Trump hits back at 'nasty rumor' that Doral resort has bed bugs

Hmmm......................Trump hates it when people accuse his hotel of having bed bugs. Good to know.

Bed bugs are notoriously hard to get rid of. If someone wanted to do a domestic protest act, maybe they should sneak into Doral with a whole bunch of vials of bedbugs and release them into various rooms that are frequently used.

I wonder if any of the illegals he has working there have thought of this? It would make Mar a Lago useless for a few weeks.
Actually, it's pretty easy. I had infestations twice due to bats nesting on the other side of the wall from my bedroom in a cheaply constructed apartment building run by out of state landlords who didn't give two shits about anything. They did pay, though, both Septembers, to get rid of them. A guy came in and squirted something around the baseboards or whatever (I couldn't be in there) and that was the end of it. The first time, because I didn't know what to look for, they got pretty bad in the closets all over my clothes,--in pockets, under collars--everything had to be washed. But that wouldn't be a big problem in a hotel room and it's not like they would be all crawling into your suitcase in droves. They're like little tan fleas, except they don't jump. I can spot one now from 50 paces.
Bedbugs love to hitchhike in suitcases. Big reason hotels get them pesky bugs.
Never used to. Not before the arrival of the brown people
Bed bugs were mentioned in ancient Greece as early as 400 BC, and were later mentioned by Aristotle. Pliny's Natural History, first published circa AD 77 in Rome..."
Bed bug - Wikipedia
LOL! This is a weighty matter of State, indeed!

Trump hits back at 'nasty rumor' that his Doral resort is infested with bed bugs

"The president would like to make one thing clear: The Trump National hotel in Doral, Florida — which he's pushing as the site for next year's G-7 meeting — does not have bed bugs.
"No bedbugs at Doral," Trump tweeted Tuesday morning. "The Radical Left Democrats, upon hearing that the perfectly located (for the next G-7) Doral National MIAMI was under consideration for the next G-7, spread that false and nasty rumor."
The "nasty rumor" to which he refers stems from a 2016 lawsuit brought by Eric Linder, a New Jersey man who claimed that his room in the Doral's Jack Nicklaus villa had a bed bug infestation. Linder reached a settlement with the property in 2017, according to the Miami Herald.
Linder's lawsuit reemerged in the media discourse Monday after Trump told reporters at the G-7 meeting in Biarritz, France, that the hotel would likely be the venue for next year's conference. Trump could stand to profit from the influx of diplomats, politicians and staff to the hotel.
Democrats and watchdog groups were quick to condemn Trump's potential choice, citing a possible violation of the Constitution's emoluments clause. It appears that the Tuesday morning tweet was in response to those criticisms."

It is indeed a "weighty matter of state" when so-called Americans make up lies to sabotage the proposed G7 meeting at Mar a Lago.

Such a nasty rumor could easily cut down on attendance at the G7 meeting and hurt our President's effectiveness.

Of course Mar a Lago is a membership institution, and the members know its 5 star already and are paying higher rates than ever.

But it is damaging to our country to sabotage our nation's job creators.

bedbugs can be SO EASILY introduced into a hotel and they QUICKLY-----
reproduce that --------it could easily be true and just as easily be a bit of
nasty sabotage---------an exterminator can SOLVE THE PROBLEM QUICKLY----
bedbugs just ITCH------and that is about it
LOL! This is a weighty matter of State, indeed!

Trump hits back at 'nasty rumor' that his Doral resort is infested with bed bugs

"The president would like to make one thing clear: The Trump National hotel in Doral, Florida — which he's pushing as the site for next year's G-7 meeting — does not have bed bugs.
"No bedbugs at Doral," Trump tweeted Tuesday morning. "The Radical Left Democrats, upon hearing that the perfectly located (for the next G-7) Doral National MIAMI was under consideration for the next G-7, spread that false and nasty rumor."
The "nasty rumor" to which he refers stems from a 2016 lawsuit brought by Eric Linder, a New Jersey man who claimed that his room in the Doral's Jack Nicklaus villa had a bed bug infestation. Linder reached a settlement with the property in 2017, according to the Miami Herald.
Linder's lawsuit reemerged in the media discourse Monday after Trump told reporters at the G-7 meeting in Biarritz, France, that the hotel would likely be the venue for next year's conference. Trump could stand to profit from the influx of diplomats, politicians and staff to the hotel.
Democrats and watchdog groups were quick to condemn Trump's potential choice, citing a possible violation of the Constitution's emoluments clause. It appears that the Tuesday morning tweet was in response to those criticisms."

It is indeed a "weighty matter of state" when so-called Americans make up lies to sabotage the proposed G7 meeting at Mar a Lago.

Such a nasty rumor could easily cut down on attendance at the G7 meeting and hurt our President's effectiveness.

Of course Mar a Lago is a membership institution, and the members know its 5 star already and are paying higher rates than ever.

But it is damaging to our country to sabotage our nation's job creators.
The meeting should not even be there..The President owns it.

If Trump wishes to entertain formally..Camp David is available, so i hear.
I was once a licensed pest-inspector and would tell you bed bugs are the toughest bugs to get rid of. If you can find the primary infestation (mattress, couch cushions) you can kill them with RAID or a professional product. HEAT fans at 150 for 6 hours gets them but also anything plastic in the room. You can tent a standing building and smoke them to death...expensive, 48 hour process. In apartments they hide in the walls so you spray three units at a time because HEAT can't get them inside the walls. Clothing dryer temps have to be at least 130 to kill eggs on your clothing. 6-10 day reproductive cycle....they are attracted to the carbon dioxide you exhale while you sleep.
Jesus! I guess I was lucky.
LOL! This is a weighty matter of State, indeed!

Trump hits back at 'nasty rumor' that his Doral resort is infested with bed bugs

"The president would like to make one thing clear: The Trump National hotel in Doral, Florida — which he's pushing as the site for next year's G-7 meeting — does not have bed bugs.
"No bedbugs at Doral," Trump tweeted Tuesday morning. "The Radical Left Democrats, upon hearing that the perfectly located (for the next G-7) Doral National MIAMI was under consideration for the next G-7, spread that false and nasty rumor."
The "nasty rumor" to which he refers stems from a 2016 lawsuit brought by Eric Linder, a New Jersey man who claimed that his room in the Doral's Jack Nicklaus villa had a bed bug infestation. Linder reached a settlement with the property in 2017, according to the Miami Herald.
Linder's lawsuit reemerged in the media discourse Monday after Trump told reporters at the G-7 meeting in Biarritz, France, that the hotel would likely be the venue for next year's conference. Trump could stand to profit from the influx of diplomats, politicians and staff to the hotel.
Democrats and watchdog groups were quick to condemn Trump's potential choice, citing a possible violation of the Constitution's emoluments clause. It appears that the Tuesday morning tweet was in response to those criticisms."

The bedbug thing is just a misunderstanding. Actually what happened was that Russia "bugged" the rooms, and something was lost in the translation.
LOL! This is a weighty matter of State, indeed!

Trump hits back at 'nasty rumor' that his Doral resort is infested with bed bugs

"The president would like to make one thing clear: The Trump National hotel in Doral, Florida — which he's pushing as the site for next year's G-7 meeting — does not have bed bugs.
"No bedbugs at Doral," Trump tweeted Tuesday morning. "The Radical Left Democrats, upon hearing that the perfectly located (for the next G-7) Doral National MIAMI was under consideration for the next G-7, spread that false and nasty rumor."
The "nasty rumor" to which he refers stems from a 2016 lawsuit brought by Eric Linder, a New Jersey man who claimed that his room in the Doral's Jack Nicklaus villa had a bed bug infestation. Linder reached a settlement with the property in 2017, according to the Miami Herald.
Linder's lawsuit reemerged in the media discourse Monday after Trump told reporters at the G-7 meeting in Biarritz, France, that the hotel would likely be the venue for next year's conference. Trump could stand to profit from the influx of diplomats, politicians and staff to the hotel.
Democrats and watchdog groups were quick to condemn Trump's potential choice, citing a possible violation of the Constitution's emoluments clause. It appears that the Tuesday morning tweet was in response to those criticisms."

It is indeed a "weighty matter of state" when so-called Americans make up lies to sabotage the proposed G7 meeting at Mar a Lago.

Such a nasty rumor could easily cut down on attendance at the G7 meeting and hurt our President's effectiveness.

Of course Mar a Lago is a membership institution, and the members know its 5 star already and are paying higher rates than ever.

But it is damaging to our country to sabotage our nation's job creators.

bedbugs can be SO EASILY introduced into a hotel and they QUICKLY-----
reproduce that --------it could easily be true and just as easily be a bit of
nasty sabotage---------an exterminator can SOLVE THE PROBLEM QUICKLY----
bedbugs just ITCH------and that is about it
I guess I must be like bear--I never got itchy bites. I don't react to fleas, either. But scabies? That's a whole 'nother story. I never thought I'd get rid of them.
Okay enough awfulness about parasitic insects.

I agree that Trump should NOT be entertaining the G-7 at one of his properties. I know he likes to stay at his own properties, and there's no reason why he can't stay there himself, but the G-7 should be some place neutral. What's wrong with the White House? Is that so weird?
LOL! This is a weighty matter of State, indeed!

Trump hits back at 'nasty rumor' that his Doral resort is infested with bed bugs

"The president would like to make one thing clear: The Trump National hotel in Doral, Florida — which he's pushing as the site for next year's G-7 meeting — does not have bed bugs.
"No bedbugs at Doral," Trump tweeted Tuesday morning. "The Radical Left Democrats, upon hearing that the perfectly located (for the next G-7) Doral National MIAMI was under consideration for the next G-7, spread that false and nasty rumor."
The "nasty rumor" to which he refers stems from a 2016 lawsuit brought by Eric Linder, a New Jersey man who claimed that his room in the Doral's Jack Nicklaus villa had a bed bug infestation. Linder reached a settlement with the property in 2017, according to the Miami Herald.
Linder's lawsuit reemerged in the media discourse Monday after Trump told reporters at the G-7 meeting in Biarritz, France, that the hotel would likely be the venue for next year's conference. Trump could stand to profit from the influx of diplomats, politicians and staff to the hotel.
Democrats and watchdog groups were quick to condemn Trump's potential choice, citing a possible violation of the Constitution's emoluments clause. It appears that the Tuesday morning tweet was in response to those criticisms."

It is indeed a "weighty matter of state" when so-called Americans make up lies to sabotage the proposed G7 meeting at Mar a Lago.

Such a nasty rumor could easily cut down on attendance at the G7 meeting and hurt our President's effectiveness.

Of course Mar a Lago is a membership institution, and the members know its 5 star already and are paying higher rates than ever.

But it is damaging to our country to sabotage our nation's job creators.

bedbugs can be SO EASILY introduced into a hotel and they QUICKLY-----
reproduce that --------it could easily be true and just as easily be a bit of
nasty sabotage---------an exterminator can SOLVE THE PROBLEM QUICKLY----
bedbugs just ITCH------and that is about it
I guess I must be like bear--I never got itchy bites. I don't react to fleas, either. But scabies? That's a whole 'nother story. I never thought I'd get rid of them.
Okay enough awfulness about parasitic insects.

I agree that Trump should NOT be entertaining the G-7 at one of his properties. I know he likes to stay at his own properties, and there's no reason why he can't stay there himself, but the G-7 should be some place neutral. What's wrong with the White House? Is that so weird?

for me---it's neither HERE, NOR THERE. that place seems like an elaborate
fully equipped facility with the all the necessary fancy stuff
The president is promoting his Florida property, which a guest claimed was infested with “voracious bed bugs,” for next year’s G-7 summit of world leaders.

President Donald Trump vehemently denied on Tuesday that bedbugs are crawling through his Doral golf resort in Florida, where he envisions holding next year’s G-7 summit of world leaders.

Though the hotel settled a guest’s lawsuit alleging a bedbug infestation in 2017, Trump blamed suggestions of the pests on a left-wing smear.

Eric Linder, a Doral guest from New Jersey, sued the resort in 2016, alleging “his back, face and arms were devoured by voracious bed bugs” during his stay, according to the Miami Herald. The paper published a photo showing the back of Linder’s neck covered in small red welts when it reported the settlement in 2017. Details were kept confidential.

The resort eventually reached a confidential settlement with Linder.

Trump Blames Democrats For 'Nasty' Bedbugs Report At Doral Resort

Trump Doral settles lawsuit over biting bedbugs - Miami Herald

How can Trump deny it - when a bedbug lawsuit was settled in a "confidential" settlement? Why would Trump be blaming Democrats?

Last edited:
LOL! This is a weighty matter of State, indeed!

Trump hits back at 'nasty rumor' that his Doral resort is infested with bed bugs

"The president would like to make one thing clear: The Trump National hotel in Doral, Florida — which he's pushing as the site for next year's G-7 meeting — does not have bed bugs.
"No bedbugs at Doral," Trump tweeted Tuesday morning. "The Radical Left Democrats, upon hearing that the perfectly located (for the next G-7) Doral National MIAMI was under consideration for the next G-7, spread that false and nasty rumor."
The "nasty rumor" to which he refers stems from a 2016 lawsuit brought by Eric Linder, a New Jersey man who claimed that his room in the Doral's Jack Nicklaus villa had a bed bug infestation. Linder reached a settlement with the property in 2017, according to the Miami Herald.
Linder's lawsuit reemerged in the media discourse Monday after Trump told reporters at the G-7 meeting in Biarritz, France, that the hotel would likely be the venue for next year's conference. Trump could stand to profit from the influx of diplomats, politicians and staff to the hotel.
Democrats and watchdog groups were quick to condemn Trump's potential choice, citing a possible violation of the Constitution's emoluments clause. It appears that the Tuesday morning tweet was in response to those criticisms."

It is indeed a "weighty matter of state" when so-called Americans make up lies to sabotage the proposed G7 meeting at Mar a Lago.

Such a nasty rumor could easily cut down on attendance at the G7 meeting and hurt our President's effectiveness.

Of course Mar a Lago is a membership institution, and the members know its 5 star already and are paying higher rates than ever.

But it is damaging to our country to sabotage our nation's job creators.

bedbugs can be SO EASILY introduced into a hotel and they QUICKLY-----
reproduce that --------it could easily be true and just as easily be a bit of
nasty sabotage---------an exterminator can SOLVE THE PROBLEM QUICKLY----
bedbugs just ITCH------and that is about it
I guess I must be like bear--I never got itchy bites. I don't react to fleas, either. But scabies? That's a whole 'nother story. I never thought I'd get rid of them.
Okay enough awfulness about parasitic insects.

I agree that Trump should NOT be entertaining the G-7 at one of his properties. I know he likes to stay at his own properties, and there's no reason why he can't stay there himself, but the G-7 should be some place neutral. What's wrong with the White House? Is that so weird?

"The walls have ears" in the WH. President Trump had problems from Day One in office where adversarial employees in the WH leaked his diplomatic phone calls from Australia and elsewhere to the media.

There is a lot more security, a lot more control in a privately owned facility. Gives the foreign leaders more freedom to talk, too , as they know their confidential business won't be on the front page of the NY Times. How about a private resort owned by a loyal American? Sheldon Adelson has different properties that might be appropriate
The president is promoting his Florida property, which a guest claimed was infested with “voracious bed bugs,” for next year’s G-7 summit of world leaders.

President Donald Trump vehemently denied on Tuesday that bedbugs are crawling through his Doral golf resort in Florida, where he envisions holding next year’s G-7 summit of world leaders.

Though the hotel settled a guest’s lawsuit alleging a bedbug infestation in 2017, Trump blamed suggestions of the pests on a left-wing smear.

Eric Linder, a Doral guest from New Jersey, sued the resort in 2016, alleging “his back, face and arms were devoured by voracious bed bugs” during his stay, according to the Miami Herald. The paper published a photo showing the back of Linder’s neck covered in small red welts when it reported the settlement in 2017. Details were kept confidential.

The resort eventually reached a confidential settlement with Linder.

Trump Blames Democrats For 'Nasty' Bedbugs Report At Doral Resort

Trump Doral settles lawsuit over biting bedbugs - Miami Herald

How can Trump deny it - when a bedbug lawsuit was settled in a "confidential" settlement? Why would Trump be blaming Democrats?


This was already covered this morning. When you give nasty immigrants H-2B visas and a job at your establishments, you're bound to get infested with whatever vermin and or diseases they're carrying.

Would you have been happier if Trump had just been a dick instead, and told those poor immigrants to go pound sand?
My guess is that the Bed Bug lie being promulgated by the libs now started with the New York Times.

The Times was really pissed that their rivals at Breitbart got the scoop about the Times having bedbugs at their New York offices.

This was probably retaliation.

Investigating the origin of this lie would be interesting.
The president is promoting his Florida property, which a guest claimed was infested with “voracious bed bugs,” for next year’s G-7 summit of world leaders.

President Donald Trump vehemently denied on Tuesday that bedbugs are crawling through his Doral golf resort in Florida, where he envisions holding next year’s G-7 summit of world leaders.

Though the hotel settled a guest’s lawsuit alleging a bedbug infestation in 2017, Trump blamed suggestions of the pests on a left-wing smear.

Eric Linder, a Doral guest from New Jersey, sued the resort in 2016, alleging “his back, face and arms were devoured by voracious bed bugs” during his stay, according to the Miami Herald. The paper published a photo showing the back of Linder’s neck covered in small red welts when it reported the settlement in 2017. Details were kept confidential.

The resort eventually reached a confidential settlement with Linder.

Trump Blames Democrats For 'Nasty' Bedbugs Report At Doral Resort

Trump Doral settles lawsuit over biting bedbugs - Miami Herald

How can Trump deny it - when a bedbug lawsuit was settled in a "confidential" settlement? Why would Trump be blaming Democrats?

Why wouldn't he? It's his go-to....and his base lives for it.

Besides..quite often it IS the Democrats..LOL!
My guess is that the Bed Bug lie being promulgated by the libs now started with the New York Times.

The Times was really pissed that their rivals at Breitbart got the scoop about the Times having bedbugs at their New York offices.

This was probably retaliation.

Investigating the origin of this lie would be interesting.
Nope...Lawsuit..posted earlier here. 2016...confidential settlement.

As to the timing..probably some smarty on the Left.
I hate bedbugs

No way will I stay at a Trump resort

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