Trump has never bought groceries; yet flyover yokels think they're just like him

Whoa, things are getting scary - at grocery stores. Should we now be armed to buy groceries?



You're gonna owe me a keyboard for this one.

Yesterday Trump told a crowd of old white people, who are dying in Florida, that because a photo ID is needed to buy groceries it should also be needed to vote.

“You know, if you go out and you want to buy groceries, you need a picture on a card, you need ID. You go out and you want to buy anything, you need ID and you need your picture,” Trump said at Tuesday night’s Tampa, Fla., rally

“Only American citizens should vote in American elections. The time has come for voter ID like everything else,” Trump said.

President Trump Said 'You Need an ID to Buy Groceries.' The Internet Went to Town

He spent his life cheating people and lying to them. The right celebrates that. They love him for it.

For as much as he's built in his life, Donald Trump has never built as much real estate as he has in leftists' heads. High rise after high rise after high rise after high rise, and all overcrowded with psychosis it would seem.....
Whoa, things are getting scary - at grocery stores. Should we now be armed to buy groceries?



You're gonna owe me a keyboard for this one.


More "anonymous" people attacking Donald Trump? Gee, like we haven't seen this for the past year and a half! Get back to me when someone has the integrity to stand behind what they say!
Yesterday Trump told a crowd of old white people, who are dying in Florida, that because a photo ID is needed to buy groceries it should also be needed to vote.

“You know, if you go out and you want to buy groceries, you need a picture on a card, you need ID. You go out and you want to buy anything, you need ID and you need your picture,” Trump said at Tuesday night’s Tampa, Fla., rally

“Only American citizens should vote in American elections. The time has come for voter ID like everything else,” Trump said.

President Trump Said 'You Need an ID to Buy Groceries.' The Internet Went to Town

He spent his life cheating people and lying to them. The right celebrates that. They love him for it.

As an official "fly-over yokel" living better than most of the coastal nutbags -- I dont think his supporters actually believe he's "just like us". That's just moronic leftist projection. I think they DO believe "he actually CARES about us". Which is whole different story..

Nobody in Nebraska can look at his style and roll and mistake that. Except maybe a leftist journalist with a deadline for something trumpy..

Trump has never cared for even a second about Nebraska. Holy crap, dude. Trump is a guy who spent his life trying to fuck Miss America contestants and sucking up to the Clintons. He just passed a massive, permanent tax cut for the wealthiest "coastal nutbags," as you call them. He created a trade war that specifically punishes one of Nebraska's main industries. He doesn't give a fuck.
What's amusing, Black Flag is watching you attack Trump for not giving a fuck when he's done more to help people get jobs and higher pay than any President in recent memory. That's why people in Nebraska like him even if he's a New Yorker (and nobody likes them!) it's because his policies have been good for the economy. Oh, and by the way? The threat of that trade war just made the EU renegotiate it's trade with us. His playing hard ball with them worked.
When Trump gets to 72 straight months of job growth, get back to me, little flake :itsok:

P.S. - the EU hasn't renegotiated jack shit. Step outside the echo chamber every once in a while, little baby flake :itsok:

What is this then?
The promise President Donald Trump extracted from the European Union to buy more soybeans from U.S. farmers won’t put much of a dent in the potential losses from a continuing trade war with China.
The EU is the second-biggest buyer of the U.S. oilseed. But that is a distant second to China, which bought $12.3 billion of the U.S. soy last year compared with the $1.6 billion exported to the EU. Losses in sales to China stemming from an escalating trade spat are causing political headaches for Trump and farm state Republicans in Congress that Europe won’t be able to relieve.
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Trump has never bought groceries...

Yeah, and Bill Clinton 'never had sex with that woman...


You're right - I saw Trump in a NYC Kroger in the fall of 1992.
He was buying hairspray :)

There's never been a Kroger's in NYC, Doc! They're a Mid West and Southern chain of stores. Nice try though...

OoOpS :)

150 E 42nd St,
New York, NY 10017
(212) 543-7700

That's what I get for trusting Wikipedia! My bad!
Ah, the lets convince Trump voters to abandon Trump FAIL thread #1143 :auiqs.jpg: you libs are dripping with desperation. :itsok:
Yesterday Trump told a crowd of old white people, who are dying in Florida, that because a photo ID is needed to buy groceries it should also be needed to vote.

“You know, if you go out and you want to buy groceries, you need a picture on a card, you need ID. You go out and you want to buy anything, you need ID and you need your picture,” Trump said at Tuesday night’s Tampa, Fla., rally

“Only American citizens should vote in American elections. The time has come for voter ID like everything else,” Trump said.

President Trump Said 'You Need an ID to Buy Groceries.' The Internet Went to Town

He spent his life cheating people and lying to them. The right celebrates that. They love him for it.

Man the crybaby snowflake sour grape tears just never stop for you, do they?
MORE POWER TO TRUMP if he never has to buy groceries in his lifetime! Not exactly a party at the checkout.
Ah welcome, proud peasant. How many people would Trump have to murder in the middle of 5th Avenue before you'd start to get concerned?

So long as Trump continues to punch the left in the face we will support him. You snowflakes on the left don't get it.
Yesterday Trump told a crowd of old white people, who are dying in Florida, that because a photo ID is needed to buy groceries it should also be needed to vote.

“You know, if you go out and you want to buy groceries, you need a picture on a card, you need ID. You go out and you want to buy anything, you need ID and you need your picture,” Trump said at Tuesday night’s Tampa, Fla., rally

“Only American citizens should vote in American elections. The time has come for voter ID like everything else,” Trump said.

President Trump Said 'You Need an ID to Buy Groceries.' The Internet Went to Town

He spent his life cheating people and lying to them. The right celebrates that. They love him for it.

Man the crybaby snowflake sour grape tears just never stop for you, do they?
MORE POWER TO TRUMP if he never has to buy groceries in his lifetime! Not exactly a party at the checkout.
Ah welcome, proud peasant. How many people would Trump have to murder in the middle of 5th Avenue before you'd start to get concerned?

So long as Trump continues to punch the left in the face we will support him. You snowflakes on the left don't get it.
Let him keep punching China See how far it gets him

China Vows It Won’t Back Down After Trump’s Latest Tariff Threatupdated 3 hours ago
Stocks Slump as Trade Fears Return; Dollar Climbs: Markets Wrap
Trump's Tariff Threats Erase $220 Billion From Asia Stock Values
China’s Empire of Money Is Reshaping Global Trade
Yesterday Trump told a crowd of old white people, who are dying in Florida, that because a photo ID is needed to buy groceries it should also be needed to vote.

“You know, if you go out and you want to buy groceries, you need a picture on a card, you need ID. You go out and you want to buy anything, you need ID and you need your picture,” Trump said at Tuesday night’s Tampa, Fla., rally

“Only American citizens should vote in American elections. The time has come for voter ID like everything else,” Trump said.

President Trump Said 'You Need an ID to Buy Groceries.' The Internet Went to Town

He spent his life cheating people and lying to them. The right celebrates that. They love him for it.

As an official "fly-over yokel" living better than most of the coastal nutbags -- I dont think his supporters actually believe he's "just like us". That's just moronic leftist projection. I think they DO believe "he actually CARES about us". Which is whole different story..

Nobody in Nebraska can look at his style and roll and mistake that. Except maybe a leftist journalist with a deadline for something trumpy..

Trump has never cared for even a second about Nebraska. Holy crap, dude. Trump is a guy who spent his life trying to fuck Miss America contestants and sucking up to the Clintons. He just passed a massive, permanent tax cut for the wealthiest "coastal nutbags," as you call them. He created a trade war that specifically punishes one of Nebraska's main industries. He doesn't give a fuck.
What's amusing, Black Flag is watching you attack Trump for not giving a fuck when he's done more to help people get jobs and higher pay than any President in recent memory. That's why people in Nebraska like him even if he's a New Yorker (and nobody likes them!) it's because his policies have been good for the economy. Oh, and by the way? The threat of that trade war just made the EU renegotiate it's trade with us. His playing hard ball with them worked.
When Trump gets to 72 straight months of job growth, get back to me, little flake :itsok:

P.S. - the EU hasn't renegotiated jack shit. Step outside the echo chamber every once in a while, little baby flake :itsok:

Which is better? 72 months of tepid job growth despite spending trillions in stimulus and the Fed keeping interest rates at near zero...or what Trump has done without stimulus spending and with the Fed raising interest rates four times since he was elected? Whenever someone touts that 72 straight months of job growth it always makes me laugh. You might as well wear a sign on your forehead that says "Hi, I'm a partisan hack who understands NOTHING about economics!"!
Stimulus spending doesn't include huge tax breaks economic major???
Well, not all Trump supporters are happy to shop for groceries.

Police: Putnam man said he 'wants to shoot all Spanish-speaking people'

Police say two employees of Putnam Lake Market on Fairfield Drive were talking to each other in Spanish when they were interrupted by Wayne Rossi, who allegedly said, “This is our country. We speak English here,” and then allegedly threatened "to shoot all Spanish-speaking people.”
/——/ What’s your point?
I get to blast both sides because im not a mindless sheep.
It feels great! :lol:
Mindless moron comes to mind based on your meltdown in this thread.
Have you ever had to show ID in a grocery store?

Yes, obviously
No, lie of course

Simple way to determine if the ridiculousness of this thread is warranted or not.
/——-/ Libs aren’t as dumb as they pretend, they defend the indefensible by doubling down.
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You are an egotistical bastard that thinks he is better and smarter than any else who disagrees with your views, In other words a typical democrat and you still wonder why you lose elections
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Trump has never bought groceries...

Yeah, and Bill Clinton 'never had sex with that woman...


You're right - I saw Trump in a NYC Kroger in the fall of 1992.
He was buying hairspray :)

There's never been a Kroger's in NYC, Doc! They're a Mid West and Southern chain of stores. Nice try though...

OoOpS :)

150 E 42nd St,
New York, NY 10017
(212) 543-7700
Yeah, that makes your stupid story believable now .. thanks. LOL!
Stimulus spending doesn't include huge tax breaks economic major???
NO! It involves SPENDING...especially on PORK, like the 7,000+ pieces of DNC-Only pork packed in Obama's failed 'Jobs Creation' non-stimulating Stimulus bill.


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