Trump has never bought groceries; yet flyover yokels think they're just like him

I get to blast both sides because im not a mindless sheep.
It feels great! :lol:
Mindless moron comes to mind based on your meltdown in this thread.
Have you ever had to show ID in a grocery store?

Yes, obviously
No, lie of course

Simple way to determine if the ridiculousness of this thread is warranted or not.
Yea when i bought beer. Not fucking food like trump stated.
I have already pointed put your hypocrisy. Do you really want to keep at this?
I get to blast both sides because im not a mindless sheep.
It feels great! :lol:
Mindless moron comes to mind based on your meltdown in this thread.
Have you ever had to show ID in a grocery store?

Yes, obviously
No, lie of course

Simple way to determine if the ridiculousness of this thread is warranted or not.
Yea when i bought beer. Not fucking food like trump stated.
I have already pointed put your hypocrisy. Do you really want to keep at this?
You haven't pointed out shit. I teased the left for Obama's verbal blunders. YOU are completely serious.

Get off my nuts scrub
Next time you go to a large supermarket-------take a look at the few men with
grocery carts--------they poor guys look STRICKEN and LOST. A true story-----my mom was busy one day filling her grocery cart-----five hungry kids at home. She notice a frightened looking young guy WATCHING her.
------whilst rummaging around for the BEST STRINGBEANS-----SUDDENLY HER CART DISAPPEARED!!!!!!!. She walked around and saw-------the frightened young guy was AT THE CHECK OUT counter with her cart of CAREFULLY chosen stuff----------she decided---he must be bereft of his wife
for a time------and THE KIDS ARE WAITING. --------how many men do the SUPERMARKET THING?
Next time you go to a large supermarket-------take a look at the few men with
grocery carts--------they poor guys look STRICKEN and LOST. A true story-----my mom was busy one day filling her grocery cart-----five hungry kids at home. She notice a frightened looking young guy WATCHING her.
------whilst rummaging around for the BEST STRINGBEANS-----SUDDENLY HER CART DISAPPEARED!!!!!!!. She walked around and saw-------the frightened young guy was AT THE CHECK OUT counter with her cart of CAREFULLY chosen stuff----------she decided---he must be bereft of his wife
for a time------and THE KIDS ARE WAITING. --------how many men do the SUPERMARKET THING?
/——/ My wife is a year from retiring and I’m retired 4 years. I do the grocery shopping for small stuff and staples we shop together at Costco.
Next time you go to a large supermarket-------take a look at the few men with
grocery carts--------they poor guys look STRICKEN and LOST. A true story-----my mom was busy one day filling her grocery cart-----five hungry kids at home. She notice a frightened looking young guy WATCHING her.
------whilst rummaging around for the BEST STRINGBEANS-----SUDDENLY HER CART DISAPPEARED!!!!!!!. She walked around and saw-------the frightened young guy was AT THE CHECK OUT counter with her cart of CAREFULLY chosen stuff----------she decided---he must be bereft of his wife
for a time------and THE KIDS ARE WAITING. --------how many men do the SUPERMARKET THING?
/——/ My wife is a year from retiring and I’m retired 4 years. I do the grocery shopping for small stuff and staples we shop together at Costco.
Congrats on the retirement. That is something I don't really see myself doing. I love my job and plan to swing the wrench & hammer till I can't clutch the tools any longer.
Get your photo ID to buy groceries...

I get to blast both sides because im not a mindless sheep.
It feels great! :lol:
Mindless moron comes to mind based on your meltdown in this thread.
Have you ever had to show ID in a grocery store?

Yes, obviously
No, lie of course

Simple way to determine if the ridiculousness of this thread is warranted or not.
I have had to in order to buy cigarettes. I said, wtf? and told then to shove it.
Next time you go to a large supermarket-------take a look at the few men with
grocery carts--------they poor guys look STRICKEN and LOST. A true story-----my mom was busy one day filling her grocery cart-----five hungry kids at home. She notice a frightened looking young guy WATCHING her.
------whilst rummaging around for the BEST STRINGBEANS-----SUDDENLY HER CART DISAPPEARED!!!!!!!. She walked around and saw-------the frightened young guy was AT THE CHECK OUT counter with her cart of CAREFULLY chosen stuff----------she decided---he must be bereft of his wife
for a time------and THE KIDS ARE WAITING. --------how many men do the SUPERMARKET THING?
/——/ My wife is a year from retiring and I’m retired 4 years. I do the grocery shopping for small stuff and staples we shop together at Costco.
Congrats on the retirement. That is something I don't really see myself doing. I love my job and plan to swing the wrench & hammer till I can't clutch the tools any longer.
/----/ I'm retired from the 9-5, but not from life. We're catching up on things we had to forgo while raining a family. I'm scuba diving in the Bahamas in 2 weeks, photography and art classes, into Manhattan, Vegas eating out often. Stiff like that.
Trump is a big city obnoxious arrogant New Yorker that was able to connect with the average American ten times better than that filthy stupid self centered Crooked Hillary bitch that nobody really liked.
Well 3 million less Americans liked Donnie Dirtbag!!!
Which is better? 72 months of tepid job growth despite spending trillions in stimulus and the Fed keeping interest rates at near zero...or what Trump has done without stimulus spending
The pure STUPIDITY of Trump's Chumps is mind-boggling!!!
Tramp has increased spending 138% over Obama's last fiscal year! If that isn't porkulus spending, I don't know what is.
You need an ID to do pretty much anything. Groceries? Maybe not unless you buy alcohol then you need one, or have to look old. But you did have to have an ID on you to drive to the store and back home. You needed one to put money in the bank to pay the grocery bill. You had to provide ID to get your government mandated auto insurance.

You need an ID with you at all times. Yet somehow you don’t need one to vote?
Trump has never bought groceries...

Yeah, and Bill Clinton 'never had sex with that woman...

Yesterday Trump told a crowd of old white people, who are dying in Florida, that because a photo ID is needed to buy groceries it should also be needed to vote.

“You know, if you go out and you want to buy groceries, you need a picture on a card, you need ID. You go out and you want to buy anything, you need ID and you need your picture,” Trump said at Tuesday night’s Tampa, Fla., rally

“Only American citizens should vote in American elections. The time has come for voter ID like everything else,” Trump said.

President Trump Said 'You Need an ID to Buy Groceries.' The Internet Went to Town

He spent his life cheating people and lying to them. The right celebrates that. They love him for it.

As an official "fly-over yokel" living better than most of the coastal nutbags -- I dont think his supporters actually believe he's "just like us". That's just moronic leftist projection. I think they DO believe "he actually CARES about us". Which is whole different story..

Nobody in Nebraska can look at his style and roll and mistake that. Except maybe a leftist journalist with a deadline for something trumpy..

Trump has never cared for even a second about Nebraska. Holy crap, dude. Trump is a guy who spent his life trying to fuck Miss America contestants and sucking up to the Clintons. He just passed a massive, permanent tax cut for the wealthiest "coastal nutbags," as you call them. He created a trade war that specifically punishes one of Nebraska's main industries. He doesn't give a fuck.
What's amusing, Black Flag is watching you attack Trump for not giving a fuck when he's done more to help people get jobs and higher pay than any President in recent memory. That's why people in Nebraska like him even if he's a New Yorker (and nobody likes them!) it's because his policies have been good for the economy. Oh, and by the way? The threat of that trade war just made the EU renegotiate it's trade with us. His playing hard ball with them worked.

Yes. 0 tariff. Not good enough?

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Moreover...Trump's point is well taken! You need valid ID to get on a plane. You need valid ID to open a bank account. Why would you NOT need valid ID to vote?

Because you couldn’t be an illegal or a dead person and vote.

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Yup, a rich frat boy who's never had to get his hands dirty, that's had either family of governance bail him out despite failing over and over, that literally has lived in a globalist bubble a universe apart from the worker ants he and his many biz ventures abuse ,has magically gained thier confidence


No. That was Bush. Funny movie too.

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I get to blast both sides because im not a mindless sheep.
It feels great! :lol:
Mindless moron comes to mind based on your meltdown in this thread.
Have you ever had to show ID in a grocery store?

Yes, obviously
No, lie of course

Simple way to determine if the ridiculousness of this thread is warranted or not.
I have had to in order to buy cigarettes. I said, wtf? and told then to shove it.
I was still getting carded at 40

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