Trump Files Lawsuit Against Big Tech Over Censorship (Poll)

Do you agree with Trump that big tech needs to be broken up and put under strict regulation ?

  • Yes

    Votes: 18 47.4%
  • No

    Votes: 20 52.6%

  • Total voters
Soooo.....what is your side so afraid of???

Why silence Trump, and censor the Biden laptop story?
trump's months of lies led up to January 6th. He will lose the suit. He is trying to grift more money out of you idiots.
Wait....what our side is afraid trump and his fellow criminals run from the facts of January 6th? WHAT ARE THEY AFRAID OF....other than facts will show they are treasonous SOBs.

The 'facts' of Jan 6 are that it was a Democrat ploy to hide the 12 THOUSAND riots, arson, anarcho-terrorist acts by Biden voters.

Any violence was by agents provocateurs in the employ of the Democrats.

The Nazis did it in Germany, and it is only turnabout as the Nazis claimed to have learned so much from the Democrats.

ā€œā€¦Hitler learned from progressive sterilization laws that had been enacted in America through the influence of activists like Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood. ā€œI have studied with great interest the laws of several American states concerning prevention of reproduction by people whose progeny would in all probability be of no value or be injurious to the racial stock.ā€

Hitlerā€™s viewsā€”which closely parallel Sangerā€™sā€”provided the basis for the Nazi sterilization laws of 1933 which began by targeting ā€œimbecilesā€ and the mentally retarded, and later expanded to cover Jews, gypsies, and other social undesirables.ā€ Dinesh Dā€™Souza: What Hitler Learned from the Democrats

  • Hitler wrote to the president of the American Eugenics Society to ask for a copy of his ā€œThe Case for Sterilization.ā€
    (Margaret Sanger and Sterilization)

    German race science stood on American progressiveā€™s shoulders.

  • The Nazi Nuremberg Laws were taken nearly wholly from the Jim Crow Laws of the Democrat controlled South.

    In ā€œHitler's American Model: The United States and the Making of Nazi Race Law ,ā€ by James Whitman, he shows how the Nazis took the Democratsā€™ Jim Crow Laws, simply changed the word ā€˜blackā€™ and inserted the word ā€˜Jew.ā€™

ā€œLetā€™s remember that every segregation law in the South was passed by a Democratic legislature, signed by a Democratic governor, and enforced by Democratic officials. The Nuremberg team carefully studied these laws that were mainly aimed at blacks and used them to formulate their own racist legislation mainly aimed at Jews.ā€ Dinesh Dā€™Souza: What Hitler Learned from the Democrats

  • From the LATimes:
  • ā€œAt a crucial 1934 planning meeting for the Nuremberg system, the Minister of Justice presented a memorandum on American law. According to a transcript, he led a detailed discussion of miscegenation statutes from all over the United States. Moreover it is clear that the most radical Nazis were the most eager advocates of American practices. Roland Freisler, who would become president of the Nazi People's Court, declared that American jurisprudence "would suit us perfectly."
    When the Nazis wrote the Nuremberg laws, they looked to racist American statutes

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