Trump destroyed our most important alliance

Oh, ok. I guess China then would be small potatoes then as their per capita GDP isn't worth bragging about. 1/6th of the global economy is the EU. Why would we want to ignore some of our most important trading partners? Some of those countries have a much better per capita GDP than the U.S.

I hope we pay our own bills. We're the ones who've benefited far more from NATO than anyone else. We've managed to create a buffer zone of allies. Allies that have managed to keep the peace for over 70 years and have only been called to aid an ally once. Us.

The cult doesn't like the EU because of their at least perceived views of TFG. Same with Canada. Get over yourselves, we need trustworthy allies and the countries that now make up the EU have been some of our most reliable and longest relationships on the globe. Throw it away? What are you 12 and just learned how to play Risk?

Again 1/6th of the world economy as a monetary union means nothing.

We're talking military might.

They cannot leverage military might in a monetary union. We do not benefit from NATO more than the euros in 2021, or ever.

It wasn't our land that would burn. Absurd to think otherwise.

If we bowed out of NATO it wouldn't be the AMerican people screaming about it beyond our deep state. Europe would be on fire in a few years and they would beg us to come back. Maybe we should do it just to shut you retards up. Delusional
Trump got the deadbeats to pay their bills. I fail to see what we gain by allowing them to fuck us up the ass.

Crack still good with you?

What bills was that exactly?

Since 2014 NATO countries have been contributing more to their defense because of Russia invading Crimea. Are they all up to speed now somehow because Trump said something once? Nope.

So, some NATO countries began upping their defense spending since 2014. A trend that predates TFG by 2 years. At the end of his term however there were still quite a few stragglers. It's almost like TFG didn't make a difference.
Actually, voted for Joe Biden...the dumbest man in the Senate for much of the past forty years and someone who hasn't been right about a single foreign policy issue since Richard Nixon was in office!

And yet Joe Biden has done more for the American people in his first 10 months in office, than the criminal you elected has done in his entire lifetime. Who implemented the Obama recovery plan which pulled the country back from the brink of economic collapse and set in motion the strongest recovery the nation has ever seen.

You denigrate, Joe Biden a man who has served his nation with great distinction for more than 40 years, and who Lindsay Graham once called "the most honest man in Washington". Why? What is it that Joe Biden has done that makes you hate him so much?

Biden has never been charged or sued for any crimes, or in fact, has never been named in a lawsuit. Neither he, nor any of his corporate or charitable entities have been charged with crimes, shut down for illegal activities, or investigated for fiscal malfeasance.

You raise up a criminal conman who was being sued in a class action lawsuit for over $100 million dollars, when you elected him. Whose only fiscally successful ventures involve him setting up a company, selling off all of his interest, and then draining all of the fiscal assets for himself, until the company is bankrupted. American banks have refused to lend him money since his 4th bankruptcy.

So don't tell me that Joe Biden is some stupid clown who's never been right about anything. The person you describe sounds a lot more like Donald Trump, who has spent his life grifting and stealing from others, and putting on a big show of being a rich, successful businessman. Donald Trump is the greatest conman the world has ever seen. I'll give him that. But no one who has ever done business with him or put him in charge of their businesses has profited from having done so.

Trump left the nation in ruins. Mismanaged the pandemic, crashed the economy, divided the nation by race like no one in history, and put more than 8 million people into povery. It will take generations to undo the damage he has done, and the nation is still at risk from toxic fascist followers.
The foreign "relationships" lefties talk about are based on the extortion scam known as Man Made Climate Change. They take our money and laugh behind our back. The freaking president fell asleep during the conference. Trump's foreign relations , despite democrat treason, was based on mutual respect and power.
Crack still good with you?

What bills was that exactly?

Since 2014 NATO countries have been contributing more to their defense because of Russia invading Crimea. Are they all up to speed now somehow because Trump said something once? Nope.

So, some NATO countries began upping their defense spending since 2014. A trend that predates TFG by 2 years. At the end of his term however there were still quite a few stragglers. It's almost like TFG didn't make a difference.
And yet Joe Biden has done more for the American people in his first 10 months in office, than the criminal you elected has done in his entire lifetime. Who implemented the Obama recovery plan which pulled the country back from the brink of economic collapse and set in motion the strongest recovery the nation has ever seen.

You denigrate, Joe Biden a man who has served his nation with great distinction for more than 40 years, and who Lindsay Graham once called "the most honest man in Washington". Why? What is it that Joe Biden has done that makes you hate him so much?

Biden has never been charged or sued for any crimes, or in fact, has never been named in a lawsuit. Neither he, nor any of his corporate or charitable entities have been charged with crimes, shut down for illegal activities, or investigated for fiscal malfeasance.

You raise up a criminal conman who was being sued in a class action lawsuit for over $100 million dollars, when you elected him. Whose only fiscally successful ventures involve him setting up a company, selling off all of his interest, and then draining all of the fiscal assets for himself, until the company is bankrupted. American banks have refused to lend him money since his 4th bankruptcy.

So don't tell me that Joe Biden is some stupid clown who's never been right about anything. The person you describe sounds a lot more like Donald Trump, who has spent his life grifting and stealing from others, and putting on a big show of being a rich, successful businessman. Donald Trump is the greatest conman the world has ever seen. I'll give him that. But no one who has ever done business with him or put him in charge of their businesses has profited from having done so.

Trump left the nation in ruins. Mismanaged the pandemic, crashed the economy, divided the nation by race like no one in history, and put more than 8 million people into povery. It will take generations to undo the damage he has done, and the nation is still at risk from toxic fascist followers.

Biden has raised at least two junkies we know about who are openly selling influence....

Who is the family of conmen here? It's a wash at best

He is sort of a stupid clown sometimes. But ok not as much as Trump

Left the nation in ruins...? What? Simmer down little Canadian hahahah

He's going to get re elected you know? Buckle up
Again 1/6th of the world economy as a monetary union means nothing.

We're talking military might.

They cannot leverage military might in a monetary union. We do not benefit from NATO more than the euros in 2021, or ever.

It wasn't our land that would burn. Absurd to think otherwise.

If we bowed out of NATO it wouldn't be the AMerican people screaming about it beyond our deep state. Europe would be on fire in a few years and they would beg us to come back. Maybe we should do it just to shut you retards up. Delusional
NATO kept the Soviet Union in check for over 40 years
It now provides political stability to one of the most critical regions on earth
The foreign "relationships" lefties talk about are based on the extortion scam known as Man Made Climate Change. They take our money and laugh behind our back. The freaking president fell asleep during the conference. Trump's foreign relations , despite democrat treason, was based on mutual respect and power.

Let me assure you that i waste a lot of my time listening to them and very very rarely does climate change come up. Those are separate branches

Yes it's an extortion scheme. But one that has very little to do with other policy.

edit - although it does come up in water disputes but no one is asking anyone in the west to pay.
Again 1/6th of the world economy as a monetary union means nothing.

It means a lot. They are one of our largest partners. We share democratic values.
We're talking military might.

The EU would make up one of the largest militaries in the world. Yes, they are individual countries however collectively they are a military powerhouse and even in many of our stupidest military endeavors, who has come to our side the most?

They cannot leverage military might in a monetary union. We do not benefit from NATO more than the euros in 2021, or ever.

Except all those times we've depended on them. Tell me how Australia (since you had brought them up earlier) would compare? Hint, they fare poorly against many of our European allies.

It wasn't our land that would burn. Absurd to think otherwise.

Our land? How about our sphere of influence? You think you can get fat and ignorant relying solely on us being an ocean away?

If we bowed out of NATO it wouldn't be the AMerican people screaming about it beyond our deep state. Europe would be on fire in a few years and they would beg us to come back. Maybe we should do it just to shut you retards up. Delusional

Oh, I see. "deep state" just retarded Q conspiracies is what you feed off of. Got it.
The foreign "relationships" lefties talk about are based on the extortion scam known as Man Made Climate Change. They take our money and laugh behind our back. The freaking president fell asleep during the conference. Trump's foreign relations , despite democrat treason, was based on mutual respect and power.

Like when he shoved the president of Montenegro or trashed US intelligence in favor of Putin.
NATO kept the Soviet Union in check for over 40 years
It now provides political stability to one of the most critical regions on earth

We had nukes, we could have just dropped them as the soviets advanced

Again not our land

And russia is a depopulating mess that can't even train a new elite to take over the old soviet system. They're done.

Why people take our charity for some sort of necessity I have no idea. I assure you our leaders considered all options lol
The foreign "relationships" lefties talk about are based on the extortion scam known as Man Made Climate Change. They take our money and laugh behind our back. The freaking president fell asleep during the conference. Trump's foreign relations , despite democrat treason, was based on mutual respect and power.

International cooperation and sacrifice are key to stopping climate change
We had nukes, we could have just dropped them as the soviets advanced

Again not our land

And russia is a depopulating mess that can't even train a new elite to take over the old soviet system. They're done.

Why is the answer to every problem with Conservatives “nukes”??.
It means a lot. They are one of our largest partners. We share democratic values.

The EU would make up one of the largest militaries in the world. Yes, they are individual countries however collectively they are a military powerhouse and even in many of our stupidest military endeavors, who has come to our side the most?

Except all those times we've depended on them. Tell me how Australia (since you had brought them up earlier) would compare? Hint, they fare poorly against many of our European allies.

Our land? How about our sphere of influence? You think you can get fat and ignorant relying solely on us being an ocean away?

Oh, I see. "deep state" just retarded Q conspiracies is what you feed off of. Got it.

What? You think we don't have CIA agents and diplomats?

That's what the deepstate is.

The piss dossier/ Deep state. That's department of state and department of defense.

Yea it exists. Who the fuck do you think works at the pentagon or langley exactly? lol

Qanon believes there are "white hats" in langley and the pentagon who are going to round up the pedophiles and start a revolution. I just think they're going to push what they see as American interests in their field of expertise. Which is pretty normal.

Anyone who doesn't think there is a "deep state" doesn't understand the term or doesn't understand how our government is run.
Why is the answer to every problem with Conservatives “nukes”??.

Because they're very effective especially if it's not your land you're dropping them on

And even threatening to nuke your own land can be effective (pakistan has done this to india and it works)

So like i said, charity. Because if pushed we can get real brutal real quick.
What? You think we don't have CIA agents and diplomats?

I never said that.

That's what the deepstate is.

Yeah, I get that 'deep state' is just a nefarious word for bureaucracy. It's used to explain away many Qonspiracies.
The piss dossier/ Deep state. That's depart of state and department of defense.

Yea it exists. Who the fuck do you think works at the pentagon or langley exactly? lol

So, you're not really going to address my post other than you being outraged that I think you're a 'Q'uack.
I never said that.

Yeah, I get that 'deep state' is just a nefarious word for bureaucracy. It's used to explain away many Qonspiracies.

So, you're not really going to address my post other than you being outraged that I think you're a 'Q'uack.

Your inane rants don't really interest me

I"ve already pissed all over your world view.

"the eu is important blah blah blah"

It's not a fucking country dipshit. God damn

We don't negotiate with monetary unions over anything that matters

Just next time you hear about "the deep state" know it exists. And it's not qanon unless a term like "white hats" or pedophiles is used. Then you know it's qanon.

Anything else is just the nomenclature for our diplomatic and security state bureaucrats.

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