Trump destroyed our most important alliance

China is our greatest threat, but the EU, Japan, S. Korea etc., are who makes that possible.
So pissing them off was helpful.
We need to do it a whole lot more, and stop the offshoring of jobs and technology.

When you view the world in terms of who is "threatening" you, you lose sight of everything else. There are many kinds of "threats" and you're only looking at the traditional kinds: armies, navies, and bombs.

The threat of propaganda is a much bigger threat as we continue to see with the anti-democratic propaganda being promoted by Russia, China, Iran and Donald Trump's Republican Party. It's no accident that all four of these entities are promoting the same lie. Russia, China and Iran are on the verge of ending democracy in the USA, using Donald Trump and the Republicans to do it.

Congratulations on ending the Great American Experiment.
The euros really only fear one thing and thats the global warming doomsday hoax

Because for them its the only thing that might interfere with their pursuit of pleasure

The global warming threat to them is much stronger and sooner than for the rest of the world.
If you look at a globe, Europe is near Arctic.
It is only kept warm artificially by the Gulf Stream.
If Greenland melts enough light fresh water, the Gulf Stream will submerge, and Europe will drop by 15 degrees in one year.
Before Biden won - because the USA had not only not been existing for any agreement any longer - it made very clear it is an enemy of the European Union. For example with manipulations in context of the Brexit.
What "manipulations?"

Every rational American should be an enemy of the European Union. It's the focus of tyranny in the Western world.
Before Biden won - because the USA had not only not been existing for any agreement any longer - it made very clear it is an enemy of the European Union. For example with manipulations in context of the Brexit.
EU is just a stepping stone to globalization. No wonder Trump wasn't impressed, I'm not either.
When you view the world in terms of who is "threatening" you, you lose sight of everything else. There are many kinds of "threats" and you're only looking at the traditional kinds: armies, navies, and bombs.

The threat of propaganda is a much bigger threat as we continue to see with the anti-democratic propaganda being promoted by Russia, China, Iran and Donald Trump's Republican Party. It's no accident that all four of these entities are promoting the same lie. Russia, China and Iran are on the verge of ending democracy in the USA, using Donald Trump and the Republicans to do it.

Congratulations on ending the Great American Experiment.

Rise above superficial political maneuvering.
The reality is China is stealing ALL our technology, production, etc.
And it is not partisan, it was Nixon who started it and the Clintons who cemented it.
Now we are in big trouble, and I don't see any easy way out except perhaps by a terrible trade war, which would make Trump correct.

The best response that our great EU Allies were able to muster against Iran's Restarted, Obama funded and Biden approved uranium enrichment program was, "If you don't stop that this instant, we'll hold our collective breaths until well all turn blue! Yeah! Not a light blue either, we're talking purple here!"

We Germans told you that the Iraq has not weapons of mass dissapearance - and we told you also the Iran makes no nukes. But in both cases you did not believe us because we are stupid. You prefer to be much more "intelligent" and to waste billions in wars for nothing.
EU is just a stepping stone to globalization. No wonder Trump wasn't impressed, I'm not either.
Global cooperation helps everyone

Trump started personal feuds with both our enemies and allies.
Biden is working to repair the damage
No one with a brain gives a fuck about what a bunch of European welfare queens think. They've been screwing us on trade and defense for decades, heaven forbid we expect them to level the playing field and pay their fair share.


Nothing makes leftists angrier than America not pissing away our tax dollars.
What "manipulations?"

Every rational American should be an enemy of the European Union. It's the focus of tyranny in the Western world.

Nah, the EU just stopped countries from economically trying to harm each other.
It reduced red tape between members, just like there are no trade restrictions between states in the US.
The EU is an attempt to make the European countries into a single unified entity, just like the US is.
Does that provide a potential for more centralized corrupt bureacracy?
Yes, but I did not see much abuse from the EU.
They have less centralization problems than the US has.
At least the EU did not have a single huge federal income tax like the US has.
In 2009, Obama was accused of an “Apology Tour” trying to patch up our relations with our allies. Over eight years, Obama and Biden were able to repair torn relationships with our European allies and US was looked at as Leader of the Free World

No amount of apologies will repair the damage done by Donald J Trump. The world looks at our current political unrest and does not trust us to not elect another Trump Republican.

wasn’t xiden just held in contempt if the United Kingdom? hahaha
We Germans told you that the Iraq has not weapons of mass dissapearance - and we told you also the Iran makes no nukes. But in both cases you did not believe us because we are stupid. You prefer to be much more "intelligent" and to waste billions in wars for nothing.
And you survive only at the hand of our protection. So, sit down and STFU.
The global warming threat to them is much stronger and sooner than for the rest of the world.
If you look at a globe, Europe is near Arctic.
It is only kept warm artificially by the Gulf Stream.
If Greenland melts enough light fresh water, the Gulf Stream will submerge, and Europe will drop by 15 degrees in one year.

....because of manmade global climate warming change!!!
Not everybody agrees with globalization like you do. For good reason.
It really doesn't help everyone, it certainly wouldn't be in our best interest.

I don’t really care what American isolationists think

We are a global community now

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