Trump destroyed our most important alliance

Just not as global as you want it, from reading your posts.

US does better as an alliance than by treating every country as an enemy

So I support the UN, NATO, NAFTA
In 2009, Obama was accused of an “Apology Tour” trying to patch up our relations with our allies. Over eight years, Obama and Biden were able to repair torn relationships with our European allies and US was looked at as Leader of the Free World

No amount of apologies will repair the damage done by Donald J Trump. The world looks at our current political unrest and does not trust us to not elect another Trump Republican.

Do you have a credible source?
But the point that we were forced to choose between Trump and Bide, the 2 worst possible candidates, means the whole system is rigged, corrupt, against us, and the enemy.

That's by the way really an interesting question. Are Trump and Biden really the very best what the USA is able to offer to the own people and to the whole western world? On the other side: I had to laugh more than one time sarcastically about our new government in Germany, which should exist since 26th of October and did do verbally the greatest deeds which any government ever had done since the dogs decided to make us to their slaves. But White Buffallo Angela Merkel and her old government are still doing all jobs - with only half power because they were deselected - but it's their duty to do so.

UN and NATO? Yes, I can see why you would be in favor of those.
We just end up flipping the lions share of the bill. The authoritarians and dictators
have big bank accounts.

The world is a safer place with the UN and NATO
US does better as an alliance than by treating every country as an enemy

So I support the UN, NATO, NAFTA

Logically we need larger joint unions as global multi national conglomerates become more of an abusive problem.
Problems in one country can have such massive effects on other countries.
Like the Syrian refugees effecting Europe.
Europe should have a means of reducing the problem at the source, which is I think, US troops or US paid mercenaries, in Syria.
The other member states in NATO need to pay their share.

Pay for what?
The goal of NATO should be to just respond to aggression.
If there is no aggression, NATO should not be doing or costing anything.
Russia moving into the Crimea was not aggression.
The Crimea historically and culturally is Russian.
It is the Ukraine who is corrupt.
For example, the Ukraine stealing oil and gas from Russian built pipelines through the Ukraine before the Ukraine declared independence.
UN and NATO? Yes, I can see why you would be in favor of those.
We just end up flipping the lions share of the bill. The authoritarians and dictators
have big bank accounts.

There should have been NO bill.
NATO did not have to ever do anything.
The world is a safer place with the UN and NATO

While the UN is a good idea, the Security Counsel has to go, with its veto power, it prevent justice.
Its like having the accused able to veto any jury verdict.

The UN needs a constitution and codified laws, for Blind Justice instead of a corrupt popularity contest, under the extortion of a few.

And NATO likely is bad.
It is just a means of forcing arms sales on members.
The global warming threat to them is much stronger and sooner than for the rest of the world.
If you look at a globe, Europe is near Arctic.
It is only kept warm artificially by the Gulf Stream.
If Greenland melts enough light fresh water, the Gulf Stream will submerge, and Europe will drop by 15 degrees in one year.
The climate may change gradually but not drastically as the doomsday sayers claim
The climate may change gradually but not drastically as the doomsday sayers claim

The change to Europe, of cooling by 15 degrees, could happen almost instantly, at any time.
All it takes is enough fresh water melt off from Greenland, so submerge the Gulf Stream, and divert it.
Salt water is heavier than the fresh water melt off.

And as far as the rest of the world, there are climate accelerators that may be already starting to kick in, such as previously frozen methane hydrate, and simply water vapor. There are huge frozen methane deposits in tundra permafrost and deep oceans. Methane is 27 times more of a greenhouse gas than CO2. And once it gets a little warmer, then atmospheric water vapor increases, which is about 20 times more of a greenhouse gas than CO2.
The result could quickly become a runaway condition like Venus, where the surface temperature is that of molten lead.

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