Trump EPA chief jettisoning alarmists from advisory panel!!

In todays REALCLEARSCIENCE and I have to admit..........I'm laughing......... >>>

"What exactly did Pruitt do?
Pruitt announced a new policy, effective immediately, restricting who is eligible to serve on agency advisory panels. It bans scientists from sitting on the committees while they are receiving EPA grant funding."

Great news and long overdue. The advisory panels under Obama were stacked with true believers and the advisory panel allowed zero science that didn't conform with the alarmist view. LOL...........not anymore s0ns........if you were getting BS grant $$ = :spinner: YOUR ASS IS OUT!!!! :spinner:

Its about time we had a level playing field in the area of climate science:rock::rock::rock:
Green Is the Color of Their Daddies' Money

I challenge Conservatives to repeal the Endangered (Unfit) Species Act, one of the silliest job-killing tricks of the Jolly Green Giant. Why do these fringe freaks have any power at all? Because they are the spawn of the economic and the political aristocracy. Their Daddies buy this guillotine fodder their influential positions, which is why they don't care about the economic harm they do to real Americans. Send those pampered preppies back to the crumbling castles of Europe where they belong. America was founded as a refuge from birth privileges, not as a new start for them. Those who approve of their unearned domination must hate their own Daddies for not getting rich and spoiling them, which is a childish weakling's attitude to have towards these vicious snakes.
Shukla. Remember him? The asshole who wanted skeptics prosecuted under RICO, and then found out to his dismay that drawing attention was a bad idea when you were ripping off the public taxpayers.

More junk...
Shukla. Remember him? The asshole who wanted skeptics prosecuted under RICO, and then found out to his dismay that drawing attention was a bad idea when you were ripping off the public taxpayers.

More junk...

Really? How about presenting some..... you know .....facts to back up your statements.
Shukla. Remember him? The asshole who wanted skeptics prosecuted under RICO, and then found out to his dismay that drawing attention was a bad idea when you were ripping off the public taxpayers.

More junk...

Really? How about presenting some..... you know .....facts to back up your statements.

Every single link I have found - every link, not one link or two links or three links, EVERY link - is from a right-wing loon site. No credible website is running this story. And you know what? It is up to the person doing the accusing to prove the point.
Shukla. Remember him? The asshole who wanted skeptics prosecuted under RICO, and then found out to his dismay that drawing attention was a bad idea when you were ripping off the public taxpayers.

More junk...

Really? How about presenting some..... you know .....facts to back up your statements.

Every single link I have found - every link, not one link or two links or three links, EVERY link - is from a right-wing loon site. No credible website is running this story. And you what, it is up to the person doing the accusing to prove the point.

Provide one that deals with shukla.
Provide one that deals with shukla.

I will, but as I said it is up to you to prove your point, not me.

Daily Signal - Heritage Foundation rag.
Audit Details Misuse of Taxpayer Funds by Climate Researcher

Fox news. 'Nuff said
Climate spin: Behind-the-scenes emails show profs evading questions

Willaim F Buckley rag
Emails between Pro-RICO Climate Scientists Made Public

Title of rag says it all

Institute of Global Environment and Society - Left Exposed

I could go on. And you know what, this was a story in 2015. What's happened? Nothing. Gee, I wonder why?
Provide one that deals with shukla.

I will, but as I said it is up to you to prove your point, not me.

Daily Signal - Heritage Foundation rag.
Audit Details Misuse of Taxpayer Funds by Climate Researcher

Fox news. 'Nuff said
Climate spin: Behind-the-scenes emails show profs evading questions

Willaim F Buckley rag
Emails between Pro-RICO Climate Scientists Made Public

Title of rag says it all

Institute of Global Environment and Society - Left Exposed

I could go on. And you know what, this was a story in 2015. What's happened? Nothing. Gee, I wonder why?

You sure didn't look very hard. How about SCIENCE. Is that legit enough for you?

"A scientist who helped organize a call for a federal investigation of the fossil fuel industry—for allegedly orchestrating a cover-up of climate change dangers—has himself become the target of a congressional probe.

Last week, Representative Lamar Smith (R–TX), the chairman of the science panel of the House of Representatives, announced plans to investigate a nonprofit research group led by climate scientist Jagadish Shukla of George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia. He is the lead signer of a letter to White House officials that urges the use of an antiracketeering law to crack down on energy firms that have funded efforts to raise doubts about climate science."
Provide one that deals with shukla.

I will, but as I said it is up to you to prove your point, not me.

Daily Signal - Heritage Foundation rag.
Audit Details Misuse of Taxpayer Funds by Climate Researcher

Fox news. 'Nuff said
Climate spin: Behind-the-scenes emails show profs evading questions

Willaim F Buckley rag
Emails between Pro-RICO Climate Scientists Made Public

Title of rag says it all

Institute of Global Environment and Society - Left Exposed

I could go on. And you know what, this was a story in 2015. What's happened? Nothing. Gee, I wonder why?

You sure didn't look very hard. How about SCIENCE. Is that legit enough for you?

"A scientist who helped organize a call for a federal investigation of the fossil fuel industry—for allegedly orchestrating a cover-up of climate change dangers—has himself become the target of a congressional probe.

Last week, Representative Lamar Smith (R–TX), the chairman of the science panel of the House of Representatives, announced plans to investigate a nonprofit research group led by climate scientist Jagadish Shukla of George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia. He is the lead signer of a letter to White House officials that urges the use of an antiracketeering law to crack down on energy firms that have funded efforts to raise doubts about climate science."

Yep. Saw that. One out of how many? Note the word 'alleged'. Also they are just writing a news report. There is no bias or slant, Just the facts. Also, that was 2015. Two years ago. The result has been what? Hint: nothing. Gee, I wonder why.
Provide one that deals with shukla.

I will, but as I said it is up to you to prove your point, not me.

Daily Signal - Heritage Foundation rag.
Audit Details Misuse of Taxpayer Funds by Climate Researcher

Fox news. 'Nuff said
Climate spin: Behind-the-scenes emails show profs evading questions

Willaim F Buckley rag
Emails between Pro-RICO Climate Scientists Made Public

Title of rag says it all

Institute of Global Environment and Society - Left Exposed

I could go on. And you know what, this was a story in 2015. What's happened? Nothing. Gee, I wonder why?

You sure didn't look very hard. How about SCIENCE. Is that legit enough for you?

"A scientist who helped organize a call for a federal investigation of the fossil fuel industry—for allegedly orchestrating a cover-up of climate change dangers—has himself become the target of a congressional probe.

Last week, Representative Lamar Smith (R–TX), the chairman of the science panel of the House of Representatives, announced plans to investigate a nonprofit research group led by climate scientist Jagadish Shukla of George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia. He is the lead signer of a letter to White House officials that urges the use of an antiracketeering law to crack down on energy firms that have funded efforts to raise doubts about climate science."

Yep. Saw that. One out of how many? Note the word 'alleged'. Also they are just writing a news report. There is no bias or slant, Just the facts. Also, that was 2015. Two years ago. The result has been what? Hint: nothing. Gee, I wonder why.

Doesn't matter. Do you consider it a legit source, and, if you do, why did you not include it?:eusa_whistle:
Doesn't matter. Do you consider it a legit source, and, if you do, why did you not include it?:eusa_whistle:

Huh? What do you mean it doesn't matter? It was whole point of the original post. Now I've shown you how irrelevant the point was, suddenly it 'doesn't matter'. Pathetic....

And just for shits and giggles to answer your question. The scientific link wasn't editorialising. It was reporting a news story. The others were editorialising. Big difference.
Provide one that deals with shukla.

I will, but as I said it is up to you to prove your point, not me.

Daily Signal - Heritage Foundation rag.
Audit Details Misuse of Taxpayer Funds by Climate Researcher

Fox news. 'Nuff said
Climate spin: Behind-the-scenes emails show profs evading questions

Willaim F Buckley rag
Emails between Pro-RICO Climate Scientists Made Public

Title of rag says it all

Institute of Global Environment and Society - Left Exposed

I could go on. And you know what, this was a story in 2015. What's happened? Nothing. Gee, I wonder why?

You sure didn't look very hard. How about SCIENCE. Is that legit enough for you?

"A scientist who helped organize a call for a federal investigation of the fossil fuel industry—for allegedly orchestrating a cover-up of climate change dangers—has himself become the target of a congressional probe.

Last week, Representative Lamar Smith (R–TX), the chairman of the science panel of the House of Representatives, announced plans to investigate a nonprofit research group led by climate scientist Jagadish Shukla of George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia. He is the lead signer of a letter to White House officials that urges the use of an antiracketeering law to crack down on energy firms that have funded efforts to raise doubts about climate science."

Seventy-five years ago this August, a Soviet biologist named Trofim Lysenko was anointed head of the USSR's Institute of Genetics. The son of peasants, his sweeping theories on farming dazzled Josef Stalin and were made mandatory across the empire.

They were hardly a panacea: Soviet farms floundered, yet more than 3,000 scientists who proposed alternatives were questioned, exiled or even executed, no matter the mountain of evidence that natural selection – not some mystical Russian-style communalism, as Lysenko believed – was what made crops grow.

Some see a bit of a parallel between the Soviet-style intimidation and a recent campaign in the House Science, Space and Technology Committee, where Chairman Lamar Smith has pressed forward with a probe questioning the processes and findings of a federal scientific agency – one that has led critics to accuse the Texas Republican of abusing his power and to warn of a chilling effect on further scientific research. Smith has demanded via subpoena, public pronouncements and heated letters that the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration turn over internal emails on global warming research. The Texas Republican also has sought to bring agency staffers and NOAA Administrator Kathryn Sullivan into closed-door, deposition-like interviews.

Lamar Smith is a lying 'Conservative' cocksuck. He knows nothing of science and is very proud of it. Like you, a Stalinist all the way.
Doesn't matter. Do you consider it a legit source, and, if you do, why did you not include it?:eusa_whistle:

Huh? What do you mean it doesn't matter? It was whole point of the original post. Now I've shown you how irrelevant the point was, suddenly it 'doesn't matter'. Pathetic....

And just for shits and giggles to answer your question. The scientific link wasn't editorialising. It was reporting a news story. The others were editorialising. Big difference.

Why did you not present the legit source that you claimed did not exist? It is a simple question, so why do you not answer it?
Provide one that deals with shukla.

I will, but as I said it is up to you to prove your point, not me.

Daily Signal - Heritage Foundation rag.
Audit Details Misuse of Taxpayer Funds by Climate Researcher

Fox news. 'Nuff said
Climate spin: Behind-the-scenes emails show profs evading questions

Willaim F Buckley rag
Emails between Pro-RICO Climate Scientists Made Public

Title of rag says it all

Institute of Global Environment and Society - Left Exposed

I could go on. And you know what, this was a story in 2015. What's happened? Nothing. Gee, I wonder why?

You sure didn't look very hard. How about SCIENCE. Is that legit enough for you?

"A scientist who helped organize a call for a federal investigation of the fossil fuel industry—for allegedly orchestrating a cover-up of climate change dangers—has himself become the target of a congressional probe.

Last week, Representative Lamar Smith (R–TX), the chairman of the science panel of the House of Representatives, announced plans to investigate a nonprofit research group led by climate scientist Jagadish Shukla of George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia. He is the lead signer of a letter to White House officials that urges the use of an antiracketeering law to crack down on energy firms that have funded efforts to raise doubts about climate science."

Seventy-five years ago this August, a Soviet biologist named Trofim Lysenko was anointed head of the USSR's Institute of Genetics. The son of peasants, his sweeping theories on farming dazzled Josef Stalin and were made mandatory across the empire.

They were hardly a panacea: Soviet farms floundered, yet more than 3,000 scientists who proposed alternatives were questioned, exiled or even executed, no matter the mountain of evidence that natural selection – not some mystical Russian-style communalism, as Lysenko believed – was what made crops grow.

Some see a bit of a parallel between the Soviet-style intimidation and a recent campaign in the House Science, Space and Technology Committee, where Chairman Lamar Smith has pressed forward with a probe questioning the processes and findings of a federal scientific agency – one that has led critics to accuse the Texas Republican of abusing his power and to warn of a chilling effect on further scientific research. Smith has demanded via subpoena, public pronouncements and heated letters that the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration turn over internal emails on global warming research. The Texas Republican also has sought to bring agency staffers and NOAA Administrator Kathryn Sullivan into closed-door, deposition-like interviews.

Lamar Smith is a lying 'Conservative' cocksuck. He knows nothing of science and is very proud of it. Like you, a Stalinist all the way.

Indeed. Climatology is the modern day lysenkoism. In no other "science" is it acceptable to strangle dissent, and to threaten those with opposing views with death or imprisonment. You ONLY get that with the hard core AGW supporters.

Thanks for pointing that fact out.
Doesn't matter. Do you consider it a legit source, and, if you do, why did you not include it?:eusa_whistle:

Huh? What do you mean it doesn't matter? It was whole point of the original post. Now I've shown you how irrelevant the point was, suddenly it 'doesn't matter'. Pathetic....

And just for shits and giggles to answer your question. The scientific link wasn't editorialising. It was reporting a news story. The others were editorialising. Big difference.
You don't get to be the arbitrator who decides who is or who is not legitimate. The opinions are based on sound science. Sad that you think only science, as you think it should be, is right.. Now your simply an activist..
You don't get to be the arbitrator who decides who is or who is not legitimate. The opinions are based on sound science. Sad that you think only science as you think it should be is right..

Neither do you . And no they are not. Science is science. It's not fake news. I know that's hard for the likes of you..
So, anyone who knows the science is forbidden from working on the science. It's the modern Lysenkoism. Any science inconvenient to TheParty must be squashed. Next step, send the scientists to the Gulag if they contradict the edicts of TheParty.

That may be a win for the denier Stalinists on this thread, but it's a loss for science, the USA, commen sense and common decency. Oh, the world still exists, so this only harms the USA. The rest of the planet still does the good science, and science in the USA goes in the shitter, which is what the denier Stalinists want. An ignorant population is easier to remove democracy from, and removing American democracy to bring about their Stalinist utopia is the goal of the denier Stalinists.

They actually want people like me imprisoned, as well. The more honest ones have even admitted it. Most deniers are hardcore Stalinists down to core of their beings.

Wrong. Anyone who would PERSONALLY BENEFIT FROM THEIR ACTIONS on the board is not allowed. You know, like real science and engineering works. Or at least is supposed to at least.
I just want scientists who think critically and do not have a monetary gain from the outcome. I want people who will look at the science and value it by its merits.. no more agenda driven crap..
You don't get to be the arbitrator who decides who is or who is not legitimate. The opinions are based on sound science. Sad that you think only science as you think it should be is right..

Neither do you . And no they are not. Science is science. It's not fake news. I know that's hard for the likes of you..

The problem is the climatologists have already been shown to have falsified data, and corrupted the peer review process. This is not opinion, this is fact.

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