Trump encourages boycott of Harley Davidson.

U.S. on China, South Korea and Mexico - Washing machines 20%-50% Imposed

U.S. on most countries, notably China - Solar panels 30% Imposed

U.S. on Canada - Newsprint 22% Imposed

U.S. on European Union, Canada, Mexico and most other countries Steel 25% Imposed

U.S. on European Union, Canada, Mexico and most other countries - Aluminum 10% Imposed

U.S. on Turkey - Steel 50% Imposed

U.S. on China - $50 billion of goods 25% Imposed on $34 billion worth. Second set of $16 billion set for Aug. 23

U.S. on China - Additional $200 billion of goods 25% Threatened

U.S. European Union - Automobiles 20% Threatened

U.S. - Uranium Threatened

Good stuff - getting us back to where we should have been over the past 30 years, and would have been, if not for 4 spineless idiots.
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HD has a history of outsourcing their brand. When AMF owned them, they sold low cc 250's etc., crap made overseas to the public. They also had this current overseas thing in progress years before The Donald was elected President in a landslide. Triumph, BMW, Indian (Polaris), Yamaha are obvious better choices for large two cylinder engines.
/——/ yes landslide.

Trump got fewer votes than Hillary Clinton. He got fewer votes than Mitt Romney did when he LOST the election.
HD has a history of outsourcing their brand. When AMF owned them, they sold low cc 250's etc., crap made overseas to the public. They also had this current overseas thing in progress years before The Donald was elected President in a landslide. Triumph, BMW, Indian (Polaris), Yamaha are obvious better choices for large two cylinder engines.
/——/ yes landslide.

Trump got fewer votes than Hillary Clinton. He got fewer votes than Mitt Romney did when he LOST the election.
/----/ Because Trump was running a campaign to win the EC votes. Hildabeast was sooooooooo stupid she ran to win the popular votes. Stupid girl.
What landslide? He got less votes than the other candidate.
"Votes" ? That shouldn't matter. Only thing that should matter is AMERICAN votes. Of those ,Trump won in a landslide. And from our booming economy + less illegal alien voters, he will again in 2020. :biggrin:
HD has a history of outsourcing their brand. When AMF owned them, they sold low cc 250's etc., crap made overseas to the public. They also had this current overseas thing in progress years before The Donald was elected President in a landslide. Triumph, BMW, Indian (Polaris), Yamaha are obvious better choices for large two cylinder engines.
/——/ yes landslide.

Trump got fewer votes than Hillary Clinton. He got fewer votes than Mitt Romney did when he LOST the election.
/----/ If Hildabeast got more votes why isn't she president? Why did she stand there and let Trump get sworn in? Was she drunk? Why?????
HD has a history of outsourcing their brand. When AMF owned them, they sold low cc 250's etc., crap made overseas to the public. They also had this current overseas thing in progress years before The Donald was elected President in a landslide. Triumph, BMW, Indian (Polaris), Yamaha are obvious better choices for large two cylinder engines.
/——/ yes landslide.
What landslide? He got less votes than the other candidate.
/-----/ Then why isn't she in the White House destroying America with socialism and single payer?
/----/ If Hildabeast got more votes why isn't she president? Why did she stand there and let Trump get sworn in? Was she drunk? Why?????
She WAS drunk.

Secret Service Detail: Hillary Clinton Was Drunk Morning of Campaign Rally – True Pundit

From Harley fucking Davidson you oblivious blitherer.

Harley said its full-year shipment of motorcycles to dealers would fall by 6% to 8% from last year, marking a sharp decline from its previous projection of "flat to down modestly.

1. Has nothing to do with the moronic quote about "declining US market"

2. Doesn't show anything about HD production being related to Trump.

3. USA Today is as unreliable as hell.

Strike 1....Strike 2.....Strike 3

Let’s just dismiss facts and figures we don’t like, that don’t support the idiocy and lies we’re promoting. Trumpian to the core.

Exporters don’t pay tariffs. They’re added to the price of the goods and they’re paid at the port of entry. Contracts say the purchaser is responsible for payment of all import duties and taxes. That cost is passed on to consumers in the form of higher prices.

Tariffs hurt the exporting country by increasing the price of the goods over locally produced items. American car makers are raising the price of a new car by $800 to cover the increased cost of imported steel. They expect sales to drop. They expect layoffs.

For every job gained in the steel industry because of these tariffs. 5 will be lost in manufacturing.

Trump's tariff plan puts jobs at risk

Real economists are opposed to tariffs.
Tariffs built America for over 100 years. Now they are REBUILDING America. :biggrin:
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Trump hasn’t figured ou Trump business economics. This guy’s instincts have lead to 7 major business bankruptcies - the most of any American business man. He started a mortgage and loan company right before the housing bubble crashed.

Trump is a fake and a con man. Always has been. He had one successful project in his life: Trump Tower. The rest had to be sold to and bailed out by others. Trump always negotiates deals to leave his name on the buildings he no longer owns.
Oh, the liberal meltdown continues. Not only did Trump kick their butts in the 2016 election, but his economy has recovered from the Obama 2016 decline, and is now booming, with very low unemployment.

Keep on eating up all that leftist propaganda. I can see they've got YOU programmed. Oh yeah, Trump, is a total loser. A welfare recipient. Goes to food banks. Panhandles. LOL.

Trump had NO BANKRUPTCIES. He had a few Chapter 11's (not Chapter 7)..Chapter 11s are reorganizations, not bankruptcies. Trump makes Million$$ with brand licensing. Very simple. Very easy. Very lucrative, with none of the complications of real estate ownership. His net worth is $10 Billion. And yours is ? :laugh:







Typical right wing Trumpette PIOS blames Obama for the Bush recession.

Obama greatly improved our economy since he took office. YOUR fucking worthless party lefty Obama with an economy SHRINKING at a rate over 6% & losing 800,000 jobs a month. Just pull your head out of Trump's ass & consider those numbers.

Trump, not so much. Even after his tax cut funded by borrowing 1.5 trillion dollars.

Wow Trump can build buildings. Nothing to do with trade. His airline failed. His University was a fraud. He cheated contractors. He hired foreign labor. He lies every freakin day.
HD has a history of outsourcing their brand. When AMF owned them, they sold low cc 250's etc., crap made overseas to the public. They also had this current overseas thing in progress years before The Donald was elected President in a landslide. Triumph, BMW, Indian (Polaris), Yamaha are obvious better choices for large two cylinder engines.
/——/ yes landslide.

Trump got fewer votes than Hillary Clinton. He got fewer votes than Mitt Romney did when he LOST the election.
/----/ Because Trump was running a campaign to win the EC votes. Hildabeast was sooooooooo stupid she ran to win the popular votes. Stupid girl.
Lol, tRump was running a campaign to lose. Without Russian assistance the was toast.
HD has a history of outsourcing their brand. When AMF owned them, they sold low cc 250's etc., crap made overseas to the public. They also had this current overseas thing in progress years before The Donald was elected President in a landslide. Triumph, BMW, Indian (Polaris), Yamaha are obvious better choices for large two cylinder engines.
/——/ yes landslide.

Trump got fewer votes than Hillary Clinton. He got fewer votes than Mitt Romney did when he LOST the election.
/----/ Because Trump was running a campaign to win the EC votes. Hildabeast was sooooooooo stupid she ran to win the popular votes. Stupid girl.
Lol, tRump was running a campaign to lose. Without Russian assistance the was toast.
/----/ You're grasping at straws. No one runs a campaign to lose. How stupid.
Oh the irony. Now I know you were lying about teaching

Do I think that Trump knows as much about trade as the last four presidents? HELL NO. Trump doesn’t know jack shit about any of this stuff. He’s making it up as he goes along.

Trump didn’t know you have a trade surplus with Canada. He thinks that a trade deficit means the other country owes the US government money.

He also seems to think the exporting countries pay the tariffs. They don’t. The buyers do. The tariffs on imports are paid by the importer, not the exporter. They raise the price of the goods the sold in the US. American consumers are paying the tariffs Trump is levying. The idea being that they’ll buy the cheaper US made products over the more expensive imports.

Trump even said that the import tariffs would pay down the national debt. Now there’s a joke. You don’t import enough goods to make a dent in the national debt.

There is also no strategy on implementing the tariffs. Bad news on the Stormy Daniels lawsuit? Slap tariffs on China. Distracts the media and the public from the scandal.

Turkey kidnaps a minister, slap a tariff on them.

Businesses can’t plan production or marketing because Trump could wake up and read that someone in Europe insulted him and slap a tarriff on their suppliers.

How is it that you don’t know this stuff Mr. Economics Professor. Why does a former banker have to school you on tariffs?

Canadians are now boycotting US produce and manufactured goods. The EU has slapped tariffs on targeted products, China is ramping up the trade war.

Trump said trade wars are easy to win. I look forward to the inevitable retreat from these ruinous policies, and Trumps attempt to spin this as yet another “win”.
NO, my dear. You really have to stop reading IDIOT propaganda. Importers do not pay for tariffs. They are taxes levied on exporters. Even elementary school kids know that.

Leftists have a habit of twisting things backwards and then acting like that's how things are. Did you fail microeconomics 101? If you didn't, you should have, and I'm flunking you right now.
Oh, the American consumer will pay for the tariffs, will they ? I see not only are you duped by the ceaseless jibberish yammered about Trump, but you're also duped by the ever-present lies about prices going up. No company can raise prices above their market price. These are the highest price they can charge, without triggering sales reductions/losses. What do you THINK was the source of those prices ? It wasn't somebody's lucky number, you dunce.

The reason why tariffs at being slapped on China, is because China has been doing that to us, while the past 4 moron US presidents (Clinton, Obama, both Bushes) have given China unrestricted access to out huge/rich market, and they have take full advantage. It's like if you had a very huge palace, filled with money, and you allowed the townspeople to walk right in and take your money. The when you go to their houses, they have a sign on the front lawn with your name on it, and saying "Go Away".

Trump isn't hitting countries with Tariffs because of somebody kidnapped, or this or that. Wow. What a bunch of crazy stuff must be floating around in the leftist media. EARTH TO LEFTIST DUPES: the tariffs are merely returning the US to a fair and strong tariff bearing.

Did you know that America was built on tariffs ? That's another thing Trump said. You want to attack that too ? You'd be wrong (what else is new?) if you did.

Donald J. Trump

"Our Country was built on Tariffs, and Tariffs are now leading us to great new Trade Deals - as opposed to the horrible and unfair Trade Deals that I inherited as your President. Other Countries should not be allowed to come in and steal the wealth of our great U.S.A. No longer!"
11:04 AM - Aug 15, 2018

Built on tariffs, Indeed. One of the very first bills new President George Washington signed, for instance, was the Tariff Act of 1789. The tariff of 1789 was designed to raise money for the new federal government, slash Revolutionary War debt, and protect early-stage American industries from foreign competition.

Then, as now, some industries sought protection in Congress from a flood of imports. Most goods entering the U.S. were subjected to a 5% tariff, though in a few cases the rates ranged as high as 50%.

It was the first of many tariffs that Congress passed over a century and a half. They generated the vast majority of the federal government's revenue, until the U.S. adopted an income tax in 1913.

Over time the arguments on behalf of protectionism became closely tied to the emerging Republican party.

"Give us a protective tariff and we will have the greatest nation on earth", a young Abraham Lincoln said in 1847. Later, as the country's 16th president, Lincoln rejected free trade and jacked up tariffs during the Civil War, to pay for the North's military campaigns.

By the end of World War II, tariffs largely lost favor in Washington, in both parties. The once-puny U.S. economy had become a colossus, and American companies dominated the international stage. For the next 60 years the U.S. pushed to lower trade barriers, create a global system of free trade, and flood the world with American goods. This was America being great. It lasted until George Bush (41) decided to kiss China's ass, by giving them unrestricted access to our MARKET. And Trump is now undoing all that damage, and making America great again, in the process.

China China China. Your fuckhead President put tariffs on Canada, Mexico & the EU.
Let’s just dismiss facts and figures we don’t like, that don’t support the idiocy and lies we’re promoting. Trumpian to the core.

Exporters don’t pay tariffs. They’re added to the price of the goods and they’re paid at the port of entry. Contracts say the purchaser is responsible for payment of all import duties and taxes. That cost is passed on to consumers in the form of higher prices.

Tariffs hurt the exporting country by increasing the price of the goods over locally produced items. American car makers are raising the price of a new car by $800 to cover the increased cost of imported steel. They expect sales to drop. They expect layoffs.

For every job gained in the steel industry because of these tariffs. 5 will be lost in manufacturing.

Trump's tariff plan puts jobs at risk

Real economists are opposed to tariffs.
So now you get flunked twice. I guess you really DO think that prices come from somebody's lucky number. :rolleyes:

EARTH TO DL : You might take up knitting, basketweaving, oil painting. Anything but economics. :puhleeze:[/QUOTE]
HD has a history of outsourcing their brand. When AMF owned them, they sold low cc 250's etc., crap made overseas to the public. They also had this current overseas thing in progress years before The Donald was elected President in a landslide. Triumph, BMW, Indian (Polaris), Yamaha are obvious better choices for large two cylinder engines.
/——/ yes landslide.

Trump got fewer votes than Hillary Clinton. He got fewer votes than Mitt Romney did when he LOST the election.
/----/ Libs are pisssed that they now have to buy American.
Trump hasn’t figured ou Trump business economics. This guy’s instincts have lead to 7 major business bankruptcies - the most of any American business man. He started a mortgage and loan company right before the housing bubble crashed.

Trump is a fake and a con man. Always has been. He had one successful project in his life: Trump Tower. The rest had to be sold to and bailed out by others. Trump always negotiates deals to leave his name on the buildings he no longer owns.
Oh, the liberal meltdown continues. Not only did Trump kick their butts in the 2016 election, but his economy has recovered from the Obama 2016 decline, and is now booming, with very low unemployment.

Keep on eating up all that leftist propaganda. I can see they've got YOU programmed. Oh yeah, Trump, is a total loser. A welfare recipient. Goes to food banks. Panhandles. LOL.

Trump had NO BANKRUPTCIES. He had a few Chapter 11's (not Chapter 7)..Chapter 11s are reorganizations, not bankruptcies. Trump makes Million$$ with brand licensing. Very simple. Very easy. Very lucrative, with none of the complications of real estate ownership. His net worth is $10 Billion. And yours is ? :laugh:







Typical right wing Trumpette PIOS blames Obama for the Bush recession.

Obama greatly improved our economy since he took office. YOUR fucking worthless party lefty Obama with an economy SHRINKING at a rate over 6% & losing 800,000 jobs a month. Just pull your head out of Trump's ass & consider those numbers.

Trump, not so much. Even after his tax cut funded by borrowing 1.5 trillion dollars.

Wow Trump can build buildings. Nothing to do with trade. His airline failed. His University was a fraud. He cheated contractors. He hired foreign labor. He lies every freakin day.

Actually Trump can’t build buildings. But he has developed a brilliant scam. This article sets out what happened to his Toronto project. As with many Trump projects, the hotel went bankrupt and Trump walked away with millions.

Please note as well, that this is a pattern for Trump. He bragged about walking away from his first Atlantic City bankruptcy with $40 million in his pockets.

How every investor lost money on Trump Tower Toronto (but Donald Trump made millions anyway) | The Star
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