Trump has never bought groceries; yet flyover yokels think they're just like him

This dingbat thinks that a person has to show an ID card to buy groceries. It is clear that he has never been to a Giant, a Stop-And-Shop, a Safeway. I have a discount card from all of these,.but have never been asked for an I.D., and I am a member of Costco. Where does this fool get his ideas?
Do present Picture I.D. at your local Grocery Store? I doubt it. The Cost
The first 2 posts in this thread are fucking retarded.

Did you have to use your fingers to count that high?

You may if you're buying alcohol, tobacco, paying with a credit card, or writing a check (yes, some people still do that).

I'm sure that's what Trump was referring to.
By the way y'all, just got back from a Wal Mart run here in Amarillo this afternoon. Had to buy a new keyboard (mine gave up the ghost), got a couple of shepard's pies, and a box of Bud Light. Went through the self checkout, and when I scanned the beer, it said to ask for assistance from an associate. The girl came over, scanned her card, punched in a couple of buttons, and told me I was good to go.

Didn't show my ID once, and wasn't asked for it either.
I am not a Costco member. I have gone shopping with a Costco member. I can't buy anything because I don't have a membership card. My friend can, she shows her id card.

The CostCo I.D. Card is presented when you enter the store, not at the check out counter, you do know that right?

45 said you needed to present I.D. to buy groceries, do YOU present ID when you go shopping for Groceries? Inquiring minds want to know.
You mean you don't need a photo ID to buy milk and oatmeal?

I don't know many people who use cash to do weekly grocery shopping anymore. When I use my debit or credit card, some cashiers ask for the ID, many don't, but all of them should with all the identity theft going on.

The only reason a cashier would ask for an ID is because the debit or credit card isn't signed or was signed but has been used so much the signature has worn off.

Most don't even see the debit or credit card. The customer just swipes or sticks in in the machine provided to the customer on the checkout counter. I can't remember the last time I handed my debit or credit card to a cashier. Every retailer has those machines for the customer to do it themselves.
Do present Picture I.D. at your local Grocery Store? I doubt it. The Cost
The first 2 posts in this thread are fucking retarded.

Did you have to use your fingers to count that high?

You may if you're buying alcohol, tobacco, paying with a credit card, or writing a check (yes, some people still do that).

I'm sure that's what Trump was referring to.
He set himself for this shit up like obama did with 57 states
Hek, people still use that lol
You mean you don't need a photo ID to buy milk and oatmeal?

I don't know many people who use cash to do weekly grocery shopping anymore. When I use my debit or credit card, some cashiers ask for the ID, many don't, but all of them should with all the identity theft going on.
I've NEVER been asked for a photo ID to pay with a credit card anywhere. The most I was ever asked to do was to sign a receipt.

The only time a cashier would ask for ID when someone uses a debit or credit card is if the back has not been signed or the signature has worn off.

These days the cashier isn't even handed a card. The machine right on the checkout counter is there for the customer to swipe or stick their card in. The cashier never touches or sees the card.
One more time for poor educated...Dead From The Neck Up Seig Heil Shouting Goosestepping GroppenFuhrer Followers. The Walking Shit Stain Said, "You have to present ID to buy Groceries". Your very lame defense is not working.
I hand my housekeeper my credit card every week and she uses it to buy anything she needs. She's NEVER BEEN ASKED FOR AN ID .

Trump and RW's are full of shit.

F'em both
Yesterday Trump told a crowd of old white people, who are dying in Florida, that because a photo ID is needed to buy groceries it should also be needed to vote.

“You know, if you go out and you want to buy groceries, you need a picture on a card, you need ID. You go out and you want to buy anything, you need ID and you need your picture,” Trump said at Tuesday night’s Tampa, Fla., rally

“Only American citizens should vote in American elections. The time has come for voter ID like everything else,” Trump said.

President Trump Said 'You Need an ID to Buy Groceries.' The Internet Went to Town

He spent his life cheating people and lying to them. The right celebrates that. They love him for it.
Old people write checks. Cashiers request ID's from check writers to help prevent fraud.

Get a grip
Can I go buy groceries right now without an ID.? A simple yes or no is all you need to say.
Depends on how you pay. Check? No
Cash? Yes
Alcohol? No if you look younger
Cigarettes? No if you look younger
Cough medicine? No

You can demand a yes or no all you want but your game is a bust.

I guess you need a lesson in the meaning of words in the English language.

You didn't list groceries.

Groceries are food. Not non food items.

Here since you don't know the meaning of the word:

grocery /ˈgroʊsri/ noun
plural groceries


[count] chiefly US : grocery store

groceries [plural] : food sold by a grocer : food bought at a store
  • She stopped to pick up some groceries for supper.
Yesterday Trump told a crowd of old white people, who are dying in Florida, that because a photo ID is needed to buy groceries it should also be needed to vote.

“You know, if you go out and you want to buy groceries, you need a picture on a card, you need ID. You go out and you want to buy anything, you need ID and you need your picture,” Trump said at Tuesday night’s Tampa, Fla., rally

“Only American citizens should vote in American elections. The time has come for voter ID like everything else,” Trump said.

President Trump Said 'You Need an ID to Buy Groceries.' The Internet Went to Town

He spent his life cheating people and lying to them. The right celebrates that. They love him for it.
They love him! They Love him! He doesn't know what the hell is going on but they love him!
That's becasue they don't understand what the hell is going on either.
You know, today my keyboard crapped out on me and I had to go get a new one. Went to Wal Mart, got the keyboard, a couple of shepard's pies, and a box of Bud Light. Scanned all the items, and when I scanned the beer, it said to ask for assistance from an associate. I asked, she came over and scanned her card, punched in her code, and told me I was good to go.

Not only did I not have to show my ID to verify my age, she didn't even bother to ask.
You mean you don't need a photo ID to buy milk and oatmeal?

I don't know many people who use cash to do weekly grocery shopping anymore. When I use my debit or credit card, some cashiers ask for the ID, many don't, but all of them should with all the identity theft going on.
Prior to the checkouts that have you scan your own card you had to hand your card to the cashier and most places required I.D for anything other than cash payment. In addition, anyone buying beer, cigarettes or canned air are going to need their I.D. regardless of payment method.

No I didn't. The only time a cashier will ask for an ID when presented with a card is when there's no signature or the signature has worn off.

That's it.

I've instructed cashiers when I worked in accounting at a large home center store in the west.

The only time cashiers are instructed to ask for an ID when they are given a card is when there's no signature on the back.

It's been a very long time since anyone has had to hand a cashier a card to pay their bill. The machine is right there on the counter to use.

Plus that was then. This is now. No one has to hand a cashier a card at a grocery store anymore. The machine to swipe or insert the card to pay is right there at the checkout counter for the customer to use.
Yesterday Trump told a crowd of old white people, who are dying in Florida, that because a photo ID is needed to buy groceries it should also be needed to vote.

“You know, if you go out and you want to buy groceries, you need a picture on a card, you need ID. You go out and you want to buy anything, you need ID and you need your picture,” Trump said at Tuesday night’s Tampa, Fla., rally

“Only American citizens should vote in American elections. The time has come for voter ID like everything else,” Trump said.

President Trump Said 'You Need an ID to Buy Groceries.' The Internet Went to Town

He spent his life cheating people and lying to them. The right celebrates that. They love him for it.

Man the crybaby snowflake sour grape tears just never stop for you, do they?
MORE POWER TO TRUMP if he never has to buy groceries in his lifetime! Not exactly a party at the checkout.
Ah welcome, proud peasant. How many people would Trump have to murder in the middle of 5th Avenue before you'd start to get concerned?

I'm thinking he could shoot three million illegal teenage beauty pageant contestants who never heard of David Duke and who never went bankrupt in their dressing room that O'bama tapppped the wires of, all dancing on rooftops with blood coming out of their wherevers when it wasn't raining on many sides, and not lose any votes.

And when I say "could", of course I mean "couldn't". Or not. Depending on what sells.
Last edited:
I can't even buy flu medication without giving an ID.

sheeeeeeesh------just WHAT are you taking for that which you PREFER
to call "the flu"???? aspirin and chicken soup is all you
need-----some citrus fruit might help

Drugs aren't food. Groceries are food. Not drugs.

grocery /ˈgroʊsri/ noun
plural groceries

[count] chiefly US : grocery store

groceries [plural] : food sold by a grocer : food bought at a store
  • She stopped to pick up some groceries for supper.
Trump outsmarted all mainline Republicans that fat old white cow Hillary the fake Indian Warren and sits in the WH. Call him stupid again whydonchya? :)
The FBI declared they retrieved over 15,000 pieces of EVIDENCE - official documents Hillary tried to destroy (OBSTRUCTION) in violation of a Federal Subpoena, proving that Hillary had violated both the FOIA and Federal Records ACT
Donnie Dirtbag says the FBI are a bunch of liars.
Yesterday Trump told a crowd of old white people, who are dying in Florida, that because a photo ID is needed to buy groceries it should also be needed to vote.

“You know, if you go out and you want to buy groceries, you need a picture on a card, you need ID. You go out and you want to buy anything, you need ID and you need your picture,” Trump said at Tuesday night’s Tampa, Fla., rally

“Only American citizens should vote in American elections. The time has come for voter ID like everything else,” Trump said.

President Trump Said 'You Need an ID to Buy Groceries.' The Internet Went to Town

He spent his life cheating people and lying to them. The right celebrates that. They love him for it.

You folks are just dense. The "Republican" politicians (since Reagan) have NOT represented the base, meaning Conservatives. They ALL make promises that they NEVER keep, just like this Congress. Rump ran outside of their ways, whether he meant it or not that's what he did. The base knew that NOBODY else in the field would buck the status quo of the establishment. THAT'S how you ended up with Rump. No THINKING, non partisan person can blame them for that. They wanted change and they sought it from Rump. Can they get it? Don't know but they had nothing to lose by trying.
Yesterday Trump told a crowd of old white people, who are dying in Florida, that because a photo ID is needed to buy groceries it should also be needed to vote.

“You know, if you go out and you want to buy groceries, you need a picture on a card, you need ID. You go out and you want to buy anything, you need ID and you need your picture,” Trump said at Tuesday night’s Tampa, Fla., rally

“Only American citizens should vote in American elections. The time has come for voter ID like everything else,” Trump said.

President Trump Said 'You Need an ID to Buy Groceries.' The Internet Went to Town

He spent his life cheating people and lying to them. The right celebrates that. They love him for it.

Man the crybaby snowflake sour grape tears just never stop for you, do they?
MORE POWER TO TRUMP if he never has to buy groceries in his lifetime! Not exactly a party at the checkout.
Ah welcome, proud peasant. How many people would Trump have to murder in the middle of 5th Avenue before you'd start to get concerned?

I'm thinking he could shoot three million illegal teenage beauty pageant contestants who never heard of David Duke and who never went bankrupt in their dressing room that O'bama tapppped the wires of, all dancing on rooftops with blood coming out of their wherevers when it wasn't raining on many sides, and not lose any votes.

And when I say "could", of course I mean "couldn't". Or not. Depending on what sells.
Her could fuck all of the teen beauty contestants and video it with them screaming to stop, and his cultists would still back him, blaming the girls because they probably gave their consent then backed out at the last minute. Or, if they have a young daughter and he wanted her, they would gladly give her to him and consider it a privileged that he was the one who took her virginity.
Yesterday Trump told a crowd of old white people, who are dying in Florida, that because a photo ID is needed to buy groceries it should also be needed to vote.

“You know, if you go out and you want to buy groceries, you need a picture on a card, you need ID. You go out and you want to buy anything, you need ID and you need your picture,” Trump said at Tuesday night’s Tampa, Fla., rally

“Only American citizens should vote in American elections. The time has come for voter ID like everything else,” Trump said.

President Trump Said 'You Need an ID to Buy Groceries.' The Internet Went to Town

He spent his life cheating people and lying to them. The right celebrates that. They love him for it.

Man the crybaby snowflake sour grape tears just never stop for you, do they?
MORE POWER TO TRUMP if he never has to buy groceries in his lifetime! Not exactly a party at the checkout.
Ah welcome, proud peasant. How many people would Trump have to murder in the middle of 5th Avenue before you'd start to get concerned?

I'm thinking he could shoot three million illegal teenage beauty pageant contestants who never heard of David Duke and who never went bankrupt in their dressing room that O'bama tapppped the wires of, all dancing on rooftops with blood coming out of their wherevers when it wasn't raining on many sides, and not lose any votes.

And when I say "could", of course I mean "couldn't". Or not. Depending on what sells.
Her could fuck all of the teen beauty contestants and video it with them screaming to stop, and his cultists would still back him, blaming the girls because they probably gave their consent then backed out at the last minute. Or, if they have a young daughter and he wanted her, they would gladly give her to him and consider it a privileged that he was the one who took her virginity.

I bet he'd call that "droit de Rumpeur".

You'd hope there would at least be a $130,000 check in it.

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