Trump hits back at 'nasty rumor' that Doral resort has bed bugs

Hmmm......................Trump hates it when people accuse his hotel of having bed bugs. Good to know.

Bed bugs are notoriously hard to get rid of. If someone wanted to do a domestic protest act, maybe they should sneak into Doral with a whole bunch of vials of bedbugs and release them into various rooms that are frequently used.

I wonder if any of the illegals he has working there have thought of this? It would make Mar a Lago useless for a few weeks.
Actually, it's pretty easy. I had infestations twice due to bats nesting on the other side of the wall from my bedroom in a cheaply constructed apartment building run by out of state landlords who didn't give two shits about anything. They did pay, though, both Septembers, to get rid of them. A guy came in and squirted something around the baseboards or whatever (I couldn't be in there) and that was the end of it. The first time, because I didn't know what to look for, they got pretty bad in the closets all over my clothes,--in pockets, under collars--everything had to be washed. But that wouldn't be a big problem in a hotel room and it's not like they would be all crawling into your suitcase in droves. They're like little tan fleas, except they don't jump. I can spot one now from 50 paces.

They dont like me
Are you allergic to them? I hear they bite some people.

No I am saying they don't like me..

Something about my immune system..
I think you're thinking of lice. Bedbugs don't live on people.
Hmmm......................Trump hates it when people accuse his hotel of having bed bugs. Good to know.

Bed bugs are notoriously hard to get rid of. If someone wanted to do a domestic protest act, maybe they should sneak into Doral with a whole bunch of vials of bedbugs and release them into various rooms that are frequently used.

I wonder if any of the illegals he has working there have thought of this? It would make Mar a Lago useless for a few weeks.
Actually, it's pretty easy. I had infestations twice due to bats nesting on the other side of the wall from my bedroom in a cheaply constructed apartment building run by out of state landlords who didn't give two shits about anything. They did pay, though, both Septembers, to get rid of them. A guy came in and squirted something around the baseboards or whatever (I couldn't be in there) and that was the end of it. The first time, because I didn't know what to look for, they got pretty bad in the closets all over my clothes,--in pockets, under collars--everything had to be washed. But that wouldn't be a big problem in a hotel room and it's not like they would be all crawling into your suitcase in droves. They're like little tan fleas, except they don't jump. I can spot one now from 50 paces.

They dont like me
Are you allergic to them? I hear they bite some people.

No I am saying they don't like me..

Something about my immune system..
I think you're thinking of lice. Bedbugs don't live on people.

Dogs love me

Critters scared of me
I'm still wondering about his claim that he is losing 3 billion dollars just by being president, because every time he goes and spends the weekend at one of his resorts, the SS and all the staff have to pay for their rooms and food while they are there.
especially since he has never made $3 billion in his entire life.
That sounds just like something democrats would make up.
Sounds more like something that is absolutely true since pathological liar Tramp denied it and he never tells the truth, so anything he denies is ALWAYS true!
All the major resorts here in Phoenix have had bedbug infestations....another gift that keeps on giving from our little brown invaders.
Hmmm......................Trump hates it when people accuse his hotel of having bed bugs. Good to know.

Bed bugs are notoriously hard to get rid of. If someone wanted to do a domestic protest act, maybe they should sneak into Doral with a whole bunch of vials of bedbugs and release them into various rooms that are frequently used.

I wonder if any of the illegals he has working there have thought of this? It would make Mar a Lago useless for a few weeks.
Encouraging terrorist acts?
I'm still wondering about his claim that he is losing 3 billion dollars just by being president, because every time he goes and spends the weekend at one of his resorts, the SS and all the staff have to pay for their rooms and food while they are there.
Did the Obamas pay for their own security when traveling?

No, they didn't pay for their own security while traveling. The government did. Only thing is, when the Obama's stayed somewhere, they weren't making money off of it like Trump is, because they didn't own the place they stayed at.
Hmmm......................Trump hates it when people accuse his hotel of having bed bugs. Good to know.

Bed bugs are notoriously hard to get rid of. If someone wanted to do a domestic protest act, maybe they should sneak into Doral with a whole bunch of vials of bedbugs and release them into various rooms that are frequently used.

I wonder if any of the illegals he has working there have thought of this? It would make Mar a Lago useless for a few weeks.
Encouraging terrorist acts?

How is that a terrorist attack? A nuisance at most, because nobody would be killed or injured, and they could spray the bugs away when found. Maybe it would affect the reputation of the resort, but I think Trump could get over it.

Would be funny as hell to see in the news though.
I'm still wondering about his claim that he is losing 3 billion dollars just by being president, because every time he goes and spends the weekend at one of his resorts, the SS and all the staff have to pay for their rooms and food while they are there.
Did the Obamas pay for their own security when traveling?

No, they didn't pay for their own security while traveling. The government did. Only thing is, when the Obama's stayed somewhere, they weren't making money off of it like Trump is, because they didn't own the place they stayed at.
Were Obama's security details accommodated where Obama was, or did they send them to youth hostels? Stop whining ffs!
It's a matter of public record that Doral has bed bugs.
How is that a terrorist attack? A nuisance at most, because nobody would be killed or injured
Seriously? Attempting to destroy someone's livelihood isnt an act of terrorism?

It's not even that. Like I said, nobody would be killed or hurt, and the bugs could be sprayed away. Maybe the reputation of the hotel would take a small hit, but they would get over it. No. It is not a terrorist attack like you claim. Knock off the hyperbolic crap.
Hmmm......................Trump hates it when people accuse his hotel of having bed bugs. Good to know.

Bed bugs are notoriously hard to get rid of. If someone wanted to do a domestic protest act, maybe they should sneak into Doral with a whole bunch of vials of bedbugs and release them into various rooms that are frequently used.

I wonder if any of the illegals he has working there have thought of this? It would make Mar a Lago useless for a few weeks.
Actually, it's pretty easy. I had infestations twice due to bats nesting on the other side of the wall from my bedroom in a cheaply constructed apartment building run by out of state landlords who didn't give two shits about anything. They did pay, though, both Septembers, to get rid of them. A guy came in and squirted something around the baseboards or whatever (I couldn't be in there) and that was the end of it. The first time, because I didn't know what to look for, they got pretty bad in the closets all over my clothes,--in pockets, under collars--everything had to be washed. But that wouldn't be a big problem in a hotel room and it's not like they would be all crawling into your suitcase in droves. They're like little tan fleas, except they don't jump. I can spot one now from 50 paces.
Bedbugs love to hitchhike in suitcases. Big reason hotels get them pesky bugs.
Hmmm......................Trump hates it when people accuse his hotel of having bed bugs. Good to know.

Bed bugs are notoriously hard to get rid of. If someone wanted to do a domestic protest act, maybe they should sneak into Doral with a whole bunch of vials of bedbugs and release them into various rooms that are frequently used.

I wonder if any of the illegals he has working there have thought of this? It would make Mar a Lago useless for a few weeks.
Actually, it's pretty easy. I had infestations twice due to bats nesting on the other side of the wall from my bedroom in a cheaply constructed apartment building run by out of state landlords who didn't give two shits about anything. They did pay, though, both Septembers, to get rid of them. A guy came in and squirted something around the baseboards or whatever (I couldn't be in there) and that was the end of it. The first time, because I didn't know what to look for, they got pretty bad in the closets all over my clothes,--in pockets, under collars--everything had to be washed. But that wouldn't be a big problem in a hotel room and it's not like they would be all crawling into your suitcase in droves. They're like little tan fleas, except they don't jump. I can spot one now from 50 paces.
Bedbugs love to hitchhike in suitcases. Big reason hotels get them pesky bugs.
Never used to. Not before the arrival of the brown people
How is that a terrorist attack? A nuisance at most, because nobody would be killed or injured
Seriously? Attempting to destroy someone's livelihood isnt an act of terrorism?
It's common for hotels--even 5 star ones--to find bedbugs in a couple of rooms. They very quietly get rid of them. Most of us never know a thing about it. The little critters don't care if a place is clean or dirty. They just like people.
I was once a licensed pest-inspector and would tell you bed bugs are the toughest bugs to get rid of. If you can find the primary infestation (mattress, couch cushions) you can kill them with RAID or a professional product. HEAT fans at 150 for 6 hours gets them but also anything plastic in the room. You can tent a standing building and smoke them to death...expensive, 48 hour process. In apartments they hide in the walls so you spray three units at a time because HEAT can't get them inside the walls. Clothing dryer temps have to be at least 130 to kill eggs on your clothing. 6-10 day reproductive cycle....they are attracted to the carbon dioxide you exhale while you sleep.
LOL! This is a weighty matter of State, indeed!

Trump hits back at 'nasty rumor' that his Doral resort is infested with bed bugs

"The president would like to make one thing clear: The Trump National hotel in Doral, Florida — which he's pushing as the site for next year's G-7 meeting — does not have bed bugs.
"No bedbugs at Doral," Trump tweeted Tuesday morning. "The Radical Left Democrats, upon hearing that the perfectly located (for the next G-7) Doral National MIAMI was under consideration for the next G-7, spread that false and nasty rumor."
The "nasty rumor" to which he refers stems from a 2016 lawsuit brought by Eric Linder, a New Jersey man who claimed that his room in the Doral's Jack Nicklaus villa had a bed bug infestation. Linder reached a settlement with the property in 2017, according to the Miami Herald.
Linder's lawsuit reemerged in the media discourse Monday after Trump told reporters at the G-7 meeting in Biarritz, France, that the hotel would likely be the venue for next year's conference. Trump could stand to profit from the influx of diplomats, politicians and staff to the hotel.
Democrats and watchdog groups were quick to condemn Trump's potential choice, citing a possible violation of the Constitution's emoluments clause. It appears that the Tuesday morning tweet was in response to those criticisms."

It is indeed a "weighty matter of state" when so-called Americans make up lies to sabotage the proposed G7 meeting at Mar a Lago.

Such a nasty rumor could easily cut down on attendance at the G7 meeting and hurt our President's effectiveness.

Of course Mar a Lago is a membership institution, and the members know its 5 star already and are paying higher rates than ever.

But it is damaging to our country to sabotage our nation's job creators.

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