Trump Dishonors The Marine Corps Dead Of Belleau Wood

Conservatives have only themselves to blame for this and similar threads – after 8 years of conservatives contriving and propagating lies about President Obama ‘dishonoring’ this, or ‘dishonoring’ that.’
Conservatives have only themselves to blame for this and similar threads – after 8 years of conservatives contriving and propagating lies about President Obama ‘dishonoring’ this, or ‘dishonoring’ that.’
And they where true.
We should have never been in WW1, guys. Those poor saps lost their lives for nothing. If we weren't in WW1, Hitler woudn't have came to power.
Could you spell Belleau Wood before yesterday?

They probably didn't know that there used to be an Navy ship named Belleau Wood either!

It's been decommissioned?! Damn! Every ship I've ever gone aboard seems to have been decommissioned. Peacetime Navy sucks.

So, you prefer war? Sounds like a typical Republican. What a shame.

Always... who would stand in line to watch a movie called 'Star Peace'
Conservatives have only themselves to blame for this and similar threads – after 8 years of conservatives contriving and propagating lies about President Obama ‘dishonoring’ this, or ‘dishonoring’ that.’
Conservatives had to live through eight years of obama... a living hell.
Karma is a bitch
Could you spell Belleau Wood before yesterday?

They probably didn't know that there used to be an Navy ship named Belleau Wood either!

It's been decommissioned?! Damn! Every ship I've ever gone aboard seems to have been decommissioned. Peacetime Navy sucks.

So, you prefer war? Sounds like a typical Republican. What a shame.

Always... who would stand in line to watch a movie called 'Star Peace'

Maybe if it was a porno and called "Star Piece"!
My aunt called me from France and I've never heard her laugh as much as she did on trump LOL...she said it started with him complaining before he even landed, and than canceling honoring the veterans....and some naked protesters stopping his motorcade lol....she also told me, just by his facial expressions he looks unstable and she still can't beleive america let him make it to the oval answer was you should see the people that voted for him auntie haha

Mean time watching European news media laughing their asses off at what suppose to be a president, let alone a leader of the lol
My aunt called me from France and I've never heard her laugh as much as she did on trump LOL...she said it started with him complaining before he even landed, and than canceling honoring the veterans....and some naked protesters stopping his motorcade lol....she also told me, just by his facial expressions he looks unstable and she still can't beleive america let him make it to the oval answer was you should see the people that voted for him auntie haha

Mean time watching European news media laughing their asses off at what suppose to be a president, let alone a leader of the lol

I can't recall an American President, with the exception of Obama, that the European Press didn't look down their gaullic noses and sneer at.

Lincoln in particular was pilloried and caricatured in Europe as being unstable, comic, grotesque, and un-Presidential.

It's always easy to take the cheap shot when you have no other.
My aunt called me from France and I've never heard her laugh as much as she did on trump LOL...she said it started with him complaining before he even landed, and than canceling honoring the veterans....and some naked protesters stopping his motorcade lol....she also told me, just by his facial expressions he looks unstable and she still can't beleive america let him make it to the oval answer was you should see the people that voted for him auntie haha

Mean time watching European news media laughing their asses off at what suppose to be a president, let alone a leader of the lol

I can't recall an American President, with the exception of Obama, that the European Press didn't look down their gaullic noses and sneer at.

Lincoln in particular was pilloried and caricatured in Europe as being unstable, comic, grotesque, and un-Presidential.

It's always easy to take the cheap shot when you have no other.
I'm sorry but Trump is really an idiot and erratic....his speech, word Chooces, getsures ....everything about him is unpresidential and I say that and politics aside.
This French aunt of mine, never heard him speak and she told me he acts like an idiot (facial expressions).
You might like his politics but please dont lie to yourself and describe him as normal.
My aunt called me from France and I've never heard her laugh as much as she did on trump LOL...she said it started with him complaining before he even landed, and than canceling honoring the veterans....and some naked protesters stopping his motorcade lol....she also told me, just by his facial expressions he looks unstable and she still can't beleive america let him make it to the oval answer was you should see the people that voted for him auntie haha

Mean time watching European news media laughing their asses off at what suppose to be a president, let alone a leader of the lol

I can't recall an American President, with the exception of Obama, that the European Press didn't look down their gaullic noses and sneer at.

Lincoln in particular was pilloried and caricatured in Europe as being unstable, comic, grotesque, and un-Presidential.

It's always easy to take the cheap shot when you have no other.
I'm sorry but Trump is really an idiot and erratic....his speech, word Chooces, getsures ....everything about him is unpresidential and I say that and politics aside.
This French aunt of mine, never heard him speak and she told me he acts like an idiot (facial expressions).
You might like his politics but please dont lie to yourself and describe him as normal.

The French think smoking is sexy, that the accordian has a place in rock music, and that Jerry Lewis is a comic genius.

I wouldn't put too much stock in what the French think.

Besides, President Trump was elected as the American President, not the French President.
My aunt called me from France and I've never heard her laugh as much as she did on trump LOL...she said it started with him complaining before he even landed, and than canceling honoring the veterans....and some naked protesters stopping his motorcade lol....she also told me, just by his facial expressions he looks unstable and she still can't beleive america let him make it to the oval answer was you should see the people that voted for him auntie haha

Mean time watching European news media laughing their asses off at what suppose to be a president, let alone a leader of the lol

I can't recall an American President, with the exception of Obama, that the European Press didn't look down their gaullic noses and sneer at.

Lincoln in particular was pilloried and caricatured in Europe as being unstable, comic, grotesque, and un-Presidential.

It's always easy to take the cheap shot when you have no other.
I'm sorry but Trump is really an idiot and erratic....his speech, word Chooces, getsures ....everything about him is unpresidential and I say that and politics aside.
This French aunt of mine, never heard him speak and she told me he acts like an idiot (facial expressions).
You might like his politics but please dont lie to yourself and describe him as normal.

The French think smoking is sexy, that the accordian has a place in rock music, and that Jerry Lewis is a comic genius.

I wouldn't put too much stock in what the French think.

Besides, President Trump was elected as the American President, not the French President.
You stereotyping the French people...on average Frenxh people are more educated, elegant, healthier and humble compared to Americans...I know both cultures. And I know you are a smart dude, and you know deep down Trump is a stupid moron
The French they are a race funny. The cart before the horse they put. Fight with their feet do they and with their faces they fuck.

Hard to take 'em seriously.
In the spring of the final year of the First World War the Kaiser Wilhelm’s army was making a final push to end the conflict before American troops could arrive in France in great numbers. British and French troops were retreating in disarray. Paris itself was threatened. A war born of ultra-nationalist impulses was seemingly ending badly for the Western democracies.

But while the German offensive seemed unstoppable, a brigade of United States Marines had different ideas. Marching directly into the German strong point at a private hunting preserve just 60 miles from Paris, these Marines made headlong charges into withering gunfire across exposed wheat fields and engaging in hand to hand combat in thickly forested woods often filled with poisoned gas. The battle was brutal, savage, and full of extreme suffering. Still, the Marines persevered; not only stopping the German advance but also perhaps turning Allied retreat into advance and ultimately, on this day 100 years ago, victory.

The Marines of the Belleau Wood paid a horrific price in casualties. Besides the thousands of wounded soldiers, 1,800 young Americans lost their lives in an effort to stop aggression. As in all wars, the survivors paid a price often dealing with what we now know as post traumatic stress disorder. Theirs’ was a sacrifice that was both honorable and unselfish. As Americans we should be thankful for their sacrifice; they deserve to be remembered.

Fast-forward 100 years later. Today many of the leaders of descendants of the participant nations of the First World War have gathered in France to remember the century-mark of what used to be called Armistice Day, now known in the United States as Veterans Day. As part of the proceedings, a ceremony was held yesterday at the American Cemetery at Aisne Marne, located not far from where many of the Marines killed at Belleau Wood are buried. Present day leaders of the combatants of the First World War made it a point to visit the cemeteries of their nation’s dead who were buried near the battlefields close to or even located at the battlefields in which they fell. One leader, however, did not: President Donald Trump.

Trump Dishonors the Marine Corps Dead of Belleau Wood Wood

You never even knew until you heard it on MSNBC.
The thread title should read, “ USMB member uses the memory of dead marines to get “thanks and agree” emoji’s on a message board, dishonors their memory”.
The French they are a race funny. The cart before the horse they put. Fight with their feet do they and with their faces they fuck.

Hard to take 'em seriously.

LOL, the French cannot help that they are not as arrogant as Americans
And Obama treated U.S. Marines as his personal umbrella-bearing houseboys.

Maybe if President Trump had a marine walk around with him in that same demeaning way the left would have applauded?

Nawwwww.....first off, they only "like" Marines (or any military personnel) when it suits their purposes.

You are one dumb fucking person.

It is not demeaning for a member of the military to severe the Commander in Chief, it is one of the highest honors that can be achieved.

There are pictures of US Service members holding umbrella for every POTUS going back to Reagan.

Fuck, how do you people function on a daily basis being this fucking ignorant.

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