Trump destroyed our most important alliance

Germany, no, Russia can't build that pipeline to your country making you and much of Western Europe at the mercy of Russian gas.

Oh, the humanity!

This pipeline was discussed before 2018 and started to be realized in 2018. It is finished now one year later as it had been planned because of the weird criminal interventions of the USA. The "Netzagentur" in Germany stopped in the moment the licensing process - but this is not a principle problem.

The USA declared by the way in this context an imperialistic form of war on Europe with the law "energy security of Europe". And specially three senators of the USA declared directly war on Germany by threatening a German harbor to ignore German laws and to follow US-American laws. Your politicians are really extraordinary stupid and seem to know nothing about the sovereignity of foreign nations nor do they not know something about normal business under conditions of a cold war.

Lukashenko tried by the way to blackmail the EU with the idea to stop the gas delivery from Russia over the Ukraine just a short time ago. And the other parallel pipeline is also a political ... insafety ... - so it had been a very good economical idea to make directly a pipeline between Russia and Germany for the real energy security of Europe. And every business between "enemies" is also politically always interesting because always the partners of such a business have to take care on each other - or with other words: Such a business is a way to more peace and freedom.

I fear the USA has really to make slowly a decision what she is really fighting for: For her own values or for her imperial dictatorship.
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So who gives a shit about Europe, Asia, or south of the boarder and their precious approval? If America is so screwed up why are they willing to risk everything to get in? What are they running from? From what I see Biden screwed those precious alliances when he left them holding the bag in Afghanistan. So who is left that would trust this administration?

Let me explain you a problem Donald Trump created: He cancelled the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty which was made from the former leading nation of the western world (USA) with the Soviets (now Russia). How reacted Russia? Russia made clear it will attack the USA with intercontinental nukes when an Intermediate-range nuke will fly from Europe to Russia. There are many possible scenarios now - but one thing is totally clear to me in this context: To live in the USA is a higher risk now. And is it really the job of the president of the USA to create higher risks for the people of the USA?
... also because of massive manipulations from the USA. And GB has now the same political problem as has the USA: no one believes any longer in anything what GB or the USA are saying. Your political credibility sank massive because of people like Donald Trump and Boris Johnson and many others before them. They have not any problem to promise anything, to forget everything and to keep [less than] nothing. ¿Modern times?
Europe are a bunch of crybabies. Don't care at all what they think. Anyways, they'll all be majority brown countries soon. Enjoy.
The EU has an economy on par with the US
Individually, we have a hard time competing with China

Providing an economic alliance with the EU can keep China in check

If you want to keep china in check, let's stop giving them hundreds of billions of dollars every year.

Europe are a bunch of crybabies.

Even the USA is only an European nation overflooded from Europeans basing on the values of the European enlightenment. Unfortunatelly it lost reasonability. And nothing is more strange than a dark or thoughtless "enlightenment".

Don't care at all what they think.

Then unlearn what you have learned because Europe is a crying heart of the world. But also a laughing heart of the world.

Anyways, they'll all be majority brown countries soon. Enjoy.

Oh by the way: Where's the unprofessional idiot Richard Grenell now, which you called once an ambassador in Germany and who supported all over Europe Nazi-movemens?
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Imperial dictatorship.

Who gave the order to the German army to leave Afghanistan? Any German on his own free will? For sure not! So what is Germany for you? When Germany, France and Poland liked to train common troops a longer time ago - which we could need now very well if I see it the right way - the NATO gave a veto because only the NATO - so only the USA and the unimportant rest who has only to fulfill the orders of the USA - is deciding who has the right to defend Europe. Meanwhile we have in Europe "your" Brexit, "your" juridical Polexit and France decided not to think European furthermore but navy blue. Will be interesting to see when you will make Australia and England to the first colonies of the USA in the European Pacific. :lol:

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Where shall we start?


Greenland……Who the fuk picks a fight with GREENLAND
Many years ago in the early 1960's in a movie comedy an actor in one of them I believe Robert Morley in part of his dialogue spewed when asked who was going to pay.." The Americans of course"... Its their birthright"! Over the decades we all complained about paying for others. So Trump made it a point. And of course you listened to your shill propagandists and now we pay more again. Greenland is a mineral laden strategic piece of land. So he must have heard that in his meetings. And at some point can be had if we push the issue.
Many years ago in the early 1960's in a movie comedy an actor in one of them I believe Robert Morley in part of his dialogue spewed when asked who was going to pay.." The Americans of course"... Its their birthright"! Over the decades we all complained about paying for others.

This is a myth. The USA never paid for others. Others paid for the USA. Persia for example paid a lot in long decades because Great Britain, Saudi-Arabia and the USA dominate the world economy as they did dominate in former times the slave markets. And the fear of the USA is perhaps not to have to pay back the evilnesses you did do to others.

So Trump made it a point.

Donald Trump has a 24/7 full time job which make it impossible for him to take care for the USA. He has to take care for Donald Trump, his master and god.

And of course you listened to your shill propagandists and now we pay more again.

You pay because you pay taxes. And whatever others are doing or not doing doesn't change this. You have to decide how much money every citizen has to pay - and you have to decide what to do with this money.

Greenland is a mineral laden strategic piece of land. So he must have heard that in his meetings. And at some point can be had if we push the issue.

Only to make something clear: Even if the USA would buy a country this would not mean she owns this country. A country belongs to the people who live there and not to the people who own the land.
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This is a myth. The USA never paid for others. Others paid for the USA. Persia for example paid a lot in long decades because Great Britain, Saudi-Arabia and the USA dominate the world economy as they did dominate in former times the slave markets. And the fear of the USA is perhaps not to have to pay back the evilnesses you did do to others.

Donald Trump has a 24/7 full time job which make it impossible for him to take care for the USA. He has to take care for Donald Trump, his master and god.

You pay because you pay taxes. And whatever others are doing or not doing doesn't change this. You have to decide how much money every citizen has to pay - and you have to decide what to do with this money.

Only to make something clear: Even if the USA would buy a country this would not mean she owns this country. A country belongs to the people who live there and not to the people who own the land.
You really believe that? We pay for a percentage of Western Europe's defense through NATO and our bases. In fact it makes it easier for their socialist policies. These nations' that belong to themselves seems to be having a lot of people coming to richer nations as refugees including ours. Trump is this...Trump is that...His agendas were good.
You really believe that? We pay for a percentage of Western Europe's defense through NATO

No. You do not do this. Everyone pays for the own army. You for your army. Germany for the German army. The household of the NATO is only 1-2 billions.

and our bases. In fact it makes it easier for their socialist policies.

Aha. No idea about reality and politics.

These nations' that belong to themselves seems to be having a lot of people coming to richer nations as refugees including ours. Trump is this...Trump is that...His agendas were good.

He's a criminal or an idiot or a stupid criminal or criminally stupid. ... And how such a man with a narcissistic personality dissorder is able to be the commader-in-chief of all US-American forces - including all nuclear forces - is an extremely strange problem, which could very fast also become a very deadly problem for all citizens of the USA. Very short: You overestimate the USA - you underestimate others, specially also people who are not egocentralized.
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This is a myth. The USA never paid for others. Others paid for the USA. Persia for example paid a lot in long decades because Great Britain, Saudi-Arabia and the USA dominate the world economy as they did dominate in former times the slave markets. And the fear of the USA is perhaps not to have to pay back the evilnesses you did do to others.

Donald Trump has a 24/7 full time job which make it impossible for him to take care for the USA. He has to take care for Donald Trump, his master and god.

You pay because you pay taxes. And whatever others are doing or not doing doesn't change this. You have to decide how much money every citizen has to pay - and you have to decide what to do with this money.

Only to make something clear: Even if the USA would buy a country this would not mean she owns this country. A country belongs to the people who live there and not to the people who own the land.

Owns the land?

Owns the land?


If Trump had bought Greenland in the name of the USA when he had been president of the USA this would not mean that Greenland had become a part of the USA. What a country is doing and who owns what in a country is the decision of the citizens of this country and not a decision of money per se. Money is only a tool - like a hammer or a screwdriver for example. So even in case someone buys every squareyard of Greenland then this means nothing at all for the independence of Greenland. The citizens of a country (like for example Greenland) would be able in this case to nationalize every real property for example.
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If Trump had bought Greenland in the name of the USA when he had been president of the USA this would not mean that Greenland had become a part of the USA. What a country is doing and who owns what in a country is the decision of the citizens of this country and not a decision of money per se. Money is only a tool - like a hammer or a screwdriver for example. So even in case someone buys every squareyard of Greenland then this means nothing at all for the independence of Greenland. The citizens of a country (like for example Greenland) would be able in this case to nationalize every real property for example.
That is what shows how clueless Trump is
He thought he could just buy or trade for Greenland without concern for what the Citizens wanted

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