Trump destroyed our most important alliance

Yes, one of the advantages of the US union of states is economy of scale, without lots of local trade restrictions, taxes, bureaucracy, etc.
The EU is a solution to that for Europe,

¿Solution? For what kind of problem?

so the US would not like that, even though it is good for Europe.

You are only one culture. Europe is many cultures. And anyway the USA hates everything what is not USA - "Superman" was called "unamerican" for example, Charly Chaplin was "unamerican" for example. Even Robin Hood is an "unamerican" enemy of the USA. It is very hard to understand the nationalistic and racists "discussions" in the USA. It came by the way not many Germans to the USA, nevertheless 40% of the people in the USA have a German ancestor. Trump was fortunatelly not a German, because he said he is a Swede. Poor Swedes. But Obama for example is also a German from the year 17xx. We are proud on him.
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The other member states in NATO need to pay their share.

In this context exists in the USA a total confusion. No one in the NATO pays money to an army of another nation. Everyone pays money for the own army. How much is the decision of every nation itselve. Under Obama the NATO-nations agreed to spend 2% of their GOP to their armies - beginnning from the year 2024. But this means not anyone pays more money to the NATO (total household 1-2 billions per year) or anyone pays money to the USA at all. As far as I know Germany did only agree to spend up to the year 2024 1.5%. But also this agreement is not relevant any longer since Donald Trump declared in many ways war on Germany. And we needed a lot of money for different crisis since this days. Last crisis was the fight against covid-19. So money for military is not the highest priority.
Not to concern yourself since no far-far-left Socialist has ever had an answer for this simple question.

Without the USA as the policeman of the world, specifically, who would fill that vacuum? Please don't say no one has to replace the USA as that is just naive and foolish. How will that benefit America or the rest of the world?

The USA is lawmaker, policeman and court - do you really think this function of the USA in international relations really needs anyone? And what about the "blue helmets" of the UNO?
Well we as a majority german ethnic nation disagreed


You wanted to control the largest industrial base in the world


Guy named Eisenhower lead our war effort lol.


That's a pretty big crime in just about everybody's eyes.

What for heavens sake do you speak about? Never Germany did do anything bad to the USA in all history. You did do many bad and evil things to Germany on not any reason to have to do so.

Which is why a huge % of the planet declared war.

What has this to do with the fact that Germany never in history did do anything bad to the USA so the USA hates Germany very much and this hate against Germany is even able to bring votes for Trump in the USA?
I agree with Zangola here. Germany was great throughout history. It was fucked by the enthnic/religious entity that declared war on it 1933. And then fleeced it after WWII. And then, to finish the stealth genocide by their enemy, invaded by illegal aliens for the past few decades.

"I’ll bet my life on him being right" is a pact with the Satan who will win. Let it be to be so stupid. This is nothing you should disagree with.

Donald Trump lost. That's all. And it's totally clear that also a coin toss speaks sometimes the truth - without having any idea about what's right or wrong.

You lost your life - so take it now back and keep it and guard it and stop it to continue to say such an unbelievable stupid nonsense as you did do here on totally senseless political reasons.
We tried to tell you the error of your ways but your FEELINGS made more sense to you. I'm sorry that President Trump hurt your feelings. Stuff happens!

No president since WW II has managed to drop so much in the polls. Or is that something the Main Stream Media sort of missed? Even Democrats are jumping ship and the Independents, well that train has left the station. Did you notice what happened in Virginia or did your tunnel vision keep you from seeing that too? What about their new Lt. Governor? You know, the black woman who your side is calling one of those dang white supremacists.

Biden’s approval rating hits new low: poll

By Sam Raskin

November 14, 2021

President Biden’s approval rating has plunged to a fresh low, largely driven by discontent among his own base — as Republicans head into the 2022 midterms with historically high chances, according to a new poll released Sunday.

Just 41 percent of Americans approve of the commander-in-chief’s performance, down a whopping 11 points since spring, the Washington Post-ABC News poll found.

His popularity has also tumbled among his own party.

Today, 80 percent of Democrats are positive about their party’s leader, compared to 94 percent in June, the poll found.

The USA is lawmaker, policeman and court - do you really think this function of the USA in international relations really needs anyone? And what about the "blue helmets" of the UNO?
Once again, for my slower friends.

"Without the USA as the policeman of the world, specifically, who would fill that vacuum? Please don't say no one has to replace the USA as that is just naive and foolish. How will that benefit America or the rest of the world?"

China? Russia?
What has this to do with the fact that Germany never in history did do anything bad to the USA so the USA hates Germany very much and this hate against Germany is even able to bring votes for Trump in the USA?
I presume you're being facetious.

I say that because you seem to be skipping over the detail that Adolph Hitler declared war on the US on December 11, 1941.
Once again, for my slower friends.

"Without the USA as the policeman of the world, specifically, who would fill that vacuum?

Who hired the USA? Who will fire the USA?

Please don't say no one has to replace the USA as that is just naive and foolish.

The universe is about 13.8 billion years old - the USA about 250 years.

How will that benefit America or the rest of the world?"

China? Russia?

What is your problem in this context? Ghengis Khan?

I presume you're being facetious.

Facetious? ... ¿drollig? ¿witzig? ... Am I?

I say that because you seem to be skipping over the detail that Adolph Hitler declared war on the US on December 11, 1941.

Totally unimportant because Hitler was not able to do a war against the USA. He needed the USA to do war against Germany and the USA did do him this favor. Your Christmas present for him. The USA decided Germany has an higher priority than Japan and called this strategy "Germany first"! Some years later all over Germany bloomed "Weihnachtsbäume" (=Christmas trees) in the sky and you and your allies murdered in masses civilists all over Germany with your bombs. And still today the very most US-Americans are very proud on this and Donald Trump ("America first"!) makes votes also with hate on Germany.

By the way - do you think it exists the duty to have to kill a tyrant?

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A good joke. Your ally Saddam Husein did do for eight years war against the Iran - and you did not only not stop him, "good guy".
Since when did it become the job of the US to stop wars between two neighboring countries that have been in conflict for generations? We backed Iraq in that conflict because the government of Iran was our enemy and was the major financer of terrorism worldwide. Iraq under Saddam at that point was the lesser of two evils. We and much of the rest of the West stepped in when Saddam attacked a much weaker Kuwait without provocation. If you can't grasp the difference between the two situations then you're a bit clueless.
In this context exists in the USA a total confusion. No one in the NATO pays money to an army of another nation. Everyone pays money for the own army. How much is the decision of every nation itselve. Under Obama the NATO-nations agreed to spend 2% of their GOP to their armies - beginnning from the year 2024. But this means not anyone pays more money to the NATO (total household 1-2 billions per year) or anyone pays money to the USA at all. As far as I know Germany did only agree to spend up to the year 2024 1.5%. But also this agreement is not relevant any longer since Donald Trump declared in many ways war on Germany. And we needed a lot of money for different crisis since this days. Last crisis was the fight against covid-19. So money for military is not the highest priority.
And there are several members who aren throwing into the pot, which means other members have to put in more.
Europe has interests? Interesting.

what means "poking China"?

Which German question? We have millions of questions.

Yes europe has interests


THis is a US board, if you don't know what the German question is as a German....You should just go hang yourself right now

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