Trump destroyed our most important alliance

Really? Where did you live in Europe.. They mostly have a high standard of living, good education and good healthcare.. They don't get US foreign aid like Iraq, Afghanistan and Israel.

Not all of them. And even then that depends on just what you call a "high standard of living".

Not everyone defines a "high standard of living" as "the most free goodies provided by the government".
Military might means nothing, and you're delusional if your think it does in this day and age. You've had the biggest mightiest army in the world for more than 70 years, and other than the Gulf War, you really won a war since WWII. The Taliban simply outlasted you and waited for you to leave. Same with the Iraqi's. The Vietnamese drove you out.

You can bring a nation to its knees faster economically than you can using military. You were two weeks away from food riots when Joe Biden was sworn in, and you're still on the brink of all out civil war. Iran, China and Russia have done far more damage to your country with disinformation lies, and promoting fascism in the USA than any army could ever have done. Look at how divided and angry you are. They don't have to destroy the USA. The Republican Party is doing it for them, promoting hate, division, racism, and violence.

You've spent the last 40 years impoverishing and enslaving your working classes and they're physically weak and exhausted, which is a driving factor in your covid numbers. Your people are sick and weak from lack of proper access to health care. Health care isn't just taking care of sick people, it's ensuring your people have the nutrition and resources to maintain their health too. Vacations, sick leave, and a healthy environment are all essential to the health of the nation.

You're your own worst enemies.
Agree with much of what you posted But... IF we All don't start Demanding HONEST hard working skilled people Working for Americans Not for a political party . Senate & congress is filled with out of touch greedy old fools, and know little to nothing, big mouth new comers.
If you think our partnership with europe is more important than the japanese, indians, or even koreans in 2021 you're crazy

You are no "partner" of Japan, India or Korea. And you deny to try to be a partner of Europe. So you are alone.
You are no "partner" of Japan, India or Korea. And you deny to try to be a partner of Europe. So you are alone.

Our interests align with those three

The European interest in poking China is vastly weaker

Just like India doesn't care about the German question.
The only reason to stay is to make sure the Germans dont' cause trouble not because they're important allies.

Germany never in history did do anything bad to the USA, grandson of our megalomanian grandson nation USA. :lol: We are not like you who harm others and give them the responsibility for to have to do so.
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Germany never in history did do anything bad to the USA, grandson of our megalomanian grandson nation USA. :lol:

Well we as a majority german ethnic nation disagreed

You wanted to control the largest industrial base in the world

Guy named Eisenhower lead our war effort lol.

That's a pretty big crime in just about everybody's eyes. Which is why a huge % of the planet declared war.
I am not a Trump supporter because I am an extreme leftist, progressive, liberal.
BUT, Trump happens to be right on NOT social distancing.

The word "social distancing" means not to make a social distance it means to have short contacts and to keep distance physically to avoid an infection with the virus Sars-Co-V2. This works very good.

The only thing that has ever ended any epidemic is herd immunity,

Herd immunity means that a very big part of a society is resistant against a virus so it does not spread the virus - and so a very little part of not resistant people in a society is protected. In case of the new Sars-Co-V2 virus no one had been immune.

from the quick spike using up too many potential hosts, for the virus to be able to survive by finding new hosts.
So "flattening the curve" is the exact worst thing to ever do.

To flaten the curve meant to be able to keep the problems under control. The alternative had been a deadly chaos.

It reduces the infection rate, but that conserves hosts, so then prevents herd immunity, and causes the epidemic to essentially last forever.

No! Because we had the hope to find a vaccine - what we found indeed much faster than anyone was able to imagine when the pandemic had started. Trump gave up to fight against this virus much too early.

The vulnerable and infected should be isolating,

A human society is called human society because it is human and not darwinistic. One for all - all for one - and no one left behind.

but all the young/healthy, should be volunteering for variolation, (deliberate infection). If we had done that in March, it would have been over in a month and 270,000 lives would have been saved.

You made a miscalculation. The situation in the USA had been worse - but it had been able to be much more worser. With your idea perhaps 500,000 or a million more US-Americans had died.
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Not really.
'We became the greatest nation on earth because the rest of the competition is Europe, and foolishly destroyed themselves with 2 consecutive, devastating, and pointless world wars.
Since we were only very marginally involved, we avoided the destruction, and made trillions with the reconstruction.

You was not "marginally" involved in world war 1 and its consequence world war 2. You changed the world history. Without you Germany and the multinational empires Austria-Hungaria and the Osman empire and their allies had won world war 1 and Russia and the colonial mights France and England and their allies (excluding the USA) had lost world war 1. The problems Communism, Nazism and Islamisms would in this case perhaps not exist today in thís "real" history which you made to an alternating - but also very instable - history. The problem: History knows not experiments. Everyone is a product of the existing history - including all mistakes - and we don't know what we miss. And if we could know we would not exist.
In 2009, Obama was accused of an “Apology Tour” trying to patch up our relations with our allies. Over eight years, Obama and Biden were able to repair torn relationships with our European allies and US was looked at as Leader of the Free World

No amount of apologies will repair the damage done by Donald J Trump. The world looks at our current political unrest and does not trust us to not elect another Trump Republican.

Did obama patch up relation with Mexico when he went behind the back of the Mexican Government and shipped over 2,000 AK-47's, Barrett .50 sniper rifles and everything in between to the worst bunch of murderers in the Americas causing over 600 murders of mostly Mexican military and police? Did he patch relations with any African nation when he was killing thousands of innocent including 500 children with drone attacks? Did he patch up relation in Libya or start a genocide flying 6,000 sorties of cluster bombs and bunker busters killing 130,000 of the ones he told America he had to save in his illegal war of a nation that posed us no threat? Just how did obama patch things up by pulling off genocides ? I really want to hear this. When he went on his' I'm sorry America is a racist nation' tour was he swallowing or just swishing it around in his mouth till all the flavor was gone? All toll he murdered about 50,000 Blacks. Is that why Black Americans love him holding the record for the American politician with the highest Black body count. I didn't realize presidents were given a free ticket on genocides. Where is that rule in the Constitution and the rule saying you can murder Americans without due process. I better read it a few more times as I must of missed a few pages. With my lack of knowledge on the documents that founded this country you would think I was a democRat.
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Has it even occurred to you that RWer is a wuss?
Interesting---put I envision him more as PAID to post nonsense that he knows is nonsense (I don't think he is as stupid as he pretends to be)...maybe an union paid to post instead of work site....perhaps a WUSS just afraid of actually working.
... President Trump has been right on just about everything he said. So when he says the election was rigged I’ll bet my life on him being right. ...

Donald Trump lost. That's all. And it's totally clear that also a coin toss speaks sometimes the truth - without having any idea about what's right or wrong.

You lost your life - so take it now back and keep it and guard it and stop it to continue to say such an unbelievable stupid nonsense as you did do here on totally senseless political reasons.
I'm not talking about Iraq. I'm talking about our so-called Eurotrash friends that screwed us for years. Couple that with them shirking their NATO responsibilities, and the level of trust is pretty low, and only an idiot would think their opinions matter.

Take your soldiers. Leave Europe. Yesterday.
Oh, bullshit! Iraq was violating the terms imposed on them by the United Nations after they invaded Kuwait and tried to seize that nation. The US was the "good guy" who came to the rescue of Kuwait.

A good joke. Your ally Saddam Husein did do for eight years war against the Iran - and you did not only not stop him, "good guy".
... Trump left the nation in ruins. Mismanaged the pandemic, crashed the economy, divided the nation by race like no one in history, and put more than 8 million people into povery. It will take generations to undo the damage he has done, and the nation is still at risk from toxic fascist followers.

A good summary of the problems around Trump. I hope Captain Trump rammed not an hyper-iceberg with the USS "The Democracy" and damaged the USA irreversible.
"Zangaléwa" or "Tsaminamina" is a 1986 hit song, originally sung by a makossa group from Cameroon called Golden Sounds who were popular throughout Africa for their silly dances and costumes. The song was such a hit for Golden Sounds that they eventually changed their name to Zangaléwa, too. The song pays tribute to African skirmishers (a.k.a tirailleurs) during WW2. Most of the band members were in the Cameroonian Army themselves and used make up, fake belly and fake butt for comic relief.

The song is still used today almost everywhere in Africa by soldiers, policemen, boy scouts, sportsmen and their supporters, usually during training or for rallying. It is also widely used in schools throughout the continent especially in Cameroon as a marching song and the lyrics are well-known among Cameroonians. The song was also popular in Colombia where it was known as “The Military” and brought to the country by West African DJs.

The men in the group often dressed in military uniforms, wearing pith helmets and stuffing their clothes with pillows to appear like they had a swollen buttocks from riding the train and overweight stomachs from eating too much. Music historians say the song, or at least part of it, is a criticism of Black military officers who were in league with Whites to oppress their own people. The rest is Cameroonian slang and jargon from the soldiers during the war.

Interesting. Seems to me you are able to know something about the world. So why do you prefer to be an idiot although it is easy not to be an idiot?


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