Trump has never bought groceries; yet flyover yokels think they're just like him

Where do you think those 800,000 who lost jobs in just gwb's last month went ?? To Google? AAPL ?

You made a declarative statement about Part Time worker's, prove it.
NO you prove Obama didn't help them

That's not the way it works junior. It's your declaration. You've been caught in a lie and now you're trying shift your responsibility to me.
What lie that under repub gwb 800000 lost their employment?? Is it that fact that troubles you son?

Prove what you said kid. SHOW everyone where Obambi helped so many off of the Part Time jobs. It doesn't bother you to lie like you do?
Look junior 75 straight months of 6 digit employment gains speak for themselves Weren't
you listening or supporting the pussy grabbing scum in our WH now?
Who do you think makes the rules ,the laws ?? millionaires

I would say the majority of Representatives in Congress have assets in excess of a million dollars.
But ... That doesn't answer the questions I asked you ... :thup:

And you forgot to mention his new tax cut proposal ...cutting taxes on stock gains

What percentage of the American public do you think has more than a million dollars invested in the stock market?
How do you think the largest percent of those who have more than a million dollars got the money they invested?

10% And they earned it ,,just like I did
Yesterday Trump told a crowd of old white people, who are dying in Florida, that because a photo ID is needed to buy groceries it should also be needed to vote.

“You know, if you go out and you want to buy groceries, you need a picture on a card, you need ID. You go out and you want to buy anything, you need ID and you need your picture,” Trump said at Tuesday night’s Tampa, Fla., rally

“Only American citizens should vote in American elections. The time has come for voter ID like everything else,” Trump said.

President Trump Said 'You Need an ID to Buy Groceries.' The Internet Went to Town

He spent his life cheating people and lying to them. The right celebrates that. They love him for it.

Man the crybaby snowflake sour grape tears just never stop for you, do they?
MORE POWER TO TRUMP if he never has to buy groceries in his lifetime! Not exactly a party at the checkout.
It's Obama's fault that trump doesn't know how to buy groceries....and it's Hillary's fault that god-fearing rightwing Americans HAVE to buy groceries!!!!!
What the hell are you talking about?
Yesterday Trump told a crowd of old white people, who are dying in Florida, that because a photo ID is needed to buy groceries it should also be needed to vote.

“You know, if you go out and you want to buy groceries, you need a picture on a card, you need ID. You go out and you want to buy anything, you need ID and you need your picture,” Trump said at Tuesday night’s Tampa, Fla., rally

“Only American citizens should vote in American elections. The time has come for voter ID like everything else,” Trump said.

President Trump Said 'You Need an ID to Buy Groceries.' The Internet Went to Town

He spent his life cheating people and lying to them. The right celebrates that. They love him for it.

As an official "fly-over yokel" living better than most of the coastal nutbags -- I dont think his supporters actually believe he's "just like us". That's just moronic leftist projection. I think they DO believe "he actually CARES about us". Which is whole different story..

Nobody in Nebraska can look at his style and roll and mistake that. Except maybe a leftist journalist with a deadline for something trumpy..
Lol, as another "fly over yokel" I can state unequivocally that you are incorrect. I have heard many folks here in Kansas say "he's just like us". They are clueless and confused, but they do believe it.
Others have said the same about every leader they believe in . What’s your point?
10% And they earned it ,,just like I did

Thanks ... It's a little higher than 10% now, but the majority of those did earn it.
But ... I have noticed I know a lot of regular people that have more than a million in assets and investments.

That crap was unheard of in my parent's day ... :dunno:

Yesterday Trump told a crowd of old white people, who are dying in Florida, that because a photo ID is needed to buy groceries it should also be needed to vote.

“You know, if you go out and you want to buy groceries, you need a picture on a card, you need ID. You go out and you want to buy anything, you need ID and you need your picture,” Trump said at Tuesday night’s Tampa, Fla., rally

“Only American citizens should vote in American elections. The time has come for voter ID like everything else,” Trump said.

President Trump Said 'You Need an ID to Buy Groceries.' The Internet Went to Town

He spent his life cheating people and lying to them. The right celebrates that. They love him for it.

As an official "fly-over yokel" living better than most of the coastal nutbags -- I dont think his supporters actually believe he's "just like us". That's just moronic leftist projection. I think they DO believe "he actually CARES about us". Which is whole different story..

Nobody in Nebraska can look at his style and roll and mistake that. Except maybe a leftist journalist with a deadline for something trumpy..
You mean you don't need a photo ID to buy milk and oatmeal?

I don't know many people who use cash to do weekly grocery shopping anymore. When I use my debit or credit card, some cashiers ask for the ID, many don't, but all of them should with all the identity theft going on.

Never have I been asked for an ID, either with the CC or check which I never use anymore. Trump has never been in a grocery store or Melania or probably Ivanka. They have people who do that.

And no he does not care about you, only him and his rich buddies. You are a fool to think he gives a hoot about the working man.
You’re a liar if you say you have never been asked for your I.D. Who cares if he has never shopped for groceries. I haven’t either.
Another cheap attempt to split the republican party is laughable. Don't democrats have something better to do a freaking agenda?
Yesterday Trump told a crowd of old white people, who are dying in Florida, that because a photo ID is needed to buy groceries it should also be needed to vote.

“You know, if you go out and you want to buy groceries, you need a picture on a card, you need ID. You go out and you want to buy anything, you need ID and you need your picture,” Trump said at Tuesday night’s Tampa, Fla., rally

“Only American citizens should vote in American elections. The time has come for voter ID like everything else,” Trump said.

President Trump Said 'You Need an ID to Buy Groceries.' The Internet Went to Town

He spent his life cheating people and lying to them. The right celebrates that. They love him for it.

As an official "fly-over yokel" living better than most of the coastal nutbags -- I dont think his supporters actually believe he's "just like us". That's just moronic leftist projection. I think they DO believe "he actually CARES about us". Which is whole different story..

Nobody in Nebraska can look at his style and roll and mistake that. Except maybe a leftist journalist with a deadline for something trumpy..
Lol, as another "fly over yokel" I can state unequivocally that you are incorrect. I have heard many folks here in Kansas say "he's just like us". They are clueless and confused, but they do believe it.
Others have said the same about every leader they believe in . What’s your point?
To correct the dingbat I responded to.

It's not that hard kid.
Yesterday Trump told a crowd of old white people, who are dying in Florida, that because a photo ID is needed to buy groceries it should also be needed to vote.

“You know, if you go out and you want to buy groceries, you need a picture on a card, you need ID. You go out and you want to buy anything, you need ID and you need your picture,” Trump said at Tuesday night’s Tampa, Fla., rally

“Only American citizens should vote in American elections. The time has come for voter ID like everything else,” Trump said.

President Trump Said 'You Need an ID to Buy Groceries.' The Internet Went to Town

He spent his life cheating people and lying to them. The right celebrates that. They love him for it.

As an official "fly-over yokel" living better than most of the coastal nutbags -- I dont think his supporters actually believe he's "just like us". That's just moronic leftist projection. I think they DO believe "he actually CARES about us". Which is whole different story..

Nobody in Nebraska can look at his style and roll and mistake that. Except maybe a leftist journalist with a deadline for something trumpy..
Lol, as another "fly over yokel" I can state unequivocally that you are incorrect. I have heard many folks here in Kansas say "he's just like us". They are clueless and confused, but they do believe it.
Others have said the same about every leader they believe in . What’s your point?
To correct the dingbat I responded to.

It's not that hard kid.
Yesterday Trump told a crowd of old white people, who are dying in Florida, that because a photo ID is needed to buy groceries it should also be needed to vote.

“You know, if you go out and you want to buy groceries, you need a picture on a card, you need ID. You go out and you want to buy anything, you need ID and you need your picture,” Trump said at Tuesday night’s Tampa, Fla., rally

“Only American citizens should vote in American elections. The time has come for voter ID like everything else,” Trump said.

President Trump Said 'You Need an ID to Buy Groceries.' The Internet Went to Town

He spent his life cheating people and lying to them. The right celebrates that. They love him for it.

As an official "fly-over yokel" living better than most of the coastal nutbags -- I dont think his supporters actually believe he's "just like us". That's just moronic leftist projection. I think they DO believe "he actually CARES about us". Which is whole different story..

Nobody in Nebraska can look at his style and roll and mistake that. Except maybe a leftist journalist with a deadline for something trumpy..
Lol, as another "fly over yokel" I can state unequivocally that you are incorrect. I have heard many folks here in Kansas say "he's just like us". They are clueless and confused, but they do believe it.
Others have said the same about every leader they believe in . What’s your point?
To correct the dingbat I responded to.

It's not that hard kid.
Ok, I stand corrected. Maybe it is hard for you. Click the green box that says "click to expand". Start at the top post. Read downward.
I did. You make no sense.
As an official "fly-over yokel" living better than most of the coastal nutbags -- I dont think his supporters actually believe he's "just like us". That's just moronic leftist projection. I think they DO believe "he actually CARES about us". Which is whole different story..

Nobody in Nebraska can look at his style and roll and mistake that. Except maybe a leftist journalist with a deadline for something trumpy..
Lol, as another "fly over yokel" I can state unequivocally that you are incorrect. I have heard many folks here in Kansas say "he's just like us". They are clueless and confused, but they do believe it.
Others have said the same about every leader they believe in . What’s your point?
To correct the dingbat I responded to.

It's not that hard kid.
Ok, I stand corrected. Maybe it is hard for you. Click the green box that says "click to expand". Start at the top post. Read downward.
i did. You ,are no sense. You can be as condescending as you want.
Here is what an actual "Grocery ID" looks like:

Ok folks. This is my actual 'shopper' ID from my Soviet Life (1990).

By presenting it I was given monthly allotment of grains, sugar, flour, vodka etc.
No ID - no groceries.

Now you know where trump gets his ideas...

**Feel fee to share. …

Yesterday Trump told a crowd of old white people, who are dying in Florida, that because a photo ID is needed to buy groceries it should also be needed to vote.

“You know, if you go out and you want to buy groceries, you need a picture on a card, you need ID. You go out and you want to buy anything, you need ID and you need your picture,” Trump said at Tuesday night’s Tampa, Fla., rally

“Only American citizens should vote in American elections. The time has come for voter ID like everything else,” Trump said.

President Trump Said 'You Need an ID to Buy Groceries.' The Internet Went to Town

He spent his life cheating people and lying to them. The right celebrates that. They love him for it.

As an official "fly-over yokel" living better than most of the coastal nutbags -- I dont think his supporters actually believe he's "just like us". That's just moronic leftist projection. I think they DO believe "he actually CARES about us". Which is whole different story..

Nobody in Nebraska can look at his style and roll and mistake that. Except maybe a leftist journalist with a deadline for something trumpy..
You think Trump “ cares for you?”
Listen to what Tony Schwartz, the real author of The Art of the Deal, said on that topic a few days ago. Just remember Tony knows Trump a hell of a lot better than you do .
He said,” Trump only respects two things. Money and power. Two things his base doesn’t have ( in general)
He looks down on people that don’t have those things. He views his deplorable base as suckers. A means to an end.”
Yup. He’s using you idiots for political purposes. He probably laughs at you schmoes in private.
You were conned by a con artist.
Yesterday Trump told a crowd of old white people, who are dying in Florida, that because a photo ID is needed to buy groceries it should also be needed to vote.

“You know, if you go out and you want to buy groceries, you need a picture on a card, you need ID. You go out and you want to buy anything, you need ID and you need your picture,” Trump said at Tuesday night’s Tampa, Fla., rally

“Only American citizens should vote in American elections. The time has come for voter ID like everything else,” Trump said.

President Trump Said 'You Need an ID to Buy Groceries.' The Internet Went to Town

He spent his life cheating people and lying to them. The right celebrates that. They love him for it.

As an official "fly-over yokel" living better than most of the coastal nutbags -- I dont think his supporters actually believe he's "just like us". That's just moronic leftist projection. I think they DO believe "he actually CARES about us". Which is whole different story..

Nobody in Nebraska can look at his style and roll and mistake that. Except maybe a leftist journalist with a deadline for something trumpy..

Trump has never cared for even a second about Nebraska. Holy crap, dude. Trump is a guy who spent his life trying to fuck Miss America contestants and sucking up to the Clintons. He just passed a massive, permanent tax cut for the wealthiest "coastal nutbags," as you call them. He created a trade war that specifically punishes one of Nebraska's main industries. He doesn't give a fuck.
What's amusing, Black Flag is watching you attack Trump for not giving a fuck when he's done more to help people get jobs and higher pay than any President in recent memory. That's why people in Nebraska like him even if he's a New Yorker (and nobody likes them!) it's because his policies have been good for the economy. Oh, and by the way? The threat of that trade war just made the EU renegotiate it's trade with us. His playing hard ball with them worked.
Is that why many farmers from America’s heartland came to Washington in outrage of how Trump is ruining their livelihood?
Yesterday Trump told a crowd of old white people, who are dying in Florida, that because a photo ID is needed to buy groceries it should also be needed to vote.

“You know, if you go out and you want to buy groceries, you need a picture on a card, you need ID. You go out and you want to buy anything, you need ID and you need your picture,” Trump said at Tuesday night’s Tampa, Fla., rally

“Only American citizens should vote in American elections. The time has come for voter ID like everything else,” Trump said.

President Trump Said 'You Need an ID to Buy Groceries.' The Internet Went to Town

He spent his life cheating people and lying to them. The right celebrates that. They love him for it.

As an official "fly-over yokel" living better than most of the coastal nutbags -- I dont think his supporters actually believe he's "just like us". That's just moronic leftist projection. I think they DO believe "he actually CARES about us". Which is whole different story..

Nobody in Nebraska can look at his style and roll and mistake that. Except maybe a leftist journalist with a deadline for something trumpy..

Trump has never cared for even a second about Nebraska. Holy crap, dude. Trump is a guy who spent his life trying to fuck Miss America contestants and sucking up to the Clintons. He just passed a massive, permanent tax cut for the wealthiest "coastal nutbags," as you call them. He created a trade war that specifically punishes one of Nebraska's main industries. He doesn't give a fuck.
What's amusing, Black Flag is watching you attack Trump for not giving a fuck when he's done more to help people get jobs and higher pay than any President in recent memory. That's why people in Nebraska like him even if he's a New Yorker (and nobody likes them!) it's because his policies have been good for the economy. Oh, and by the way? The threat of that trade war just made the EU renegotiate it's trade with us. His playing hard ball with them worked.
Is that why many farmers from America’s heartland came to Washington in outrage of how Trump is ruining their livelihood?

Would that be the same Trump who called for subsidies to help those same farmers if they were damaged by the trade negotiations?
Yesterday Trump told a crowd of old white people, who are dying in Florida, that because a photo ID is needed to buy groceries it should also be needed to vote.

“You know, if you go out and you want to buy groceries, you need a picture on a card, you need ID. You go out and you want to buy anything, you need ID and you need your picture,” Trump said at Tuesday night’s Tampa, Fla., rally

“Only American citizens should vote in American elections. The time has come for voter ID like everything else,” Trump said.

President Trump Said 'You Need an ID to Buy Groceries.' The Internet Went to Town

He spent his life cheating people and lying to them. The right celebrates that. They love him for it.

When you say “flyover yokels” are you referring the those REAL know, those people who built this nation and the free shit system you and all your lowlife friends feast from?
The black man built this nation you ignoramus.
They built the railroad system which permitted Americans to travel anywhere in the country.
Yesterday Trump told a crowd of old white people, who are dying in Florida, that because a photo ID is needed to buy groceries it should also be needed to vote.

“You know, if you go out and you want to buy groceries, you need a picture on a card, you need ID. You go out and you want to buy anything, you need ID and you need your picture,” Trump said at Tuesday night’s Tampa, Fla., rally

“Only American citizens should vote in American elections. The time has come for voter ID like everything else,” Trump said.

President Trump Said 'You Need an ID to Buy Groceries.' The Internet Went to Town

He spent his life cheating people and lying to them. The right celebrates that. They love him for it.

As an official "fly-over yokel" living better than most of the coastal nutbags -- I dont think his supporters actually believe he's "just like us". That's just moronic leftist projection. I think they DO believe "he actually CARES about us". Which is whole different story..

Nobody in Nebraska can look at his style and roll and mistake that. Except maybe a leftist journalist with a deadline for something trumpy..

Trump has never cared for even a second about Nebraska. Holy crap, dude. Trump is a guy who spent his life trying to fuck Miss America contestants and sucking up to the Clintons. He just passed a massive, permanent tax cut for the wealthiest "coastal nutbags," as you call them. He created a trade war that specifically punishes one of Nebraska's main industries. He doesn't give a fuck.
What's amusing, Black Flag is watching you attack Trump for not giving a fuck when he's done more to help people get jobs and higher pay than any President in recent memory. That's why people in Nebraska like him even if he's a New Yorker (and nobody likes them!) it's because his policies have been good for the economy. Oh, and by the way? The threat of that trade war just made the EU renegotiate it's trade with us. His playing hard ball with them worked.
Is that why many farmers from America’s heartland came to Washington in outrage of how Trump is ruining their livelihood?

Would that be the same Trump who called for subsidies to help those same farmers if they were damaged by the trade negotiations?

Funny. You mean the Band-Aid for his tariff war?

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