Democrat Party's far left fanaticism and unhinged hate, racism and violence and ludicrous lying and rampant corruption is the real threat to our "democracy". (we are a constitutional republic)

That was one of the worst interviews I've ever seen. Nothing but softball questions and pandering to Biden.

Biden condescendingly smears millions of hardworking Americans: "This is not your father's Republican Party"

"They don't look at democracy the way you and I look at democracy."

Scott Pelly gave Biden only softball questions.
The Democrats keep on trying to smear the Republicans as a threat to democracy.
Why? How are the Republicans a threat to democracy?
I think that the Democrats must have focus group tested the word "democracy".
What the Democrats are calling "democracy" is a lie.
Their crazy far left version of "democracy" means censorship, politically motivated phony indictments, ballot box stuffing, the politicization of the DOJ and FBI, shooting unarmed protesters, flooding the nation with illegal aliens to change the demographics of the country, illegally spying on Trump's campaign, using the FISA court to smear Trump with their crazy Russian Collusion conspiracy....
The Democrat version of "democracy" is a one-party totalitarian police state where they can censor and arrest their opponents.
This is not John Kennedy's Democrat Party anymore.
Kennedy fought against marxism, and now the marxist have taken over the Democrat Party.
The Democrat Party's far left fanaticism and unhinged hate, racism and violence and ludicrous lying and rampant corruption is the real threat to our "democracy". (we are a constitutional republic)

I believe it is called politics. I remember when I was young, a few decades ago, Democrats were saying that Republicans are war mongers and wanted to take senior's social security away. Seems like there are more wars under Democrats and even decades later we still have social security. What's amazing is their Borg Collective still believe this nonsense.
I believe it is called politics. I remember when I was young, a few decades ago, Democrats were saying that Republicans are war mongers and wanted to take senior's social security away. Seems like there are more wars under Democrats and even decades later we still have social security. What's amazing is their Borg Collective still believe this nonsense.
Dems never talk about their own policies because they suck and are unpopular with the people. Therefore Dems talk shit about Republicans because they have nothing else to run on.

Biden condescendingly smears millions of hardworking Americans: "This is not your father's Republican Party"

"They don't look at democracy the way you and I look at democracy."

Scott Pelly gave Biden only softball questions.
The Democrats keep on trying to smear the Republicans as a threat to democracy.
Why? How are the Republicans a threat to democracy?

Jan 6.
anti-democratic voting laws
Anti-democratic laws giving GOP legislatures power to overturn election results they don't like...

Sorry to woke you.

Biden condescendingly smears millions of hardworking Americans: "This is not your father's Republican Party"

"They don't look at democracy the way you and I look at democracy."

Scott Pelly gave Biden only softball questions.
The Democrats keep on trying to smear the Republicans as a threat to democracy.
Why? How are the Republicans a threat to democracy?
I think that the Democrats must have focus group tested the word "democracy".
What the Democrats are calling "democracy" is a lie.
Their crazy far left version of "democracy" means censorship, politically motivated phony indictments, ballot box stuffing, the politicization of the DOJ and FBI, shooting unarmed protesters, flooding the nation with illegal aliens to change the demographics of the country, illegally spying on Trump's campaign, using the FISA court to smear Trump with their crazy Russian Collusion conspiracy....
The Democrat version of "democracy" is a one-party totalitarian police state where they can censor and arrest their opponents.
This is not John Kennedy's Democrat Party anymore.
Kennedy fought against marxism, and now the marxist have taken over the Democrat Party.
The Democrat Party's far left fanaticism and unhinged hate, racism and violence and ludicrous lying and rampant corruption is the real threat to our "democracy". (we are a constitutional republic)

The man may be forgetful, but he isn’t demented, like Trump. He speaks the truth, while Trump goes off the rails!


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