Trump has FINALLY just agreed to debate Clinton

:uhh:Trump is afraid of Hillary?:lmao:you're dumber than I thought

Well, I'd agree that in a boxing match Trump could beat Hillary.....
But regarding brain functions, Trump must be given a considerable handicap.....and you know who knows that better than you Trump acolytes????.......................Trump's handlers who must be sweating that their clown doesn't even want to prepare for the debates (probably doesn't even want to know what is the capital of France.)

Unlike Hillary Trump doesn't need talking points....He'll attack the corrupt bitch head on. There's plenty of ammo there, too much..She's toast in a real debate
Unlike Hillary Trump doesn't need talking points...

So, when Trump is asked about refuting his racist Birther Movement....He'll answer:
" I don't want to talk about it...."

When Trump is asked about the Trump U. fraud....He'll answer:
" I don't want to talk about it...."

When Trump is asked about where are his refusal to release his Tax Returns....... He'll answer:
" I don't want to talk about it...."

Should be an interesting debate, LOL
Unlike Hillary Trump doesn't need talking points...

So, when Trump is asked about refuting his racist Birther Movement....He'll answer:
" I don't want to talk about it...."

When Trump is asked about the Trump U. fraud....He'll answer:
" I don't want to talk about it...."

When Trump is asked about where are his refusal to release his Tax Returns....... He'll answer:
" I don't want to talk about it...."

Should be an interesting debate, LOL

Tax returns?...Birther? that the best you can do? Petty little parrot..We have a country to save and you worry about such trivial things....Whatever they feed you, you repeat. You've been trained well....Parrot :slap:

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