Trump has FINALLY just agreed to debate Clinton


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
Finally, on this Labor Day, after he was assured that there would be enough hair spray for his comb-over, Trump has agreed to debate Clinton. His former reluctance is now abated after learning of Clinton's bout with pneumonia.
Finally, on this Labor Day, after he was assured that there would be enough hair spray for his comb-over, Trump has agreed to debate Clinton. His former reluctance is now abated after learning of Clinton's bout with pneumonia.

After her bout with pneumonoia--she looks pretty healthy to me, he might have to back out of the debate--LOL

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Finally, on this Labor Day, after he was assured that there would be enough hair spray for his comb-over, Trump has agreed to debate Clinton. His former reluctance is now abated after learning of Clinton's bout with pneumonia.

The debates were set before labor day nutter..too bad for Hillary

You better dam well hope Trump doesn't show up. Miss Universe Trump doesn't know anything about Foreign policy, or any policy for that matter. He won't have 16 other GOP candidates that he can insult to divert attention, he won't have chanting Trump fans there to divert attention. The moderators will be asking him very specific questions, that he won't be able to go into his typical platitude speak (opening mouth words coming out) but never really saying anything--they''ll be right back on his ass demanding an answer and when he answers it, Hillary Clinton will have a full minute and 30 seconds to show what a dumbass he really is.

First question to Miss Universe Trump--why did you say that "our Generals have embarrassed us."
'Embarrassing to our country': Trump suggests he’ll fire top generals

Coming from a candidate that didn't even know what Nuclear Triade meant in one of the debates.

They're looking for a way to get Hillary out of the debate as we speak.

If she is too sick to debate, she sure as hell too sick to run the country. ;)
Hillary's handlers need to negotiate that the first debate be held at a table so the old gal can stay seated.:thup:
Hildabeast is not fit to even stand up let alone debate, like I said all along Hilary has the energy And the appeal of a slug.
I heard they were gonna hold the debate in the Intensive Care wing of the hospital so Hillary can attend.
Hilly moved heaven and earth to get out of that first debate. She might be too sick for the second, that leaves only the third to wiggle out of.
Finally, on this Labor Day, after he was assured that there would be enough hair spray for his comb-over, Trump has agreed to debate Clinton.

Other than in the minds of kooks, there was never any doubt he would.
The debates were set before labor day nutter..too bad for Hillary

Buns and Hoses has a bit of a problem with reading comprehension...

The debate DATES had been set BEFORE Labor Day, but Trump had NOT agreed to attend until Labor Day.

Maybe with pictures you'd understand.
Other than in the minds of kooks, there was never any doubt he would.

All that I am stating is that Trump took a bit LONGER to agree to debate, probably to conjure up some better answers on his part regarding his tax returns, love of Putin, and Trump U. bribes....

Don't know if he has come up with acceptable answers on those 3 issues.
If she is too sick to debate, she sure as hell too sick to run the country.

Now THAT is a "brilliant" statement.....Conversely, if someone DOES show up to debate, does that mean that such a someone is "fit" to run the country?
The debates were set before labor day nutter..too bad for Hillary

Buns and Hoses has a bit of a problem with reading comprehension...

The debate DATES had been set BEFORE Labor Day, but Trump had NOT agreed to attend until Labor Day.

Maybe with pictures you'd understand.

:uhh:Trump is afraid of Hillary?:lmao:you're dumber than I thought ...Parrot :slap:
:uhh:Trump is afraid of Hillary?:lmao:you're dumber than I thought

Well, I'd agree that in a boxing match Trump could beat Hillary.....
But regarding brain functions, Trump must be given a considerable handicap.....and you know who knows that better than you Trump acolytes????.......................Trump's handlers who must be sweating that their clown doesn't even want to prepare for the debates (probably doesn't even want to know what is the capital of France.)

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