Trump going hard after Canada, auto industry next?

Tip of the iceberg. Canada imposes a 270% tariff does that sound like fair trade with Canada hell no. This is what Trump is talking about and why he's bullying these countries into FAIR trade deals.

Well, let's look at that. NAFTA had a lot of side deals and carve outs to protect certain industries in all three countries.

For instance, one of the main causes of our "illegal alien" problem is that because Mexico did not get protection for its farmers, cheap, government subsidized, genetically engineered American yellow corn priced Mexican farmers of traditional Mexican white corn out of the market, displacing thousands of agricultural workers.

In fact, our trade with Canada is pretty close to equitable.

We sell them 266 Billion in goods, and they sell us 278 billions in goods. Our trade "Deficit" with Canada is all of 11 Billion. Yeah, a lot to me and you, but a drop in the bucket for countries with GDP's in the Trillions.

Half our Trade deficit is with China.. I don't see Trumpenfuhrer addressing that issue.
Tip of the iceberg. Canada imposes a 270% tariff does that sound like fair trade with Canada hell no. This is what Trump is talking about and why he's bullying these countries into FAIR trade deals.

Well, let's look at that. NAFTA had a lot of side deals and carve outs to protect certain industries in all three countries.

For instance, one of the main causes of our "illegal alien" problem is that because Mexico did not get protection for its farmers, cheap, government subsidized, genetically engineered American yellow corn priced Mexican farmers of traditional Mexican white corn out of the market, displacing thousands of agricultural workers.

In fact, our trade with Canada is pretty close to equitable.

We sell them 266 Billion in goods, and they sell us 278 billions in goods. Our trade "Deficit" with Canada is all of 11 Billion. Yeah, a lot to me and you, but a drop in the bucket for countries with GDP's in the Trillions.

Half our Trade deficit is with China.. I don't see Trumpenfuhrer addressing that issue.

Its simple, are you opposed to FAIR TRADE or are you just opposed to Trump?
Its simple, are you opposed to FAIR TRADE or are you just opposed to Trump?

I'm always opposed to wannabe racist dictators... but "Fair Trade' isn't the problem here.

The problem here is - wait for it - we don't produce products that are the envy of the world anymore. We used to. Then our One Percenters got greedy and started producing crap no one wants to buy... and the Chinese can produce crap a lot cheaper.

Whining about a meager 11 Billion trade deficit that only represents 2% of our trade with Canada isn't going to fix that problem.
Its simple, are you opposed to FAIR TRADE or are you just opposed to Trump?

I'm always opposed to wannabe racist dictators... but "Fair Trade' isn't the problem here.

The problem here is - wait for it - we don't produce products that are the envy of the world anymore. We used to. Then our One Percenters got greedy and started producing crap no one wants to buy... and the Chinese can produce crap a lot cheaper.

Whining about a meager 11 Billion trade deficit that only represents 2% of our trade with Canada isn't going to fix that problem.

God you are ignorant. China took our products apart, copied them, used our products to make the castings even and flooded the U.S. with cheap knock offs destroying the U.S. manufactures. There now you are less ignorant.
Its simple, are you opposed to FAIR TRADE or are you just opposed to Trump?

I'm always opposed to wannabe racist dictators... but "Fair Trade' isn't the problem here.

The problem here is - wait for it - we don't produce products that are the envy of the world anymore. We used to. Then our One Percenters got greedy and started producing crap no one wants to buy... and the Chinese can produce crap a lot cheaper.

Whining about a meager 11 Billion trade deficit that only represents 2% of our trade with Canada isn't going to fix that problem.

God you are ignorant. China took our products apart, copied them, used our products to make the castings even and flooded the U.S. with cheap knock offs destroying the U.S. manufactures. There now you are less ignorant.

I could have sworn this thread was about Canada.
Canada is KILLING our dairy farmers and chicken farmers with their tariffs but you don't care because you are an Anti American piece of shit who only thinks America belongs to the elitist scum on the coasts.

Guy, Canada only has 30 milllion people. If you really think our Government Subsidized Dairy and Poultry farmers are really being hurt by tarriffs, you are delusional.

The thing is, most of the farmers in Flyover Country are being subsidized by the folks on the coast who pay most of the taxes. Shit, if you guys have to experience REAL capitalism, most of the "Family Farms" would be replaced by factory farms where all the work would be done by undocumented laborers.

Canada has been screwing us over, who's side are you on?

The side of common sense. Hey, guess what, bought a half gallon of milk yesterday, it was just fine.

Although Canada eliminated tariffs on all industrial and most agricultural products imported from the United States under the terms of NAFTA, tariffs and tariff-rate quotas (TRQs) remain in place on dairy and poultry tariff lines. Canada announced the elimination of MFN tariffs on baby clothing and athletic equipment (valued at C$76 million annually) in its 2013 federal budget. Canada proposed to permanently eliminate tariffs on mobile offshore drilling units in its 2014 federal budget.

So, um, yeah, what's your point here? We protect our farmers from real competition, they protect their farmers from real competition.

Let's put in the proper perspective, shall we?

The Trumpstes will never talk about how we prop up our famers.

U.S. dairy subsidies equal 73 percent of producer returns, says new report

Support, in its various forms, equaled 73 percent of U.S. dairy farmers’ market returns in 2015, according to a report published by a Canadian trade consulting firm on Thursday.
I have been saying for YEARS that subsidies need to be eliminated.
Its simple, are you opposed to FAIR TRADE or are you just opposed to Trump?

I'm always opposed to wannabe racist dictators... but "Fair Trade' isn't the problem here.

The problem here is - wait for it - we don't produce products that are the envy of the world anymore. We used to. Then our One Percenters got greedy and started producing crap no one wants to buy... and the Chinese can produce crap a lot cheaper.

Whining about a meager 11 Billion trade deficit that only represents 2% of our trade with Canada isn't going to fix that problem.

God you are ignorant. China took our products apart, copied them, used our products to make the castings even and flooded the U.S. with cheap knock offs destroying the U.S. manufactures. There now you are less ignorant.
No, not ignorant. Ignorance can be corrected. Joey is STUPID.
God you are ignorant. China took our products apart, copied them, used our products to make the castings even and flooded the U.S. with cheap knock offs destroying the U.S. manufactures. There now you are less ignorant.

Hey, stupid, we were talking about Canada, not China.

China just got a sweetheart deal with ZTE getting sanctions lifted despite selling stuff to North Korea and Iran.

So for the record, Trump rewards China and punishes Canada....
God you are ignorant. China took our products apart, copied them, used our products to make the castings even and flooded the U.S. with cheap knock offs destroying the U.S. manufactures. There now you are less ignorant.

Hey, stupid, we were talking about Canada, not China.

China just got a sweetheart deal with ZTE getting sanctions lifted despite selling stuff to North Korea and Iran.

So for the record, Trump rewards China and punishes Canada....

Canada did the same thing dumb ass. Are all you libs like 20 years old or something you don't seem to have one clue about what these countries have done to the U.S. over the past 50 years.
Canada did the same thing dumb ass. Are all you libs like 20 years old or something you don't seem to have one clue about what these countries have done to the U.S. over the past 50 years.

Canada didn't do anywhere near the same thing. In fact, Canada puts up with a lot of our shit because they want to do business with us.
There was a time I was willing to lose my life for my country, those days are long past now. As such, I will stand up for Canadian soldiers and good citizens, of which there are many, I will not stand up for politicians and our police apparatus that engages in activities which I promise you, would shock (hence my name) and disgust Americans.

On that note, Trump is taking the right approach, I think he is aware that Canada never had any desire to renegotiate NAFTA and they were just delaying. A few industries which would absolutely destroy Canada and in reality, Trudeaus re-election campaign: automobiles, energy/oil, Canadas financial sector protectionism and our dairy.

If Trump goes after these, he will get what he wants, Canada will be forced to capitulate. That's just the facts.

Based on Justin’s false statements at his news conference, and the fact that Canada is charging massive Tariffs to our U.S. farmers, workers and companies, I have instructed our U.S. Reps not to endorse the Communique as we look at Tariffs on automobiles flooding the U.S. Market!

4:03 PM - 9 Jun 2018

Update: Reporters on CBC releasing fluids in their pants at the idea of auto tariffs. This would crush the Canadian economy, especially in Ontario and Quebec.

If he follows through, among other sectors, Trump will get what he wants. Canada should have listened to me a decade ago, I was not surprised when Neo-Conservative Stephen Harper pressed harder on me, but I'm surprised Trudeau didn't stand up for my Rights.

What you are is a lying little Trump weasel. The fact is that the US imposes over 12,000 tariffs that protect American products. I remember a boatload of Israeli pizzas being seized because they had less than 1 gram of sugar. Trump is the weak, liar.

Cars are assembled in Canada with parts made from all 3 countries. According to 1 estimate, in 2014 Toyota and Honda spent 65 BILLIUON dollars on American made parts.

If anyone is unwilling to cooperate it is Trump. Canada and Mexico have offered compromises but Trump is more interested in playing politics.
There was a time I was willing to lose my life for my country, those days are long past now. As such, I will stand up for Canadian soldiers and good citizens, of which there are many, I will not stand up for politicians and our police apparatus that engages in activities which I promise you, would shock (hence my name) and disgust Americans.

On that note, Trump is taking the right approach, I think he is aware that Canada never had any desire to renegotiate NAFTA and they were just delaying. A few industries which would absolutely destroy Canada and in reality, Trudeaus re-election campaign: automobiles, energy/oil, Canadas financial sector protectionism and our dairy.

If Trump goes after these, he will get what he wants, Canada will be forced to capitulate. That's just the facts.

Based on Justin’s false statements at his news conference, and the fact that Canada is charging massive Tariffs to our U.S. farmers, workers and companies, I have instructed our U.S. Reps not to endorse the Communique as we look at Tariffs on automobiles flooding the U.S. Market!

4:03 PM - 9 Jun 2018

Update: Reporters on CBC releasing fluids in their pants at the idea of auto tariffs. This would crush the Canadian economy, especially in Ontario and Quebec.

If he follows through, among other sectors, Trump will get what he wants. Canada should have listened to me a decade ago, I was not surprised when Neo-Conservative Stephen Harper pressed harder on me, but I'm surprised Trudeau didn't stand up for my Rights.
Here's why you don't get your news from a conservative nickname in a message board:
WRAPUP 3-Trump threat of auto tariffs opposed by auto industry,...
A guide to understanding the dairy dispute between the U.S. and Canada

A Canadian source details how bad its gotten since just last year when things got even worse.

Canada has long maintained a high tariff wall on most dairy products. The duty on milk is 270 per cent.
Holy crap!

Tip of the iceberg. Canada imposes a 270% tariff does that sound like fair trade with Canada hell no. This is what Trump is talking about and why he's bullying these countries into FAIR trade deals.

Bullies don't prosper. The US engages in plenty of things that don't sound like fair trade.
Yes, let's screw over our closest ally for saying bad things a bout the Orange Shitgibbon.

Canada has been screwing us over, who's side are you on?

Who's side are you on. According to the Commerce Department, we had a 2.8 billion dollar surplus with Canada. Why are we screwing someone we have a surplus with.

What part of Canada has been screwing us over don't you comprehend? Is it okay for Canada to screw us over just because we have a trade surplus? God you liberals are weird. :cuckoo:
What part of Canada has been screwing us over don't you comprehend? Is it okay for Canada to screw us over just because we have a trade surplus? God you liberals are weird.

If we have a trade surplus, then Canada isn't screwing us over.

We are selling them slightly more stuff than we are buying from them.

Look, you guys didn't give a shit about Canada until their PM said bad stuff about your Orange Fuhrer.
Yes, let's screw over our closest ally for saying bad things a bout the Orange Shitgibbon.

Canada has been screwing us over, who's side are you on?

Who's side are you on. According to the Commerce Department, we had a 2.8 billion dollar surplus with Canada. Why are we screwing someone we have a surplus with.

What part of Canada has been screwing us over don't you comprehend? Is it okay for Canada to screw us over just because we have a trade surplus? God you liberals are weird. :cuckoo:

How has Canada been screwing us?
Yes, let's screw over our closest ally for saying bad things a bout the Orange Shitgibbon.

Let’s screw over our closest ally for thinking they can keep talking advantage of their closest ally.

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