Trump destroyed our most important alliance

Fuck you.

That's in the English speaking world - and for idiots in all other worlds - a typical wrong use for the expression "I like to create a baby with you together". My answer is in such a case anyway a clear: "Thanks, no!"
In 2009, Obama was accused of an “Apology Tour” trying to patch up our relations with our allies. Over eight years, Obama and Biden were able to repair torn relationships with our European allies and US was looked at as Leader of the Free World

No amount of apologies will repair the damage done by Donald J Trump. The world looks at our current political unrest and does not trust us to not elect another Trump Republican.

So why don't you give us a list of the Allies he fucked? Because you can't JUST LIKE ALL THE CRAP THAT COMES OUT YOUR MOUTH Joe never fucks our allies He's to busy fucking Americans and patriots Just your kind of perverted pedofile Why don't you go have some butt sex with him It's not hard to see, you are so obvious
Since when did it become the job of the US to stop wars between two neighboring countries that have been in conflict for generations?

Since Saddam Husein was your ally and had acted in the will of the US-American governments.

We backed Iraq in that conflict because the government of Iran was our enemy

The Iran is your enemy? How did this happen? When did the Persians attack the British USA?

and was the major financer of terrorism worldwide.

Do you speak now about your very best allies since you bought their slaves from England centuries ago and the prototype of all Islamic state movements - the Saudi-Arabians and 9/11?

Iraq under Saddam at that point was the lesser of two evils.

You attacked the Iraq under the totally wrong amoral doctrine "preemptive strike". Compared with the daily life had everyone the right to kill everyone if he says someone else could be dangerous. You made a forbidden war of aggression.

We and much of the rest of the West stepped in

What shows very clear the decline or degeneration of the West. To be an ally of the USA means not to be a slave of the USA.

when Saddam attacked a much weaker Kuwait without provocation.

This argument has a little problem: This had nothing to do with the war under the name "Operation Iraqi Freedom" in 2003 (=2nd Iraq war). You speak here about the 1st Iraq war around 10 years earlier.

If you can't grasp the difference between the two situations then you're a bit clueless.

At this time:

To remember now: Your operation "Iraqi freedom" created ISIS.
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And there are several members who aren throwing into the pot, which means other members have to put in more.

Which pot? There is no pot - exept the household of the NATO which is about 1-2 billions.

In general: How much money the USA wastes with military is exclusivelly only a decision of the USA and not the decision of anyone else. If Germany will pay more money to the own military household then this will be for the USA only a reason to pay more money into the own - yet exorbitant high - military household of the USA - and not a reason to pay less money to your military. And if Germany would finance the same things in the military household as the USA is doing then I don't know what the percentage for "military" of our GOP really would be.
But this is anyway totally unimporant because the USA has nothing to decide what only our parliament has to decide and no one else. We don't have an army under control of a president or a chancellor - we have an army under control of our parliament. Compared with the USA we have an army responsible to our "Congress" (more exact: to our Bundestag).

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Yes europe has interests

Interesting interests I guess. We have here for example someone who makes the very best Neapolitan Pizza in the North of Italy.


THis is a US board, if you don't know what the German question is as a German.

Exactly: What is "the German question"? Never heard anything about.

...You should just go hang yourself right now

Okay. :lol: ... But I guess the real Germano-American question is: "Is anyone in the world more stupid than US-Americans - except we Germans?" Or howelse do you explain what had happened in Afghanistan - and what did not happen there?

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That's in the English speaking world - and for idiots in all other worlds - a typical wrong use for the expression "I like to create a baby with you together". My answer is in such a case anyway a clear: "Thanks, no!"
Get a Dictionary

Get a Dictionary

For what? That you confuse since Henry VIII "muck" and "fuck"? And that you call "swearword" what should be called "spearword"?

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I agree with Zangola here. Germany was great throughout history. It was fucked by the enthnic/religious entity that declared war on it 1933. And then fleeced it after WWII. And then, to finish the stealth genocide by their enemy, invaded by illegal aliens for the past few decades.

What for heavens sake do you say here? The Nazis overtook Germany in 1933. But only because the Nazis cried the whole day long "Germany" means not that this totally stupid superbrutal idiots had only a little idea about Germany which had not been flat like bullshit. And exactly this came out: flat bullshit. Nearly not to see any longer - but it stank everywhere.

Did you know for example that Germans founded not only England but also France and Spain? And that "Andalusia" means "land of the Vandals". The Vandals - a Germanic tribe who had visited us once - were by the way nice people and anything else than Vandals. Later they lived in the North of Africa and like typical German conquerors they overtook the lifestyle of the people who lived there - including their language. Their descendents - mixed with North-Africans who had lived there before them - founded later "Andalusia" in Spain.
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So why don't you give us a list of the Allies he fucked? Because you can't JUST LIKE ALL THE CRAP THAT COMES OUT YOUR MOUTH Joe never fucks our allies He's to busy fucking Americans and patriots Just your kind of perverted pedofile Why don't you go have some butt sex with him It's not hard to see, you are so obvious
Where shall we start?


Greenland……Who the fuk picks a fight with GREENLAND
Memory lane! This was back when leftists "cared" about allies and what people thought of us.
Convenient enough for them, that changed.
LOL JK. They never actually care about anything.
Just the cult.
Memory lane! This was back when leftists "cared" about allies and what people thought of us.

When was Germany unclear what it thinks about the stupidities of Donald Trump when Donald Trump had been president? Your Mafia ideas - which were by the way also used from the George W. Bush government against Germany - don't work with Germany. Even if everyone in the USA will believe to be more powerful than the Titanic itselve which not even god is able to sink - what will really happen with the USA has to do with truth and reality - and not with people who live in fear on weapons from or in the USA - nor with spitlickers who like to make money by telling everyone what someone likes to hear.

Your whole "Let us make war" nonsense is by the way also totally unreal in case of other nuclear powers like Russia or China. Only because you like to become "drunk again" - ah sorry: "great again" - it needs absolutelly nothing to dream from a new cold war. History is never the same and the future no one knows. In the moment much too many "leaders" on this planet suffer violent fantasies - and realize this fantasies partially - even in Buddhistic nations like Myanmar. But helps this anyone in anything what is to do? And what to do is really the best to do?
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In 2009, Obama was accused of an “Apology Tour” trying to patch up our relations with our allies. Over eight years, Obama and Biden were able to repair torn relationships with our European allies and US was looked at as Leader of the Free World

No amount of apologies will repair the damage done by Donald J Trump. The world looks at our current political unrest and does not trust us to not elect another Trump Republican.

Fucking newb thinks that Europe is worth shit to us, lol. The only country who stands by us is England and they Brexited.
So who gives a shit about Europe, Asia, or south of the boarder and their precious approval? If America is so screwed up why are they willing to risk everything to get in? What are they running from? From what I see Biden screwed those precious alliances when he left them holding the bag in Afghanistan. So who is left that would trust this administration?
Not unlike the divorced couple and the kids. The one who is the adult is hated by the kids, the one who wants to be their friend and give them things is the one they love.

Donald Trump was the first adult President we've had in quite some years. President Trump forced countries to live up to their agreements. WHAT? HOW DARE HE tells us to do what we said we'd do!

NATO members, pay what you agreed to pay.

Germany, no, Russia can't build that pipeline to your country making you and much of Western Europe at the mercy of Russian gas.

Oh, the humanity!
Fucking newb thinks that Europe is worth shit to us, lol. The only country who stands by us is England and they Brexited.

... also because of massive manipulations from the USA. And GB has now the same political problem as has the USA: no one believes any longer in anything what GB or the USA are saying. Your political credibility sank massive because of people like Donald Trump and Boris Johnson and many others before them. They have not any problem to promise anything, to forget everything and to keep [less than] nothing. ¿Modern times?
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