Trump destroyed our most important alliance

It will take this country at least a decade, if ever, to recover from Trump’s tremendous fuck ups.

Because of Trump our allies no longer trust the word of the American government, because of Trump the reputation of our democracy is in shatters, because of Trump we are an international laughingstock.
are you aware that trump is not the president anymore time for joe to grease up his backside and make everyone happy
The change to Europe, of cooling by 15 degrees, could happen almost instantly, at any time.
All it takes is enough fresh water melt off from Greenland, so submerge the Gulf Stream, and divert it.
Salt water is heavier than the fresh water melt off.

And as far as the rest of the world, there are climate accelerators that may be already starting to kick in, such as previously frozen methane hydrate, and simply water vapor. There are huge frozen methane deposits in tundra permafrost and deep oceans. Methane is 27 times more of a greenhouse gas than CO2. And once it gets a little warmer, then atmospheric water vapor increases, which is about 20 times more of a greenhouse gas than CO2.
The result could quickly become a runaway condition like Venus, where the surface temperature is that of molten lead.
even more dire chicken little says the sky is falling meanwhile bidens chinese masters build hundreds more coal plants
And you survive only at the hand of our protection. So, sit down and STFU.

Don't think so.
You need a very small military force for defense, and Germany could easily hold its own I think.
And instead of protecting other countries, the US is not only harming them economically, but causing the greatest risks of war by having a military that is not at all geared for defense, but instead entirely offensive.
For example, no one need aircraft carriers for defense.
They are only for projecting power at distant locations where we should not even be.
Yes, the warming of the Arctic is due to the increased greenhouse gases.
And the point of the submerging of the Gulf Stream is how it could be magnified and accelerated by natural mechanism.

Warming, colder, floods, fire, all because of CO2!

Pay for what?
The goal of NATO should be to just respond to aggression.
If there is no aggression, NATO should not be doing or costing anything.
Russia moving into the Crimea was not aggression.
The Crimea historically and culturally is Russian.
It is the Ukraine who is corrupt.
For example, the Ukraine stealing oil and gas from Russian built pipelines through the Ukraine before the Ukraine declared independence.
Yes, pay. You didn't know that each member nation has agreed to pay it's share?

Of course NATO costs money. What, you think all that men and material is free?
They do
We need to just pay less and stop being the worlds policeman
Not to concern yourself since no far-far-left Socialist has ever had an answer for this simple question.

Without the USA as the policeman of the world, specifically, who would fill that vacuum? Please don't say no one has to replace the USA as that is just naive and foolish. How will that benefit America or the rest of the world?
In 2009, Obama was accused of an “Apology Tour” trying to patch up our relations with our allies. Over eight years, Obama and Biden were able to repair torn relationships with our European allies and US was looked at as Leader of the Free World

No amount of apologies will repair the damage done by Donald J Trump. The world looks at our current political unrest and does not trust us to not elect another Trump Republican.

Europe is all talk. They are as useful as a screen door on a submarine. Shill much?
Yep, until they can be certain that we won't elect another anti-democratic authoritarian prick like Rump, they won't give us much of a leadership role. Might take a generation to undue the damage caused by this president.
You people are delusional
Without the USA as the policeman of the world, specifically, who would fill that vacuum? Please don't say no one has to replace the USA as that is just naive and foolish. How will that benefit America or the rest of the world?
Good question
The EU has as large an economy as the US. They can take the lead in their sphere of Influence

Japan and S Korea as well as Australia can take a larger role in the Pacific
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Coal pollutes less than natural gas that has been obtained by leaky fracking.
China still pollutes less than half the US, per person.
You are so funny. China is burning dirty coal, and they do have enough $ to buy enough clean coal from Australia :rolleyes:
Good question
The EU has as large an economy as the US. They can take the lead in their sphere of Influence
Economy size means shxt, EU is so addicted to Putin's LNG that they do not dare to upset little Belarus which is Putin's lapdog
Economy size means shxt, EU is so addicted to Putin's LNG that they do not dare to upset little Belarus which is Putin's lapdog
Stupid response
Try to do better

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