Trump erupts at campaign manager Brad Parscale as reelection stress overflows...he knows he's losing, folks! Biden got him right where he wants him!

To decompensate means to lose the ability to maintain one's state of mental health, typically due to some kind of stress. The word decompensate is most often applied to someone who is having a breakdown in their mental health mechanisms, especially someone who has an existing mental illness or psychological condition; . to lose the ability to maintain normal or appropriate psychological defenses, sometimes resulting in depression, anxiety, or delusions.

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump erupted at his top political advisers last week when they presented him with worrisome polling data that showed his support eroding in a series of battleground states as his response to the coronavirus comes under criticism.

As the virus takes its deadly toll and much of the nation's economy remains shuttered, new surveys by the Republican National Committee and Trump's campaign pointed to a harrowing picture for the president as he faces reelection.

While Trump saw some of the best approval ratings of his presidency during the early weeks of the crisis, aides highlighted the growing political cost of the crisis and the unforced errors by Trump in his freewheeling press briefings.

Do you, the reader, really want this mentally fractured man-child to remain in power?

Do you the this post of this drivel really want an obviously old senile man like Biden to be elected and lead this country?

Seems like your syntax is a bit off center: "Do you the this post of this drivel". Better to proof read before you post, before you accuse someone of being senile. Someone like Biden does have these moments, but he's not a damn liar who intentionally misleads his audience as does trump daily.
He claimed he never knew of Hunter's job in Ukraine, yet Hunter said that he had told him numerous times.

it's all over for Trump! he even threatened to sue Parscale!
CNN says so? God, you're dumb!
so does Drudge. its right their on their front page

pay attention!

That's CNN's story, dumbass!
Trump: 3 years in the white house and what does he have to show for it?
he stinks of bad press and impeachment, and the entire human race is dying off on his watch. maybe he did this corona thing? I BET HE WAS RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF IT!
Yeah a couple of million out of 8 billion. Spoon fed much?
that's not enough for you? HAVE YOU NO DECENCY, SIR?
7,709 Americans die every day on average. I don't hear you crying for them.
every single human life is precious and priceless whether its in Selma or Somalia, Yemen or Youngstown
Except for when they aren't born yet, right?
How many of those 10's of 10000's of babies born if there is no RVW will you adopt?
If you can't raise them don't have them. There is far to many birth control measures for an unwanted baby to be conceived. Why do you libtards always have to turn stuff up side down. Even a damn dog knows what will happen if you have sex. It has been happening for billions of years. Libtards are brain dead morons.
Go to the link and tell me that sterilization may be in order:

Trump: 3 years in the white house and what does he have to show for it?
he stinks of bad press and impeachment, and the entire human race is dying off on his watch. maybe he did this corona thing? I BET HE WAS RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF IT!
Yeah a couple of million out of 8 billion. Spoon fed much?
that's not enough for you? HAVE YOU NO DECENCY, SIR?
7,709 Americans die every day on average. I don't hear you crying for them.

Independent variable ^^^

it's all over for Trump! he even threatened to sue Parscale!
CNN says so? God, you're dumb!
so does Drudge. its right their on their front page

pay attention!

That's CNN's story, dumbass!

So, are you too one of the biddable who believe CNN is all "fake news"?

it's all over for Trump! he even threatened to sue Parscale!
CNN says so? God, you're dumb!
so does Drudge. its right their on their front page

pay attention!

That's CNN's story, dumbass!

So, are you too one of the biddable who believe CNN is all "fake news"?
All fake news? Of course not! More fake news than almost any other major news outlet in America? Oh, yeah!

it's all over for Trump! he even threatened to sue Parscale!
CNN says so? God, you're dumb!
so does Drudge. its right their on their front page

pay attention!

That's CNN's story, dumbass!

So, are you too one of the biddable who believe CNN is all "fake news"?
All fake news? Of course not! More fake news than almost any other major news outlet in America? Oh, yeah!
Play this game at home, Rye! Take a shot every time someone on CNN says something negative about Donald Trump. Then on another night take a shot every time someone on CNN says something positive about Donald Trump. With the former you're going to be blowing chunks in short order! With the latter you'd be able to pass a field sobriety test with ease!

it's all over for Trump! he even threatened to sue Parscale!
Remember what happened to Fat Donnies 2016 campaign managers? How many were there? One of them is in jail.
All I remember is you scum saying he would never win.

it's all over for Trump! he even threatened to sue Parscale!
Remember what happened to Fat Donnies 2016 campaign managers? How many were there? One of them is in jail.
All I remember is you scum saying he would never win.
he won because he ran against Hillary Scum Clinton

it's all over for Trump! he even threatened to sue Parscale!
CNN says so? God, you're dumb!
so does Drudge. its right their on their front page

pay attention!

That's CNN's story, dumbass!

So, are you too one of the biddable who believe CNN is all "fake news"?
All fake news? Of course not! More fake news than almost any other major news outlet in America? Oh, yeah!
Play this game at home, Rye! Take a shot every time someone on CNN says something negative about Donald Trump. Then on another night take a shot every time someone on CNN says something positive about Donald Trump. With the former you're going to be blowing chunks in short order! With the latter you'd be able to pass a field sobriety test with ease!

That's a loaded group questions, wrapped in toilet paper. For the record, I don't tune into CNN, I prefer MSNBC, PBS NewsHour*** along with CBS Radio and NPR.

***since I doubt you and others like you hate PBS and NPR, and can't find them on you cable TV or FM Radio, I'll link to my PBS station and you can watch yesterday's news:



Hell hath no fury like a narcissist with tiny hands -

Here's why Trump is yelling at his campaign manager.

Even Rasmussen, who always lies for Trump, has come clean.

Texas is split on Trump. A state he won easily in 2016.

Only poll that has Trump over Biden is Utah. Mormons are always told who to vote for by the Elders.
You're dreaming. He's lost already. He's bankrupted the country. You're just too fucking stupid to see it.
Coronavirus guarantees Trump will win in November.

You mean when we'll have 100,000 dead by November 3 and a economic contraction that will rival 1929?
Yeah, your head is up Trump's ass, too. Isn't it a little crowded?

(25,500 new cases today and almost 2000 more dead....just today, and today isn't over.)
This was where Dear Leader was in the Gallup polls 2 weeks ago, BEFORE he asked about UV light and injecting disinfectants! LMAO!!!!

Jesus Christ, makes you wonder what Brad Parscale told him yesterday that made him blow his bleached-blonde, orange top. Woooooo------


it's all over for Trump! he even threatened to sue Parscale!
Gossip is not news.
...Unless you're a democrat!

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