Tom Horn

Gold Member
Aug 31, 2015
Mess with the bull, get the horns....a lesson Zucker and the leftist trash at CNN are learning the hard way. They must have known if they didn't get Trump within the first few months they would get got and now it's happening. The window-smashers have gone AWOL...mostly to MSLSD and other nut sites. The right left them long ago and now they've lost whatever lost souls are calling themselves indies these days. So who the hell are they hoping to snag as viewers? :dunno:


Thomas Frank, a veteran reporter who wrote the story; Lex Haris, executive editor of investigations; and Eric Lichtblau, an investigative editor and reporter hired from The New York Times in April, submitted resignations on Monday morning. It was the latest in a series of embarrassing episodes at CNN. The network fired Kathy Griffin, a host of its New Year’s Eve special, after she published a photograph in which she appeared to brandish a facsimile of Mr. Trump’s severed head. It cut ties with the host Reza Aslan after he assailed Mr. Trump in vulgar Twitter posts. And it issued a correction on another story that inaccurately predicted the congressional testimony of James B. Comey, the former F.B.I. director.

He really should revoke their WH credentials. It would send a fair message.
Considering who i am, i normally wouldnt be OK with that. But my goodness, those people are relentless with their bullshit!
As you said, it would be a FAIR message.
Nothing to celebrate about trump's constant attacks on the First Amendment. Or the rest of the constitution.

There is no doubt that he's the single biggest threat to the US in many many years buy doubt the trumpkins have any clue about that.

The good news is that the idiotic buffoon still hasn't actually done anything. Too bad we can't depend on the same thing for 3 1/2 more years.

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Nothing to celebrate about trump's constant attacks on the First Amendment. Or the rest of the constitution.

What attacks are those? Please list.

There is no doubt that he's the single biggest threat to the US in many many years buy doubt the trumpkins have any clue about that.

What is the specific threat or threats?

The good news is that the idiotic buffoon still hasn't actually done anything.

He's done more in six months than Obama did in eight years, and has simultaneously undone most of the "legacy" of the previous administration.
Nothing to celebrate about trump's constant attacks on the First Amendment. Or the rest of the constitution.

There is no doubt that he's the single biggest threat to the US in many many years buy doubt the trumpkins have any clue about that.

The good news is that the idiotic buffoon still hasn't actually done anything. Too bad we can't depend on the same thing for 3 1/2 more years.

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I'm glad no one is doing that. That would be bad.
Go Trump! :clap:

Destroy the very fake news! CNN is not news but is an arm of the Democratic Party!

Operation Mockingbird CNN, shame on them SHAME!
Trump has waylaid everybody and everything that has opposed him, party establishments, political dynasties, academia, Hollywood and obviously MSM.

Now he''s destroyed CNN; bit like swatting a mosquito really.
Why isn't Trump going after Fox News? God knows they have had more fake stories than CNN./
Oh that's right, Fox News is Trump's sock puppet, so Fox can misrepresent or lie all they want, so in a typical pattern, it's OK.
Speaking of fake,,,,:
All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact
FOX's file: | PunditFact
I know that I'm addressing the very easily manipulated, but I thought I'd post facts versus lying pathological lies.
Why isn't Trump going after Fox News? God knows they have had more fake stories than CNN./
Oh that's right, Fox News is Trump's sock puppet, so Fox can misrepresent or lie all they want, so in a typical pattern, it's OK.
Speaking of fake,,,,:
All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact
FOX's file: | PunditFact
I know that I'm addressing the very easily manipulated, but I thought I'd post facts versus lying pathological lies.
Pretty puny kiwi. Snowflakes will be snowflakes I guess.
Why isn't Trump going after Fox News? God knows they have had more fake stories than CNN./
Oh that's right, Fox News is Trump's sock puppet, so Fox can misrepresent or lie all they want, so in a typical pattern, it's OK.
Speaking of fake,,,,:
All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact
FOX's file: | PunditFact
I know that I'm addressing the very easily manipulated, but I thought I'd post facts versus lying pathological lies.

Yep. It was proven that fox is truthful in only 18% of their stories but you're right about the easily misled.

As for his attacks on the constitution, I have listed the amendments he has said he would disregard, including the first but RWNJs don't want to see what's right in front of them. When he says to crowds, they applaud.

And no, trump has had not even one piece of major legislation make it to his desk. You can pretend but so far, there have been very few jobs, no new coal mines - he lied about both.

For that matter, he has lied about everything. When the trumpkins learn he lied, they make up a new excuse.


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I s'pose that, compared to trump's faves - Brietbart, info wars, national enquirer, fox doesn't smell near so bad. And RWNJs know fox lies and they love it. Just like they love the cheeto lying.

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CNN has been an arm of the democrat party since it's inception, now they are just nuts. Their ratings are rising because they are a laughing stock not because people agree with their hate Trump agenda. It's kind of fun to watch these TV talking head dupes meltdown every day and night.
Cable News: Sean Hannity Dominates.

Coincidence a Trump supporter is dominating cable news? I think not.
What a rough week for CNN, the 9th Circuit, and the Democrats.

The best part is it's only Tuesday.
Trump has waylaid everybody and everything that has opposed him, party establishments, political dynasties, academia, Hollywood and obviously MSM.

Now he''s destroyed CNN; bit like swatting a mosquito really.
You'd think the Created News Network and their cohorts would be smart enough not to mess with a guy who's use to destroying buildings, knocking down bricks and concrete and steel for a living. For Trump the media's like swatting at flies and they just don't get it.

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