Trump Facts - his base willfully ignores

TBT time, folks!

"His supporters knew about all this and voted for him anyway."

"He may be a scoundrel, but he's our scoundrel."

"His private life is none of our business."

"His sexual peccadilloes are matters between himself and his wife & family."

"None of this is preventing him from doing a good job in office!"

"Who are you prigs to try an impose your ideas of morality on anyone else?"

"You nosy busybodies really need to get a life!"

Sound familiar, oh moonbats in the peanut gallery?

Amazing how all the republican values changed when Trump came on the scene, hell we knew you ass clowns were hypocrites along.
Things we know about Trump for a fact:
Trump is dishonest to the extreme – nearly everything Trump says are made up facts or an exaggeration. So far the Washington Post tracked 10,796 false or misleading claims made by Trump since becoming president.
Trump hides his business dealings - won't show tax returns.
Trump is a vain man - his comb over hair and orange dye skin does not hide his age, it just makes him ridiculous.
Trump is not a family man and his relationship with women is disgusting and disturbing - multiple affairs and scandals. Cheats on his wives and pay women for sex. Does family values mean nothing to Trump supporters?
Trump is a draft dodger, shirking his duty to defend his country to other good men – yet he still has the audacity to insult the service of actual war heroes like John McCain. Does honor mean nothing to Trump supporters?
Trump has been over privileged his entire life.
Trump is a poor businessman – bankrupting a $3 Billion dollar casino
Trump's wealth is tied to Russia
Trump is overbearing
How could any American elect this immorality into their highest office? It is a disgrace.

Clearly, Trump is dishonest, a cheater, a coward, and an incompetent. And Trump’s base are still supporting him. So I ask again, Why? Because he’s racist?
It's amazing how you would post that much swill without a single sentence of it being true.
So Trump is not a drsft dodger & never trashed McCin's service.

Did we not know about Trump's life on food stamps in the trailer park? He was a millionaire at 8 years old.

So Trump never cheated on his wives either.
So you are going to steal more of the peasants money when you come back to power. The jit bags will vote for you and then go into hyperventilation when their money goes far less then it used to after your grand schemes are enacted. Trillions will be lost on corruptin from the green deal with only slightly modest gains in renewable resources while spouting greater gains then reality because of upgraded housing energy gains by using current technology.
The Washington Post is fake news, dumbass.

I fact checked the WP on this issue. Turns out, they are simply lying. And only extraordinarily feeble-minded brainwashed idiots such as yourself believe them.

Welcome to the board, you TDS afflitcted moron.

Point out where they are wrong, any moron can call folks names.
You know better then anybody it is what is believed. The life a person has lived and what he/she went through and what he/she is taught by others from environment mean a lot. Disbelief in establishments like that newspaper is because they went from liberal to national enquirer engendered by Progs. Most news places will never be believed again by deplorables in our nation.

Amazing, but you believe and defend all the lies that come out of Trump's mouth. The Republican party has really gone to shit.

And yet is still at this time superior to the antisemitic Democrat party.

Only if you are a fool.

So in you believe an opinion may be wrong but I am the fool? You dumbass.
Wealthiness is next to godliness to conservitards. That's also why he can't show his tax refunds, he has lied about his wealth (along with pretty much everything else).

  • Better to have more than you need than to need more than you have.
  • And of course by your never having seen any of Trump's current tax returns, you'd know he is lying about them.
It is reasons like this why no one here takes you seriously.
Lol, stupid dodges like that is why no one here takes you seriously.
/——-/ What dodge? You’ve never seen his returns, so you have no idea if he’s hiding something.
The dodging of the release of hos rasx returns. What are you afraid will be exposed?

Are you worth 6 billion? 1 billion? $500,000? How many businesses do you own again, Dave? I don't see you posting your 2018 1040 here. Put it up for all to see then you can tell us how Trump is hiding something.
Wealthiness is next to godliness to conservitards. That's also why he can't show his tax refunds, he has lied about his wealth (along with pretty much everything else).

  • Better to have more than you need than to need more than you have.
  • And of course by your never having seen any of Trump's current tax returns, you'd know he is lying about them.
It is reasons like this why no one here takes you seriously.
Lol, stupid dodges like that is why no one here takes you seriously.
/——-/ What dodge? You’ve never seen his returns, so you have no idea if he’s hiding something.
The dodging of the release of hos rasx returns. What are you afraid will be exposed?

Are you worth 6 billion? 1 billion? $500,000? How many businesses do you own again, Dave? I don't see you posting your 2018 1040 here. Put it up for all to see then you can tell us how Trump is hiding something.
Realdave is not the president, not running for president, and has not promised the world he would release them.

Nor has he made statements about his income and it's sources that might effect national security.
Wealthiness is next to godliness to conservitards. That's also why he can't show his tax refunds, he has lied about his wealth (along with pretty much everything else).

  • Better to have more than you need than to need more than you have.
  • And of course by your never having seen any of Trump's current tax returns, you'd know he is lying about them.
It is reasons like this why no one here takes you seriously.
Lol, stupid dodges like that is why no one here takes you seriously.
/——-/ What dodge? You’ve never seen his returns, so you have no idea if he’s hiding something.
He's hiding his returns.


Because you want them. You liberals want them so bad, you can taste them.

You sure ain't going to win with Biden and you know it.

That Rat Bastard Donald Trump, just refuses to cooperate at all in the Left's desire to crush him.
  • Better to have more than you need than to need more than you have.
  • And of course by your never having seen any of Trump's current tax returns, you'd know he is lying about them.
It is reasons like this why no one here takes you seriously.
Lol, stupid dodges like that is why no one here takes you seriously.
/——-/ What dodge? You’ve never seen his returns, so you have no idea if he’s hiding something.
The dodging of the release of hos rasx returns. What are you afraid will be exposed?

Are you worth 6 billion? 1 billion? $500,000? How many businesses do you own again, Dave? I don't see you posting your 2018 1040 here. Put it up for all to see then you can tell us how Trump is hiding something.
Realdave is not the president, not running for president,
So what? Some law saying you have to release them? If Dave can't do it, or you, how can you expect a big important guy like Trump who has a lot to protect? Go ahead: show us YOUR tax return.

and has not promised the world he would release them.
But...but...everything Trump says is a LIE! You say it all the time. So you were expecting him to tell the truth here? As soon as those audits are over they'll be right out. ITMT, rest assured that if there were ANYTHING wrong or illegal in those returns, the IRS would be right on top of it!!! Unless now you think the IRS is in on the russian collusion,. too! :auiqs.jpg:
  • Better to have more than you need than to need more than you have.
  • And of course by your never having seen any of Trump's current tax returns, you'd know he is lying about them.
It is reasons like this why no one here takes you seriously.
Lol, stupid dodges like that is why no one here takes you seriously.
/——-/ What dodge? You’ve never seen his returns, so you have no idea if he’s hiding something.
He's hiding his returns.

/——/ You statists need to learn: The Fourth Amendment guarantees that we are secure in our persons, papers and effects.
Presidential candidates release their returns. Not because they have to but to show their finances and that they pay taxes and where they get their income.

Presidents show their income because up until Trump, nearly all of them have been nothing but douchebags who've gotten 99% of their income right off the public sector! TAX PAYERS! Never had a real job in their lives. What is there to show, that they took in a few hundred thousand salary?

LOOK at you cumquats---- Trump has a handful of businesses fold out of HUNDREDS, over a lifetime (better than most major conglomerates in operation today) and you shitstains try to paint him as a total reckless, incompetent FAILURE.

And now you idiots wonder why he doesn't bend over backwards kissing your asses?

Bend over just a little bit farther and kiss your own ass yourself.

No tax returns for you!


:iyfyus.jpg: :iyfyus.jpg: :iyfyus.jpg: :iyfyus.jpg:
Lol, stupid dodges like that is why no one here takes you seriously.
/——-/ What dodge? You’ve never seen his returns, so you have no idea if he’s hiding something.
He's hiding his returns.

/——/ You statists need to learn: The Fourth Amendment guarantees that we are secure in our persons, papers and effects.
Presidential candidates release their returns. Not because they have to but to show their finances and that they pay taxes and where they get their income.

Trump said he would to get your vote & then didn't do it.

I am sure your head ts too far up Trump's ass to care.
/——/ Career politicians craft their returns to pass public scrutiny. Trump crafted his returns for maximum benefit. When he promised to release his returns I doubt he appreciated the depth of the democRATs hit squad. Now he knows better.

BULLSEYE. Politicians plan their returns for years to look and smell great and pass public muster. They can't hand them out fast enough to use as another vote getting election tool. Obama probably married and had kids just because it looks better as a "family guy" on his political resume. Trump spent his life honing his returns to fully utilize all that tax law legally afforded him for the sake of his shareholders! A study of his returns is probably better than a college course in financial management.

Maybe after he's out of office, he can teach it to democrats at a new Trump University.
Point out where they are wrong, any moron can call folks names.
You know better then anybody it is what is believed. The life a person has lived and what he/she went through and what he/she is taught by others from environment mean a lot. Disbelief in establishments like that newspaper is because they went from liberal to national enquirer engendered by Progs. Most news places will never be believed again by deplorables in our nation.

Amazing, but you believe and defend all the lies that come out of Trump's mouth. The Republican party has really gone to shit.

And yet is still at this time superior to the antisemitic Democrat party.

Only if you are a fool.

So in you believe an opinion may be wrong but I am the fool? You dumbass.

When it's the truth it's not an opinion, you dumbass.
You know better then anybody it is what is believed. The life a person has lived and what he/she went through and what he/she is taught by others from environment mean a lot. Disbelief in establishments like that newspaper is because they went from liberal to national enquirer engendered by Progs. Most news places will never be believed again by deplorables in our nation.

Amazing, but you believe and defend all the lies that come out of Trump's mouth. The Republican party has really gone to shit.

And yet is still at this time superior to the antisemitic Democrat party.

Only if you are a fool.

So in you believe an opinion may be wrong but I am the fool? You dumbass.

When it's the truth it's not an opinion, you dumbass.

Your truth is not a fact it is an opinion. I have Facts that show the Democrat party as antisemitic
Amazing, but you believe and defend all the lies that come out of Trump's mouth. The Republican party has really gone to shit.

And yet is still at this time superior to the antisemitic Democrat party.

Only if you are a fool.

So in you believe an opinion may be wrong but I am the fool? You dumbass.

When it's the truth it's not an opinion, you dumbass.

Your truth is not a fact it is an opinion. I have Facts that show the Democrat party as antisemitic

Well by all means the floor is yours, now show us where the OP is incorrect.
1) His bravado is not lies. I am 6’3 but 6’5 in high tops. If I say I am 6’5 it’s technically a “lie” but it’s nothing major. That is what the Post is tracking and stupidly.

2) Tax Returns don’t really show business dealings. His financials do and he showed them as he had to legally.

3) Many rich and famous are adulterers. I am Not here to judge personal lives. He is not a murderer. It’s a nothing burger. All of his kids stand by his side and seem to genuinely care about him.

4) Attack on his looks is 100% subjective and sophomoric.

5) It was a mistake to speak about McCain as he did. Competition sometimes brings the worst in us. And the best.

6) Bankruptcy is a legal step in our system. Don’t hate the player. Hate the game.

7) No conspiracy or collusion with Russia.

8) Subjective and really assholish. May as well call people Deplorables. In the US we are allowed free speech and thought without jerks like you criticizing us for it.

I find it abhorrent that the Democrat party is openly antisemitic. But if people choose to vote that way it is their right. Because we are in America.

You asshole.
And yet is still at this time superior to the antisemitic Democrat party.

Only if you are a fool.

So in you believe an opinion may be wrong but I am the fool? You dumbass.

When it's the truth it's not an opinion, you dumbass.

Your truth is not a fact it is an opinion. I have Facts that show the Democrat party as antisemitic

Well by all means the floor is yours, now show us where the OP is incorrect.

1) His bravado is not lies. I am 6’3 but 6’5 in high tops. If I say I am 6’5 it’s technically a “lie” but it’s nothing major. That is what the Post is tracking and stupidly.

2) Tax Returns don’t really show business dealings. His financials do and he showed them as he had to legally.

3) Many rich and famous are adulterers. I am Not here to judge personal lives. He is not a murderer. It’s a nothing burger. All of his kids stand by his side and seem to genuinely care about him.

4) Attack on his looks is 100% subjective and sophomoric.

5) It was a mistake to speak about McCain as he did. Competition sometimes brings the worst in us. And the best.

6) Bankruptcy is a legal step in our system. Don’t hate the player. Hate the game.

7) No conspiracy or collusion with Russia.

8) Subjective and really assholish. May as well call people Deplorables. In the US we are allowed free speech and thought without jerks like you criticizing us for it.

I find it abhorrent that the Democrat party is openly antisemitic. But if people choose to vote that way it is their right. Because we are in America.

You asshole.

You didn't debunk what he posted you just gave us your stupid ass opinion shit head.
1) His bravado is not lies. I am 6’3 but 6’5 in high tops. If I say I am 6’5 it’s technically a “lie” but it’s nothing major. That is what the Post is tracking and stupidly.

2) Tax Returns don’t really show business dealings. His financials do and he showed them as he had to legally.

3) Many rich and famous are adulterers. I am Not here to judge personal lives. He is not a murderer. It’s a nothing burger. All of his kids stand by his side and seem to genuinely care about him.

4) Attack on his looks is 100% subjective and sophomoric.

5) It was a mistake to speak about McCain as he did. Competition sometimes brings the worst in us. And the best.

6) Bankruptcy is a legal step in our system. Don’t hate the player. Hate the game.

7) No conspiracy or collusion with Russia.

8) Subjective and really assholish. May as well call people Deplorables. In the US we are allowed free speech and thought without jerks like you criticizing us for it.

I find it abhorrent that the Democrat party is openly antisemitic. But if people choose to vote that way it is their right. Because we are in America.

You asshole.

You didn't debunk what he posted you just gave us your stupid ass opinion shit head.

I gave my opinions just as he gave his. #7 is a fact.
1) His bravado is not lies. I am 6’3 but 6’5 in high tops. If I say I am 6’5 it’s technically a “lie” but it’s nothing major. That is what the Post is tracking and stupidly.

2) Tax Returns don’t really show business dealings. His financials do and he showed them as he had to legally.

3) Many rich and famous are adulterers. I am Not here to judge personal lives. He is not a murderer. It’s a nothing burger. All of his kids stand by his side and seem to genuinely care about him.

4) Attack on his looks is 100% subjective and sophomoric.

5) It was a mistake to speak about McCain as he did. Competition sometimes brings the worst in us. And the best.

6) Bankruptcy is a legal step in our system. Don’t hate the player. Hate the game.

7) No conspiracy or collusion with Russia.

8) Subjective and really assholish. May as well call people Deplorables. In the US we are allowed free speech and thought without jerks like you criticizing us for it.

I find it abhorrent that the Democrat party is openly antisemitic. But if people choose to vote that way it is their right. Because we are in America.

You asshole.

Your points are idiotic:
1. A lie, makes one a liar. Honesty means something to decent people.
2. Tax Returns shows everything, and if he's hiding them then he has something to hide
3. So cheating and being unfaithful is something that don't matter to Americans? It should matter in the president of the U.S. Have some pride and decency. Sheeesh!
4. His artificial attempts to hide his age, his looks, are indicative of a very vain and stupid man
5. A draft dodger with the audacity to insult the military service of a war hero is not a mistake but a morality flaw.
6. No one bankrupts a $3 BILLION dollar casino as business strategy. Idiot!
7. Trump is not exonerated for collusion. He admitted to collusion just now on live T.V.
8. It is people's right of free speech to criticize idiocy and ignorance.

And being against Israel is not the same thing as being against all Jews. Know the difference. It is not antisemitic. How bad of people to want their tax money to help their own country and not to be spent on some primitive and aggressive warring religious state like Israel that constantly commit war crimes.

Stop making excuses for a disgusting man like Trump. Willful ignorance is going to destroy America.
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