Trump different from GW Bush?


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
As an Independent, I'm still unsure what a Trump administration plans to do in many areas. However it's beginning to look like a replay of George W Bush. His cabinet is loaded with billionaire and CEO types, he seems to see things only from the perspective a comfortable seat in a corporate board room, and his method of bringing jobs back to America has little to do with slapping tariff's of foreign goods, and more on bribing company's with tax breaks to keep jobs from going off shore. The only difference seems to be Mr. Trump really enjoys making speeches (hence his victory tour)

I'll wait and see what Trump actually does once he's in office. I just hope Mr. Trump doesn't decide to "deregulate" things to the point where financial institutions begin peddling toxic mortgages again, and lies about weapons of mass destruction are not used as an excuse to start another war. I guess we'll find out....
As an Independent, I'm still unsure what a Trump administration plans to do in many areas. However it's beginning to look like a replay of George W Bush. His cabinet is loaded with billionaire and CEO types, he seems to see things only from the perspective a comfortable seat in a corporate board room, and his method of bringing jobs back to America has little to do with slapping tariff's of foreign goods, and more on bribing company's with tax breaks to keep jobs from going off shore. The only difference seems to be Mr. Trump really enjoys making speeches (hence his victory tour)

I'll wait and see what Trump actually does once he's in office. I just hope Mr. Trump doesn't decide to "deregulate" things to the point where financial institutions begin peddling toxic mortgages again, and lies about weapons of mass destruction are not used as an excuse to start another war. I guess we'll find out....
---------------------------------------------------------- its a THANK YOU tour thanking Americans for helping him beat 'cankles clinton , bill and skinny mrobama . its not a victory tour but victory or thankyou tour its still a tour to rub dem noses in Bill718 !!
You rubes, it's going to be Reaganomics on steroids. Tax cuts for the rich and corporations and what trickles down between their fingers is what's left for everyone else.
Trump blatantly lied throughout the election and you fools think he's on your side?!
You rubes, it's going to be Reaganomics on steroids. Tax cuts for the rich and corporations and what trickles down between their fingers is what's left for everyone else.
Trump blatantly lied throughout the election and you fools think he's on your side?!
Did you make a mistake, because I thought you were referring to Obama?
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As an Independent, I'm still unsure what a Trump administration plans to do in many areas. However it's beginning to look like a replay of George W Bush. His cabinet is loaded with billionaire and CEO types, he seems to see things only from the perspective a comfortable seat in a corporate board room, and his method of bringing jobs back to America has little to do with slapping tariff's of foreign goods, and more on bribing company's with tax breaks to keep jobs from going off shore. The only difference seems to be Mr. Trump really enjoys making speeches (hence his victory tour)

I'll wait and see what Trump actually does once he's in office. I just hope Mr. Trump doesn't decide to "deregulate" things to the point where financial institutions begin peddling toxic mortgages again, and lies about weapons of mass destruction are not used as an excuse to start another war. I guess we'll find out....

YOu miss the violent fighting against Trump by the Bushes and the Establishment in the primaires?

GW does not think he is the same.
Trump is so diplomatically stupid that wars are inevitable and he will not hesitate to send our children to fight them.
Trump is so diplomatically stupid that wars are inevitable and he will not hesitate to send our children to fight them.

Opinions are like rearends, everyone has one. Trump is more of a pacifist than Obysmal, that is for sure. Only difference though is-------->Trump will spend more on the military than Obama did.
Trump is so diplomatically stupid that wars are inevitable and he will not hesitate to send our children to fight them.

Says a lib that managed to miss the fact that Trump was right, that he could win, when all of you said he could not.
Trump is so diplomatically stupid that wars are inevitable and he will not hesitate to send our children to fight them.

Says a lib that managed to miss the fact that Trump was right, that he could win, when all of you said he could not.
I underestimated the utter stupidity of voting Americans, not the first time that's happened. Now that we are stuck with this guy the correct response would be to explain why he is not going to fuck up and get us embroiled in another useless war that our children will have to die fighting.
As an Independent, I'm still unsure what a Trump administration plans to do in many areas. However it's beginning to look like a replay of George W Bush. His cabinet is loaded with billionaire and CEO types, he seems to see things only from the perspective a comfortable seat in a corporate board room, and his method of bringing jobs back to America has little to do with slapping tariff's of foreign goods, and more on bribing company's with tax breaks to keep jobs from going off shore. The only difference seems to be Mr. Trump really enjoys making speeches (hence his victory tour)

I'll wait and see what Trump actually does once he's in office. I just hope Mr. Trump doesn't decide to "deregulate" things to the point where financial institutions begin peddling toxic mortgages again, and lies about weapons of mass destruction are not used as an excuse to start another war. I guess we'll find out....

Independent? Really ? You sound like a carping liberal democrat trying to make us believe you are impartial. Nice try though.
Trump is so diplomatically stupid that wars are inevitable and he will not hesitate to send our children to fight them.

Opinions are like rearends, everyone has one. Trump is more of a pacifist than Obysmal, that is for sure. Only difference though is-------->Trump will spend more on the military than Obama did.
The pentagon took a modest cut all because republicans triggered the sequester with their stupid debt ceiling stunt. Now that we have a republican president the deficit spending is going to be just fucking fine and the pentagon can waste just as much as they want.
You rubes, it's going to be Reaganomics on steroids. Tax cuts for the rich and corporations and what trickles down between their fingers is what's left for everyone else.
Trump blatantly lied throughout the election and you fools think he's on your side?!

Reaganomics was great. Reaganomics on steroids is even better. President Reagan was the greatest president of the twentieth century and gave us 14 years or unparalleled growth and prosperity. And no amount of liberal lies, spinning and distortions can change that historical fact.
Trump is so diplomatically stupid that wars are inevitable and he will not hesitate to send our children to fight them.

Translation = Trump will stand up to world leaders and defend the US - not bow down and apologize like Barack Obozo does.
Trump is so diplomatically stupid that wars are inevitable and he will not hesitate to send our children to fight them.

Says a lib that managed to miss the fact that Trump was right, that he could win, when all of you said he could not.
I underestimated the utter stupidity of voting Americans, not the first time that's happened. Now that we are stuck with this guy the correct response would be to explain why he is not going to fuck up and get us embroiled in another useless war that our children will have to die fighting.

He was right, and the entire polling industry, media and the talking head industry was wrong.

And you still are telling your self that he is stupid and you are smart.

Trump is so diplomatically stupid that wars are inevitable and he will not hesitate to send our children to fight them.

Translation = Trump will stand up to world leaders and defend the US - not bow down and apologize like Barack Obozo does.
Do you have anyone you love in the military? I do, I do not want their lives and limbs wasted simply because our president has no idea how to deescalate tensions.
Trump is so diplomatically stupid that wars are inevitable and he will not hesitate to send our children to fight them.

Says a lib that managed to miss the fact that Trump was right, that he could win, when all of you said he could not.
I underestimated the utter stupidity of voting Americans, not the first time that's happened. Now that we are stuck with this guy the correct response would be to explain why he is not going to fuck up and get us embroiled in another useless war that our children will have to die fighting.

He was right, and the entire polling industry, media and the talking head industry was wrong.

And you still are telling your self that he is stupid and you are smart.

OK Trumpbot he won, now what? The first thing to do is to start defending your messiah from criticism, there is going to be a lot of it.
Trump is so diplomatically stupid that wars are inevitable and he will not hesitate to send our children to fight them.

Says a lib that managed to miss the fact that Trump was right, that he could win, when all of you said he could not.
I underestimated the utter stupidity of voting Americans, not the first time that's happened. Now that we are stuck with this guy the correct response would be to explain why he is not going to fuck up and get us embroiled in another useless war that our children will have to die fighting.

He was right, and the entire polling industry, media and the talking head industry was wrong.

And you still are telling your self that he is stupid and you are smart.

OK Trumpbot he won, now what? The first thing to do is to start defending your messiah from criticism, there is going to be a lot of it.

You repeated the old nonsense that he is stupid. I've pointed out that he has been proven to be smarter than ALL OF YOU.

Thus your concern that his "stupidity" will get US into wars, in nonsensical fear mongering.

Trump, for one example, is smart enough to be aware that the Cold War is over, and that we have no conflict of interest with Russia.

That's reducing potential of war.

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