Once again Biden says that the Republicans are a threat to democracy

Disagree with these wantabe dictators & they will kill you. Prominent Pro-Trump Republican activist Steven Alembik shot his wife multiple times and then turns the gun on himself in the parking lot of a Florida burger restaurant. After being shot, Alembik's wife ran into the restaurant “bleeding profusely” and begging for someone to call paramedics. Alembik stayed in his car where he “took his own life” with his gun rather than face justice. Alembik shot his wife “in the back and arm” — and she is currently fighting for her life “in critical condition.” Alembik was a major Republican donor, a die-hard supporter of Donald Trump, and stirred controversy by calling President Obama a “Muslim n*gger” and tweeting that “Ruth Bader Ginsburg can't die soon enough.” He was a regular guest at Mar-a-Lago — and had close ties to President Trump and other Republican leaders like Florida Senator Rick Scott and Florida Governor DeSantis. Shockingly, prominent Trumper Laura Loomer praised the murderous activist today, declaring that he was a “wonderful and kindhearted man” — despite the fact that he had just attempted to kill his wife.
You continue spewing stupid partisan lies.

Aug 6th, 2001 PDB & Putin's call to Bush on Sep 9, 2001 stated who, what, where, when, why & how 9/11 attacks would happen. Bush just flew to Florida & refused to take action or inform FBI & CIA.

Bush's high school friend General Tommy Franks gave the president's orders to Delta Force to not attack Bin Laden in Tora Bora.

Bush's US Army scientist Bruce E. Ivins mailed the anthrax letters that killed five people in 2001 to Democrats & media who opposed invading Iraq.

Obama gave the orders for Seal Team to kill Bin Laden. Obama & Biden got US out of those bankrupting wars that killed 20,000 US citizens.

Seems that a cold front has brought in a blizzard of snowflakery.

President Biden says ...'today's Republican party isn't the Republican party of your father. (channeling and old Oldsmobile marketing line?)
And the snowflakes melt.
Sensitive souls who whimper away from any skepticisms, any alternative views.

I love this bar.
And you conveniently left out the line that we were all addressing. I swear such intellectual dishonesty must be caused from the water the Left drinks or some such.

Biden condescendingly smears millions of hardworking Americans: "This is not your father's Republican Party"

"They don't look at democracy the way you and I look at democracy."

Scott Pelly gave Biden only softball questions.
The Democrats keep on trying to smear the Republicans as a threat to democracy.
Why? How are the Republicans a threat to democracy?
I think that the Democrats must have focus group tested the word "democracy".
What the Democrats are calling "democracy" is a lie.
Their crazy far left version of "democracy" means censorship, politically motivated phony indictments, ballot box stuffing, the politicization of the DOJ and FBI, shooting unarmed protesters, flooding the nation with illegal aliens to change the demographics of the country, illegally spying on Trump's campaign, using the FISA court to smear Trump with their crazy Russian Collusion conspiracy....
The Democrat version of "democracy" is a one-party totalitarian police state where they can censor and arrest their opponents.
This is not John Kennedy's Democrat Party anymore.
Kennedy fought against marxism, and now the marxist have taken over the Democrat Party.
The Democrat Party's far left fanaticism and unhinged hate, racism and violence and ludicrous lying and rampant corruption is the real threat to our "democracy". (we are a constitutional republic)

bunker FUJB.jpg
Well the scuttlebutt on social media is that Hillary is considering throwing her hat back into the ring. And she wants to send all of us to reeducation camps. So she's just following the apparent party line and agenda yes?
Sounds like a plan!
And which political party has been continuously attacking our Bill of Rights? The Marxist Democrats, obviously.
I'm submitting a reply to my own post, but addressing the reply to "Smokin' OP, who cited my post as "Fake News."
1. Freedom of Speech, one of our fundamental Rights. There are ample videos of Committee Hearings discussing whether the Freedom of Speech should be curtailed in anything considered "hate speech." THAT is the leftist pro-Marxist left government seeking to restrict speech and as one man's speech can be considered hate speech by some, but not by all.
2. The Right to Bear Arms: The leftist states have been continually striving to crush that right through various legal actions and have started to seek ways and even ignore Supreme Court decisions. They know that the extremely vast number of firearms owners aren't committing crimes with their weapons. Hell, they're even letting violent criminals committing gun crimes back out on the streets right after committing violent crimes, knowing full well they are going to repeat their actions. That purpose if to foment fear of all firearms owners. After all, once the citizenry is disarmed, there is nothing to interfere with any oppression of the public.
Threat to democracy is Donald Trump and the republican army he tries to assemble.

Jim Jordan who mimic Trump in the election was stolen fantasy.

He was part of the minority to vote to reject the election results. in PA and Arizona. It ultimately failed . PA and Arizona results still stand today after numerous challenges. Even after the cry baby Trump's plea. So they were wrong to even bring it up and only painted them as the ones who tried to steal the election.

He was a supporter for Pence to not count lawful electoral votes and was the one who first suggested it.

In the house report about Jan 6 riots, he was mention as a key player in helping trump overturn the election.

He was with Trump's key people in overturning the election in meetings to discuss how to get Trump another win.

Donald Trump is the threat to democracy and the seeds that he has planted.

The only good ending to this is when Trump fades away and hopefully his minions will realize the error of their ways.

We can see why Trump endorsed him for house speaker but luckily that failed.

Unfortunately the new guy (who is a layer)has similar problems. He floated ideas to keep Trump in power. He even took the airwaves and repeated conspiracy theories.

He was one of the few republicans to vote for the cutoff of aid to Ukraine.

Trump will be happy until that day in court when he won't be happy.

Still he has the two J's in congress that will do his bidding.

Last edited:
Last night a liberal tried to tell me how a Trump election will lead to WWIII.

How is it these people have such short memories, and where's the critical thought?

Biden condescendingly smears millions of hardworking Americans: "This is not your father's Republican Party"

"They don't look at democracy the way you and I look at democracy."

Scott Pelly gave Biden only softball questions.
The Democrats keep on trying to smear the Republicans as a threat to democracy.
Why? How are the Republicans a threat to democracy?
I think that the Democrats must have focus group tested the word "democracy".
What the Democrats are calling "democracy" is a lie.
Their crazy far left version of "democracy" means censorship, politically motivated phony indictments, ballot box stuffing, the politicization of the DOJ and FBI, shooting unarmed protesters, flooding the nation with illegal aliens to change the demographics of the country, illegally spying on Trump's campaign, using the FISA court to smear Trump with their crazy Russian Collusion conspiracy....
The Democrat version of "democracy" is a one-party totalitarian police state where they can censor and arrest their opponents.
This is not John Kennedy's Democrat Party anymore.
Kennedy fought against marxism, and now the marxist have taken over the Democrat Party.
The Democrat Party's far left fanaticism and unhinged hate, racism and violence and ludicrous lying and rampant corruption is the real threat to our "democracy". (we are a constitutional republic)

It’s about time. Keep harping in it. They are election, women's rights and science deniers. It’s nit being unhinged pointing out the obvious. The GOP is unhinged supporting a confessed fraud with 91 felony indictments. Geesus, that’s as bad as the NRA that only has criminals and frauds in their leadership.

Biden condescendingly smears millions of hardworking Americans: "This is not your father's Republican Party"

"They don't look at democracy the way you and I look at democracy."

Scott Pelly gave Biden only softball questions.
The Democrats keep on trying to smear the Republicans as a threat to democracy.
Why? How are the Republicans a threat to democracy?
I think that the Democrats must have focus group tested the word "democracy".
What the Democrats are calling "democracy" is a lie.
Their crazy far left version of "democracy" means censorship, politically motivated phony indictments, ballot box stuffing, the politicization of the DOJ and FBI, shooting unarmed protesters, flooding the nation with illegal aliens to change the demographics of the country, illegally spying on Trump's campaign, using the FISA court to smear Trump with their crazy Russian Collusion conspiracy....
The Democrat version of "democracy" is a one-party totalitarian police state where they can censor and arrest their opponents.
This is not John Kennedy's Democrat Party anymore.
Kennedy fought against marxism, and now the marxist have taken over the Democrat Party.
The Democrat Party's far left fanaticism and unhinged hate, racism and violence and ludicrous lying and rampant corruption is the real threat to our "democracy". (we are a constitutional republic)

He’s right and has more on the ball than Trump.

Biden condescendingly smears millions of hardworking Americans: "This is not your father's Republican Party"

"They don't look at democracy the way you and I look at democracy."

Scott Pelly gave Biden only softball questions.
The Democrats keep on trying to smear the Republicans as a threat to democracy.
Why? How are the Republicans a threat to democracy?
I think that the Democrats must have focus group tested the word "democracy".
What the Democrats are calling "democracy" is a lie.
Their crazy far left version of "democracy" means censorship, politically motivated phony indictments, ballot box stuffing, the politicization of the DOJ and FBI, shooting unarmed protesters, flooding the nation with illegal aliens to change the demographics of the country, illegally spying on Trump's campaign, using the FISA court to smear Trump with their crazy Russian Collusion conspiracy....
The Democrat version of "democracy" is a one-party totalitarian police state where they can censor and arrest their opponents.
This is not John Kennedy's Democrat Party anymore.
Kennedy fought against marxism, and now the marxist have taken over the Democrat Party.
The Democrat Party's far left fanaticism and unhinged hate, racism and violence and ludicrous lying and rampant corruption is the real threat to our "democracy". (we are a constitutional republic)

Well the GOP just made an election denier as Speaker... So Biden has a point...

Now I know that is going to set the election deniers here off but gorow up... You want to believe in fantasies then you are going to get hurt when told the truth..
Well, I'd agree, though I think US democracy is so weak in the first place

What Trump is doing is outrageous and will lead to something bad in the future.
Seriously republicans are crying because what Biden has said and he only said that they are not the same under Trump's leadership. Which really can't be denied.

It is true. Trump spread the lies about the election stolen. two states which are republican leaning clearly stated that Trump lies were incorrect. There was no fraud.

Still he held a rally on the day that they were going to certify the election.
He tells the crowd to "stop the steal"

He had people try to tell him how he could still win by doing things that were clearly wrong. Fake electors, Pence throwing a wrench in the process, etc.

At that point the only way was to achieve that was to disrupt the official last act to certify the winner that is the job that they were required to do based on the constitution.

The constitution does not say that the process can be disrupted by a angry crowd that storms the building.

Republican ignore the actions of that day and complain that Biden said that the republicans are not the same as there were.

well it is true. They are willing to believe the guy who lost. What else is a loser suppose to say. Trump never conceded defeat. Even when two republican leaning states said that there was no fraud.

With the classified documents fiasco , Trump can't admit that he was wrong. It took him until 2022 to finally admit that he lost. This implies that all his actions to overturn the election were wrong


All this does is allows his supporters to repeat the same thing.

Then they claim Hillary did the same thing. Well she voiced an opinion and in the end conceded defeat.

When Trump loses again will he complain that the election was stolen


Biden condescendingly smears millions of hardworking Americans: "This is not your father's Republican Party"

"They don't look at democracy the way you and I look at democracy."

Scott Pelly gave Biden only softball questions.
The Democrats keep on trying to smear the Republicans as a threat to democracy.
Why? How are the Republicans a threat to democracy?
I think that the Democrats must have focus group tested the word "democracy".
What the Democrats are calling "democracy" is a lie.
Their crazy far left version of "democracy" means censorship, politically motivated phony indictments, ballot box stuffing, the politicization of the DOJ and FBI, shooting unarmed protesters, flooding the nation with illegal aliens to change the demographics of the country, illegally spying on Trump's campaign, using the FISA court to smear Trump with their crazy Russian Collusion conspiracy....
The Democrat version of "democracy" is a one-party totalitarian police state where they can censor and arrest their opponents.
This is not John Kennedy's Democrat Party anymore.
Kennedy fought against marxism, and now the marxist have taken over the Democrat Party.
The Democrat Party's far left fanaticism and unhinged hate, racism and violence and ludicrous lying and rampant corruption is the real threat to our "democracy". (we are a constitutional republic)


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