Trump ditches media to eat dinner in private- liberal media outraged!

Horrors! Trump wanted to go to a nice restaurant wife. So he went. Without telling the press! So now the press is having a melt down. Time for crayons and play dough?

Media freaks out when Trump goes to dinner without them - Hot Air
Trump and Tramp ditched the press to meet with their Russian masters. It is the equivalent of having a home server!!!
Oh, brother! You need a very long nap. :rolleyes:
Why else would an attention whore and his slut avoid the press except to sell access to foreign governments?
Juan Williams writes that is necessary for the president to be photographed whenever he leaves the office. It's important....for his safety??? Come on, Juan! The left will make a big deal if he gets a pimple on his ass!

Does anyone recall the time Obama went to a bad neighborhood to meet with someone? I am thinking it was in Chicago. He ditched media but the story got out and a few media outlets reported on it. This was after he was inaugurated. The same media who were willing to dismiss that mysterious meeting now fly off the handle over not being able to observe Trump eating.
You know, even though I don't like Trump, I'm kinda happy that he punked the press the way he did. Why? Reporters don't need to be always around him for everything. Give the man a break, living in a fishbowl can suck sometimes.

And..............if something DID happen, I'm sure that there would be people around with smart phones who would record it.
I'll betcha the Secret Service has smart phones, too. The inference to all of this is that we the American public have the right to see our President shot or collapse from a heart attack. What else are they hanging around for 24/7? "If something happens to the President, we need to know .... " Well what in hell is going to happen to him except him getting killed? It's ghoulish.

They are hoping to catch him choking on a piece of lettuce.
We don't need a play by play of every bite he eats

Press are blood sucking vampires. Trump still has a right to go to dinner with his wife. Obama managed to go to a restaurant several times while he was president. Trump is only president elect at the moment.

Maybe the press should take a journalism class and learn about reporting facts, important facts, instead of what salad dressing he prefers or how many minutes the press did not have access to Trump while he ate.
You know, unless something REALLY drastic happens, I think the media should give him some breathing room until Jan 20th, after that? Follow him as much as you want, he's then president.

Until he swears in? Let him be, it's gonna be the last little bit of his own time for the next 4 years.
The Media’s Plan to Waylay Trump

It's traditional for the media to give an incoming president a break for a couple of months.

Not this bunch. They've started already and he hasn't even been sworn in yet.

"The same media that found nothing noteworthy eight years ago in Obama aide Van Jones being a 9/11 truther or Obama aide Anita Dunn calling murderous Mao Zedong 'one of my favorite philosophers' is obsessing over what Steve Bannon said or merely allowed at Breitbart sites," said Tim Graham of the Media Research Center, a conservative media watchdog.

And on and on it goes. Day after day they find reasons to attack him – and he hasn't done a thing yet! At least nothing beyond selecting his committee to help him select people to hire or ask Congress for confirmation after he takes the Oath of Office.

It's gonna be a long 4 years (and more)!

This story @ The Media’s Plan to Waylay Trump

An example right away = Critics Say Ivanka Trump Used Father’s ’60 Minutes’ Interview To Promote Her Jewelry Line @ LOOK: What Ivanka Wore During '60 Minutes' Interview Has The Media Up In Arms

This will keep on coming, with this as an example:

STEAK-GATE! NBC Goes Full Spazz over Trump Dinner @ STEAK-GATE! NBC Goes Full Spazz over Trump Dinner

He can't even go out to have dinner with his family.
Trump went to a $36 hamburger joint to eat and to also regale the richies there with reminders of how he was going to cut their taxes.

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