Trump; Durbin blew chances at DACA

aw, come on kiddies, its going to be crow eating time AGAIN before you know it.
or not ...

Durbin: Senators to release immigration bill Wednesday

RW cave in takes place Wed ... stay tuned.
The relevant paragraphs:

The Senate group's bill is expected to tie a pathway to citizenship to roughly $2.7 billion in border security.

It's also expected to shuffle some of the diversity lottery visas toward Temporary Protected Status (TPS) countries and make changes to family-based immigration that would be limited to Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) recipients and their family members.

But the group could face an uphill battle to get a floor vote. McConnell has said he will only bring up an immigration bill if the president has indicated that he'll sign it.

"Mr Durbin I’m so sorry that your virgin ears were blistered by the absolutely horrible language president Trump used in front of you The president actually thought he was addressing a meeting of members of congress , not a kindergarten class hope you didn’t wet your pants too." - Wacky Charlie Daniels
or not ...

Durbin: Senators to release immigration bill Wednesday

RW cave in takes place Wed ... stay tuned.
The relevant paragraphs:

The Senate group's bill is expected to tie a pathway to citizenship to roughly $2.7 billion in border security.

It's also expected to shuffle some of the diversity lottery visas toward Temporary Protected Status (TPS) countries and make changes to family-based immigration that would be limited to Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) recipients and their family members.

But the group could face an uphill battle to get a floor vote. McConnell has said he will only bring up an immigration bill if the president has indicated that he'll sign it.

Gomer said he'd sign anything they handed him .. whats it going to be?

say RW cave as usual w/ midterms around the corner
"Mr Durbin I’m so sorry that your virgin ears were blistered by the absolutely horrible language president Trump used in front of you The president actually thought he was addressing a meeting of members of congress , not a kindergarten class hope you didn’t wet your pants too." - Wacky Charlie Daniels
I don't care if a President uses foul language.

In fact, I would be surprised to learn if we ever had one who never cussed.

It isn't "shithole" which has people pissed off.

It isn't calling a country a "shithole" that has people pissed off.

It's the asking why we take in the people who are suffering the most that has people pissed off.

That was one of the most heartless, cruel, and bigoted statements ever made by a leader of the free world.

And that is why Trump is now backpedaling on that incredibly ignorant and stupid statement.
hard to believe a stand up guy like the trumpling would blame someone else

Last summer, the House passed a bill which repealed some of ObamaCare's taxes. It didn't do much more than that.

Trump crowed and crowed that the bill was a repeal of Obamacare. Not just a repeal, but a replacement, too!

Except that it wasn't either one of those things. Not even close.

Fucking amazing.

But Trump thinks his Tard Herd is dumb enough to bleev it was, and they are.


“Make no mistake,” the president said at one point, “this is a repeal and a replace of Obamacare, make no mistake about it. Make no mistake.”

When a huckster tells a gigantic lie like that, he can have nothing but a conscious and utter contempt for his followers who bleev every lie from his mouth.

So Trump will sign whatever immigration bill lands on his desk and he will tell the Tard Herd it is whatever he says it is, no matter if it isn't. And they will parrot what they are told to parrot about it.
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COTTON just now: “I saw what Senator Durbin said, that he stood by every word he said. So let me be clear: I stand by every word I said, the difference is I’m right.”
"Mr Durbin I’m so sorry that your virgin ears were blistered by the absolutely horrible language president Trump used in front of you The president actually thought he was addressing a meeting of members of congress , not a kindergarten class hope you didn’t wet your pants too." - Wacky Charlie Daniels
I don't care if a President uses foul language.

In fact, I would be surprised to learn if we ever had one who never cussed.

It isn't "shithole" which has people pissed off.

It isn't calling a country a "shithole" that has people pissed off.

It's the asking why we take in the people who are suffering the most that has people pissed off.

That was one of the most heartless, cruel, and bigoted statements ever made by a leader of the free world.

And that is why Trump is now backpedaling on that incredibly ignorant and stupid statement.
Care to explain how a person in a country doesn't live in a shithole are suffering so much? And as a follow up can you tell us how leaving those people in a country that isn't a shithole is somehow cruel?

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