Trump does it again!


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
First, he makes the RINOs in Congress look like assholes.

Then he backs China into a corner by assuring them that, if they don't do something about NK, WE WILL.

Now, he makes the NFL and their players look like assholes.

Way to go, Mr. Prez!
He hasn't passed any significant legislation.

He says to the NK boyking to stop threatening America or else, boyking keeps firing missiles.

He acts like an adolescent who can't keep his emotions in check and throws fuel on the fire with the NFL.

Keep staring at the bright shiny light, Trump supporters!
Trump does it* again!

**makes himself look like an ass
I don't think President Trump "backed China into a corner". I think He convinced China (and Russia) that it would be in their best interests to enforce sanctions against North Korea. Keep in mind that China actually fought a ground war on the side of North Korea against the U.S. when Truman was president. Democrats are really bad at making international deals or friends for that matter.
First, he makes the RINOs in Congress look like assholes.

Then he backs China into a corner by assuring them that, if they don't do something about NK, WE WILL.

Now, he makes the NFL and their players look like assholes.

Way to go, Mr. Prez!

He cannot even get his own party to follow his lead.

He is trying his best to get NK to attack us so he has the war he wants to try and get his approval rating up.

Prior to his butting in, there were a handful of players taking a knee, now whole teams are choosing to remain inside and he has brought the players and owners together like they have not been in 40 years.

Yep, Trump is just down right amazing.
He hasn't passed any significant legislation.

He says to the NK boyking to stop threatening America or else, boyking keeps firing missiles.

He acts like an adolescent who can't keep his emotions in check and throws fuel on the fire with the NFL.

Keep staring at the bright shiny light, Trump supporters!

1. That is Congress' job. If they don't, a whole lot of RINOs will be replaced in 2018.

2. He is baiting Rocket Man to do something that will give us a reason to depose him, forcing China to act first.

3. You sound like a bed wetter who can't stand legitimate confrontation.

4. Can't you come up with a better metaphor? Sad!
I don't think President Trump "backed China into a corner". I think He convinced China (and Russia) that it would be in their best interests to enforce sanctions against North Korea.

^^^^^^^^^^^A distinction without a difference^^^^^^^^^^^^
He hasn't passed any significant legislation.

He says to the NK boyking to stop threatening America or else, boyking keeps firing missiles.

He acts like an adolescent who can't keep his emotions in check and throws fuel on the fire with the NFL.

Keep staring at the bright shiny light, Trump supporters!

1. That is Congress' job. If they don't, a whole lot of RINOs will be replaced in 2018.

2. He is baiting Rocket Man to do something that will give us a reason to depose him, forcing China to act first.

3. You sound like a bed wetter who can't stand legitimate confrontation.

4. Can't you come up with a better metaphor? Sad!

Typical distracted pom-pom waving rube for your messiah, Orange Jesus, while little of substance gets done.

How's that Obamacare Repeal going for you?
He hasn't passed any significant legislation.

He says to the NK boyking to stop threatening America or else, boyking keeps firing missiles.

He acts like an adolescent who can't keep his emotions in check and throws fuel on the fire with the NFL.

Keep staring at the bright shiny light, Trump supporters!

1. That is Congress' job. If they don't, a whole lot of RINOs will be replaced in 2018.

2. He is baiting Rocket Man to do something that will give us a reason to depose him, forcing China to act first.

3. You sound like a bed wetter who can't stand legitimate confrontation.

4. Can't you come up with a better metaphor? Sad!

Typical distracted pom-pom waving rube for your messiah, Orange Jesus, while little of substance gets done.

How's that Obamacare Repeal going for you?

Says the far left drone that voted for Hilary!

How is pretending to be conservative going for you?
Typical distracted pom-pom waving rube for your messiah, Orange Jesus, while little of substance gets done.

If so little of substance is getting done, why are you whining about Trump?
He hasn't passed any significant legislation.

He says to the NK boyking to stop threatening America or else, boyking keeps firing missiles.

He acts like an adolescent who can't keep his emotions in check and throws fuel on the fire with the NFL.

Keep staring at the bright shiny light, Trump supporters!

The Bears are free. They kicked Pittsburgh's ass.
Typical distracted pom-pom waving rube for your messiah, Orange Jesus, while little of substance gets done.

If so little of substance is getting done, why are you whining about Trump?

I'd like him to pass tax reform.

But he's such a bumbling incompetent rube who can't seem to get anything accomplished other than signing EOs, I have serious doubts he will be able to.

Plus, he's more divisive than Obama. That's great if you want to be on WWE or be the next Morton Downey Jr TV host, but not as President.
Typical distracted pom-pom waving rube for your messiah, Orange Jesus, while little of substance gets done.
If so little of substance is getting done, why are you whining about Trump?
After a confrontation between neo-Nazis and anti-racist protesters in which one of them died, he placed the blame on "both sides". Now football players exercising their freedom of speech are "bums who should be fired"! The man has no moral center. It's not whining; it's justifiable outrage.
Typical distracted pom-pom waving rube for your messiah, Orange Jesus, while little of substance gets done.
If so little of substance is getting done, why are you whining about Trump?
After a confrontation between neo-Nazis and anti-racist protesters in which one of them died, he placed the blame on "both sides". Now football players exercising their freedom of speech are "bums who should be fired"! The man has no moral center. It's not whining; it's justifiable outrage.

Apparently you have no moral center. If the "anti-racist" protester had not shown up, she would still be here.

They are not exercising their freedom of speech because there is no law saying they cannot do it, but accepted practice says otherwise.

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