Trump Gets Americans Held by A Foreign Country Freed ... Without Paying A Ransom


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
That's gotta piss snowflakes off, especially when Trump just did what Barry couldn't.... ;p
Obama refused to even ASK Iran to include freeing US hostages as part of his one-sided, Un-Constitutional personal treaty - it was all about his 'Legacy'. Instead, later, in the wee hours of the morning, Barry had an un-marked plane filled with cash flown to Iran, and when the wheels of the jet touched down the other plane containing US hostages was allowed to take off.
- But Barry and snowflakes insist this was not a ransom payment. Yeah... :p

President Trump just returned from his Asian Trip abroad...the trip snowflakes claimed was so 'un-successful'....the trip during which Trump NEGOTIATED (not PAID FOR) the release of Americans being held.

The 3 UCLA basketball players were being held in China, 'accused of stealing designer sunglasses from a Louis Vuitton store next to the team’s hotel in Hangzhou'.

The 3, nor their families, have yet to thank the President, according to the media. The DNC's surrogate Trump-Hating propaganda pushers basically gave the President no credit for doing with his mediation skills what Barry could not do and had to accomplish by making ransom payments.

The vile snowflakes did not only give the President no credit for getting the held Americans released, part of a successful trip, the pathetic snowflakes WHO HAVE NO LIFE AND WHO FOLLOW THE PRESIDENT ON TWITTER embarrassed themselves by attacking the President on Twitter.

I guess butt-hurt haters gotta hate, especially when Trump successfully does ... in 1 year... - AGAIN - what Obama failed to do in 8 years.


Trump: Waiting for a 'Thank you' from 3 UCLA basketball players back in US
Good Job Don! At least this time they ain’t brain damaged . Like the last guy .
Hostages? :banana: I hate partisan morons like you. They were 3 privileged college basketball players that felt they didn't need to pay for things. While I am glad Trump got them home as 10 years is a bit extreme for the crime, the fact he and now you are crying because they are not kissing his ass is pathetic.
These three are black. You can't expect them to have any gratitude for efforts to release them.
The 3, nor their families, have yet to thank the President, according to the media. The DNC's surrogate Trump-Hating propaganda pushers basically gave the President no credit for doing with his mediation skills what Barry could not do and had to accomplish by making ransom payments.

Why should they? If they were held at all, it's because Trump has made our relationship with China so much worse to start with.
Why should they? If they were held at all, it's because Trump has made our relationship with China so much worse to start with.


Brilliant - the poster child for 'Butt-hurt Snowflakes' everywhere speaks - blaming Trump for 3 spoiled basketball players getting a free ride at UCLA, visitors in another country, breaking that nation's law, being caught, and being held by that country.

You're such a partisan, Trump-hating liberal it is unreal. Every time you say STUPID things like this, any of you snowflakes, you just come across as



You're just pissed Barry had to spend hundreds of millions of tax dollars to do what Trump was easily able to NEGOTIATE. :p
Brilliant - the poster child for 'Butt-hurt Snowflakes' everywhere speaks - blaming Trump for 3 spoiled basketball players getting a free ride at UCLA, visitors in another country, breaking that nation's law, being caught, and being held by that country.

Wait a minute. If they did what they are accused of, then they should be punished under the laws of that country, right? Why is Trump letting them off easy.

If they were just accused in a case of "Let's mess with americans!" then that is Trump's fault for making our relationship that much worse.

You're just pissed Barry had to spend hundreds of millions of tax dollars to do what Trump was easily able to NEGOTIATE.

Naw, man. I never gave a fuck about those for "Americans" (not really) who went to Iran and broke their laws, and then said, "Oh, wait, I have citizenship with the Great Satan, save me!!!"

We gave Iran MONEY THAT IRAN IS RIGHTFULLY OWED. Iran paid us that money for equipment we didn't provide, and the courts have ruled time and time again that we had to return that money.
Actually, All Trump has done is make us an international laughingstock.

It's not like China was going to shoot these kids on a shoplifting charge.
Barry Hussein paid Iraq about 2 billion dollars in taxpayer cash and euros after they already released a boat load of U.S. Sailors captured on the high seas. What a deal maker he was.
Barry Hussein paid Iraq about 2 billion dollars in taxpayer cash and euros after they already released a boat load of U.S. Sailors captured on the high seas. What a deal maker he was.

well, except that was rightfully Iran's money, and those sailor had illegally crossed into Iranian waters... but don't let that get in your way.

i'm sorry, why are we on the other side of the planet messing with Iran again?
And I promise those 3 black crybabies will do nothing but bitch about Trump for smoothing over a problem they brought on themselves completely. I am 100% positive that gratitude does not exist in the limited emotional catalogue of a primitive negroid brain. Have you ever seen a Crybaby-American offer a sincere thank you to a white person who did right by them? Because I honestly never have. This is a real, non-rhetorical question. I believe a black brain is filled with raging entitlement where the seat of proper human manners should be.

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