Trump destroyed our most important alliance

Oh the horror! Germany doesn't like that we made them pay their fair share, and step up to contribute to their nations own defense....Boo freakin' hoo!

Take your soldiers - all of them - don't forget your stupid nukes - and leave Germany. Yesterday!
We could save a whole bunch of cash by leaving NATO. We're on the other side of the planet from them. Trump was right.
Maybe so
But on the other side of the planet, we got sucked into WWI and WWII because of political instability in Europe.

Hasn’t happened since NATO
What a crock, Dragonlady! Compared to the idiot we have in office right now Donald Trump was the best President EVER! He had the border under control (Joe's created a humanitarian crisis there!). He gave us the lowest unemployment numbers on record (Joe's given us record numbers of people LEAVING the job force!) He gave us record cheap prices on gas and natural gas...making us energy independent for the first time in a long long time (Joe's given us gas that costs twice as much as a year ago and we're back to begging OPEC and Russia to produce more oil to 'save' us!). He gave us peace accords between Middle Eastern nations that no other President did (Joe gave the Taliban billions of dollars worth of weapons and hundreds of hostages to use against us!) We sure as hell didn't have the supply chain crisis that we have now! I've never seen anything close to this fiasco and Joe's response is to tell us not to worry. That it will all be OK if we give him a few more Trillion dollars in borrowed money to spend on a far left "wish list"! Well it won't be OK! Pumping Trillions more into the economy when we're already seeing the worst inflation in 30 years is INSANE! A first year Economics student knows that will cause even more inflation but Joe Biden either doesn't care...or he's too stupid to know basic Economics!

Trump really lied to you and has you utterly fooled. He didn't give us peace in the ME.. Many presidents have asked OPEC to reduce or increase production for reasons neither you nor Trump would ever understand.
Again 1/6th of the world economy as a monetary union means nothing.

We're talking military might.

They cannot leverage military might in a monetary union. We do not benefit from NATO more than the euros in 2021, or ever.

It wasn't our land that would burn. Absurd to think otherwise.

If we bowed out of NATO it wouldn't be the AMerican people screaming about it beyond our deep state. Europe would be on fire in a few years and they would beg us to come back. Maybe we should do it just to shut you retards up. Delusional

Military might means nothing, and you're delusional if your think it does in this day and age. You've had the biggest mightiest army in the world for more than 70 years, and other than the Gulf War, you really won a war since WWII. The Taliban simply outlasted you and waited for you to leave. Same with the Iraqi's. The Vietnamese drove you out.

You can bring a nation to its knees faster economically than you can using military. You were two weeks away from food riots when Joe Biden was sworn in, and you're still on the brink of all out civil war. Iran, China and Russia have done far more damage to your country with disinformation lies, and promoting fascism in the USA than any army could ever have done. Look at how divided and angry you are. They don't have to destroy the USA. The Republican Party is doing it for them, promoting hate, division, racism, and violence.

You've spent the last 40 years impoverishing and enslaving your working classes and they're physically weak and exhausted, which is a driving factor in your covid numbers. Your people are sick and weak from lack of proper access to health care. Health care isn't just taking care of sick people, it's ensuring your people have the nutrition and resources to maintain their health too. Vacations, sick leave, and a healthy environment are all essential to the health of the nation.

You're your own worst enemies.
China is our greatest threat, but the EU, Japan, S. Korea etc., are who makes that possible.
So pissing them off was helpful.
We need to do it a whole lot more, and stop the offshoring of jobs and technology.

Thanks. And don't forget to take back your soldiers and your money into your own country so you can be the most rich man on your own graveyard.
Maybe so
But on the other side of the planet, we got sucked into WWI and WWII because of political instability in Europe.

Hasn’t happened since NATO

It was not "political instability" that drew us into WWI or WWII, it was munitions profits.
And NATO does not reduce those artificial political tensions, but increases them in foolish and dangerous ways.
We should have a lot more in common with Russia, which also went through a revolution like the US did, to remove the rule of the aristocracy.
That with France and England, who still have imperialist and colonial ambitions, we really should not have anything in common.
When it comes to our elections, those bastards have ZERO say. ZERO.

That you think they should is very telling.

And yet here you are promoting the very thing that the Chinese, the Iranians and the Russians want: A racist, fascist authoritarian America, with all dissent brutally ended, using the military, if necessary.

That's what Trump was doing a year ago with his unmarked federal troops picking up protestors and "disappearing" them. It was a dress rehearsal for what was going to happen to leftists after the election.

You're the one who is giving outside influencers the biggest say in your elections.
Libs already assured us that the Vietnam War did that

and then it was supposed to be reagan engaging in provocative actions with the Soviets such as deploying medium range missiles into germany

with the left there is always some excuse for why the euros are pissed off at us

Not just Vietnam, but the gross invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan, etc.
While Europe liked the assassination of Qaddafi, that was also illegal and wrong.
We are still harming Europe by causing all the Syrian refugees as well.
Trump really lied to you and has you utterly fooled. He didn't give us peace in the ME.. Many presidents have asked OPEC to reduce or increase production for reasons neither you nor Trump would ever understand.

That is all true, but when I compare Obama and Trump, as much as I do not like Trump, he does look to have done better in the Mideast.
Obama was listening to Hillary and her evil "Arab Spring" annihilation of all the male Arab state leaders.
Obama did not get out of Iraq or Afghanistan, and instead got more into Libya, Syria, Egypt, etc.
I am not happy with Obama or Hillary as far as the Mideast.
EU chose China after Biden won. ...

Before Biden won - because the USA had not only not been existing for any agreement any longer - it made very clear it is an enemy of the European Union. For example with manipulations in context of the Brexit.
"Zangaléwa" or "Tsaminamina" is a 1986 hit song, originally sung by a makossa group from Cameroon called Golden Sounds who were popular throughout Africa for their silly dances and costumes. The song was such a hit for Golden Sounds that they eventually changed their name to Zangaléwa, too. The song pays tribute to African skirmishers (a.k.a tirailleurs) during WW2. Most of the band members were in the Cameroonian Army themselves and used make up, fake belly and fake butt for comic relief.

The song is still used today almost everywhere in Africa by soldiers, policemen, boy scouts, sportsmen and their supporters, usually during training or for rallying. It is also widely used in schools throughout the continent especially in Cameroon as a marching song and the lyrics are well-known among Cameroonians. The song was also popular in Colombia where it was known as “The Military” and brought to the country by West African DJs.

The men in the group often dressed in military uniforms, wearing pith helmets and stuffing their clothes with pillows to appear like they had a swollen buttocks from riding the train and overweight stomachs from eating too much. Music historians say the song, or at least part of it, is a criticism of Black military officers who were in league with Whites to oppress their own people. The rest is Cameroonian slang and jargon from the soldiers during the war.

Not just Vietnam, but the gross invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan, etc.
While Europe liked the assassination of Qaddafi, that was also illegal and wrong.
We are still harming Europe by causing all the Syrian refugees as well.
The euros really only fear one thing and thats the global warming doomsday hoax

Because for them its the only thing that might interfere with their pursuit of pleasure
Before Biden won - because the USA had not only not been existing for any agreement any longer - it made very clear it is an enemy of the European Union. For example with manipulations in context of the Brexit.

Yes, one of the advantages of the US union of states is economy of scale, without lots of local trade restrictions, taxes, bureaucracy, etc.
The EU is a solution to that for Europe, so the US would not like that, even though it is good for Europe.
There’s reason to be optimistic, however.

Our allies are sophisticated enough to understand that the sole problem was Trump ...

It is not only Donald Trump - it is also the background and the problem that the foreign politics of the USA is not reliable. It needed for example 13 years to make an agreement with the Iran - and Trump killed it. Sure it was not perfect - it was not even good - but it had been an agreement which needed a lot of work to be done. Then comes a Donald Trump with a big fat ass, sits down and kills the work which thousands of hands under very different governments had done in much more than a decade.

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