Trump Delivers 2 Pro-Life Victories

Prolife victories would be passing universal Healthcare and affordable 4 year colleges for all.

They are against access to safe abortions and affordable birth control pills and sex education in schools. Then whine about welfare mothers.
I wonder what they are going to do when a female on illegal drugs gets pregnant. Are they going to send her to an impatient place to get help and help her with the costs of delivering the baby and give her good prenatal and postnatal care and Chip for when the baby comes. Are they going to help her get an apartment and get work.

Or are they going to let her and her baby die on the side of the road??

I do wonder what is the end game to all of this.
Prolife victories would be passing universal Healthcare and affordable 4 year colleges for all.

They are against access to safe abortions and affordable birth control pills and sex education in schools. Then whine about welfare mothers.

Universal Healthcare and "affordable" college for all" would be anything but affordable, and to be blunt if you have two brain cells to rub together and are HONEST you know this.
I wonder what they are going to do when a female on illegal drugs gets pregnant. Are they going to send her to an impatient place to get help and help her with the costs of delivering the baby and give her good prenatal and postnatal care and Chip for when the baby comes. Are they going to help her get an apartment and get work.

Or are they going to let her and her baby die on the side of the road??

I do wonder what is the end game to all of this.


You act like this has never happened before.

Pro-life Susan B. Anthony List couldn’t help but cheer about in an email to The Western Journal.

To Feminists' Horror, Trump Delivers 2 Major Pro-Life Victories

“First, the Trump Administration finalized new regulations that protect both religious and moral objectors from the burdensome Obama-era HHS abortifacient drug mandate,” the email said. “The regulations were proposed last year and have now been finalized.”

The email from the Susan B. Anthony List said, “Second, the Trump Administration proposed a new rule that directs insurers selling Obamacare plans that cover elective abortion to collect a separate payment from enrollees for that coverage.
This is required by law but was completely ignored under the Obama Administration, which allowed insurers to collect the payments together.”

Susan B. Anthony list is a bunch of pro life women insinuating she would be pro life and that is not true, so quit using her name.
She was very pro women rights.

To another she answered, "I never found the man who was necessary to my happiness. I was very well as I was."[195] To a third she said, "I never felt I could give up my life of freedom to become a man's housekeeper. When I was young, if a girl married poor, she became a housekeeper and a drudge. If she married wealth she became a pet and a doll. Just think, had I married at twenty, I would have been a drudge or a doll for fifty-nine years. Think of it!

Susan B. Anthony - Wikipedia
I wonder what they are going to do when a female on illegal drugs gets pregnant. Are they going to send her to an impatient place to get help and help her with the costs of delivering the baby and give her good prenatal and postnatal care and Chip for when the baby comes. Are they going to help her get an apartment and get work.

Or are they going to let her and her baby die on the side of the road??

I do wonder what is the end game to all of this.


You act like this has never happened before.


Happens all the time, and thank goodness we have Title X. YOu do not read any links I put up apparently. You have someone in charge of Medicaid that wants to cut Medicaid. These women are on Medicaid. Also one should quit drugs before they even get pregnant , that takes funding from Medicaid to get these females off the streets and back into society.
What a poorly written and biased opinion piece. Part 1;

Zubik v. Burwell (aka: Little Sisters Of The Poor) - In May 2016, the U.S. Supreme Court unanimously ordered lower courts to once again review a case involving Obamacare's contraception mandate. The mandate in question required religious groups to pay for birth control and drugs that may cause abortions."The Supreme Court said that the Little Sisters are protected from having to pay these massive government fines or choose to violate their religious beliefs, and the Supreme Court accepted the admission from the government that the government can modify to be more respectful of religious liberty,"

While this was hailed as a victory for the Little Sisters et al, the wording remained on the books. trump removed the wording which was moot anyways. No big deal

The second so-called trump victory had more to do with collection of fees as opposed to limiting abortion. Please READ the actual HHS release: Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act; Exchange Program Integrity

I wonder what they are going to do when a female on illegal drugs gets pregnant. Are they going to send her to an impatient place to get help and help her with the costs of delivering the baby and give her good prenatal and postnatal care and Chip for when the baby comes. Are they going to help her get an apartment and get work.

Or are they going to let her and her baby die on the side of the road??

I do wonder what is the end game to all of this.


You act like this has never happened before.


Happens all the time, and thank goodness we have Title X. YOu do not read any links I put up apparently. You have someone in charge of Medicaid that wants to cut Medicaid. These women are on Medicaid. Also one should quit drugs before they even get pregnant , that takes funding from Medicaid to get these females off the streets and back into society.

I can't trust you to depict anything reasonably or accurately, Penny.

You deny something as well-documented as the Holocaust, for pity's sake, when you want to believe what you want to believe. Do you know what that's like? That's like an adult believing a fat man in a red suit delivers gifts to every single child in the world on Christmas Eve. You might as well REALLY believe that as believe there was no Jewish Holocaust.

I don't take the world of people who are unreasonable. Sorrynotsorry
I wonder what they are going to do when a female on illegal drugs gets pregnant. Are they going to send her to an impatient place to get help and help her with the costs of delivering the baby and give her good prenatal and postnatal care and Chip for when the baby comes. Are they going to help her get an apartment and get work.

Or are they going to let her and her baby die on the side of the road??

I do wonder what is the end game to all of this.


You act like this has never happened before.


Happens all the time, and thank goodness we have Title X. YOu do not read any links I put up apparently. You have someone in charge of Medicaid that wants to cut Medicaid. These women are on Medicaid. Also one should quit drugs before they even get pregnant , that takes funding from Medicaid to get these females off the streets and back into society.

I can't trust you to depict anything reasonably or accurately, Penny.

You deny something as well-documented as the Holocaust, for pity's sake, when you want to believe what you want to believe. Do you know what that's like? That's like an adult believing a fat man in a red suit delivers gifts to every single child in the world on Christmas Eve. You might as well REALLY believe that as believe there was no Jewish Holocaust.

I don't take the world of people who are unreasonable. Sorrynotsorry

Read my links. Get informed.
A woman doesn't have a natural right to murder her unborn child. She has a natural right to practice safe sex in the first place. Once you involve an innocent child, now that child deserves a voice, too.

At least that's how republicans think. Liberals just want to suck it out through a tube.

No birth control is 100% fail-proof. Condoms break, the pill fails, and even sterlization sometimes doesn't work. Half of the women who have abortions were using birth control when they got pregnant.

Liberals want children to be born to parents who can love them, and afford to raise them. Republicans just want unwanted children to fill the prisons. Unwanted children don't grow up well. That takes time, love and money. Most women who have abortions are poor, already have one or more children and many fear being fired if they show up for work pregnant.

If Republicans don't want women to have abortions, trying mandating maternity leave, health care, and job security for pregnant women. Make is easier, not harder, to have the baby and raise it. Republicans only are about the unborn

There is no child. There is a potential child. God gave women the right to choose. Republicans, in their infinite wisdom, would strip them of that right.

No. They only care about the political football the unborn presents. Every study ever done shows that the pennies spent on contraceptives via Title X today saved dollars that would be spent in public assistance later on. Their solution? Cut Title X.
Pro-life Susan B. Anthony List couldn’t help but cheer about in an email to The Western Journal.

To Feminists' Horror, Trump Delivers 2 Major Pro-Life Victories

“First, the Trump Administration finalized new regulations that protect both religious and moral objectors from the burdensome Obama-era HHS abortifacient drug mandate,” the email said. “The regulations were proposed last year and have now been finalized.”

The email from the Susan B. Anthony List said, “Second, the Trump Administration proposed a new rule that directs insurers selling Obamacare plans that cover elective abortion to collect a separate payment from enrollees for that coverage.
This is required by law but was completely ignored under the Obama Administration, which allowed insurers to collect the payments together.”
Get back to us when he cuts ties with the anti-life gun/criminal/crazies/terrorist lobby aka Nation`s Real Assholes. Pro-life means pro-life all across the board, not cherry picking.
A woman doesn't have a natural right to murder her unborn child. She has a natural right to practice safe sex in the first place. Once you involve an innocent child, now that child deserves a voice, too.

At least that's how republicans think. Liberals just want to suck it out through a tube.
Beats mining the border.
A woman doesn't have a natural right to murder her unborn child. She has a natural right to practice safe sex in the first place. Once you involve an innocent child, now that child deserves a voice, too.

At least that's how republicans think. Liberals just want to suck it out through a tube.

No birth control is 100% fail-proof. Condoms break, the pill fails, and even sterlization sometimes doesn't work. Half of the women who have abortions were using birth control when they got pregnant.

Liberals want children to be born to parents who can love them, and afford to raise them. Republicans just want unwanted children to fill the prisons. Unwanted children don't grow up well. That takes time, love and money. Most women who have abortions are poor, already have one or more children and many fear being fired if they show up for work pregnant.

If Republicans don't want women to have abortions, trying mandating maternity leave, health care, and job security for pregnant women. Make is easier, not harder, to have the baby and raise it. Republicans only are about the unborn

There is no child. There is a potential child. God gave women the right to choose. Republicans, in their infinite wisdom, would strip them of that right.
No birth control is 100% fail-proof.
Oh, yeah? Abstention has always been a sure cure for not having babies, and that's a scientific fact.​
Ask Bristol Palin. She could tell you.
A woman doesn't have a natural right to murder her unborn child. She has a natural right to practice safe sex in the first place. Once you involve an innocent child, now that child deserves a voice, too.

At least that's how republicans think. Liberals just want to suck it out through a tube.

No birth control is 100% fail-proof. Condoms break, the pill fails, and even sterlization sometimes doesn't work. Half of the women who have abortions were using birth control when they got pregnant.

Liberals want children to be born to parents who can love them, and afford to raise them. Republicans just want unwanted children to fill the prisons. Unwanted children don't grow up well. That takes time, love and money. Most women who have abortions are poor, already have one or more children and many fear being fired if they show up for work pregnant.

If Republicans don't want women to have abortions, trying mandating maternity leave, health care, and job security for pregnant women. Make is easier, not harder, to have the baby and raise it. Republicans only are about the unborn

There is no child. There is a potential child. God gave women the right to choose. Republicans, in their infinite wisdom, would strip them of that right.
No birth control is 100% fail-proof.
Oh, yeah? Abstention has always been a sure cure for not having babies, and that's a scientific fact.​
Ask Bristol Palin. She could tell you.
I reiterate to your closed mind. Abstention is a 100% guarantee no child will be formed. Having sex causes babies. Abstention causes no babies. The choice is up to people to abstain or not to abstain.
Pro-life Susan B. Anthony List couldn’t help but cheer about in an email to The Western Journal.

To Feminists' Horror, Trump Delivers 2 Major Pro-Life Victories

“First, the Trump Administration finalized new regulations that protect both religious and moral objectors from the burdensome Obama-era HHS abortifacient drug mandate,” the email said. “The regulations were proposed last year and have now been finalized.”

The email from the Susan B. Anthony List said, “Second, the Trump Administration proposed a new rule that directs insurers selling Obamacare plans that cover elective abortion to collect a separate payment from enrollees for that coverage.
This is required by law but was completely ignored under the Obama Administration, which allowed insurers to collect the payments together.”

The second one is discrimination.

I sure hope it's taken to court.

If women have to start paying extra for things then we should start charging men too.

If we are forced to cover men's medical conditions then women's should be too.
A woman doesn't have a natural right to murder her unborn child. She has a natural right to practice safe sex in the first place. Once you involve an innocent child, now that child deserves a voice, too.

At least that's how republicans think. Liberals just want to suck it out through a tube.

No birth control is 100% fail-proof. Condoms break, the pill fails, and even sterlization sometimes doesn't work. Half of the women who have abortions were using birth control when they got pregnant.

Liberals want children to be born to parents who can love them, and afford to raise them. Republicans just want unwanted children to fill the prisons. Unwanted children don't grow up well. That takes time, love and money. Most women who have abortions are poor, already have one or more children and many fear being fired if they show up for work pregnant.

If Republicans don't want women to have abortions, trying mandating maternity leave, health care, and job security for pregnant women. Make is easier, not harder, to have the baby and raise it. Republicans only are about the unborn

There is no child. There is a potential child. God gave women the right to choose. Republicans, in their infinite wisdom, would strip them of that right.
No birth control is 100% fail-proof.
Oh, yeah? Abstention has always been a sure cure for not having babies, and that's a scientific fact.​
Ask Bristol Palin. She could tell you.
I reiterate to your closed mind. Abstention is a 100% guarantee no child will be formed. Having sex causes babies. Abstention causes no babies. The choice is up to people to abstain or not to abstain.

We don't live in the 1800s a anymore.

But the thing is sex doesn't have to lead to babies. Modern medicine allows us to have sex without it resulting with babies.

Your argument it's like saying sweets lead to cavities so don't eat them. There are preventive methods to avoiding cavities now.

At the very least, republicans should support programs that allow sex education in schools and easy access to contraceptives.
A woman doesn't have a natural right to murder her unborn child. She has a natural right to practice safe sex in the first place. Once you involve an innocent child, now that child deserves a voice, too.

At least that's how republicans think. Liberals just want to suck it out through a tube.

No birth control is 100% fail-proof. Condoms break, the pill fails, and even sterlization sometimes doesn't work. Half of the women who have abortions were using birth control when they got pregnant.

Liberals want children to be born to parents who can love them, and afford to raise them. Republicans just want unwanted children to fill the prisons. Unwanted children don't grow up well. That takes time, love and money. Most women who have abortions are poor, already have one or more children and many fear being fired if they show up for work pregnant.

If Republicans don't want women to have abortions, trying mandating maternity leave, health care, and job security for pregnant women. Make is easier, not harder, to have the baby and raise it. Republicans only are about the unborn

There is no child. There is a potential child. God gave women the right to choose. Republicans, in their infinite wisdom, would strip them of that right.
There is a man’s DNA and his fetus.
Mighty sexist to suggest gender usurps a father’s and a child’s rights.
Dred Scott of our time.

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