Trump encourages boycott of Harley Davidson.

The US has a 25% tariff on foreign made trucks imported into the US. Trump never talks about THAT tariff, only about the tariff on US made cars going to Europe.
That's funny. I just saw a statistic that says vehicles coming into the US have a 5% tariff, while ours going to China run into a 25% tariff. Where's your information coming from. Don't give me some leftist "source."
Reagan pulled Harley Davidson out of the fire and saved their asses. Now our President wants to help them and every other American company by eliminating unfair trade practices and Harley Davidson bails on him instead of hanging in until Trump gets a better deal (THAT WILL HELP HARLEY). Fuck Harley Davidson, I hope they go under for good this time. No more bailouts.
If Trump said we will bailout Harley Davidson the American Icon you pussies all gonna jump on his penis to have a turn.....the most idiotic group that was ever assembled.
Bail them out of what? Think before you post, idiot.
Hypothetically orange slave.
Reagan pulled Harley Davidson out of the fire and saved their asses. Now our President wants to help them and every other American company by eliminating unfair trade practices and Harley Davidson bails on him instead of hanging in until Trump gets a better deal (THAT WILL HELP HARLEY). Fuck Harley Davidson, I hope they go under for good this time. No more bailouts.
If Trump said we will bailout Harley Davidson the American Icon you pussies all gonna jump on his penis to have a turn.....the most idiotic group that was ever assembled.
Bail them out of what? Think before you post, idiot.
Hypothetically orange slave.

From a far left slave!
First Trump puts tariffs on certain countries for Steel & Aluminum. It raises Harley Davidson's manufacturing costs. They make the decision to move production overseas for their non domestic sales.

Now he is putting the Presidential seal on a boycott.

To punish a US company for something Trump basically forced them to do.

So whose motorcycles will these boycotters buy? Honda? Some imported bike?

Guess you don't read much.

HD has been planning this for a few years. Long before Trump became POTUS or any tariffs.

The iconic motorcycle manufacturing company announced they were opening a factory in Thailand nearly a year before President Donald Trump imposed tariffs on steel imports
So, Trump warned farmers & manufacturers that the tariffs would create the mess it has? According to you, he knew & he said fuck farmers. Fuck mfrs like HD. He is scrambling to cover his ass like promising 12 B to farmers.

A leader would have everything in place to deal with the retaliatory tariffs. Trump either was too stupid or he just figured fuck Americans that will be hurt. Which is it?

Want to know just how ignorant & stupid you are? You think Trump knows more than the past four administrations & their advisors. How the fuck can anyone justify that?
No, Trump didn't say "fuck farmers'. That's is what YOU are saying, to try to spin it all into a Trump bash, which is all you guys seem to be able to do.

OMG, how f'n stupid can you be ? You think the past four administrations & their advisors, got it right ?,,,, and Trump doesn't know as much as THEM ? Pheeeew!!

Dude, you better leave this thread, and I mean like right now. You are making a total ass out of yourself.

I just told you in previous posts, that the last 4 dum dums gave China unrestricted access to our huge and valuable market, while they restrict us from getting our goods into their countries. You can't figure this out ? wow.
Trump seems to tweet quickly against any one who don't support his view, then back tracks when he finds out many motorcycle groups vote Trump. this is not a popularity contest, suppose to be about running the country.
So, Trump warned farmers & manufacturers that the tariffs would create the mess it has? According to you, he knew & he said fuck farmers. Fuck mfrs like HD. He is scrambling to cover his ass like promising 12 B to farmers.

A leader would have everything in place to deal with the retaliatory tariffs. Trump either was too stupid or he just figured fuck Americans that will be hurt. Which is it?

Want to know just how ignorant & stupid you are? You think Trump knows more than the past four administrations & their advisors. How the fuck can anyone justify that?
No, Trump didn't say "fuck farmers'. That's is what YOU are saying, to try to spin it all into a Trump bash, which is all you guys seem to be able to do.

OMG, how f'n stupid can you be ? You think the past four administrations & their advisors, got it right ?,,,, and Trump doesn't know as much as THEM ? Pheeeew!!

Dude, you better leave this thread, and I mean like right now. You are making a total ass out of yourself.

I just told you in previous posts, that the last 4 dum dums gave China unrestricted access to our huge and valuable market, while they restrict us from getting our goods into their countries. You can't figure this out ? wow.

But he did it. He fucked the farmers.

Tell me again how smart Trump is. To punish China he put steel tariffs on Canada,
You and your far left drone buddy have prove it to be true.

Are the trade tariffs fair? YES or NO?

Yes or No?

If that is too hard for you...just type 'y' for 'yes AND 'n' for 'no?

LOL...for the fifth time...the answer to your question is 'no'.

All tariffs are unfair, IMO.

Are you saying that the only reason for a trade deficit is tariff differences?
Yes or No?

You and your far left drone buddy have prove it to be true.

Are the trade tariffs fair? YES or NO?

Yes or No?

If that is too hard for you...just type 'y' for 'yes AND 'n' for 'no?

My answer to your question - for the last time - is 'NO'.

I think all tariffs are unfair.

It is obvious that you are desperately - and pretty pathetically - trying not to answer my question because to do so will destroy your entire argument.

Are you saying that the only reason for a trade deficit is tariff differences?

Yes or No, please?

(now watch him imitate this highlighted portion almost exactly with his own question that I have already answered 5 or 6 times).
I think its pretty obvious he doesnt understand the subject being discussed. Its informative that none of the other trumptards have jumped in to back him up. Its risible that he refuses to take learning on this, but then Trump told him it was so.
Exactly. S.J. quietly slinked away before he got his ass royally reamed just like Kosh has been by McRocket and cnm. I have never eaten so much popcorn in one setting.
I am not a huge fan of blood sports but that was compelling stuff.
Get what? Why can't US steel companies compete with the EU or Canada steel companies.

The problem is that Trump knows nothing about trade. He is naive.

He put on tariffs on steel & was surprised there were retaliatory tariffs on US goods.

You two jerkoffs think that we can only use US made materials & buy only US made goods & the other countries won't care? This is exactly why you are a fool.

"GET" back to having a balance of trade that is consistent with the US being in command of world trading, because of our MARKET.

YOU apparently are the one who knows noting about trade. 4 really stupid US presidents gave China unrestricted access to our huge and valuable market, while they restrict us from getting our goods into their countries. Even a kid in the 6th grade can figure out how moronic that is. Get with it.

And who said Trump was surprised at retaliatory tariffs ? He knows exactly what he's doing. Sure, other countries will care about what's going on. But this is all in the context of the US having the largest and richest MARKET in the world. You just don't get the balance scale of all this. YOU are the one that isn't up to par on this.
You really are a Bozo,first you think you are an Authority on the Military and Now on are a is the Trump types that Purchased everything from China and others,because they were cheap and allow these American Companies to Profiteer...the President that thing called Trump...who always bought steel for his projects from,CHINA,JAPAN and SOUTH KOREA...but NOT AMERICA STEEL,using of course Ilegals to build them..SO MUCH FOR GIVING HARD WORKING AMERICANS A JOB...such a lousy hypocrite...all big business has been at it for over 40 must try to comprehend BOY

As for the Military,Your comments like YOU,ARE A WASTE OF SPACE


PPS as a footnote,my son James was a Brilliant Bodyboarder and in the Australian Team that went to compete in Hawaii,North Shore at the time he loved the Charlotte Hornets,I purchased him the whole kit....beauiful sky and royal blue,as I remember...when back in Mullaloo,Australia, after two washes it fell to peices,all the stitching failed...It was then his Mom noticed that it was manufactured in...wait fror the DOMINICAN REPUBLIC!!!!!!!so dissappointing.

For your and everyones information......In 1962 96% of all Clothing and Footwear Americans wore WAS MADE IN AMERICA....Today 96% IS MADE OVERSEAS...Pretty Poor Business I'd say...and Pro., when calling me a BOY is merely a reflection of your Ignorance...GET IT
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We will see where that goes.

But hey fuck those farmers. Right?

You do know that the steel tariffs were put in place June 1, right. You do know that the effects are just building, right?
You do know that there are MANY factors involved in this, in which certain farmers are just a tiny part, RIGHT ?

If you had a skin cancer, would you not treat it, because you might have a slight blister for a few days ? :rolleyes: If you were overweight, would you not exercise, because that would make you sweat a little ?

Asking about the effects building, is what I should be asking YOU. Yeah, they're building,all right. GOOD effects, like the US not being the trade flunkies of the whole world.

As for the 4.1%, we're already seeing where it's going >> UP. (from Obama's 1.8%, and it was 0.4% a year before that)

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You really are a Bozo,first you think you are an Authority on the Military and Now on are a is the Trump types that Purchased everything from China and others,because they were cheap and allow these American Companies to Profiteer...the President that thing called Trump...who always bought steel for his projects from,CHINA,JAPAN and SOUTH KOREA...but NOT AMERICA STEEL,using of course Ilegals to build them..SO MUCH FOR GIVING HARD WORKING AMERICANS A JOB...such a lousy hypocrite...all big business has been at it for over 40 must try to comprehend BOY

As for the Military,Your comments like YOU,ARE A WASTE OF SPACE


PPS as a footnote,my son James was a Brilliant Bodyboarder and in the Australian Team that went to compete in Hawaii,North Shore at the time he loved the Charlotte Hornets,I purchased him the whole kit....beauiful sky and royal blue,as I remember...when back in Mullaloo,Australia, after two washes it fell to peices,all the stitching failed...It was then his Mom noticed that it was manufactured in...wait fror the DOMINICAN REPUBLIC!!!!!!!so dissappointing.

For your and everyones information......In 1962 96% of all Clothing and Footwear Americans wore WAS MADE IN AMERICA....Today 96% IS MADE OVERSEAS...Pretty Poor Business I'd say...and Pro., when calling me a BOY is merely a reflection of your Ignorance...GET IT
"Trump types" ? Whaaat ? o_O What the hell does THAT mean ? A "Trump type" is a nationalist who supports trade equality (if not superiority), not the trade inferiority globalism of Obama, Bush, Clinton that you're talking about. And if you wan to make statements about what Trump has done in past decades (even though that doesn't count for much NOW in 2018), you should back them up with some sources/links.

I hesitate to even respond to posts like yours that mix everything up to try to create something you like.

As for your talk about whatever the hell it was you bought that fell apart, and was made in the DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, sure, I've been seeing that for years. Just like jeans made in Mexico. Electronics made in Asia, etc. Junk.

Yes it was poor business. And it's exactly that globalist crap which is more of why I support Trump, to get us back to making things here in America, which always were of better quality. Absolutely.

PS - I see you as an inferior poster here, who is not in tune with knowledge, as evidenced by your very lame statement >> "TARIFFS NEVER WORK", which merely shows you have about zero grasp of what's going here.
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You really are a Bozo,first you think you are an Authority on the Military and Now on are a is the Trump types that Purchased everything from China and others,because they were cheap and allow these American Companies to Profiteer...the President that thing called Trump...who always bought steel for his projects from,CHINA,JAPAN and SOUTH KOREA...but NOT AMERICA STEEL,using of course Ilegals to build them..SO MUCH FOR GIVING HARD WORKING AMERICANS A JOB...such a lousy hypocrite...all big business has been at it for over 40 must try to comprehend BOY

As for the Military,Your comments like YOU,ARE A WASTE OF SPACE


PPS as a footnote,my son James was a Brilliant Bodyboarder and in the Australian Team that went to compete in Hawaii,North Shore at the time he loved the Charlotte Hornets,I purchased him the whole kit....beauiful sky and royal blue,as I remember...when back in Mullaloo,Australia, after two washes it fell to peices,all the stitching failed...It was then his Mom noticed that it was manufactured in...wait fror the DOMINICAN REPUBLIC!!!!!!!so dissappointing.

For your and everyones information......In 1962 96% of all Clothing and Footwear Americans wore WAS MADE IN AMERICA....Today 96% IS MADE OVERSEAS...Pretty Poor Business I'd say...and Pro., when calling me a BOY is merely a reflection of your Ignorance...GET IT
"Trump types" ? Whaaat ? o_O What the hell does THAT mean ? A "Trump type" is a nationalist who supports trade equality (if not superiority), not the trade inferiority globalism of Obama, Bush, Clinton that you're talking about. And if you wan to make statements about what Trump has done in past decades (even though that doesn't count for much NOW in 2018), you should back them up with some sources/links.

I hesitate to even respond to posts like yours that mix everything up to try to create something you like.

As for your talk about whatever the hell it was you bought that fell apart, and was made in the DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, sure, I've been seeing that for years. Just like jeans made in Mexico. Electronics made in Asia, etc. Junk.

Yes it was poor business. And it's exactly that globalist crap which is more of why I support Trump, to get us back to making things here in America, which always were of better quality. Absolutely.

PS - I see you as an inferior poster here, who is not in tune with knowledge, as evidenced by your very lame statement >> "TARIFFS NEVER WORK", which merely shows you have about zero grasp of what's going here.
Glad that made you feel better Prot.,First of all Trump Types...Bull-Shit Liars who are have to do due diligence on a person to see what they are really like...In my opinion TRUMP FAILS

Why would you assume Asian Electronics are Junk???Some is the finest in the world,but I agree some ain't.

We make a World Class Product and Yes we use some US made components,Why because they are Worlds BEST and made by smart,dedicated American Workers who have PRIDE in their workmanship...we can buy cheaper every where BUT we only EVER USE THE BEST...and in these cases American is the Best

Shame the likes of the old Hypocrite didn't think so,basically he is a CHEAP SUITE,he wouldn't know Quality if it Kicked Him In the Ass.

I will not bother with links because I give you the intelligence of knowing his back ground and I ain't so different...steve
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We will see where that goes.

But hey fuck those farmers. Right?

You do know that the steel tariffs were put in place June 1, right. You do know that the effects are just building, right?
You do know that there are MANY factors involved in this, in which certain farmers are just a tiny part, RIGHT ?

If you had a skin cancer, would you not treat it, because you might have a slight blister for a few days ? :rolleyes: If you were overweight, would you not exercise, because that would make you sweat a little ?

Asking about the effects building, is what I should be asking YOU. Yeah, they're building,all right. GOOD effects, like the US not being the trade flunkies of the whole world.

As for the 4.1%, we're already seeing where it's going >> UP. (from Obama's 1.8%, and it was 0.4% a year before that)

Obama implemented a Good Strategy,which I am glad Trump as Forwarded lets hope it continues to improve for all your we want America to Fail...FCKU NO..I really like Americans on the may see us a lowly Cousins(which we are not)...But there is NOTHING WRONG GIVING YOU A BLOOD-NOSE from time to time...that's what Families are all ABOUT big BROTHER....STEVE
We will see where that goes.

But hey fuck those farmers. Right?

You do know that the steel tariffs were put in place June 1, right. You do know that the effects are just building, right?
You do know that there are MANY factors involved in this, in which certain farmers are just a tiny part, RIGHT ?

If you had a skin cancer, would you not treat it, because you might have a slight blister for a few days ? :rolleyes: If you were overweight, would you not exercise, because that would make you sweat a little ?

Asking about the effects building, is what I should be asking YOU. Yeah, they're building,all right. GOOD effects, like the US not being the trade flunkies of the whole world.

As for the 4.1%, we're already seeing where it's going >> UP. (from Obama's 1.8%, and it was 0.4% a year before that)

Obama implemented a Good Strategy,which I am glad Trump as Forwarded lets hope it continues to improve for all your we want America to Fail...FCKU NO..I really like Americans on the may see us a lowly Cousins(which we are not)...But there is NOTHING WRONG GIVING YOU A BLOOD-NOSE from time to time...that's what Families are all ABOUT big BROTHER....STEVE
Tell us exactly how Trump has forwarded Obama's economic policies. Trump's economic policies are the exact opposite of Obama's, how is that forwarding them? In fact, Obama and every other Democrat swore that Trump's economic policies would be disastrous to the economy. Now tell us how Trump's policies even remotely resemble Obama's (which is what you are claiming). Back your statement the hell up.
Look, you oblivious idiot, Harley is moving offshore to target offshore markets, it still has US production to service the declining US market. Do you really not know this, do you just crash threads without a clue as to what they're about?
I don't know where you're coming up with this, but I can assure you that with the current booming US (Trump) economy, and unemployment down to 3.8%, the US market is anything but declining. After an idiotic statement like you just made, I won't even bother addressing whatever other jibberish you're posting.
From Harley fucking Davidson you oblivious blitherer.

Harley said its full-year shipment of motorcycles to dealers would fall by 6% to 8% from last year, marking a sharp decline from its previous projection of "flat to down modestly.
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