Trump Files Lawsuit Against Big Tech Over Censorship (Poll)

Do you agree with Trump that big tech needs to be broken up and put under strict regulation ?

  • Yes

    Votes: 18 47.4%
  • No

    Votes: 20 52.6%

  • Total voters
I'm not participating in her hijacking.

But I am curious about how Facebook's (for example) monopoly could be remedied. (I assume agreement on whether Facebook is a monopoly)

One general idea bandied about is to do to facebook what was done to ATT when the Bell system was broken into the "baby bells" Nobody with ATT stock lost money on that btw ... unless they sold.

Could Facebook be forced to share user data with a startup (for a slice perhaps) so that a post on a site such as Parler would reach people who had not "opted in" to parlay (-: I assume a user could opt out of parlaying.
I'm not participating in her hijacking.

But I am curious about how Facebook's (for example) monopoly could be remedied. (I assume agreement on whether Facebook is a monopoly)

No agreement here. Facebook is in no way a monopoly. The have no exclusive control over any resource. They're simply a service that a lot of people use. That gives them a lot of power in society, and government is jealous of that power. But they are not a monopoly. That's just an excuse.
Before 2021, I would agree with you. But now I'm not sure. Trump being an example (and obviously I believe America would be better off if lightening struck him NOW). I AM sure we'd all agree that Trump holds some sway over something like 20-25%, and he had a whole lotta followers on Facebook. If there isn't some "barrier" to entering the market for social media why didn't he find a new provider for his postings? Certainly Mark Lindell and Koch would have advertised. Or did Trump still reach these people?
If there isn't some "barrier" to entering the market for social media why didn't he find a new provider for his postings?

If there IS a barrier, what is it? I don't know of one. Do you?
No I don't, and that's why my post was question. Trump is not irrational. He's just not honest about his motives. LOL But after Facebook banned him, his actions clearly showed he thought he was unable to post his "thoughts" to his followers. Polls notoriously underestimate his ability to get people to actually expend effort to vote for him.

I don't use Facebook. I used to have one to check in with my nieces and nephews but I've seen too many instances of people facing bad employment actions, and who knows what the little buggers will get up to (-: So I was really asking about the market. In 2016 the russian govt was planting false new stories on facebook. That terrified me.

I don't understand why millions of people who are supposedly rational would allow those news stories be sent directly to their addresses. And I don't understand why Trump couldn't find a avenue to post to his supporters. I think I said Mark Lindell and Koch Industries would love to buy ads. But Trump may have found it better for him to just complain and not find another platform.
But your sort forces bakers to make cakes their conscience disapproves of.
The idea that a conscious disapproves of a cake always cracks me up.

I mean, it's a cake. Who doesn't like cake?
Wait….now I remember you! You’re the lying low-life who tried to lie about what I wrote!!!!

You lied and claimed I said it.....when I proved that you did.

Let's do it again.

I never said what you keep claiming I said it....and I don't mind continuing to prove it with your own words.

Did I say 'therefore...blah blah blah...' or did you?

Let's check:

Here's your own post, proving you are lying scum:
You did and I quoted you saying it.

You: "Since you are so fond of copying and pasting your responses, I’m guessing you don’t really read them. I’ll quote it again in case you decide to look at this again.
PoliticalChic said:
The 'rich' are Democrats.

The rich are Democrats therefore they aren’t Republicans. "

But you didn't quote me. You simply posted an interpretation of what I said, and lied about me saying it.
"therefore" was your word, as is everything after that words.

Every word after 'therefore' is yours.......not mine, liar.

Every reader recognizes you a lying scum.

If you hurry, I bet you can scoop up a new avi..."LyingLow-LifeScum.'

I want this series of posts to be what readers recall whenever you post.

Don't address me again, low-life.
Oh no! The cake weighs on my conscience!

Meanwhile, we are going to force platforms to promote hate speech.

Don't address me, scum.
Americans don’t like bullies, egomaniacs or jerks

Trump is all 3, that's why he got cancelled

I do not like Trump, but banning him was totally illegal.
It does not matter if he lied or told the truth, that is not the business of the service provider.
The service provider can not use their own discretion in any way.
The only time the service provider can and should act, is when it is without doubt harmful, such as revenge porn or the illegal dissemination of private contract information.

The service provider can put what ever they want in a service agreement, and it does not matter.
The only thing that matters is what the FCC requires service providers to adhere to for them to be allowed on the Internet.
Facebook is not a service provider. That they provide a service or services on the internet does not make them what I understand is a service provider under the FCC. You pay your service provider for access to the internet. You join facebook and accept their TOS for free.

"If you're not paying, you're not the customer — you're the product"

Everything and everybody on the internet is under FCC regulations.
FaceBook and LinkedIn are not selling bandwidth but are selling a service that people are paying for by advertising.
Whether you are a paying customer or not makes no difference.
FCC regulations do not allow anyone to discriminate at all, against anyone.
The only thing anyone can do is to prevent harm to others.
And then they would have to be able to prove Trump was violating rights in court.
Which I don't think anyone could do?

Service providers are regulated and licensed by FCC. Facebook and other social media sites are not.

Owners of these site have wide latitude in the TOS agreemnet. I could start a site and demand no cussing and kick every fucker who cusses off.
What sort of fascist would think that is would be legal to censor an ex-president from federal communications media?

Seriously you sound like you think facebook and twitter have already been nationalized and they are public utilities. Both of those concepts are contrary to known reality.

A fascist or authoritarian would demand private industry follow his decrees and publish his every covfefe!
But your sort forces bakers to make cakes their conscience disapproves of.
The idea that a conscious disapproves of a cake always cracks me up.

I mean, it's a cake. Who doesn't like cake?
Wait….now I remember you! You’re the lying low-life who tried to lie about what I wrote!!!!

You lied and claimed I said it.....when I proved that you did.

Let's do it again.

I never said what you keep claiming I said it....and I don't mind continuing to prove it with your own words.

Did I say 'therefore...blah blah blah...' or did you?

Let's check:

Here's your own post, proving you are lying scum:
You did and I quoted you saying it.

You: "Since you are so fond of copying and pasting your responses, I’m guessing you don’t really read them. I’ll quote it again in case you decide to look at this again.
PoliticalChic said:
The 'rich' are Democrats.

The rich are Democrats therefore they aren’t Republicans. "

But you didn't quote me. You simply posted an interpretation of what I said, and lied about me saying it.
"therefore" was your word, as is everything after that words.

Every word after 'therefore' is yours.......not mine, liar.

Every reader recognizes you a lying scum.

If you hurry, I bet you can scoop up a new avi..."LyingLow-LifeScum.'

I want this series of posts to be what readers recall whenever you post.

Don't address me again, low-life.
Oh no! The cake weighs on my conscience!

Meanwhile, we are going to force platforms to promote hate speech.

Don't address me, scum.

I prefer to address you as slimy slithering vermin.

However Trumpybear will not win but will achieve some fund raising.

Facebook has some antitrust issues and like Microsoft are not playing fair. Different story
trump does not care about Big Tech. He cares about having a megaphone to inflame and incite his mindless cult, of which many are on this board.
What sort of fascist would think that is would be legal to censor an ex-president from federal communications media?

Seriously you sound like you think facebook and twitter have already been nationalized and they are public utilities. Both of those concepts are contrary to known reality.

A fascist or authoritarian would demand private industry follow his decrees and publish his every covfefe!
But that's exactly what they're after.

How quickly things (eg. convictions) can change.
trump does not care about Big Tech. He cares about having a megaphone to inflame and incite his mindless cult, of which many are on this board.

Soooo.....what is your side so afraid of???

Why silence Trump, and censor the Biden laptop story?
I'm curious if the USMB progs/dems will side with Trump on this important censorship issue, Should big tech be broken up? Should Section 230 be repealed? Should censorship end? Should Parler be reactivated? Should the "Fairness Doctrine" be revised and tried again? What do you recommend. I recommend "all of the above".

“We’re asking the US District Court for the Southern District of Florida to order an immediate halt to stop social media companies’ illegal and shameful censorship of the American people. That’s exactly what they’re doing,” Trump said. “We’re demanding an end to the shadow banning, a stop to the silencing, a stop to the blacklisting, banishing, and canceling that you know so well.”

Former Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi argued the platforms have “increasingly engaged in impermissible censorship resulting from threatened legislative action, a misguided reliance upon Section 230.” Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act is a 1996 provision that gives social media platforms legal liability shield over content posted on their platform by third parties.
Trump's lawsuit is of the Class Action variety, which means his lawyers and he want other people to join the class by telling the court of their unfair treatment by Facebook. The more witnesses they have to tell of Facebook's bad deeds, the better chance they have of winning. Facebook kicked me off last October but they would not tell me which rule I broke or which post was the bad one. They told me they would let me back on in 30 days but that was a lie.I just signed an online form as part of the Class. If Trump wins, I might get part of the money award.
Soooo.....what is your side so afraid of???

Why silence Trump, and censor the Biden laptop story?
Wait....what our side is afraid trump and his fellow criminals run from the facts of January 6th? WHAT ARE THEY AFRAID OF....other than facts will show they are treasonous SOBs.

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