Trump destroyed our most important alliance

In 2009, Obama was accused of an “Apology Tour” trying to patch up our relations with our allies. Over eight years, Obama and Biden were able to repair torn relationships with our European allies and US was looked at as Leader of the Free World

No amount of apologies will repair the damage done by Donald J Trump. The world looks at our current political unrest and does not trust us to not elect another Trump Republican.

What is the point of this? Trump isn't the president you know that right?

Jesus you're as bad as the ex girlfriend that breaks up with a guy but still won't complaining about him and making comparisons to him. Even when you're 2 or 3 boyfriends beyond him you still constantly bring him up. Those kinds of women are as annoying as fuck.

Or worse yet. You're as bad as the blacks that keep bringing up slavery despite it having nothing to do with right now.

Stop being so petty and immature. It's pitiful you're only thing you have is that you have trump. It's also pitiful that the current president is ruining our country and you only care about the previous one.
What is the point of this? Trump isn't the president you know that right?
Thankfully, Trump is no longer President.

But Biden has a lot of work to do to repair the damage he did to our international relations, environment and economy
In 2009, Obama was accused of an “Apology Tour” trying to patch up our relations with our allies. Over eight years, Obama and Biden were able to repair torn relationships with our European allies and US was looked at as Leader of the Free World

No amount of apologies will repair the damage done by Donald J Trump. The world looks at our current political unrest and does not trust us to not elect another Trump Republican.

In a world where Asia is rising the Eruos are no longer important....The only thing important happening in europe from our perspective is them not uniting.

Not one of them can project power into the pacific without us, at least to any degree that matters in 2021.

As their % of world GDP decreases they become less important by the minute.
mcmullin who?....

Pity you never heard of him.

Evan McMullin for Senate | An Independent Voice for Utah
Evan McMullin is a proud Utahn, former undercover CIA officer and chief policy director in Congress, who ran for president in 2016 as an Independent. Evan grew up in a family like many in America, one that struggled to put food on the table and heat their home in the winter.
In a world where Asia is rising the Eruos are no longer important....The only thing important happening in europe from our perspective is them not uniting.

Not one of them can project power into the pacific without us, at least to any degree that matters in 2021.

As their % of world GDP decreases they become less important by the minute.
Actually, the best way to resist the rise of China is to present a united front with the EU
Evan McMullin - Wikipedia

David Evan McMullin (born April 2, 1976) is an American political activist and former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) operations officer who ran as an independent during the 2016 United States presidential election.
McMullin was an operations officer of the CIA from 2001 to 2010. In 2011 he received an MBA from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvaniaand then worked a
What is the point of this? Trump isn't the president you know that right?

Jesus you're as bad as the ex girlfriend that breaks up with a guy but still won't complaining about him and making comparisons to him. Even when you're 2 or 3 boyfriends beyond him you still constantly bring him up. Those kinds of women are as annoying as fuck.

Or worse yet. You're as bad as the blacks that keep bringing up slavery despite it having nothing to do with right now.

Stop being so petty and immature. It's pitiful you're only thing you have is that you have trump. It's also pitiful that the current president is ruining our country and you only care about the previous one.

Why would a woman like that be your "girlfriend"?
Actually, the best way to resist the rise of China is to present a united front with the EU

What? Again they have no power to contain china

Japan, India, and even Australia are more important allies

The Euros will not stand with us in this. They don't care. They're too poor to care

What part of "they can't project power into the pacific without us" was unclear? lol

The euros have every incentive to continue to trade with the Chinese beyond our ire.
Our European allies hate any American president seen as putting American interests first and foremost. Which is why they hated Reagan and George W. Bush as well.

Europeans (largely) live in this bubble where everything the U.S. does is supposed to support and assist old European countries. I've actually heard people from Europe advance that idea out loud in debates online.
What? Again they have no power to contain china

Japan, India, and even Australia are more important allies

The Euros will not stand with us in this. They don't care. They're too poor to care

What part of "they can't project power into the pacific without us" was unclear? lol

When were you last in Europe?
When were you last in Europe?

WHy would i need to go to europe to know they can't send carriers or any other substantive naval forces into the pacific?

The fuck?

When was the last time you saw a european battle gruop in the south china sea? lol.

Much more salient question in this context.
Our European allies hate any American president seen as putting American interests first and foremost. Which is why they hated Reagan and George W. Bush as well.

Europeans (largely) live in this bubble where everything the U.S. does is supposed to support and assist old European countries. I've actually heard people from Europe advance that idea out loud in debates online.

Really? Where did you live in Europe.. They mostly have a high standard of living, good education and good healthcare.. They don't get US foreign aid like Iraq, Afghanistan and Israel.
What? Again they have no power to contain china

Japan, India, and even Australia are more important allies

The Euros will not stand with us in this. They don't care. They're too poor to care

What part of "they can't project power into the pacific without us" was unclear? lol

The euros have every incentive to continue to trade with the Chinese beyond our ire.

The EU has an economy on par with the US
Individually, we have a hard time competing with China

Providing an economic alliance with the EU can keep China in check
Really? Where did you live in Europe.. They mostly have a high standard of living, good education and good healthcare.. They don't gert US foreign aid like Iraq, Afghanistan and Israel.

the eu has double the population and almost hte same GDP

They are substantively poorer than Americans. And we subsidize their lifestyle in healthcare and military

They're paupers. We built their economies lol
The EU has an economy on par with the US
Individually, we have a hard time competing with China

Providing an economic alliance with the EU can keep China in check

Yea the EU does, if they unified that would be totally different world and we wouldn't be talking about containing china we'd be talking aobut containing the EU you fucking hippy

You people have no idea how any AMerican with sense thinks about geopolitics

Invoking the EU as a single entity then worrying about

If American leaders believed that no one would mention China at all. We fought two world wars to prevent Europe from unifying. You fucking idiot.

The reason we are pivoting to China is because the Europeans* will not unify. And as the broken up mess they are can be ignored.
Japan, India, and even Australia are more important allies
Interesting you should say that

President Obama tried to create a Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) to compete with China

One of the first things Trump did as President was to tear it up
Interesting you should say that

President Obama tried to create a Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) to compete with China

One of the first things Trump did as President was to tear it up

Yea i agree with the left on this. The whole "blob" agrees with me. Because these are very very simple topics when talking about truly great powers.

There is no other rational threat on the top of hte list outside China.

And the Europeans are never going to care because they can't even project power into the middle east. Much less go up against a rising China who they don't fear because they're on the other side of Eurasia.

The euros are no longer important allies in this context. The only moderately likely way for them to become relevant is to unify and supplant China as what Americans consider the pre eminent threat to our hegemony.
Really? Where did you live in Europe.. They mostly have a high standard of living, good education and good healthcare.. They don't get US foreign aid like Iraq, Afghanistan and Israel.

What? Don't get aid from Americans?

Who the fuck do you think pays for all the RD on all the medicine they reieve?

Who do you think subsidizes their military?

This is the dumbest take i've ever heard. EUros thinking they don't recieve subsidy from us is the height of insanity. We literally park our troops in Europe to make sure the stupid fuckers don't start offing eachother whole sale. Again

Are you an American? Where teh fuck do get ideas like this?

The only reason europe isn't a shit hole is because Americans willed it so. We could have very easily kept you all dirt poor if we wanted.

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