Trump different from GW Bush?

Estonia does not want to be conquered by Russia, I guess they don't have a say in this?

So, you are dropping your claim that Russia "must face opposition", since you aren't disputing my point that Estonia is not important to the World Balance of Power.

Your concerns about fairness are noted. And not worth a global thermonuclear war.
Quit bringing up "global thermonuclear war" as the main reason to forsake our values and our allies. We lived with the immediate threat of it for decades and never let it scare us into not being the shining example of freedom and democracy to the world. Letting Russia run wild is the same as willfully giving up our self proclaimed title of "the leader of the free world". Who gets to have that title now that the right no longer wants it?

Yet Iran, Cuba and other despots you think we should give them shit and praise them like Obama does to get along with them ...
We did the right thing by normalizing relations with Cuba and Iran, both of their power structures depended on the US treating them like enemies and confirming the propaganda they put out. Iran would have almost certainly reverted back to a secular government years ago had not our leaders continually issued threats of attack.

Iran was broke and Cuba was in the stone age, WTF are you talking about?
I'm talking about diplomacy, you know that thing you hate that prevents unnecessary wars?
As an Independent, I'm still unsure what a Trump administration plans to do in many areas. However it's beginning to look like a replay of George W Bush. His cabinet is loaded with billionaire and CEO types, he seems to see things only from the perspective a comfortable seat in a corporate board room, and his method of bringing jobs back to America has little to do with slapping tariff's of foreign goods, and more on bribing company's with tax breaks to keep jobs from going off shore. The only difference seems to be Mr. Trump really enjoys making speeches (hence his victory tour)

I'll wait and see what Trump actually does once he's in office. I just hope Mr. Trump doesn't decide to "deregulate" things to the point where financial institutions begin peddling toxic mortgages again, and lies about weapons of mass destruction are not used as an excuse to start another war. I guess we'll find out....
Independent my ass...I can smell obama from here.
THe SOviet Union had to face opposition in the Cold War, because a Soviet Union that conquered West Germany would upset the world Balance of Power leading to great harm to US interests.

If Russia takes Estonia, it will not upset the World Balance of Power.
Estonia does not want to be conquered by Russia, I guess they don't have a say in this?

So, you are dropping your claim that Russia "must face opposition", since you aren't disputing my point that Estonia is not important to the World Balance of Power.

Your concerns about fairness are noted. And not worth a global thermonuclear war.
Quit bringing up "global thermonuclear war" as the main reason to forsake our values and our allies. We lived with the immediate threat of it for decades and never let it scare us into not being the shining example of freedom and democracy to the world. Letting Russia run wild is the same as willfully giving up our self proclaimed title of "the leader of the free world". Who gets to have that title now that the right no longer wants it?

A Military alliance of common defense is about fighting wars.

We should not be treaty bound to fight a war over Estonia if we are not prepared to fight the war it would take to defend Estonia.

Are you really prepared to fight WW III over Estonia?
If there is ever going to be a WWIII it will not be over something like Estonia. We have fought many proxy wars with Russia and we are both still here. The thing you need to realize is that Russia is not going to attempt to take territory we defend and that their threats are empty. Cooler heads than yours have long known these facts and based our defenses on those facts. with all the Putin fans among the right it is clear that the pro-Russian propaganda has intruded deeply into our political dialog. Hopefully Trump's new military leadership is not also a victim of what has been a wildly successful propaganda campaign by Russia that has even our right wing warhawks wanting to launch an appeasement policy with our most powerful military adversary.

Recognizing that Putin own's Obama's black ass has nothing to do with being a fan of his any more than recognizing Hitler and Stalin defeated Poland makes one a fan of theirs. It's just more butt hurt from the loser
So, you are dropping your claim that Russia "must face opposition", since you aren't disputing my point that Estonia is not important to the World Balance of Power.

Your concerns about fairness are noted. And not worth a global thermonuclear war.
Quit bringing up "global thermonuclear war" as the main reason to forsake our values and our allies. We lived with the immediate threat of it for decades and never let it scare us into not being the shining example of freedom and democracy to the world. Letting Russia run wild is the same as willfully giving up our self proclaimed title of "the leader of the free world". Who gets to have that title now that the right no longer wants it?

Yet Iran, Cuba and other despots you think we should give them shit and praise them like Obama does to get along with them ...
We did the right thing by normalizing relations with Cuba and Iran, both of their power structures depended on the US treating them like enemies and confirming the propaganda they put out. Iran would have almost certainly reverted back to a secular government years ago had not our leaders continually issued threats of attack.

Iran was broke and Cuba was in the stone age, WTF are you talking about?
I'm talking about diplomacy, you know that thing you hate that prevents unnecessary wars?

The war you want with Russia makes so much more sense, hyocrite
As an Independent, I'm still unsure what a Trump administration plans to do in many areas. However it's beginning to look like a replay of George W Bush. His cabinet is loaded with billionaire and CEO types, he seems to see things only from the perspective a comfortable seat in a corporate board room, and his method of bringing jobs back to America has little to do with slapping tariff's of foreign goods, and more on bribing company's with tax breaks to keep jobs from going off shore. The only difference seems to be Mr. Trump really enjoys making speeches (hence his victory tour)

I'll wait and see what Trump actually does once he's in office. I just hope Mr. Trump doesn't decide to "deregulate" things to the point where financial institutions begin peddling toxic mortgages again, and lies about weapons of mass destruction are not used as an excuse to start another war. I guess we'll find out....
Independent my ass...I can smell obama from here.

LOL well...yeah. He's an independent as you are to being a progtard. Not even
Quit bringing up "global thermonuclear war" as the main reason to forsake our values and our allies. We lived with the immediate threat of it for decades and never let it scare us into not being the shining example of freedom and democracy to the world. Letting Russia run wild is the same as willfully giving up our self proclaimed title of "the leader of the free world". Who gets to have that title now that the right no longer wants it?

Yet Iran, Cuba and other despots you think we should give them shit and praise them like Obama does to get along with them ...
We did the right thing by normalizing relations with Cuba and Iran, both of their power structures depended on the US treating them like enemies and confirming the propaganda they put out. Iran would have almost certainly reverted back to a secular government years ago had not our leaders continually issued threats of attack.

Iran was broke and Cuba was in the stone age, WTF are you talking about?
I'm talking about diplomacy, you know that thing you hate that prevents unnecessary wars?

The war you want with Russia makes so much more sense, hyocrite
The right wanting to have a policy of appeasement with Russia is something that makes zero sense. They are really the only country that is a direct military threat to us and that consistently acts in hostile ways to our allies and interests and the right wants to be pals. Someone explain this shit.
As an Independent, I'm still unsure what a Trump administration plans to do in many areas. However it's beginning to look like a replay of George W Bush. His cabinet is loaded with billionaire and CEO types, he seems to see things only from the perspective a comfortable seat in a corporate board room, and his method of bringing jobs back to America has little to do with slapping tariff's of foreign goods, and more on bribing company's with tax breaks to keep jobs from going off shore. The only difference seems to be Mr. Trump really enjoys making speeches (hence his victory tour)

I'll wait and see what Trump actually does once he's in office. I just hope Mr. Trump doesn't decide to "deregulate" things to the point where financial institutions begin peddling toxic mortgages again, and lies about weapons of mass destruction are not used as an excuse to start another war. I guess we'll find out....
Independent my ass...I can smell obama from here.

LOL well...yeah. He's an independent as you are to being a progtard. Not even

My, My....a lot of angry Trump supporters here. I've heard of sore losers before, but there is a bushel full of sore winners on this site.
THe SOviet Union had to face opposition in the Cold War, because a Soviet Union that conquered West Germany would upset the world Balance of Power leading to great harm to US interests.

If Russia takes Estonia, it will not upset the World Balance of Power.
Estonia does not want to be conquered by Russia, I guess they don't have a say in this?

So, you are dropping your claim that Russia "must face opposition", since you aren't disputing my point that Estonia is not important to the World Balance of Power.

Your concerns about fairness are noted. And not worth a global thermonuclear war.
Quit bringing up "global thermonuclear war" as the main reason to forsake our values and our allies. We lived with the immediate threat of it for decades and never let it scare us into not being the shining example of freedom and democracy to the world. Letting Russia run wild is the same as willfully giving up our self proclaimed title of "the leader of the free world". Who gets to have that title now that the right no longer wants it?

A Military alliance of common defense is about fighting wars.

We should not be treaty bound to fight a war over Estonia if we are not prepared to fight the war it would take to defend Estonia.

Are you really prepared to fight WW III over Estonia?
If there is ever going to be a WWIII it will not be over something like Estonia. We have fought many proxy wars with Russia and we are both still here. The thing you need to realize is that Russia is not going to attempt to take territory we defend and that their threats are empty. Cooler heads than yours have long known these facts and based our defenses on those facts. with all the Putin fans among the right it is clear that the pro-Russian propaganda has intruded deeply into our political dialog. Hopefully Trump's new military leadership is not also a victim of what has been a wildly successful propaganda campaign by Russia that has even our right wing warhawks wanting to launch an appeasement policy with our most powerful military adversary.

1. Estonia, and other former soviet republics have large ethnic Russia populations. This is an important interest of Russia. If we choose to threaten an important interest of Russia, war is a real possibility.

2. A Proxy war means that we do not directly fight against Russian units, nor they against US units. Estonia would NOT be a proxy war. .

3.You're betting that "Russia is not going to attempt to take territory we defend and that their threats are empty."? That's why you are comfortable being so aggressive? That is called running a bluff. And it is a really bad idea. If you are treaty bound to fight a war, you better be sure that you are prepared to fight a war.. Otherwise, LEAVE THE TREATY.
Yet Iran, Cuba and other despots you think we should give them shit and praise them like Obama does to get along with them ...
We did the right thing by normalizing relations with Cuba and Iran, both of their power structures depended on the US treating them like enemies and confirming the propaganda they put out. Iran would have almost certainly reverted back to a secular government years ago had not our leaders continually issued threats of attack.

Iran was broke and Cuba was in the stone age, WTF are you talking about?
I'm talking about diplomacy, you know that thing you hate that prevents unnecessary wars?

The war you want with Russia makes so much more sense, hyocrite
The right wanting to have a policy of appeasement with Russia is something that makes zero sense. They are really the only country that is a direct military threat to us and that consistently acts in hostile ways to our allies and interests and the right wants to be pals. Someone explain this shit.

Taking Estonia is not a direct threat to US.
Yet Iran, Cuba and other despots you think we should give them shit and praise them like Obama does to get along with them ...
We did the right thing by normalizing relations with Cuba and Iran, both of their power structures depended on the US treating them like enemies and confirming the propaganda they put out. Iran would have almost certainly reverted back to a secular government years ago had not our leaders continually issued threats of attack.

Iran was broke and Cuba was in the stone age, WTF are you talking about?
I'm talking about diplomacy, you know that thing you hate that prevents unnecessary wars?

The war you want with Russia makes so much more sense, hyocrite
The right wanting to have a policy of appeasement with Russia is something that makes zero sense. They are really the only country that is a direct military threat to us and that consistently acts in hostile ways to our allies and interests and the right wants to be pals. Someone explain this shit.

I'm not sure Putin bitch slapping Obama is "appeasement," It's more like getting bitch slapped

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