Trump Event

I'll be watching the debate since I still haven't decided who I'll be voting for in a few months when Arizona has its primary. Trump isn't near the top of my list and so his absence is nothing but a welcome relief.
I'll be watching the debate since I still haven't decided who I'll be voting for in a few months when Arizona has its primary. Trump isn't near the top of my list and so his absence is nothing but a welcome relief.
Just spin the old Goldman Sachs/Koch Brothers bought and paid for candidate wheel! Take your pick no difference and ain't a one of them going to win the nomination so.
What? This isn't what I was meaning, I'm meaning the MSM, I wasn't mentioning property rights, you for some odd reason brought property rights into it.

I was meaning MSM and their so-called "freedom of speech", which they've been abusing for years ie. by having a monopoly and pushing The Agenda.

What you are referring to as a "monopoly" is actually 5-10 corporations viscously competing with each other - and when I speak of property rights, I'm speaking of the fact that those corporations own the broadcast anntenas, studios, cable lines and so on.

Why don't you tell us what your "solution" would be?

More like 5, and they in America, control ALL your media....thousands and thousands ALL controlled by the 5, and this is healthy?

What do you mean by "healthy"?

This is how capitalism works.

It's how monopolies work.

Well, no. A monopoly means there's no competition.

NBC, CBS, FOX, and so on are all very much in competition with each other.

I was thinking more of streaming channels and internet. We have only two choices here in New Jersey/Penn and that's either Comcast or Verizon. That's not much of a choice and as a result a reasonable package runs $150+/- a month. The new streaming channels (Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, etc.) trying to compete have to use one or the other of these internet carriers and both are trying to kill them off, and succeeding. That's not capitalism.

Oh wait, I forgot...DIrecTV satellite. Trees, clouds, snow, rain...forget about your connection.
Trump needs to get his ass out of the plane and in to where he is supposed to be.
See...this is what I am talking about. CSpan and CNN having "guests" on, bashing someone running for office. NEWS. Hello? Give us NEWS, not your fucking opinions. Your opinions mean squat. Give us FACTS. Give us REPORTS that have been backed up. Don't get "guests" on to bash whomever one is reporting on. NEWS.UNBIASED. Cspan and CNN both are using this as an excuse to just gossip, bash, and give their own opinion on what is being reported. Don't give us your opinions. WE DON'T CARE. Let us make our OWN opinion by listing to NEWS.
Personally, I'm watching on youtube...

No sound yet (music is copyrighted so they aren't playing it on the youtube channel).
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Mike Huckabee, Rick Santorum Want to Join Donald Trump Veterans Event - Breitbart

I will be boycotting the GOP debate and will watch the Veterans thing instead :) I encourage you all to do the same thing!

The FOX news debate was great without--our emotionally challenged--Drama Queen--(Donald Trump) there.

Trump overnight turned into Pee Wee Herman, over one journalist Megyn Kelly. Frankly if he can't handle her, he's not going to be able to handle a White House reporting staff, that will be at his door 24/7 asking questions, or anyone else for that matter. This makes him unfit to be POTUS.

A DEBATE is not a scripted & rehearsed T.V. Reality show or the Miss Universe Contest. You are not going to know what the questions are in advance. The audience is comparing you to other candidates, and that is what the debate is about.



Column: Trump exploits rational political ignorance
See...this is what I am talking about. CSpan and CNN having "guests" on, bashing someone running for office. NEWS. Hello? Give us NEWS, not your fucking opinions. Your opinions mean squat. Give us FACTS. Give us REPORTS that have been backed up. Don't get "guests" on to bash whomever one is reporting on. NEWS.UNBIASED. Cspan and CNN both are using this as an excuse to just gossip, bash, and give their own opinion on what is being reported. Don't give us your opinions. WE DON'T CARE. Let us make our OWN opinion by listing to NEWS.

Give them hell Gracie, give them hell!:FIREdevil:

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